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338 · Oct 2018
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
Why am i always losing friends
When will this cycle ever end
Abandoned by most of my friends
Feeling undesired yet again
Written after being bandomed and diacarded by another friend
330 · Dec 2018
Is it Wrong
SomeOneElse Dec 2018
Is it wrong to want to die
To just give up, no longer try
Or to dwell and wonder why
I feel alone and always cry

Why am i always so sad
Always down and rarely glad
While many times everyday
For an end I often pray

Why do I still feel this way
Wish these feeling I could stray
Instead I feel like dying
Too tired from all the crying
Just how i often feel
326 · Dec 2018
Thank You
SomeOneElse Dec 2018
Thank you for letting me share
Showing me you really care
Opening your heart to me
As i shared my history
Listened with an open mind
Never judging always kind
Thanks for showing that you care
With compassion that is rare
Being what i needed friend
As my soul you tried to mend
thanks for being who you are
A thank you poem to a friend
321 · Jul 2019
All Alone
SomeOneElse Jul 2019
Another weekend home alone
Another weekend gone and blown
Another weekend i'm up late
Trying to find myself a date
Another weekend all dejected
Feeling lost and so rejected
Another weekend full of tears
The same as it has been for years
Another weekend in my head
So ******* completely wasted
Another weekend gone and blown
Another weekend all alone
Another poem about feeling alone
318 · Apr 2019
Tongue Tied
SomeOneElse Apr 2019
Trapped alone inside of me
Longing to set myself free
Wishing that I just knew how
That I could talk to you right now
My tongue is tied
My body stiff
Striking out another whiff
My tongue is tied
And body frozen
Wishing someday
To be chosen

Wish I knew just what to say
And how I wish this were the day
But you are so beautiful
And my shyness plentiful

My tongue is tied
My body stiff
Striking out another whiff
My tongue is tied
And body frozen
Wishing someday
To be chosen

Intimidated by your looks
Your stunning beauty has me hooked
Wish I knew just what to do
Wishing I could talk to you
My tongue is tied
My body stiff
Striking out another whiff
My tongue is tied
And body frozen
Wishing someday
To be chosen
my tongue is tied
A song I wrote while waiting to sing at the bar
314 · Oct 2018
Beauty senryu
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
You've got a great smile
And your eyes are to die for
They're beauty defined.
A senryu on beauty
306 · May 2019
Alone and Sad
SomeOneElse May 2019
All alone, nobody's type
My depressions it's so ripe
Can't escape this downward spiral
All alone cause I'm so sad
And oh so sad cause I'm alone
Wish I knew how to fix me
Find a way to be happy
Wish could end this downward cycle
All alone because I'm sad
Yet so sad cause I'm alone
Wish I could end all this pain
And my happiness regain
But I feel my fate is final
Oh so sad cause I'm alone
Yet all alone because I'm sad
I really need to find a way
To no longer be this way
To finally end this downward spiral
But I'm Still sad cause I'm alone
And all alone because I'm sad
Written to explain how I feel
303 · Oct 2018
Losing Friends
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
What did i do wrong this time
I'd really like to know
Where did I go wrong again
To lose another friend
Were my feelings just too strong?
Maybe yours were too?
Did i somehow lose your trust.
It never was discussed
I now feel lost and somewhat used
Now abandoned and confused
Thought you were a special friend
You told me that time and again
Where did i go wrong again
To lose another friend?
Wrote this after finding outvanother friend left me.
302 · May 2019
No one to hold
SomeOneElse May 2019
No one to hold
Or cuddle with
And no one to
Share this life with
No one to laugh
Or to talk to
And no one to
Come running to
No one to touch
Or be touched back
What I long for
I really lack
I'm falling down
And can't get up
How I wish i
Could just give up
Growing bitter
With every day
I'm like a ghost
And all is gray
No one to hold
Or cuddle with
And no one to
To just be with
Where I am and how I feel right now at this point in my life
292 · Dec 2018
I Had a Dream
SomeOneElse Dec 2018
I had a dream I was desired
And for our bodies to perspire
With lustful passion, a wildfire
My soul and body was required

I had a dream of ecstacy
I wanted her, she wanted me
All inhibitions were set free
For one night of intimacy

I had a dream erotica
And positions exotica
Turned my bedsheets Aquatica
From such hot dreams erotica

