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 Apr 2021
Melody Mann
Your silence holds me captive in an endless loop,
I spiral not knowing whether you're alive or dead,
Pondering aimlessly I drift solemnly,
Holding my wits I persist despite the confusion,
A wanderer amid lies I readily seek truth and salvation,
An escape from the turmoil,
A relief from the wordless.
 Oct 2020
J Robert Fallon III
The human complex is simple.

We want more, more, and more on top of our full-plate.

A vicious cycle of self-infatuation, self-pity,
and a lack of empathy,
creates ill-fate.

No human is perfect so why do we constantly try to drown in false preconceptions?

How can we not see its all just perspectives, wholly subjective?

The world can't seem to see past shiny things,
the loud and bright distractions,
yet stay on the search for the perfect life, inevitably full of imperfections.

When all you need is just above the glaring screen,
raise your eyes to true love, affection, and human connection.

Love is perfection in any complexion.
 Oct 2020
J Robert Fallon III
Creases and lines guide our malleable vessel,
the mind.

Doubts, fears, and anxieties breakdown even the strongest of vessels to the core,
can it take much more?

Drowning in emotion, the exterior begins to erode apart, board by board.
How much more damage can such a small vessel endure?

Lust and greed lead the moaning vessel through the wrong currents and paths,
seemingly like a sociopath on a warpath.

We can only call on one savior in such detrimental times.

The mind.

Love, empathy, kindness, care, happiness, and positivity is the quickest escape, it has no name as it's inside every brain.
Our existence.

The mind.
 Aug 2020
Kat Culture
God is a name for the smell of squash plants under the noonday sun.

When the clouds are moving across the sky and you're drifting away in a fold out chair.

God is the word for when it all feels just right. Like you'll never be safer or more content than in this moment. You wish you could stretch it out forever.

God is the accumulation of all these flashes of goodness---an unexpected surprise, the smell of her cooking, his distinct laughter, a shooting star that brightens the sky and disappears, your smile--- our minds unable to comprehend an end to it all.

It must go on forever somehow.

And perhaps it does, just not in the way we expect.
 Aug 2020
Kat Culture
I want to write you a big long letter
and give voice to the frustration I feel
maybe even get mad at you
take it out on you
say horrible, nasty things
flail my hands in animation
smash a vase or two against the wall
release the real animal rage that I feel
that you have your own mind and your own will

but how could I?
first of all, I pride myself on my high thinking
I can’t descend to those petty vibrations
that will only destroy me in the end

But, the real reason
are your big brown eyes
those deep hues
of which I have a tendency to fall into
whenever they linger too long on mine
oh, why can’t we intertwine?
and be so close that we forget we’re dying
just for a second or two, at least?

the sun is splicing through the blinds
in neatly descending rays
casting parallels of shadow and light
across the bed

the leaves whirl outside the windowpane
the branches rustle in the late afternoon breeze
reminding me of the lucid dream I had on the bed we shared together on the floor
I was flying through the constellations
at incredible speeds
It felt so real at the time.

if you won’t come away with me
if you won’t let me stay
I won’t hold it against you
I won’t cast you away.

the freedom of choice is a gift (I respect your choice)
and I love the freedom of this life too dearly
I love the sunrises and the sunsets too dearly
I see the light in me seeing the light in you too clearly
to ever make light of the profundity of this

this trip
what a trip
and if we’re not on it together
then I’ll pass you on the highway
separate loads
with separate courses
in the twilight
I’m so glad to have seen you
for a moment in the headlights.
 May 2020
J Robert Fallon III
Internal flames sustain the charring coals of misery.

Heat so intense,
the molten source of such bewitchery seems contradictory.

As time ends the landscape bends.
No hope for new discovery.

Personal freedom and liberty are now things of history.

Ideas and dreams stuck in protohistory,
nothing left,
zero energy,
abstinence of synergy.

Death. The bittersweet valedictory.
Lost ideas of mystery. The mystery that
only the silent soul can hold the final sole victory too.
 Feb 2020
Flowers 🌺 💐 sit on the windowsill
just waiting to die inside themselves
trying to bloom and bud but how can they when I’m yours?

Words fade as the breeze sweeps through bringing scents of jasmine, lilies and lilacs.
I listen to the sincerity play and echo in the background as the summer sun hits the light just right. I see you in this perfect light and I forget about the 🌺 flowers and the seeping ☠️ poison keeping them alive.

