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 May 2014 Alison
 May 2014 Alison
(A friend once told me)
That the stars in the cosmos
Must have been aligned when the two of us came newly into this world.
The astrology up in the atmosphere
On the 28th of April
Saw you coming
And three years later
On the very same day
It said, We must make her a match.
Someone to fill the in-betweens of her fingers
And the empty spaces on the inside,
To brighten up her eyes
And the shine of her smile.
They won't find each other right away
But the magnetic pull of the universe
Will bring them together
Without a doubt.
And I was crafted from stardust and a celestial glow
And beamed down to earth
Fated to wander its surface
Until you came to stand in my path
And point me in a new direction
Hand safe in hand
And heart tethered to heart.
LDR life. We have the same birthday.
 May 2014 Alison
 May 2014 Alison
My heart has been invaded.
Alarms sound through the open hallways
And echoing spiral stairwells.
I hear the tread of a thousand-man army
Trudging through liquid and flesh
To capture my precious Love,
The Love that has been locked away in a tower
Safe from the outside world.

Call 911 -
This is a real emergency.
Fear creeps up my spine
As the shadow looms in the distance
And my days are numbered.
The army closes in with a fatal lullaby,
But to my surprise
The figure emerging from the mist
Is no heartbreak militia,
But instead
A girl.
Just about my height
Face to face.

Flower petal lips and hummingbird heartbeat.
Deep brown eyes glance through feather-lashes
And I am smitten.
If my invader is here to kidnap Love from her tower,
Love would go willingly.
A dream-come-true abduction.
LDR life.
 May 2014 Alison
Sweater Weather
 May 2014 Alison
why do we wear the clothes of our loved ones?
i think perhaps it’s like feeling a big hug from them

Wearing her sweater. LDR life.
 Apr 2014 Alison
This time          
When we meet,
Please be extra cautious
                     There will be

L                                                            ­      
                      I               H                                    N                
          ­                              G                                  ­   I                  G                
                        T   ­            N            
LDR life. A followup poem to "Like That."
 Apr 2014 Alison
 Apr 2014 Alison
My lips miss yours.
So much so that I can feel them
Growing arms and hands so that
They can write thoughtful letters to yours
About how if they had eyes,
They would see nothing but yours;
Blind to any other love.
They write about how
If they had feet,
They would take any number of steps
Just to reach yours;
Just to touch
Even for a moment,
To hold their old friends close
In a warm embrace.
They write about how
If they had wings
They would let the wind whisk them
Halfway around the world
As long as yours were waiting on the other side.
They write about how
If they had a heart,
Every beat would sing for yours.
I sit in silence and watch;
An act of pure passion.
A strange image poem. LDR life.
 Apr 2014 Alison
Rainy Day
 Apr 2014 Alison
Why do the worms fiercely dig their way to the surface
During rainstorms
As though they're afraid to miss the spectacle?
Don't they know they will end up drowning
In pools of chilled sky-tears
And get stomped by careless and hurried feet?
Strewn across drenched brick and concrete walkways,
Yet each somehow alone in his own conquest.
Like the moth to the flame
And my eye to the sun.
lonely, soggy worms.
 Apr 2014 Alison
circus clown
all i've been able to think lately
is that in a few long spring months
summer will come, and so will you.

i can't wait to trace the veins
in your tiny wrists again,
and feel your lips on mine with
the passion and the heat
to make God feel guilty
for what he's done to us.
because he really should.
 Apr 2014 Alison
 Apr 2014 Alison
I'm tired but my bed is empty.
Lying here is like
Lying in a hole in the ground,
Surrounded by earthworms
Mistaking me for a corpse.
I am at the bottom of a bottomless pit.
Trapped in a large crater formed by the meteor
That crashed through my atmosphere
Leaving the Empty.
You took with you a piece of me which I do not ever expect to get back.
So I'm trying to live without.
When she left. LRD life.
 Apr 2014 Alison
Windy City
 Apr 2014 Alison
The day after I had to let you go,
It was windier than I've ever seen before.
It was as if Mother Nature thought
If she blew hard enough,
Your windy city and mine might just collide
So that you and I could be one
Once again.
LDR life.

— The End —