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Dec 2016 · 296
Fallenroses527 Dec 2016
I cried again today.
You still arent here.
Still arent in my life.
Its a living hell without you.
I miss you.
Nov 2016 · 567
Fallenroses527 Nov 2016
I guess he took pieces of me that I thought I didn't need.
Oct 2016 · 241
Fallenroses527 Oct 2016
Its hard to be what you need through a static screen.
Day by day I'm being replaced in your picture frames.
#pvris #lyrics
Oct 2016 · 672
Fallenroses527 Oct 2016
I sit here. Shaking. Losing, maybe gaining myself. The part of me that feels happy. Excited. Not my normal zombie walking self. I guess you always gave a heart to feel. Maybe gave me life in my eyes and the same life I gave to you to feel.
May 2016 · 339
Who am I without you
Fallenroses527 May 2016
What do I do
When you were my happiness and my smile.
How do I smile when you aren't the reason anymore.
May 2016 · 342
Where are you?
Fallenroses527 May 2016
Where are you now?**
You were suppose to carry me when I was broken.
Where were you when my legs refused to walk and I needed someone to walk with me?
Where are you now when I was crying.
Where are you when I needed my tears wiped away.
I know,Its okay.
Ill still be making excuses for you anyway.
Apr 2016 · 781
What I Was.
Fallenroses527 Apr 2016
I was your drug.
A permanent addiction.
And you were my cast,
Never meant to last.
Apr 2016 · 559
Fallenroses527 Apr 2016
Temporary healing.
Temporary Freedom.
Temporary love.
With only the expense of your heart.
Apr 2016 · 263
Fallenroses527 Apr 2016
I'm sorry.
Mar 2016 · 830
100 Times
Fallenroses527 Mar 2016
I've told myself 100 times, that I'll never make it far.
I've told myself 100 times, that I'm not strong enough to handle this.
I've told myself 100 times, that its not worth the fight.
I've told myself 100 times, that I should just give up.
But I'll always tell myself 101 times, that I have no limits and Ill achieve so much more than I could even imagine.
I'll tell myself 101 times, that I'm stronger than I believe.
I'll tell myself 101 times, that Ill always have more fight left in me.
Ill tell myself 101 times, that I can't give up.
Because I have so much to Live for.
Mar 2016 · 863
Fallenroses527 Mar 2016
I see you.
For the first time....I'm scared.
Scared once again to lose you.
Or maybe lose the only part of me I love.
With you I've got so much to lose.
I'm always putting myself into trouble and danger....
Leaving me once again with a torn fragile heart.
Feeling a little hopeless....
Mar 2016 · 591
This isn't real.
Fallenroses527 Mar 2016
What if every time you dream it was real?
Have you ever felt on the edge of sleep and awake?
That sleepwalking state.
Is there a realm in between where rules don't exist and anything is possible?
A world with no government or laws binding us.
A place in our minds that give us freedom that only our souls can describe.
That's just a state of mind.
Mar 2016 · 4.1k
I want more than this.
Fallenroses527 Mar 2016
I want more than a broken town with cracked windows and broken locks.
I want more than these broken promises and half assed excuses.
I want more than sunless mornings and moonless nights.
I want to finally wake up.
Wake up with you again.
Jan 2016 · 595
Fallenroses527 Jan 2016
You want to know why I pushed you away?
You want to know why we wont stay together?
You want to know why I kick you out of my life every time?
I have one answer.
Because I deserve better.
Dec 2015 · 315
Fallenroses527 Dec 2015
its just a chore without you.
is something I have to do just to see you again.
Isn't being alive without you.
Dec 2015 · 212
Fallenroses527 Dec 2015
There is a war inside my heart.
I hear the crash of hurt feelings hit my chest with sharp pains.
I feel the pain of bullet holes pierce my memories.
For all the times I wish I would have pulled the trigger.
I hear the screams of agony from the broke heart that lies in my chest.
I guess Im trapped in my own hell.
The hell of myself.
Dec 2015 · 318
Four letter word.
Fallenroses527 Dec 2015
Love is just a four letter word to me now. It has become a stranger in the streets that passed me by. Love passed me in the hallways without even speaking a word. I let Love pass me by everyday I saw Love. See Love hurt me. Love crashed my hopes of ever feeling a beat inside my empty chest without thinking that its a lie. I got hurt. But Love kept me warm at night. Love took my nightmares away. Love took the sting from the pain. It gave me affection when Love hurt me. Told me everything was going to be okay. Love is now a ever fading memory to me now that I only remember from the photos in my scrapbook. Love came when Love wanted. Love left when Love wanted to leave. Love left me with holes the size of craters in my heart. Love was toxic. It killed and calmed me at the same time. But I remember what Love did to me. Love hurt me in ways that normal people couldn't. Love shattered what was left in my head that told me that "Maybe people stay." I found myself hurting worst than I ever have even from the worst wars I have fought. Love made me think I was finally beautiful. But the day Love decided to leave was the day I filled the hole in my chest with pure destruction. I staved and bled when I felt the hole begin to drag me down. Little did I know that the hole was just the grave I was digging for myself. The day Love left, I decided to try that grave on for size.......
Dec 2015 · 228
What is Love?
Fallenroses527 Dec 2015
What is Love?
Love is the sweet taste of you on my lips.
Love is the soft brush of our hands when we were alone.
Love is the constant state of safety that was found only in your arms.
Love is the shades of green that swirled into a frenzy of a million galaxies that thrived in your eyes.
Love is the deeper connection we held with each other. It was like we were alone together in a room of a thousand people.
Love is when you can tell every emotion I held inside of me. I hide from the world but I can never hide from you.
Love is when we sang to each other in my kitchen and not caring that there was food cooking on the stove.
Love is the feeling that I could wake up every day in the same place. My arms wrapped around you to keep you safe. As if I could save you from your self. As if I could hold you close enough so you could never be far away again. That maybe if I didn't let you go you would never be able leave.
Love is when I could think of the word and the only thought was of you.
I still know what love is.......So why wasn't it enough for me to love you.
Dec 2015 · 508
Losing you....
Fallenroses527 Dec 2015
I never knew what love was....until I meant you.
I never knew a love that could consume me like yours could.
I never understood why girls would die for some boy. I never understood that....until I lost you.

— The End —