I had a dream i was on fire
With naughty thoughts i had inspired
Instead i Dream to be desired
So tired of feeling undesired
Just how I have been feeling lately
292 · Dec 2018
My One Desire
SomeOneElse Dec 2018
My morning sun
My stunning one
The sunshine of my day
My starry night
My night's delight
The moonlight of my night
My burning fire
My heart’s desire
The one I'm aching for
My beauty queen
My real life dream
Can't stop thinking of you
You're my heart’s home
My love be known
The reason for my poems
My bright sunlight
That shines so bright
I long to hold so tight
My dream chateau
My graceful doe
You're my avocado
My loving sigh
My reason why
The apple of my eye
My dream come true
My feelings true
My heart belongs to you
You are my friend
Hope til the end
For you my love i send
My second attempt. It has some flaws i need to figure out how to fix
286 · Oct 2018
Into the Night
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
The night was cold yet you were hot
I did not care if we were caught
We start to cuddle, then we kiss
Oh my god! now this is bliss
I am yours and you are mine
I tell you dear you are so fine
Taste so good, won't miss a drop
Feels so good, i cannot stop
I want you now! I want you bad
You are the best I've ever had
Are naked bodies are as one
As we both begin to ***
In my arms i hold you tight
As we make love into the night
One of my older poems
286 · Oct 2018
Blissful Kiss senryu
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
How I'd love a kiss
It would make me feel so bliss
Just to kiss your lips
A senryu aboutva blissful kiss
285 · Oct 2018
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
Oh how i long to be desired
A feeling which we all require
Wish i could have that great physique
Makes women stop to take a peek
Or maybe have that *** appeal
Makes women give that lustful squeal
To be wanted in every way
And really be someone’s dream lay
To be somebody’s fantasy
Would leave me in such ecstasy
Instead i’m just an average guy
Just very nice and very shy
I do not have the perfect ***
Nothing anyone would applaud
I wish the women thought me hot
But in my heart i know I'm not
A *** symbol I'll never be
No one will have wet dreams of me
These feelings they are not required
But i still long to be desired.
Written as a wish to be desired and wanted in a way i havent felt in a lonv time
SomeOneElse Apr 2020
I dreamed somebody wanted Me
And not just as a friend
I dreamed someone desired me
My broken heart to mend
I dreamed I wasn't all alone
I had someone to hold
I dreamed I wasn't so **** shy
Dreamed I just could be bold
Dreamed that I were more attractive
Dreamed I had what it takes
I dreamed I had that special charm
So I could get a date
I dreamed someone just wanted me
So I could be happy
How I pretty much always feel
261 · Nov 2018
SomeOneElse Nov 2018
My unwanted friend
Why won't you let me be
Try as i may
With all my charm
No one desire me
Stop feeding me
You're not my real friend
You feed me lies
And cost me much
I wish you would just end
My sadistic boss
Always knocking me down
Take my smile
Turn it upside down
In emotions i do drown
You're killing me
Keeping me from my sleep
Try to relax
And meditate
But all i do is weep
High functioning
Autistic traits
Personality crash
Try as i may
To just fit in
I'm still abandoned trash
And undesired
Can't help the way i feel
No matter what i do or say
My fate it seems is sealed
My unwanted friend
Why won't you let me be
Written to express how i feel dealing with my mental illnesses and feelings of rejections
259 · Dec 2018
SomeOneElse Dec 2018
-. -.  - - -   -,  .. -.  .. -  …  .   -..

Confusion’s to blame
          For all of this pain
That's inside my veins
Like a runaway train
          Or jet engine plane
It's killing my brain    

It's eating my veins
          My strength it does drain
I'm becoming lame
          And going insane
I can't take the strain
          Of all of this pain

There’s a fiery flame
           That's kept me refrained
While frying my brain

It must me contained
It must be refrained
My soul to regain
          My body to reign
And end all this pain

