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memoona kazmi Mar 2019
if you are going to correct me,
i will never stop making mistakes.......
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
for a traveler lost in desert,
you are the only oasis i see........
memoona kazmi Apr 2019
if i ever lost direction,
you are my pole star to guide me my way.......
memoona kazmi Apr 2019
Without you in my heart
There is only
A flat line
memoona kazmi Apr 2019
you are the blood flowing in my veins,
the heart that beats,
the air that i breathe........
memoona kazmi Apr 2019
you may find the one ,
who is prettier than me,
but i promise she won't be able to,
love you more than me........
memoona kazmi Apr 2019
all my sadness flies away,
when i see your face
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
i wish i had a super glue,
to stick that lovely smile of yours permanently on your face
memoona kazmi Apr 2019
baby  are you a magician??
everything else vanishes when i look at you
memoona kazmi Apr 2019
every single day that i spend with you,
is the best day of my life......
memoona kazmi Apr 2019
there is a poem in your eyes,
sit close to me and allow me to read them.......
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
i want to hug you the way,
winnie the pooh hugs the piglet
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
i wish i had a vanishing cloak,
to hide you from all the sadness of this world.
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
i want to be girl decoit,
to steal all your sadness and fill your life with happiness......
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
if i am going to be a poet,
you will be my poetry.......
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
he could see,
the fleeting colors,
fading slowly,
the illuminated quivered path,
trailed on the blue water,
and with those rays,
caressing her skin,
he couldn't decide,
what was more breathtaking,
the sunset or she.....
memoona kazmi May 2019
those who cant understand the meaning of your silence,
will always be a deaf to your words........
memoona kazmi Aug 2019
Dear whoever is reading this,
You are the most beautiful thing in this world and you don't need anyone to tell you just have to know.....
Your lovingly
Your secret admirer
memoona kazmi Aug 2019
Thank u for teaching me that someone as sweet as you can leave the bitterest memories....
Your sincerely
A girl who doesn't love you anymore but still can't forget you
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
Oh azrail is here,
I wish I could stop him,
But he will not listen
Oh death is here

Hide my friend,
Under my cloak,
Hide my friend
Behind the door,

Oh azrail is here,
I wish I could stop him.
But he will not listen
Oh death is here,

Hide my friend,
I will not let you go,
Hide my friend,
For you I’ll present life of my own,

Oh azrail is here,
I wish I could stop him
But he will not listen,
Oh death is here,

Oh friend please don’t go,
Oh azrail please stop,
They say death hurt,
But to meet my friend ,
I would love to die……….
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
death has come to greet me,
tell my loved ones i am going,
ask them for the last time,
to come and meet me,

tell her not to haste,
ask her to wait,
for i have a mother,
who standing at the door awaits,

