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  Apr 2017 Ryan Hoysan
Too much,
and too little
Can mute the poet's emotion
Ryan Hoysan Apr 2017
And I've been told that there are others
But that is exactly why they are others
Because they are everyone other than you
Just needed to write and this came to mind, so I'm posting it before I forget. As always, comments and messages are welcomed with open arms.
Ryan Hoysan Apr 2017
There are two kinds of people in this world.
There are those of us, who will look at pictures of the past and feel awash with a glowing warmth, remember the perfection of those single moments.
And then there are others among us, others like you and I, who view photos much the same way, yet feel much less euphoric, because while we also take the moment to remember that perfection, we use the next millennia of moments to lament the passing of this perfection
Just came to me, so here it is. I guess I'll also share my thoughts on the new site layout since that seems to be the trend. Well, not that it's a unique opinion, but I feel that given time (and a quick fix to all the errors and glitches people are getting) it could (key word being could) come out better than most people are expecting it to be. Maybe they could have beta tested the layout before releasing it en mass, but it's an attempt at a breath of fresh air. Give them a chance to at least attempt to iron out the kinks before we make complete and total judgements.
  Apr 2017 Ryan Hoysan
Druzzayne Rika
Long time back ,
When I was little ,
I read a story ,
A fairytale

Once upon a time
They lived happily ever after
The End

And my young mind believed
That is how my life will be
when I'll grow up .

And then I realised
this is not how
Realtale ends .
'FairyTale' is the word I found on the eighth page of my book
  Apr 2017 Ryan Hoysan
Jack Jenkins
I don't think most people understand depression
                                                    ­                         suicide
                                                         ­                           PTSD

or the cycles that they come in as if they were tides.

People don't see past the smiles and laughter to the darkness within;
That you could be surrounded by love and feel okay
                                                            ­                            yet still be dead

That no matter how much comfort or peace you have it still gnaws away in the beck of your mind and chews a hole in your heart.

Cut wrists and suicide attempts aren't a cry for attention but for help;
does anybody out there hear me? see me? feel the way I feel? does anybody get that I am on the edge and losing it? why does nobody listen? why don't they take me serious? am I worth anything?

It disgusts me we execute the wounded and condemn their suffering;
Maybe they shouldn't feel the way they feel, but it's how they feel, so quit trying to tell them to stop feeling that way!

Just be there... they need to know they aren't alone.
Not exactly poetic, but I wanted to get my point across as sharply as possible.
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