The answer is plain
I must stop the train
By destroying the flame

This disease I'll then mame

But this dark evil stain
          I've put too much strain
And as for the train
I still do not gain
An old poem written back in college meant to covey how i felt.
258 · Oct 2018
Thank You Sis
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
Thank you sis for being there
Showing me how much you care
Always there to cheer me up
Telling me not to give up
Making sure that I'm all right
Encouraging me to write
Sending wisdom and kind words,
Pretty pictures, trees and birds
Never judging me at all
Making sure i do not fall
Thank you sis for being there
And for showing me you care
Written for an indian lady who adopted me as her little brother even though I'm sure she is younger than me
249 · Nov 2018
What did i do Wrong
SomeOneElse Nov 2018
What did i do. What did i say
That made you want to stay away
I know you were just being kind
Trying to spare my fragile mind
You said that I did nothing wrong
Yet from my chats you are now gone
You said you would never ghost me
But now you will not talk to me
I think you thought if given time
I would forget and be just fine
I fear that I have lost my friend
I miss my muse and good dear friend
What did i say. What did i do
To lose your trust or offend you?
You inspired me to read and write
To not give up and see the light
So many poems I've shared with you
Hurts me to think our friendship’s through
The bad thing i had said or done
Wish it could all just be undone
I hope someday to hear from you
And for our friendship to renew
What did i do. What did i say
That made you want to walk away
Written for my friend qho decided she didnt want to be my friend anymore
247 · Nov 2020
The way that I Want you
SomeOneElse Nov 2020
I've never wanted anyone the way that I want you
My body Aches to be with you my arms long to hold you
My eyes long to gaze upon you and stare into your eyes
My hands so need to feel you caress your legs and thighs
I so desire to cuddle you and to make love to you.
My heart and soul on fire for you I've only thoughts for you
I've never wanted anyone the way that I want you
Just another mushy love poem
240 · Oct 2018
Random Ideas
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
My head is a mess
Cluttered with random ideas
Wanting to come out
My first attemp at  senryu. Just a thought i had
238 · Oct 2018
Missing my friend
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
I hope you've not forgotten me
Or the friendship that we shared
I hope that you are still my friend
And I hope that you're still there
I know that you are  very busy
With your work and with your school
You're still my very special muse
And i still think you are cool
I think about you everyday
And when I'll see you next
I cherish all the memories
Can't wait for your next text.
I've missed you oh so very much
And wonder how you are
I ponder how your week has been
And how you are so far
I often wonder how you are
And what you've been up to
I hope you're really doing great
Know i still dream of you
I hope you've not forgotten me
I hope that we're still friends
Just know that i still care for you
I will until the end
A poem about missing a friend i haven't sssn on a while because of her busy schedule
238 · Nov 2018
Your Friendship
SomeOneElse Nov 2018
Your friendship means the world to me
You make me so happy
I was so sad and lonely here
The day that you found me
You made me feel alive again
When you befriended me
I look so forward to our chats
The time you give to me
And all the things we talk about
Whenever you're with me
Whenever i feel down and out
You're always there for me
Whenever i feel all alone
You always comfort me
And when I have those special needs
You so desire me
We come from different walks of life
Yet have great chemistry
I want to let you know my friend
How much you mean to me
Written for a friend of mine
SomeOneElse Jan 2020
The crickets have stopped chirping
I don't hear them anymore
My heart now lies here broken
Scattered all across the floor
Thought you were the one for me
As i fell for you so hard
Really hoped you'd be the one
But my heart now lies here scarred
Friendzoned into the abyss
Preventing all advances
Wish I knew where I messed up
I just never stood a chance
Follow up poem after being friendzoned
230 · May 2019
Would anybody miss me
SomeOneElse May 2019
Would anybody really miss me
If I took my life
My kids might miss me but they hate me
All thanks to my ex wife
I have some friends I rarely see
They all have jobs and families
I do go out to bars and drink
But sit alone and write or think
I'm insecure and far too shy
I always fail and don't know why
Would anybody really miss me if I end it all
I really don't know what to to do
To end this painful fall
How I wish to be committed
Or to have my life omitted
To make these feelings go away
Would love to end it all today
I just can't take it anymore
As I lay crying on the floor
Would anybody really notice
If I took my life
My kids would miss me but they hate me
God I hate this life
Just one o  the many poems tryi g to express the feeling deep inside of me and the hopessless I feel
230 · Dec 2019
When i hear crickets
SomeOneElse Dec 2019
When i hear the crickets chirp
I wonder if it you
I hope it's you that's texting me
I really hope it's you
