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IdleHvnds Feb 20
I’ve broken my own heart…
I regret the self reflection, the realization of my own actions.
How I’ve come to be this lonely,
walking this earth with no one to care for me the way I wish to
so passionately care for others,
it’s like I am not allowed to have someone be
so completely tapped into me,
to understand me,

to have someone that truly allows me to be myself,
to love all of me.
No, I don’t believe there is someone out there for me.
I’ve been cursed to walk this earth alone,
to only be the carer not the cared.

All I’ve ever wanted is to have a glimpse into
what it is feels to be loved.
Have someone wrapped around me so tightly
whispering in my ear — I love you.
** for anyone following what I've posted thus far, These were written during a dark time of unemployment and solitude.
IdleHvnds Feb 21
Oh, how I wish to find a safe space.
A warm space,
A dreamy space,
Somewhere I can feel warmth and be welcomed
I am not deserving of finding such space.
Am I not looking hard enough?
Or is it that I am looking to hard,
Over analyzing,
Missing the subtle signs of what this space is.
Have I become blind to seeing it?
Have I missed it?
Is it no longer a space that is available for me?

Wherever it is, I don’t believe I’ll find it in this city.
IdleHvnds Feb 20
I’ve lost myself to trauma,
forgotten is the little girl playing in the back yard
amongst the flower bed, daydreaming of a bright future
Lost is the social butterfly, making dear friends
ever so swiftly in the playground

When I found her, she has become introverted
no longer visiting the flora, trapped in spikes and barb in the back of her mind
too intimidated  to enter a crowded space
flustered to interact with anyone new

Isolation the solution
forgotten of the hobbies and enjoyments of day to day
mindlessly pushing through the emotions no longer attached
to what was once loved
Numbness inhabiting the brain —
Lost of the need to intertwine ones self with others
no longer feeling closeness and safety within friends
Absent in believing in people’s altruism
words no longer carrying veracity
but only said for gain

I’ve lost myself to trauma,
and I don’t know if I will ever get her back.
IdleHvnds Feb 21
As I spiral to this existential dread,
I still hope for a light to appear,  to guide me out of this never ending cycle.
Although, I break everyday
In frustration and panic, I look for reprieve.
One day, I’ll find home.
Ground myself, in comfort and love.
Today, unfortunately is not that day.

I wander lost in sorrow,
Perhaps a walk outside will dissolve these negative emotions.
IdleHvnds Feb 21
Once again, I lay here,
Misty eyed, exhausted —
Listening to Etude by Joep Beving,
Sinking into a cool and shallow pool.

Floating in a saddened relief of safety,
It’s important to sit in ones emotions,
I’ve been told it helps to connect with one’s self.
I feel like every broken piece of me floats away,
Separating myself further from being whole.
Oh, how I wish to be a whole being —
To no longer fumble on gripping every piece of me.

Slicing flesh from the rigid part of me,
Sinking into a cool and shallow pool.
The haunting melody of piano, fading into the distance.
IdleHvnds Feb 21
Now the real challenge,
Creating a balance,
A routine in which I can only grow from.
Sow a seed into the ash,
Watch the seedling flourish
More resilient —
The soul finally taking root in the earth.
IdleHvnds Feb 20
To be completely honest,
I’m not sure, what it is I’m trying to do.
Writing poetry, I’ve never really been good with words.

I struggle with conveying my thoughts and dreams
into something solid, I only envision shadows in my mind,
I can never clear away the darkness —
My conscience trapped behind a fog.
even know, calling it out.
It hides from me.

It’s lost, how I feel, any thought I had becomes a migraine,
I pressure I can’t seem to get rid of.

Perhaps, I’ve completely locked myself away,
so that I cannot be harmed any longer.
IdleHvnds Feb 21
The outbursts of angry women,
the most beautiful thing to witness.

We fight to be heard —
Another cycle, that will never end..
It is only a wish to watch the fall of men.
I no longer wish to shrink myself for the sensitivity of men.
Anger is an emotion all women should express and the song of anger is finally being sung.
IdleHvnds Feb 20
I’m not very good at speaking of love,
I fear I don’t quite understand it.
You see — I hadn’t much experience in it.

