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 Jun 2016 Faded
 Jun 2016 Faded
Pretty hair, pretty eyes, pretty face with pretty lies.
No one knows the pain,
They say us as young ones can't experience pain,
But they don't know,
Everyday is a struggle,
Shedding invisible tears,
Well at least those i can't hold back anymore.

It's hard enough already living life without knowing who you are,
But even harder lying to yourself about it.
I swear one day i will cry without stopping,
Or maybe it's too late for that now.

Everyday i come around friends,
Smiling, it's a fixed expression.
I go home and sing the pain away or make a poem,
Without talking about the pain.

                                                         ­                                 Jonesy  ©
 Jun 2016 Faded
Life is but a dream,
At least that's what they tell me now that I am in my youth.
Every day I wake up from dreaming about butterflies,beautiful dresses,tiaras,and princes,
Just to start my carefree day as a young child.
As a youth,
They say you can be anything that you choose to be.

Life is but a reality,
For I am no longer a child,
A young lady I am now.
I dream of wasps,rags,crowns of thorns, and guys.
They say now as a young lady you can only achieve your goals if you work towards them.

Life is now depressing,
Now l am a woman.
I no longer dream,
I don't have time for it.
They say you are a woman,
You can't just chase your dreams
You have to work for it.
You are no longer a child.
Life is no longer a dream.

                                                         ­                                          Jonesy 2016 ©
 Jun 2016 Faded
 Jun 2016 Faded
Dear Conscience,

Lately I was at war with myself,
What's wrong?
What's right?
My brain contradicts what my heart wants.
I know it isn't right, but it never seems wrong.

Conscience, I know I don't deserve your advice but ......
What do I do?
I want him to stay
But you say its best if he go.
You say to make yourself happy
But I rather stay with him and be miserable.

Conscience please forgive me
Cause I cant let him go

                                                             ­                                      Jonesy 2016  ©
Me and my conscience have been at war lately
 Jun 2016 Faded
You are made of
some magic my dear.
you filled
the empty feelings
of my heart
with the poetic hue of
your pretty smiles.

© Kishamore
 Jun 2016 Faded
Sk Abdul Aziz
The day has the power and energy of the sun
The sweet serenade sung by the birds
The serene sound of dewdrops falling from the leaves
The freshness of the air
But the night offers a far more tempting menu...
...the beauty and grace of the moon
An army of stars
The hooting owls
The howling wolves
The chirping crickets
And above all an incredible sense of serenity and the haunting silence
I love the day
But i absolutely adore the night
Will this be on the test?
Is it what I need to know?
Will not knowing it affect my grade?
Where does the heading go?

I’ll never use this, ever! grrr…
It’s such a waste of time!
It just that it’s so pointless
Like nonalcoholic wine! eek!

I’d rather clean the toilet…
I’d rather eat a worm!
Than study all this foolishness
But I have to pass this term!
all about studying for a chemistry test(I used to teach chemistry), from the student's point of view.  I'm posting the same scenario from the teacher's point in my next submission.  hope you can relate and enjoy.
 Jun 2016 Faded
I've been dreaming lately.
Painting watercolor images on the canvas in my mind
Watching romantic movies on my eyelids
Singing in my sleep.
I dream that I confess everything to you
The way that I feel, what I truly think
And I even place my heart in your hands.
I wake up whispering "I love you".
Sometimes your forehead is resting on mine as I say it
Other times you're walking away...
The scenario continues to change,
But the result is always the same...
I continue to love you.
 Jun 2016 Faded
 Jun 2016 Faded
i am confused
what is it
is what i am experiencing real
or am i believing lies
what if my perceptions are wrong
is there more to life than this

nobody else looks at things like i do
so am i wrong
do i have messed up wiring
who is right
what is truth

is this it

i am so confused
not sure what or whom to believe anymore
Everybody is always telling me that my thought processes are messed up, nobody seems to view things as I do...who is right? is it them? or is it me?
 Mar 2016 Faded
Pauline Morris
I have an unquiet mind
The gears up there just twirl and grind
It never stops it's wound up tight
Sometimes up there it's really bright
Thoughts unstoppable, and really intellectual
Other times my brain is just ineffectual

And all my thoughts quickly take fight
And then it turns dark as a moonless night
But even in the dark the gears still turn
It's just different thoughts that burn

It's terrifying then the one's you'll find
But sometimes the light and dark get all intwind
Then it is intelligent madness
Paints a gruesome picture on that grey matter canvas

But still the gears just strain and wind
All up here in my unquiet mind
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