my brother must be,
watching my way,
we haven't talked
for several days,

in its impulsiveness ,
it will not hear,
my father crying,
he is standing near,

death has come to greet me,
i want her not to hurry,
but it will not listen to me,
so let me embrace her happily,
for after such a long time,
death has come to greet me....
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
they say death hurts the most,
no it doesn't,
what hurt the most is,
watching your loved ones die,
in front of your eyes,
watching their soul being,
ripped apart ,
from their body,
watching them go,
while all you can do,
is just sit numb,
mourn over their death,
watching the death dance,
all around you,
showing you,
how weak you are,
how crippled you are,
at that moment we realize,
what hurts the most,
is the death of loved one
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
demons not only lie under your bed,
they not only hide behind your curtains,
or in the doll,
placed inside your cupboard,
or in the old house,
captivated by ghosts,
the real demon,
are hidden inside us
memoona kazmi Apr 2019
you seem to be everywhere,
i want you to be,
but nowhere when i need you to be.............
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
So you say that you know her,
Roll her sleeves up,
Tell me why are
Those scars there
Look into her eyes,
Tell me why  are they
so sad,
You say you love her,
Then why she cries at night,
So next time don’t ever
Dare to say
You know her,
You don’t,
You just recognize her,
And there is a difference
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
Do you remember
All the roads we’ve walked together,
With hands in hands,
When you used to whisper my name,
In my ears,
Do you remember
The days
When we didn’t need
Any reason to stay together,
We were happy the
Way we were
When we used to sit in coffee shops
For hours and hours,
When we didn’t need
Any words to speak,
Do you remember?
Because I do,
And the worst part,
I think I always will………
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
the dream,
i dream frequently,
is you,
reciting my poetry,
sitting in that cozy chair,
which belongs only to me,
with your arms on my study table,
in your dappled blue shirt,
with your sleeves half folded,
with your eyes on my words,
and every time you ,
see your name,
you lift your archly eyelashes,
give a glance,
pass a smile,
and start reading again,
i dream ,
you bite your lower lip,
every time i say ,
i love you,
so i keep on dreaming,
memoona kazmi Aug 2019
A little dream i wrote on the sand
And the roaring water
Raged on them and drained
Under the layers of hopelessness
Dipped them in the pain
Wrapped me in disgrace
And here i stand alone again.....
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
i am lost,
i have nowhere to go,
if i go left,
my demons show up,
if i go right,
my miseries veil me,
if i go back,
my past frightens me,
if i go front,
i get stuck in web of my thoughts,
so i'll just come to you,
because in you,
i find my escape,
to my sinking titanic,
you are the safe boat,
so open your arms,
hold me close,
dont let me go,
stay with me........
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
everything will change,
the flowers blooming today,
will turn brown,
and die,
the sunlight caressing your cheeks,
will burn your face,
the sea you are swimming in today,
will drown you,
the sand you built your castles in,
will engulf your whole kingdom,
the people claiming to love you,
you will watch them walking away,
you will watch the lines of your hands,
fade as if they never existed,
and all you would do,
is sit carelessly,
watch your whole world trembling,
and the worst part,
you wont be able to do anything about it............
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
standing beside the roaring waves,
was the girl with killer smile,
she had so many hopes,
rising in those angelic eyes,
she asked me,
if i wanted to buy something,
i said,"love please",
naive,i didn't know,
it will cost my eternal peace..........
-memoona kazmi
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
i am sorry,
i am sorry that i just couldn't,
make sense out of it all,
i didn't realize,
that you wanted me ,
to call that sand castle,
buckingham palace of yours,
i am sorry
that i was such a fool,
for saving you from drowning,
without knowing,
you were the fish,
surviving in that ***** water,
i am sorry that i wanted to,
save you from darkness,
without getting a notion,
that darkness was what
you have been craving for,
i am just sorry that i could understand,
that your tongue addicted ,
to that cheap vine of lies,
had no taste for the holy water of truth...
_memoona kazmi
memoona kazmi Aug 2019
Oh the forbidden love,
Let thy soul free
Let it wander
In the forests of glee
And let my soul be
In the forbidden forests of thee
Where the sun of your ignorance
Scorches the love of me.....
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
a tear fell on my guitar tonight,
even the strings were amazed,
to see the deserted eyes rain,
the strings started dancing,
along my tears,
singing and playing a soothing tune,
and watching you lay happy everynight,
without even a single thought on your mind,
i am thinking,
how is it possible,
for someone,
not to get even scent of a single flower,
after planting a garden of tears for others....
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
i see that girl,
she changed so fast,
well maybe that's because,
she had been giving her best part,
to people who weren't good at all,
but they forgot,
even the prettiest dawns,
have scariest nightfalls,
and now its her turn,
naive she was then,
strong she is now............
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
happiness is
dancing in rain and,
in sun getting tanned,
happiness is
playing in snow and
watching the hot sun glow,
happiness is
falling for purety, and
loving even abnormality,
happiness is
walking at night and
waiting for dawn,
happiness is
not where you seek it,
but where you create it..........
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, close-up
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
Most people see me,
As the oh-so-happy girl,
As I smile a lot,
As I laugh on even silly things a lot,
As I have a super funny sense of humour,
But behind the curtains,
Only I know,
What it feels like,
To be buried alive,
In the grave of your own words,
Grave of your own unexpressed feelings,
Of unsaid truths,
Only I know,
How hard it is,
For me,
To hold onto my sails,
In the sea of whirlpools,
Storms,strong winds,and destruction everywhere,
Only I have seen,
The dark wicked faces,
Of the demons,
I battle everyday,
How I hear them,
Laughing t me,
Teasing me,
Only I know,
How it feels like,
When you can feel,
The sharp,
Knife like words,
Piercing your heart,
Poisoning your ears,
And when I get tired of hiding it all,
I put on a smile,
On my face,
Just to make them,
Focus more on my lips,
And less on my wet eyes…………
memoona kazmi Aug 2019
Wish you happiness and surprize
To the dusk from the sun rise
May you get a happy day
All I want to say my friends is
Happy birthday.....
Happy 27th birthday M-E..... Today is my very special friend's birthday... May you have many many more.  .......... It 12 o clock in pakistan.. So acordi g to my country time,happy birthday to you
memoona kazmi Apr 2019
he grabbed my hand just so that he might not slip,
and i thought he did it out of love.....
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
i hear cracks in my bones,
i hear my blood dripping,
drop after drop,
oh it's so heavy,
so heavy for me to bear,
i want to spit it out,
want to tell them the truth,
say it out aloud to the world,
but i can't,
i have my demons,
sitting on my lungs,
telling me to hush,
with brutal eyes,
and their crooked smile,
they won't let me,
they are trying to crush me,
they want me to keep the burden ,
on my shoulders,
pushing me down
stopping me from screaming aloud,
so everyday,
i walk among the people,
who claim to love me more than anyone else,
unable to recognize the red lines,
my empty eyes,
unable to figure out meaning,
from my quivering voice,
so it goes on and on like this,
we keep on playing hide and seek,
they behind places,
i behind my smiles......
memoona kazmi Dec 2019
I am the sun rises
Not knowing i was their dusk
That dies silently
Hiding all their secrets
In the diary of my scarlet heart

