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 May 2014 Yael
clumsily, I fall -
whether it be in or
out of love with you.
similar to how
I bring accidental pain
upon myself, simply
from knocking
my knee on something
solid. clumsily,
I trip over my own
footsteps. I know not
my destination, or
what I'll do upon arrival.

clumsily, I allow
myself to create pathetic
fancies. stupidly,
I give you the power
to inflict
bitter pain upon me.
me, the clumsiest girl
you'll ever know,
who'd be
glad for whichever marks
etched upon her skin,
by you.
coffee shop scribbles
 May 2014 Yael
Farai Engelbrecht
Shall we
Just love and love
Until the end of days.

Like a never ending
Cycle, replacing the ones before,
Over and over again.

I hated it;
Every moment of it,

It sickened me, but I refused
to give up.

I was fueled by this naive
dream that somewhere out there
was a person just for me,
and being this foolish
left me content.

being a fool left me hopeful
 May 2014 Yael
Farai Engelbrecht
Echoes of laughter
That once was
Filled the four
Walls I called a bedroom.
It wasn't much, but it was mine.
You weren't much but
You were mine.
We weren't much,
But we were.
And now I'm stuck again
Thinking of you;
Thinking of us
 May 2014 Yael
 May 2014 Yael
i have this one friend
that wishes she was beautiful,
that wishes she was skinny,
that wishes she was funny.
she always wants to be her or her or her
and i just want to shake her shoulders and scream
that i'd much rather her be herself.
because it's the best her their is.
- a.c
 May 2014 Yael
I never used to cry this hard, not even when he was pronounced dead.
They pronounce you dead because that becomes your new name; you are nothing but a carcass that needs to be dealt with before it rots.
Sometimes I see him, with a daisy tucked behind one ear and a pen behind the other.
Bare-footed, of course.
He always told me how important it is to know as well as to feel where you are going.
Death is more than an acquaintance to me, we've met on many terms.
The first time I encountered death was when she carried a part of me there in her *****.
I never left and I don't think I ever will.
You broke the dam behind my eyes (you made me feel like I never thought I could) and I don't have enough materials to patch it up.
I'm desperately trying to fix myself but I can't; you're holding of my resources in your arms instead of holding me.
Please put your lips on mine before I drown us both.
 May 2014 Yael
 May 2014 Yael
she expected
f  i  r  e  w  o  r  k  s
when she first kissed him.
little did she know that she was going to become the fireworks.

she was an easy target, and he had good aim.
as soon as she f
into his grasp, he was quick to send her back from where she came.

crowds gathered.
fathers' hands silenced their children's mouths as his loaded her into the mortar.
mothers' hands covered their children's ears as his lit the fuse.

she was shot forward by a merciless puff of dragon's breath,
and as she looked over her shoulder,
she saw the ash leaking from his nostrils.

stars beckoned to her.
glimmering, shimmering, shining stars extended their fiery hands to her already outstretched ones.
she rose higher and higher,
filling her lungs with the last bit of oxygen that was left,
and screamed.

he screamed.
her flaming body parts rained down in the form of asteroids, striking him.
stars spelled out her name and pulsed weakly like his dying heartbeat.
they both went from "are" to "were" in a matter of seconds, and everyone knew that their chemical reaction was triggered by fireworks.
 Apr 2014 Yael
Brynn Louise
Sometimes it feels like
I'm just yelling into the void
My voice gets lost in the nothing

I can trail off mid-sentence
And no one even notices
Because they weren't even listening

Sometimes I feel like I could scream
And nobody would flinch
Since no one would notice it happened

Maybe I'm surrounded
By a ******* hole
And everything I say gets ****** away

But for some strange reason
I keep shouting, and screaming
Or at the very least I'm talking

Perhaps I have a ridiculous hope
That maybe one special day
People will realize that I have something to say
In dedication to the times where I actually have stopped mid-story and nobody even noticed.
 Apr 2014 Yael
 Apr 2014 Yael
I remember a time,
Where I didn't know right from wrong.
Where I would wear an orange top with a bright green skirt, because I liked it.
Where I didn't know how much people would be worth to me.
A time when everything was simple.
A time when I didn't know of crime,
And I thought the entire world was the country I lived in.
The only people in the world were my family and my other little friends and teachers.
I had a cat,
And I loved her dearly,
I never knew that one day I wouldn't have her anymore.
I had a grandfather,
And I loved him dearly,
I never knew that one day I wouldn't have him anymore, either.
I would pick up dandelions,
And place them carefully in my hair, behind my ear.
Because they were pretty.
I remember a time when everything was sweet,
No tears, unless I fell off a swing and scraped my knee.
There was no sorrow.
No tomorrow.
Only today.
It was simple, it was sweet.
I was innocent.
I wish it was still the same now.
 Apr 2014 Yael
Brynn Louise
When the words don't come
And the thoughts stop short
I feel a sense of panic
And loss

Who am I if I have no thoughts?
What am I if I can't communicate?
I drop away from humanity
I fall out of society
 Apr 2014 Yael
Pushing Daisies
 Apr 2014 Yael
Pushing Daisies
I am alone,
Like a structureless prose,
A dark waste of space,
A wilting rose.

I am alive,
But they'd rather I die,
Buried deep underground,
Never to be found.
Adapted lyrics
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