As a man I let you inside and run and hide I could not it was only a matter of time before the flowers would die.
I knew the whole time I could never bloom for you.
To this day i hate getting flowers
 Feb 2019
J Robert Fallon III
Escaped from past pain and can now explain.

The epic fall and tragedy from within humanities food chain.

I said I can explain,
as I have begun to train.

Looking towards a light that illuminates the darkest of eyes and times.

How much of such brightness can I contain and retain?

What I know is I've already lived my last dark days.

I said I can explain,
no longer connected to a ball and chain.

Freedom is now in the sunrise,
see the brightness in my eyes.
 Jan 2019
stefania rivoltini
red shoes
cracked heel
a woman
folded in the shade
or roughly interrupted

it was a caress
it was a kiss
it was a hug
it was love
it's a punch
it's a grin
it's scary
it’s infected love
my blind love
your sick love
it was air and light
it's metal flavor in my mouth
kicks in my belly
vomited words
our guilty love
hypnotic poison

you can!  
**** me.
**** me !  
my eyes close
in the eternal darkness!  
line to me  
I need the darkness in your eyes  
please !  
give me  
a last beautiful oblivion!

I lie
cold dirt  above me
badly thrown with the ****
by tears of those who loved me
your tears
your guilty love
there’s no more light
for me cold corpse
a flower into my hand
food for worms
my end
your          END

                                       you, interrupted
                                            your skin
                                            your eyes
                                           your heart
                                          your tyrant
                                        too much love
                                          your mate
                                          closed eyes
                                            my fault
                                           my useless
                                             silent cry
no more
                                                       I wait
                                                       I wait
                                                       I wait
                                                       I die
 Jan 2019
J Robert Fallon III
Fearful and lost in the despair of time.

Debtful to most in this life of grime.

Hopeful and dishonest looking for some change.

When all this time the key to the cage were just letters on a page.

The will to fight, true discovery and insight. The power to finally view with clear sight.
 Jun 2018
J Robert Fallon III
Without creativity we lose the flame.

Without sincerity we lose the humane.

Without poetry we forget past pain.

Without pain we never gain.

Without knowledge we only remain, and never break from restrain.

With growth we finally free the brain.
 Jun 2018
J Robert Fallon III
Who am I if I'm not alive enough to see?

Who can I become with so much internal deceit?

Who and what is a soul when it's become lost?

Who and what is remembered when I'm forgot?

We all traverse pain, we all know it's true name.

The cold eternal flame that is universally the same, the fuel to this almighty game of life we confusingly play.
 Mar 2018
and there was always something about the perpetual silence that rang through the room as i bit down on my lip looking at him lopsided. they were always slightly chapped in the middle,
and when i smiled through small, notorious breaths,
i tasted blood from bitter winters.
there was something about aligned spines and hands along hourglasses and snickers that broke the silence of tremendous distribution of headache.
isn't it funny to realize that somebody may have just slightly exceeded your complication?  
i’ve watched the sunlight filter and fade out through the blinds covering my windows for too many days alone and i wonder if the rays look so much more beautiful casting over his room. 
i feel shoulder blades and hipbones burning and itching into a dull generic hallucination, entranced by the idea that maybe in the back of your mind you ignore my bumps and scratches.
i never told him that i wanted to memorize every inch of his skin and that maybe he'd forgive me for flinching when he ran his fingers over where my side meets my hips.
i promise that i love the feel of you against my skin, i’m not shivering out of fear.
i don't want to write about how every time he touched me, vacancy of ribcages took flight.
and i didn't want him to know that i sat up with him counting his heartbeat when he slept.
his eyes flutter underneath softer skin and i thought it was beautiful.  
his lip curves upward slightly more in one direction and i loved the way knees had always buckled.
he reminded me that i exist in a world where people like him live and it gives me strange senses of perpetual hope.
i wish i had the willpower of august and the submission of february, but you are not a kitchen sink and i am not a dresser drawer
and sometimes it aches indescribably to know that i've kissed the sea and coming home hasn't been the popular option.
now these days i can no longer tell if the heartbeat i hear is yours or mine
and i do not want to be able to distinguish between the sound.
you breathe i breathe.
some people are just tiny little pin ****** in the backs of our minds and others, hand grenades the size of fists leaving bits and pieces of confusion plastered around like disheveled skulls.
i would bathe you in the breath from my lungs and i would wash you clean of all things made from yesterday, and i swear that
i am in love with you.
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