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Wars have no warranties.

Bryce Jul 2018
And I will make sure that if anything were to happen,
It would do little to affect you.

It's not everyday
You find a goose that lays eggs
With speckled jewels and golden flakes

The world is full of incongruity
And there's no doubt about the certainty
That something bad may happen,
And we don't want that, do we?

So listen carefully.

The world is a giant carboniferous spicule
Hanging in a nest of hydroxic gas and particulae
Spinning within the gaps of a blackened dome
Of limitless space and out of control
There is no telling what way it will go
There is no prediction that has fortold
Any number of moments in this tumbling slumber
Between the darkest hell and the further horizon

I so deftly advise you with all certification
To please place your bets and fly by echolocation
Your eyes will mislead, your ears will displease
And there is no way we can refund divine warranties

This machinery
has a half life of quarks
And energies that vibrate into other orbits
Retaining the spin and informative piece
Of that golden goose let loose amongst the canopy
Of dark,
off into neverland, straight on
Till new morning,
Beyond the stars

So please good sir don't migrate away from me
I have so much to give and such pain I have seen

Those that fatten their goose with **** till it quacks,
Those ravenous souls who ate their gift for a snack,
And when life finally cuts them down to their last,
They will howl and yowl and pray that goose back.

This is a game,
Have a good little laugh
Don't waste your time or your money
On a daffy Aflack

Policy that keeps you policed to the earth,
No way to fly,
Stuck in the dirt.
That is no way to live in the dream,
That is no way to let death trickle in

So please, pretty please, make sure you have coverages
And a couple extra dollars in the pocket of those jeans
Wander freely, you great big atomic bomb, you.
Do catastrophic damages and I'll pay your dues.

Ride the road coast to coast,
Fly a bird 'round the world,
Take a truck till you're home,
Find a love you can trust.
Find a place where your egg
And your legs seek nowhere else
Lay down those roots,
It's Eden or bust.
Francie Lynch Jul 2018
I don't have a filing cabinet,
I've emptied all the drawers;
Lugged it through my clearing house,
Then gleefully through the  door.
The **** thing's out for pick up.

Each drawer was filled with files:
Insurance forms for cars and bikes,
Gone this long while;
Health receipts for healthy lives,
Warranties and refund lies,
Transcripts from a former life,
Lesson plans and records,
Some pics of you and me.
All shredded, bagged and tightly tied,
And ready for the street.
I'm finding some relief.
If only I could do the same
With memories of you.
EC Pollick Jan 2014
Man in the long black coat
as ominous as the Dylan song.

Eyes with wild abandon
Hurricanes happenin’ in them eyes.
Flicking a half-smoked cigarette
into a ***** puddle.

Sizzle of extinguishment
the sound of his life.

The dark cobblestone streets quiet, for once.
His cowboy boots keeping him surprisingly warm,
despite the November cold.

He stands at the crossroads.
If the devil came to make a deal,
he wasn’t sure he could say no.

“Lead me not to temptation.”
too late.

Stories of stuff, not people filled his head.
He found people broke more than stuff.
A whole department there to pay you back.

He lit up again.
Surrender to addiction
Just let it take you.

The nicotine rushed to his head and he exhaled,
feeling a little bit better
than 30 seconds ago.

He thought of the girl at the bar.
God, she could have passed as her twin.
Thinking of her was like
being hit by a battering ram
over and over again.
Crushed chest,
Crushed soul.

Again, he flicked the half-smoked cigarette away.

The cold November night,
The only one joining him tonight.

She’s not coming.
She never was.
anastasiad Nov 2016
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MissNeona Sep 2014
Up, tinkering in the shop,
I wanted to hear the whirr of that engine
To feel the power of it's presence,
To pry open this casing,
Void warranties
Anais Vionet Nov 2020
What stands guaranteed?
The moon's drifting away, oh
inconstant cosmos.

Gravity fights us,
taxes come due, boys will ******,
some things are certain.

What about love? We
need extended warranties
for consumer faith.

Permanent pressed
love - no crumpled hopes
- investor safety.

“Love bonds”, or "emo-
care?” No worry, we’ll find a
marketable name...
few things are guaranteed and romance isn't one of them... why not??
April Mar 2018
Someone that I cared for
Once asked my favorite word.
I didn’t have an answer then,
But now I do.

Tomorrow is a word that rings,
A bell whose sound we chase and try to catch.
Through the years we follow,
It’s echoes full of hope and full of fear.