I am their moon
I used to think
Not knowing i was their **** land
That they always walked on
With wishes to reach the sky

I am their purple flower
I thought
Not realizing to them i was cactus
They want to get rid of
To make space for the real flowers

I am their friend
I used to believe
Never really knew
I was the come and go person
The cigarette break
The always idol person......
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
i am afraid,
afraid of fire,
oh no, not that one,
not the one that burns outside,
that feed on woods,
i am afraid of fire,
that burns within,
one that feeds on hearts,
that is brought up by hatred,
turning the red lovely hearts,
to thick black ash,
i am afraid of fire,
that burns the love,
whose flames rise from heart,
touch the mouth,
and shred us all apart,
i am afraid of fire,
i am afraid that one day,
we'll be mourning,
not over burning houses,
but burning hearts.....
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
everyone is afraid,
afraid of loosing something,
some of money,
other of pride,
some of fame,
some of beauty,
but i am afraid,
of loosing the most
precious thing
of my life,
i am afraid
of loosing
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
i am afraid,
that when i'll open my eyes,
i will be alone again,
you will be nowhere,
near me,
i'll be be left alone,
in the menacing darkness,
to fight all my demons,
on my own,
allowing all the stars,
and the moons to laugh on me,
i am afraid,
that you will leave me ,
shivering in the cold nights,
i am afraid,
that you will blow,
the flower of my love,
as the dried up dandelion fuzz,
i am afraid,
that you will leave the candle,
burning in my room,
die in the wax coffin of it's own,
you will leave every question in my head,
i am afraid,
afraid of loosing you...........
memoona kazmi Sep 2019
Dreams dont amaze me anymore
Dreams of you or falling off the sky
Crumbling sky or watching my love die
Walking on broken bridge
Or jumping off a cliff
Doesn't fright me anymore
Losing myself is what i am afraid of now
Only me.....
memoona kazmi Feb 2019
it's getting dark again,
the place which once was so glimmering,
everything is being veiled,
by the menacing darkness,
i can see the shadows,
getting darker,
and i curse,
i curse that moment,
when i thought,
it's always going to be the same,
it will always be,
a bright shiny day,
i curse that time,
when i made myself,
believe that,
sun will never set,
now that it is drenched in blood,
and now that i see my room,
that was once so happy,
lying dead in the silence,
i curse myself,
for being alone now,
and being with you then.....
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
and if we aver meet,
there will be moments,
i will look at you,
without any reason,
yet with a meaning,
i would love to see,
how you move your hands,
in space while talking,
how that pretty smile of yours,
spread on your pretty face,
and i would you to,
shake my hand,
ask me whether i am listening to you........
-memoona kazmi
memoona kazmi Mar 2019
if you ever confessed it to her,
that you love her,
then don't leave her......
memoona kazmi Sep 2019
Eyes that see
Not the eyes
That judge
memoona kazmi Jan 2019
i have fallen in love with you,
but,i haven't fallen for your,
thick black lashes,
or your deep brown eyes,

i have fallen in love with you,
but,i haven't fallen for your,
perfect body shape,
or your sweetly innocent face,

i have fallen in love with you,
but,i haven't fallen for your,
silky and fair hair,
or your pointed ear,

i have fallen in love with you,
but my love for you,
isn't physical,
it's spiritual,

i have fallen in love with you,
but i haven't fallen in love
with your beauty,
i have fallen in love with your words,
and trust me,
it's completely out of my control
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