But, I curse the desire that builds every day in hopes
of  finding it, feeling it.
I long for the warmth it brings, the safety and comfort
I hear so many speak about it, what I read about in fairytales.

My heart aches for some resemblance of it.
I wish to find someone to speak me —
Understanding the language of me,
who peers inside me, holds every pieces of me.

Cradles me, whispers to me —
I am loved, every fractured piece of me.

Oh, how I wish to know what that experience is like.
Perhaps, love is just not for me.
IdleHvnds Feb 21
I watched as the dog waddles away with his feet wrapped in a soft leathery boot, the owner too focused on getting around the mounds of snow to notice the dog's discomfort.

A soft whistle escapes from the accordion sides of the streetcar while a groan escapes an elderly gentleman, pressed too close to the wall.

I stand embraced by crowded bodies, snug in the middle of the streetcar walkway.

These times of discomfort remind me that I am human.
Experiencing life.
Watching, listening, enjoying the discomfort of mortality.
cherishing the imperfections, the frivolousness of each individual.
A balladry of the mundane.
A full streetcar on the way to work—I hate when you look up and see all the faces glowing from the light of their phones.
IdleHvnds Feb 20
The pursuit of singularity —
We find ourselves sinking into  loneliness on this path.
Erasure of the very idea that we need others.
Lost is the warmth of community, of reciprocity.
Destroyed is the environment for communal gatherings.
Built are the cubicles for each individual to stand alone.
Consumed by the power of technology.
We learn to tailor everything, even the lover standing beside you.
Heaviness grows, the whole in our chest never filling.

The pursuit of singularity —
Each day we extirpate what’s around us for this chase.
Never realizing how important we are to each other.
The death of community, family.
IdleHvnds Feb 21
Dear self,
Who am I, really?
I’ve grown up to follow the teachings of other,
Of being other —
But never be myself.
IdleHvnds Feb 20
What do we learn from the teachings of flowers —
That one does not grow in poisoned soil.
In unfavourable conditions, we wilt.
But we can heal from the root,
When cared for and place in nourishing spaces.
We grow, sprouting new life.
The might stem, building stronger cells,
Your bloom becomes brighter,
Opening up to the welcoming sun.
We learn a lot from the flowers
One just need be observant of its teachings.
IdleHvnds Feb 20
Anxiety won…
The ever growing whirlpool
Beckoning me to be swept away ,
Slowly filling my lungs with doubt, fear and resentment
It swallows me whole,
Spiralling, further and further into nothingness.

Anxiety won…
I’m unable to pull myself out,
And I fear no one else is around to help me.
IdleHvnds Feb 20
Letting go —  is something I need to practice.
Why should I hold on to things that cause me pain.

I stand here on fire, seeking no relief, engulfed in blistering agony..
I won’t allow myself to extinguish the flames licking at my skin.
In fear that I might be just imaging things.

I don’t cry out, I don’t say a word —
I watch as my skin melts,
beads of moister gathering in the corner of my eyes,
Rolling down my cheek, these tears give little alleviation.

I walk further into the fire, as proof to myself,
This isn’t bad, I’m just being sensitive.
IdleHvnds Feb 20
Hopeless Romanticism - is what ails me
this ever longing for a connection with another soul.
The festering desire to be loved, understood
I fear as a society we are lost
never able to tolerate the company of others —
too busy curating ones own life in a realm that is not tangible
in the act of curation we eliminate any chance
in experiencing vulnerability with another
the painting of a perfect relationship
lacks the connection we desire so much.
We remain at surface level with one another
no longer interested in digging deeper.
IdleHvnds Feb 27
There are shadows that follow me,
haunting and taunting me.

There are shadows that follow me,
ravenous, salivating, ready to consume me.

They speak ever so sweetly, all the while threading each word with malignancy.

There are shadows that follow me,
I straighten my spine, while I feel them caress me.

There are shadows that follow me,
Paralyzed, while they devour me.

There were shadows that followed me.
Yes, I know that title is from the vampire tv show. Yes, I'm trying to lighten the poem by adding it.

— The End —