Tomorrow makes no promises,
No warranties on joy;
An accident, a tragedy,
Could be beyond this night.

But though I know that this is true,
And sadness comes for all,
Tomorrow too could hold the door
For my future self

That joyful woman I hope to be
Once all is right that can be fixed.
And so I chase tomorrow’s ringing,
Clear and pure through the nights of time,

And I know that soon the night will end,
And she’ll wait for me at tomorrow.
Aaron Johnson Dec 2017
I'm not the product you sought to buy. My "I've been used by dates" shows I should have been expired.

Yet still here on the shelf
stuffed to the back down the wrong aisle

my label is illegible but they still try to place me with their sloppy stocking hurting me more

All the scars becoming just damage to the packaging voiding warranties and wants of me.

Take me on discount.
I'm a steal.
All my values plundered
But never brought home.
War has no warranties.

Copyright 2019 Tod Howard Hawks
A graduate of Andover and Columbia College, Columbia University, Tod Howard Hawks has been a poet and human-rights advocate his entire adult life.
America is as rich as her poorest citizen, as healthy as her sickest, as educated as her most ignorant.

We are more concerned with goods than goodness.

May we be servants to all others and masters of ourselves.

If a man doesn't keep his word, he soon finds out he has a limited vocabulary.

The mountain is deeper than it is high.


If you are going to err, err on the side of generosity.

"Evil" is the word "live" twisted.

I open my heart so I may enter yours....

The poem is the sound, publication an echo. The sound is more important than the echo.

Are you shocked to find out that I'm human and therefore imperfect, or are you embarrassed to realize that you are the same...?

One cannot impose what's right;  one can only evoke it.

The Second Coming will be the coming to the realization that each of us is sacred, that all things are divine.

The only thing our country recycles well is pain.

Take the high road. There's less traffic up there.

It is easier to find a publisher than to find your heart.

To save Earth, you have to planet.

Beliefs expressed anonymously are coward's clothes.

Out on a limbo.

Racism is one of the worst forms of mental illness.

We used to just waste human lives. Now we turn lives into human waste.

Someone once asked me, "Do you have a hobby?" I thought for a moment, then replied, "Yes, I do. I collect beauty--beautiful music, beautiful art, beautiful memories...."

Labels are for ketchup bottles.

In our nation's capital, we have more probes than probity.

An avalanche, a mountain's revanche.

All people live downstream.

The greatest rage is when you scream, you cannot hear the scream.

Adobe abode


Danger has anger in it, tragedy rage.

The sound of a siren has become our national anthem.

Do not confuse your pain with your worth.

Knowledge is finite, wisdom infinite.

Wealth is not worth.

A paradox is paradoxically not paradoxical.

Love is my religion, and my politics, too.

I am crazy with clarity.

War has no warranties.

THE GOOD NEWS:  Our next world war will be our last.
THE BAD NEWS:  It will last only 10 minutes.

Know truth by untruth.

The deciding vote cast is the bullet fired by the assassin.

Less commerce, more mercy.

Things cling.

You don't need a policeman or a teacher or a priest to teach you right from wrong. You only need to have been loved.

When love is your currency, all else is counterfeit.

Those who remain silent in a democracy are complicit in its destruction.

I have 8 billion friends on Earth. It's just that I haven't met them all yet.

I saved a billion dollars today. I didn't buy a Caribbean island.

Do you want Peace on Earth or would you rather just own a huge piece of it?

How many friends does a person need?  Only one, her- or himself.

We have many religions on Earth, all believing in the same God, but calling the same God different names.

The only way to become a traitor is to cease to be true to yourself.

I will die for anyone, but will never **** anyone.

The only thing worse than a despot is the people willing to brook him.

Don't tell me your title. Bring me your heart.

There are no illegitimate children, only illegitimate parents.

It is never the wrong time to do the right thing.

A politician makes calculated decisions, a leader moral ones.

Noble instead of global.

All works are autobiographical.

Lincoln used a little to say a lot. Most use a lot to say nothing.

Most are familiar with the epigram "Ties that bind." Despots's favorite is "Lies that blind."

Power should empower, not oppress.

Ideals are ideas with an "l" on the end. The "l" stands for love.

What does it matter that our flags are waving if our spirits are flagging?

What good is it to receive a medal if we have no chest to pin it on?

All wars are internecine.

