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  Jul 2014 20something
Pouring rain and thunder clouds
Roiling over and shooting lightning
Racing hearts as chaos pounds
Your feel and touch intoxicating
Crackling power and moving lips
Pressing hard and we're pulling closer
Yearning bodies and sliding hips
High off you I'm an overdoser
Electric eyes and wicked grin
You know I can't resist this sin
Our burning skin and heated blood
Power and passion come in floods
Set me to Fire upon your gaze
Live in paradise for all my days
Breathe me to Life with your lips
Heart dancing and doing flips
Turn me to Infinite with your love
To be eternal with worlds above
So kiss me hard while it pouring rains
Just how I like to be
Electric euphoria in my veins
Ignite Me
Inspiration from passion
  Jul 2014 20something
Third Legacy
I like to.....

to drink a cup of coffee
to listen to mellow tracks
to sit beside the window
to stare into oblivion

as I think of you,
as I watch my teardrops fall down from the sky,
as I watch them turn into floods of emotion
as I feel the cold breeze remind me your touch
as I taste coffee turn into blood
as I listen to mellow tracks become as enraged as myself
as I sit beside the window with the rain pouring on me
as I stare into nothing I think of you
    in hopes that you're thinking of me too  

these are the things I crave for on rainy days
but what I crave for the most is you
Does it rain only on my side?
  Jul 2014 20something
I write poetry to forget you. Hoping with every clever word phrase, you'll find your way out of my memory.
I just want you to know, betwixt all these fancy words and captivating images there's a broken girl who sits dangerously at the end of a piece of drift wood as a tornado approaches the shores of a distance beach.
There's a crooked smile singing the praises of some self found confidence that could be bottled and sold in the nearest gag shop.
There's a record player in my chest rotating the same three songs all with the same sad tune of "maybe this time". There's an empty casket going into an unmarked grave for feelings I thought we could share but never quite died.
There's a timid hand shake wrapped in insecurities doused in ambition and remorse for the words and actions that lacked excitement when I took the hand of some fragment that should have replaced you.
20something Jul 2014
Let me be 100% honest for once,
I'll even swear on a Bible if that makes it any better.
But I'll be ****** if I sit back with my mouth shut any longer,
Let's call this a "the love you've lost" letter

My heart drops into my gut when I find out you're "with" other girls.
I feel sick to my stomach and cheap.
I'm jealous as hell and find myself almost holding back tears,
but I also refuse to let you see me this weak.

I'm terrified to tell you how much you're hurting me,
because that would give you too much power.
So instead I bottle it up and release my words on a page;
as something formerly bittersweet, becomes just straight sour.

I could literally fill up the space between us,
with everything that you've chosen not to say.
And I'll tell you this; I don't have to tolerate your behavior;
no one deserves to be treated this way.

Recognize this not as goodbye, but rather me taking a stand.
I'm fed up, I'm tired, and all around over this.
So do us both a favor and be a ******* man.
Or prepared to be permanently dismissed.
  Jul 2014 20something
Tark Wain
A bandage can only do so much
it's the body that heals
don't cover up your problems
solve them
20something Jul 2014
I know I don't always say what's on my mind
and that you're getting tired of this guessing game.

I know that I'm more complicated then you signed up for,
and your patience with me is beginning to wane.

I know my coldness has made me frigid to the touch,
and you have a passionate fire, burning from your very core.

I know you've almost given up this endless chase,
because while I'm giving you what I can, you still need more.

I know you see me for all that I can be,
and you wish I would prove you right one of these days.

But what I don't know is if all this is worth it to you
and I don't know if you're going to stay.
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