I wonder how your days has been
And hope that it's been good
I wonder what your doing now
And hope you're doing good
I think about your lovely smile
And your pretty eyes
I think about our future date
And give a loving sigh
When i hear my cell phone ring
I hope that it is you
I love the sound of your sweet voice
I love talking to you
And when I hear the cricket chirp
I so hope that it's you.
Poem written for a girl I like
224 · Apr 2019
Once upon a starry night
SomeOneElse Apr 2019
Once upon a starry night
You inspired me to write
Though you're way out of my
You're beauty had me so intrigued
Couldn't stop staring at your thighs
Or your big beautiful eyes
Your stunning looks and friendly smile
Had me utterly beguiled
Gazing on your **** legs
My heart was a powder keg
Luscious lips and long blonde hair
I just couldn't help but stare
Wish I could hang out with you
Would love to get to know you
Wish someday to hold you tight
Once upon a starry night
Poem inspired while I was waiting to sing karaoke
212 · Dec 2018
I Don't Belong
SomeOneElse Dec 2018
I don't belong
I never did
This world's no place for me
I'm all alone
Inside my head
Waiting to be set free
I'm sick and tired
And so confused
Who is the real me
Why am I sad
Why am i down
Why do I have to be
Wish it would stop
And go away
This pain inside of me
How I currently feel
210 · Oct 2018
Anxiety and Depression
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
I'm in the dark, my sunshine gone
I lost my spark so what went wrong
Cant see the light and feel like dying
No end in sight i sit here crying
Can't find my smile or where it went
Searched for a while and now I'm spent
My mind’s messed up, I have no clue
And I ****** things up like i always do
Still crying inside , no end i can find
An emotional landslide all in my mind
So much pain and im still crying
What’s wrong with my brain
Just feel like dying
Written to express how my anxiety fuels my depression and for me what it is like to deal with both at times.
206 · Dec 2018
SomeOneElse Dec 2018
I'm drowning in my tears
What am I doing here
Feel like I don't belong
Wish I could fix what's wrong
I rarely feel happy
Instead  feeling ******
I don't know what to do
Afraid I'm losing you
This world can be so cruel
I'm running out of fuel
I wish I could give up
Emotions all mixed up
My soul’s about to break
Much more I cannot take
Please won't you help me friend
And make all this pain end
Just another poem about how I feel a lot
197 · Dec 2018
Fight the Darkness
SomeOneElse Dec 2018
How do you fight the darkness
When you've already lost your light
How do you keep from drowning
When you can't even stay afloat
How do you keep on going
When you've already lost the fight
How do you keep on moving
When you already missed the boat
How do you fight the darkness
When you can't even find your light
How i feel dealing with depression and anxiety
189 · Dec 2018
SomeOneElse Dec 2018
My life would be so much easier
Without all my emotions
To get in the way
Of my life
Contemplating how complicated my life is because of my emotions and feelings
181 · Apr 2020
I so wish to not be
SomeOneElse Apr 2020
I so wish to not be.
To not be anymore
Tired of being lonely
Can't take it anymore
Tired of the rejections
Won't ever be desired
I'm tired of this life
And wish it be retired
I am nobody's type
I am no one's *******
Though I just keep trying
I'm running out of steam
I wish this life would end
To spare me all this pain
No matter how I try
It all seems just in vain
So I wish to not be
And not be anymore
How I feel like a lot lately
179 · Nov 2018
Mass shooting
SomeOneElse Nov 2018
12 more people dead today
Did it have to be this way
Heard it on the news today
It's a very sad day
Someone's just lost a loved one
Father, mother, daughter son
What could motivate someone
To shoot up everyone
What's wrong with society
What's wrong with our country
Need to change priorities
The truth we need to see
Time to say enough’s enough
Time for lies to be rebuffed
Time for us to end this stuff
If you don't like it tough
How many more dead loved ones
Til we control our guns
Written after the latest mass shootong
SomeOneElse Jan 2020
What the hell is wrong with me
Why won't anyone date me
Am I cursed or too ugly
Something must be wrong with me
Always doomed to the friendzone
Or just ghosted and alone
Just too nice for my own good
Or else just misunderstood
Dying of this loneliness
Questioning my manliness
Im constantly rejected
Feels like I am infected
Always lacking in what counts
Hurting enormous amounts
Wish this pain would go away
Can't take it another day
I just need someone to hold
Instead of alone and cold
What the hell is wrong with me
Written out of frustration of being alone and dateless
162 · Oct 2018
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
I hate this ******* life today
Its all ******* insane
Why was I ever born at all
Life’s just one big migraine
Can't seem to get out of the dark
Can't seem to find my light
The joyous things life has to offer
No longer in my sight
I lay here crying all alone
And feeling undesired
So tired of this life i’ve lived
Wish it to be retired
Just how life and humanity make me feel most of the time
153 · Oct 2018
Hug senryu
SomeOneElse Oct 2018
What i wouldn't do
Just to get a hug from you
That would be my wish
A senryu about wanting a hug

— The End —