In war, censorship is the first amendment of the 1st Amendment.

The CIA has the freedom to warship as it pleases.

The cannon of ethics.

Victory without honor is not triumph, but turpitude.

I am a racist, a human racist.

We are made taut by what we are taught.

It is easier to study novels than ourselves. It is easier to write essays than to assay our own worth.

Self-acceptance is the synthesis of all that is strong and weak in us. These alloys become allies, forming a better, more durable, more flexible mettle.


Poetry is like the ocean wind:  It blows only for those sails that are open.

Avoid a void.

We are all in treatment. It's just that some of us are treated better than others.

Most affluent people think the common good is a mutual fund.


Pretension, smugness, fatuity:  even high society has its richuals.

Some like heavy-metal music. I like precious-metal music:  Beethoven, Bach, Mozart.

A square is a neurotic circle.

Meanness is smallness.

Let your love be a moral poultice.

Allude to yourself.

Be all you can be:  Be yourself.

We are ordained when sunlight touches our brow.

I have an infinity with God.

Soular energy.

Light is the ultimate luxury.

If I were truly your superior, I would sit beneath you.

We are tied together not in knots, but in a tapestry.

It is not right to profit from another's misery.

You cannot hoard love.

Utopia is those streets paved with kindness.

Will is the intent to allow.

More enduring than fame is flame.

If a man were a tree, fame would be his branches, greatness his roots.

All great men have met before.

Unfortunately, the relationship between parents and their children are junk bonds.

To be a perfect human being is to be imperfect.

Who among us has not hurt?

The shame and stigma belong to those who remain ignorant and fearful of, and therefore bigoted against, those who have the courage to seek the help they need to help themselves.

Brooke S May 2020
I lived in my sanctuary,
handmade, using materials with lifetime warranties
intricately and precisely I carved the pieces of my soul into softwood, sealing in all the cracks so nothing else could get in
I put up mosaic windows using all the coloured pieces I had, letting the light shine through and illuminate only the parts that I wanted to see
you can make anything seem more beautiful than it is
when you need to
but the walls that sheltered me from past storms weren't meant to last forever,
even though it took all my strength to put them up
And it took just as long to break down the sanctuaries I built up in my head, as it did to build them
its okay to be attached to the way you used to survive
Chandra S Jan 2020
Like those magnificently lonesome trophies -
      once hard fought for
      with all our might and capacity
      and then left to rot on the rocks;
      abysmally, in perpetuity -
all laurels and triumphs get jaded and weary
dominions faded and supremacy sickly.

Every hard earned victory
      once immaculate and pristine
succumbs to frivolous, lame apathy.

The slick sheen gathers blemish
in barren whispers of ungracious hearts
      silently, firmly, surely
for once at the apogee
desire - the very impulse to aspire - furtively departs.
It is present during the ascent
but when the apex is won
the zest is swiftly defunct
subverting the very fuel to be peppy -
leaving us all bled, spent, petty.

There is simply no mystery or intrigue anymore
as passion fizzles out and gives up the ghost.

The lustre peels and withers
      forsaken, listless, tattered.

No wonder then
that it is baffling to be thankful
for something so ostensibly chipper
...yet dreary, hackneyed, ephemeral
under those glowing amber covers.

Pursuit, on the contrary
is thrilling -
      buoyant, snappy, ****.
Powered by desire
      all consuming and fiery
it spurs us on
but then fretting comes easy
with every little mis-step
or importunate want.

We grieve in sleep as well
dreaming and planning
about what we lack
instead of wakefully celebrating
our sublime bounty
and prized treasure stack.

Despairingly lost in notional worlds
we then innocently rue:
Why life is not distributed normally?
Why the negative skew?
Why is gratitude more arduous
than it is to accuse?
Or why winning seems spurious
and losing so disproportionately true?

