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781 · Aug 2015
Beauty of the Seasons
Kerri Aug 2015
Twinkling fireflies,
In the midnight heat,
Cool blades of grass,
As moisture hangs in the air.

Brittle branches claw the sky
Mourning the leaves,
fluttering beneath,
As a  hazy moon hovers above.

Periwinkle nights framed in gray,
Bedazzling crystals sprinkle down,
The world is silent,
As a thick blanket cleanses the ground.

A pastel palette,
Brings life to the trees,
The earth is reborn again,
As a gentle breeze magically blows.
Living in Tennessee, I get the pleasure of experiencing all four seasons. I wouldn't have it any other way, as each of them have their own hidden treasures.
Kerri Oct 2015
The beat of my heart
drowns out the
s i l e n c e
while you invade my thoughts.
The waves crashing
of my body
spill out of each crevice
until I'm drowning in your love.
I'm taken to that rugged paradise
where it's just
me and you
feeding off of each other's desires
sinking into blissful oblivion,
Engaging in a passion of
the HIGHEST caliber.
I want to live in your arms,
and die in your eyes,
until the world fades
and it's just us
floating among the masses of stars.
That once in a lifetime type of love...
727 · Jan 2017
I Love You Too
Kerri Jan 2017
I look into your eyes  
And I see so much love.
The love that you hide,
That you hope the world
Will not notice.
But I notice.
The love you possess
Rises from your perfect skin
Like a morning mist,
That few get to actually enjoy.
You might have told
Yourself you don't want me to,
I feel your love all around me
In everything that I do.
I feel it
When my eyes first open
each beautiful morning,
I feel it
With each necessary breath
That I take,
I feel it
With each choice
I blindly make,
And I feel it
When the
Blackness of life
Starts to invade my soul
And it rescues me...
It's always there
Like a quiet shadow
Following me on an empty street,
When the world
Makes me feel so lost and alone,
It saves me everyday....
Whether you know it or not,
721 · Nov 2015
Leftover Love
Kerri Nov 2015
So tired
of being
everyone's second best.
Second rate,  side plate
leftover trash.
Second friend, Second lover
Second daughter, Second mother.
Never first.
My naïve heart
is filled
with ample LOVE,
always ready to give
to the surpluses,
but never on the receiving end.
I get their  leftover love
from a feeding tube,
but not enough to viably LIVE.
I want to be wanted.
I want to be cherished
I want to be LOVED.
In somebody's heart,
I want to be FIRST.
second, love, trash, naïve, heart
710 · Mar 2017
My words.
Kerri Mar 2017
Do you ever wonder...

Are my words even heard?
Do they shoot silently in the night like a star...
Do they blast with multitudinous force into the festival sky like fireworks,
Crackling through your ear...

Do they matter?
Do they float past your mind,
as easily as a speck of sand swirls
Around the desert...
Do they land steady in your heart fibers,
Impacting your world as heavily as the breath that fills your lung?

Will you remember them tomorrow?
Do they disappear the way that a soft murmur melts into your shadow?
Do they tarry, like a chill running down your spine,
leaving behind imprints of my lips to remember them by?

I wonder...
699 · Oct 2017
Kerri Oct 2017
I'll Stand
on my tiptoes  
Of a mountain
To steal the moon
Make the world go dark
To light up your eyes

I'll clutch the
cold, soft
In my fist
And sprinkle it
Your bare feet
For you
To walk on

I'll pluck the wind
And lock it up
In a mason jar
And pour you
A glass
For the moments
That take your breath away

And if any of these shall ever
Run out,
I will LOVE you back to life
And truth.
602 · Jun 2015
Prisoner No More
Kerri Jun 2015
She hid behind a shiny smile
showing the world what they wanted to see
but always a prisoner inside her own body
chained to blood and bones

It won her praise
and it won her glory
Roses bloomed around her
while her soul withered inside

All the sparkly things lost their sparkle
when she stopped writing her own story
It was then in the moment of frailty
she realized she left herself behind somewhere along the way

The porcelain cracked and a brave woman broke through
stitching her heart and emptying her mind
of the stranger that had taken over
and the pain that had sustained

Beginning again vulnerable and naked
trembling with both excitement and fear
Praying that the world would accept her
as she introduced that girl that had been hidden for so long

Stones were thrown
and enemies crawled out of their alleys
attempting to drag her down
and crush her new found dreams

But a force field of love and acceptance
from those special souls that always knew who she was
carried her on it's shoulders
not allowing her to lay back down

A garden of confidence and self-love grew inside her
A hero was reborn
and so was the jolly
that had died with her long ago

Her smile is authentic now
and it shines brighter than ever before
A natural light that heals all who
are illuminated in it's glowing path

Merry songs escape her lips
and effervescent words flow from
her fingertips to the blank paper
as roses bloom inside of her

She's a prisoner no more.
A poem about being a  people pleaser and how it tears you apart mentally to be the girl (or boy) that the world wants you to be...and rising out of it to finally be your true self and happy.
591 · Oct 2016
Kerri Oct 2016
Some people
Love you
For the way
You make
Them feel
About themselves.

