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 Mar 2018 Parker
 Mar 2018 Parker
breath between
windshield wipers,
clears the matter
of rain.
asides only leave
 Mar 2018 Parker
Dustin Dean
 Mar 2018 Parker
Dustin Dean
Mobility of tranquility
It runs away, runs away into the day
Of which I can only remember and not revisit
Everything is too unreal
Why not just die?
But why not live?
Sit and ponder about everything
And forget to resolve "everything"
That's how it always goes
Burning guilt
Pushes me to the hilt
It commands me to serve
Suffer to serve, serve and suffer
Gods and governments dance
None of mine
While I crack my bones
To proper placement
Just to feel some sort of
Distraction from replacement

In its truest form
It's worth it in the end
When you know
Their anger will not show
A poem that I wrote back in 2009 at age 17.
 Oct 2017 Parker
places where
rain juice gathers
so you can startle
your own reflection
with a rewarding splash
 Oct 2017 Parker
Dr Peter Lim
Zen 67
 Oct 2017 Parker
Dr Peter Lim
Does your mind
belong to you
or is it in
public domain?
 Oct 2017 Parker
 Oct 2017 Parker
Slowly sinking lower.
These vines don't support the weight.
Wrapped around trees, their indifference
Should've been clear to me.

Kicking the way for emptiness
To bite in with every shake.
Down to my knees,  creeping deliverance:
Bury this failure; set me free.
 Oct 2017 Parker
Arcane Fields
 Oct 2017 Parker
As the fog settles in the fields
Relaxing into cold dew drops
Heavying the wheatgrass
Bending to kiss the warm earth
I, too, bend under a weight.

While the fox is lost in the arcane
Frantic and shadowed
Shifting obscurely in the underbrush
Shivering from the dark and damp
I, too, shiver in obscurity.

I, too, shiver in obscurity
Shivering from the dark and damp
Shifting obscurely in the underbrush
Frantic and shadowed
While the fox is lost in the arcane.

I, too, bend under a weight.
Bending to kiss the warm earth
Heavying the wheatgrass
Relaxing into cold dew drops
As the fog settles in the fields.
 Oct 2017 Parker
Tanisha Jackland
they say that you are a waste of breath. But I see you trying to imitate art. the art of being human. it never ran thru you. Never was your thing. the human chord. just the mean streak and those loathsome ways. i say keep striving for that brass ring on how to breathe. keep imitating what is clearly human. then join the those of us who consider breath a treasure. join the few who will dedicate their breath to another and another.
 Oct 2017 Parker
M Joy
pain is something i felt from a young age
not a bruised elbow or a skinned knee
no, far worse
i watched you pulled from the house on a stretcher
in a body bag
my heart felt received 100 skinned knees in 30 seconds
i was 5
i could hear but i didn't listen
as hundreds of people told me it's okay
i blocked off my pain
i built a fortress of false hope around it
false hope that i would forget that day
that false hope makes it harder every year
when june 1st comes and i'm still breathing, somehow
when your birthday falls on thanksgiving and we're still eating, somehow
i have to live like that false hope was real
like there's no more pain
like i don't remember
 Oct 2017 Parker
Benjamin Reed
i haven't been writing.
and i do
and don't
know why.

i haven't been writing
because you
don't deserve it.

you uncaring masses.

cruel souls.

i haven't been writing
because art;
both others And
my own
ceases to carry much weight.

i haven't been writing
because you
who would love me
are the Same
who hate others.

or myself, also,
once you dug deeper
than your questions
veiled in superficiality.

i haven't been writing
because too many
dogs are dying

i haven't been writing
because i fear
i am fraud;
unable to recognize
my influences.

i haven't been writing
and i don't Know
whether it should
bother me
or not.
 Sep 2014 Parker
Out of Focus
 Sep 2014 Parker
Same old stories told,
never too loud, never too bold.
The world shifts fast.
It won't be worth it,
If you don't make it last.

But this treacherous journey,
this promise for plenty.
They have corrupted
our fickle minds,
To make stupid decisions,
to love and not to bind.

Stay in focus, keep it clear.
And hold on to everything you call dear.
You don't need to carry everything,
Just to understand the most important thing.
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