Know then that desire is the architect -
      creating and perpetuating
      us and our countless worlds -
A crackerjack industry
of solutions, hopes and warranties
with inevitably concealed and crafty
toxic downstream corollaries
that make success seem pale and phlegmatic
      somewhat misty, a little tepid
while failure looms conspicuously
snarling viciously in fervid agony.
Lawrence Hall Aug 2022
Lawrence Hall

                                   An Extended Metaphysical Warranty

You buy something and the man behind the counter
Asks you if you want to pay extra for a warranty
And when you ask why, doesn’t the gadget work
He’s grumpily ready for you to move on

Most things in life don’t have extended warranties:
Love, Hershey bars, tree frogs on the window screen
The John Wayne movie machine that broke long ago
But memories of MeeMaw are always fresh

You live through pain, and He who is beyond the stars
Gives it meaning – that’s the warranty
The ways of destiny are strangely fright-filled
After Friday's Catholic fish-fry
with our ******* dry
we pray to God a lot,
to force Staples to honor
the worthless warranties that we bought
The ways of destiny are strangely fright-filled.
After Friday's Catholic fish-fry
with our ******* dry
we pray to God a lot,
to force Staples to honor
the worthless warranties that we bought
do forevers come
with warranties

i can't help but wonder if
all my tears have caused
water damage

if all my
i hate yous and
i don't mean it's
have worn it down

can we fill in the cracks with
i love yous and a lot of make up ***
we will pretend that it actually worked

i can't help
i let us break
i swear
i tried to catch you
i've never been good at
holding on