I just simply love you.
There's a difference in these types of LOVE.
566 · Mar 2017
An Assaulter's Return
Kerri Mar 2017
Broken Mirror
in my mind.
Always to remind.
in the dark,
with nothing
but the sound
of the clinking of the shards.
Your animalistic ways,
running fast until
you've caught
your prey.
But I fought,
and still do everyday.
I never asked for this
and I never asked for you,
Just because you're a man
and I'm a woman,
don't be so quick
to assume.
I've kept you
locked in my mind
trying to forget that day,
what gives you the right
to feel it's alright
to suddenly message me
and say "HEY"
544 · Mar 2015
I Gained Me.
Kerri Mar 2015
I gave up everything just to be with you
and ended up losing it all.
You flung your narcissistic charm at me
and my heart caught every bit of it willingly
like a young girl hungry for the spotlight

Kisses, roses, and promises you handed me
The kisses were shared, the roses they died,
and the promises were lies.
You lured me in with your big brown eyes
leaving me breathless and wanting more
You gave me more and then you took it away
and I fell to my knees in anguish.

A love that was doomed from the beginning
but I took that blind leap anyways believing in magic and trust
You betrayed that naïve girl who wore her heart on her sleeve
and left her to rot in the dust

I sulked in my bed sheets, craving death
peeking over the covers awaiting the grim reaper
It was a tragic year.
But then I started to grow
and I started to heal.
The world suddenly seemed so clear.
I fell in love with another face...that face looking back in the mirror.

I gave everything up. I lost it all. But I finally gained me.
478 · Jul 2017
Kerri Jul 2017
Engulfed in fear
She stood before me
Shedding off
The ragged gown
Of her childhood
That weighed her down
For 20 years

Embracing the thrill
She flew into me
Her naked scars
and brave truths
That somehow
Made her shine
More beautifully.

Reaching the
Deepest place
That we had ever been,
Our tiptoes grazing
The blazing fire
That simultaneously
Sparked our
Bodies and our minds.

A universal understanding
That we've finally
Made it here together,
Hearts dripping
hot metal,
Synchronized souls
No longer lost in between
The swings of
The pendulum.
472 · Nov 2015
Kerri Nov 2015
A sea of rain
And a dark
Black mass
Covers the world;
A drunken eye
Sees it all;
But the heart
As the cold
Gray pellets
Destroy it all
And we don't
Until we're
Swept away.
Watching it rain from inside of my car, I ponder the world and its current conditions.
436 · Oct 2018
An Autumn Affair
Kerri Oct 2018
It’s as if the bare branches
stroke my hair
with the comfort of Autumn
Each time
the soft, shushing wind
whispers through the trees.
Beneath a milky moon
I find peace
Knowing that
The heat between
me and Summer
Has fizzled out.
412 · Apr 2016
Kerri Apr 2016
You roped me into
Your world,
Filled with wondrous skies
And warmth,
Then tied me to a post,
To lull and wait for
Your return.
402 · Jun 2018
Kerri Jun 2018
I bury my heaving *****
Beneath a carnival of flowers
Until the hope
The fear
362 · Nov 2015
Kerri Nov 2015
Let me live in the sky,
among the marshmallow clouds,     Departing from
this nocturnal nightmare
where my innocence
is disgraced.
344 · Dec 2015
Kerri Dec 2015
Glass puddle ripples
Innocence is lost again
Shiny shards on wrists
255 · Nov 2015
Kerri Nov 2015
Your eyes burn right
                         My heart.
Until the Ashes blow away.
249 · Aug 2018
Kerri Aug 2018
I want you to be
My E V E R Y T H I N G
But if I can’t have that,
Will you at least
Be my escape
Every now and then?
191 · Nov 2023
Night Life
Kerri Nov 2023
Dim lights hiding scars
breathing in the smoky haze
Specks of glitter on the wall
a disco ball frenzy

Numbing bubbles freely flow
Crawling to the lowest high
Sweaty paradise
Loneliness whirling around

It smells like *** and heartache.
190 · Jan 2019
Heart Shock
Kerri Jan 2019
Do you feel that electric jolt
Between your heart & mine

— The End —