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III Jun 2018
If the world
Stood still,
Stuck at 3am,

I'd be content
So long as
You were awake with me.
III Jun 2018
Okay so,
I told myself
I'd write a poem
Or something
About this because
Writing always helps

So here goes:

You came to me
In a dream last night
(Again.  God, please just leave me alone)
And asked me if
I thought of you

And I tilted my head
And smiled some
Crippled cracked grin
And my chest filled up
With warm water
And I was drowning
From the inside out
As I burbled and sputtered
Through the choking waves:

"There has not
Been a day where
I have not
Thought of you
Since we met."

And I *******
Hate myself
Because I stumbled
Over my words
I was sure would
Spill out poetic,
Or at least better
Sounding than that,
And I wanted to
Impress you someway
Even though the last time
I saw you
You told me you couldn't believe
You fell for my stupid poetry
The first time around,

And I *******
Hate myself
Because now
My dreams are speaking
More truth
Than I can willingly
Admit to awake.
III Jun 2018
i find you
in the quiet
corners of my days
and remind myself
to again try oh so hard
    to lose you among the busy
    and all of the work
once more
III May 2018
The curve of her jaw
Does not fit into
The palm of my hand
Like yours did.
III May 2018
We are all just broken messes, aren't we?

Just weird abstractions of people,
Clinging to the material and unnatural
Thrills and chills of being,
In some odd hope that we will wake up
Rejuvenated and refreshed
And with a mind so clean
And pure
And sure of ourselves,
But we are really just lost
In our own self-constructed mazes of
Complications and complexity.
III May 2018
It's the drone
Of some forgotten tune
Bubbling up static from
A radio station you've never heard of,
Lack luster in comparison
To the glow of their voice
When they'd murmur the
Curves and valleys of song
And sway their hips
In sync with the rhythm
In the early blush
Of the mid-morning sun
Soaking the kitchen whole,

The run in with a smell
That only half encapsulated
The fire in their hair
And the spirit in their heart,
Nuzzled warm against the
Breathless rasp of winter,
Somehow seeming to weave itself
Into all of your clothes,
No matter how many times you washed them,
But it was okay
Because you didn't mind
Always having them close to you,

The upturned stretch
Of a stranger's lips
As they hand you your coffee
And for a moment so quick
You hardly catch it wink into existence,
You see their face again,
And hold up the line,
Now shifting with impatience,
Because you forgot that
Your feet weren't cemented
To the ground,

And it's things such as these
That for a fraction so small
You might just miss it,

They exist in your world again.
III May 2018
Beneath the milky grin
Of a smoldering shimmer
Cast lost among the
Unwavering yearn of
The night time sky,

We stood with our
Dusty shoes clamped together,
Our arms folded inward
And our heads too heavy to lift,

And we made our
Light fuzzy wish on
Dandelion puffs picked
Before the morning's dew,

"All of the wishes
You've ever made before
Meant nothing,"
I'd say,

"In order to make this one
Mean everything."
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