i've wrote you
i'm sorrys
i just keep forgetting that
i comes first
when talking about
our pieces
i have a habit of making everything about
with our ******* dry
we pray to God a lot,
to force Staples to honor
the worthless warranties that we bought
I bleed thick arterial blood profusely as fat lesbian medics leisurely
truck me to a big city V.D./A.I.D.S.-*****, public, quack hospital or
some place of some sort for some reason as old, devoted Christians
bring the pine Christmas trees in during the crucifixion of our Lord
Jesus season as it's seen that this ritual to Jehovah is 100%  pleasin'
Me love white Yankee conquerors with ****** B & ricin nerve gas
who ****** all my **** family long time ago in long-time-ago past
when it wasn't kooky to alphabetize ***** as **** A, B or **** E
Let us carry out & sally forth with de-icing an iced brake pump like
C.P.R. on ******, “Papa Adolf, for the love of Jesus God wake up!”
A warrior of 9 holy wars asks, “Who is the ****** with you fella?”
I don't know for certain but I think this *****-**** answers to Stella
as this wild Geechee ***** rat snake only babbles in coastal Gullah
These doughnuts ain't fresh! How do you know? I tasted them. And
these kitty turds ain't fresh either! How do you know that? Shut up!
Half a doughnut in to my doughnut experiment I am puking chunks
like a twinky modeling ***-pink ****** for Hungarian hunky hunks
who sail *****-ships in reverse, payin' sailors like winos pay punks
After Friday's Catholic fish-fry with our ******* dry we pray to God
a lot, to force Staples to honor the idiotic warranties that we bought
Truly, because only our richly-blue Heaven's God-on-high has ultra-
holy Biblical God's godly-god power, I seeketh graves to desecrate,
infidels to hang, virgins to de-flower, **** to fling off Eiffel's tower
The miracle of Glen Campbell? Each time I play a song by Glen Q.
Campbell my Chihuahua takes a ****. I wonder now, now that Glen
Q. Campbell has crapped out, will Chico be constipated a little bit?
5 bullets into John Lennon = big curtailment of public appearances,
hand-holding, bun-baking, Greek shipping-magnate disappearances
Hello Isabelle, my neighbor's uncle used to go to the island of Cebu
to fight in the style of Kung Fu to whip his **' ******* black & blue
To be alone & dead is sad but no sadder than a few other dead ends
that entail crappin' out among ***** who'd ripped you off as friends
Foot  Rhythm ~ Feel the rhythm of my foot as I bury it up your ***.
You **** my raunchy *** 'cause you are gay from Monday through
Thursday for a full week's pay, regardless of what you playfully say
I'm in love with 48 married women who are in love with each other
because they were co-workers in a factory mixing Jiff peanut butter
with a long-handled-wooden dingus that looked like a ship's rudder
I bleed thick arterial blood profusely as fat lesbian medics leisurely
truck me to a big city V.D./A.I.D.S.-*****, public, quack hospital or
some place of some sort for some reason as old, devoted Christians
bring the pine Christmas trees in during the crucifixion of our Lord
Jesus season as it's seen that this ritual to Jehovah is 100%  pleasin'
Me love white Yankee conquerors with ****** B & ricin nerve gas
who ****** all my **** family long time ago in long-time-ago past
when it wasn't kooky to alphabetize ***** as **** A, B or **** E
Let us carry out & sally forth with de-icing an iced brake pump like
C.P.R. on ******, “Papa Adolf, for the love of Jesus God wake up!”
A warrior of 9 holy wars asks, “Who is the ****** with you fella?”
I don't know for certain but I think this *****-**** answers to Stella
as this wild Geechee ***** rat snake only babbles in coastal Gullah
These doughnuts ain't fresh! How do you know? I tasted them. And
these kitty turds ain't fresh either! How do you know that? Shut up!
Half a doughnut in to my doughnut experiment I am puking chunks
like a twinky modeling ***-pink ****** for Hungarian hunky hunks
who sail *****-ships in reverse, payin' sailors like winos pay punks
After Friday's Catholic fish-fry with our ******* dry we pray to God
a lot, to force Staples to honor the idiotic warranties that we bought
Truly, because only our richly-blue Heaven's God-on-high has ultra-
holy Biblical God's godly-god power, I seeketh graves to desecrate,
infidels to hang, virgins to de-flower, **** to fling off Eiffel's tower
The miracle of Glen Campbell? Each time I play a song by Glen Q.
Campbell my Chihuahua takes a ****. I wonder now, now that Glen
Q. Campbell has crapped out, will Chico be constipated a little bit?
5 bullets into John Lennon = big curtailment of public appearances,
hand-holding, bun-baking, Greek shipping-magnate disappearances
Hello Isabelle, my neighbor's uncle used to go to the island of Cebu
to fight in the style of Kung Fu to whip his **' ******* black & blue
To be alone & dead is sad but no sadder than a few other dead ends
that entail crappin' out among ***** who'd ripped you off as friends
I saw a film today oh goy, Prince Jesus Christ had just won the war
by Himself, without Dad's help, Jesus extirpated Haifa's rotten core
I saw a film today oh Troy, Jewish King Jesus had just won the war
by cursing grain with white blight to despoil Judea's vast food store
I saw a film today oh joy, our Divine Messiah had just won the war
by afflicting the children with pox to exterminate Judea's rural core
so as to crush the crushing penury inflicted upon the ******-*** poor
After Friday's Catholic fish-fry
with our ******* dry
we pray to God a lot,
to force Staples to honor
the worthless warranties that we bought
with our ******* dry
we pray to God a lot,
to force Staples to honor
the worthless warranties that we bought
I bleed thick arterial blood profusely as fat lesbian medics leisurely
truck me to a big city V.D./A.I.D.S.-*****, public, quack hospital or
some place of some sort for some reason as old, devoted Christians
bring the pine Christmas trees in during the crucifixion of our Lord
Jesus season as it's seen that this ritual to Jehovah is 100%  pleasin'
Me love white Yankee conquerors with ****** B & ricin nerve gas
who ****** all my **** family long time ago in long-time-ago past
when it wasn't kooky to alphabetize ***** as **** A, B or **** E
Let us carry out & sally forth with de-icing an iced brake pump like
C.P.R. on ******, “Papa Adolf, for the love of Jesus God wake up!”
A warrior of 9 holy wars asks, “Who is the ****** with you fella?”
I don't know for certain but I think this *****-**** answers to Stella
as this wild Geechee ***** rat snake only babbles in coastal Gullah
These doughnuts ain't fresh! How do you know? I tasted them. And
these kitty turds ain't fresh either! How do you know that? Shut up!
Half a doughnut in to my doughnut experiment I am puking chunks
like a twinky modeling ***-pink ****** for Hungarian hunky hunks
who sail *****-ships in reverse, payin' sailors like winos pay punks
After Friday's Catholic fish-fry with our ******* dry we pray to God
a lot, to force Staples to honor the idiotic warranties that we bought
Truly, because only our richly-blue Heaven's God-on-high has ultra-
holy Biblical God's godly-god power, I seeketh graves to desecrate,
infidels to hang, virgins to de-flower, **** to fling off Eiffel's tower
The miracle of Glen Campbell? Each time I play a song by Glen Q.
Campbell my Chihuahua takes a ****. I wonder now, now that Glen
Q. Campbell has crapped out, will Chico be constipated a little bit?
5 bullets into John Lennon = big curtailment of public appearances,
hand-holding, bun-baking, Greek shipping-magnate disappearances
Hello Isabelle, my neighbor's uncle used to go to the island of Cebu
to fight in the style of Kung Fu to whip his **' ******* black & blue
To be alone & dead is sad but no sadder than a few other dead ends
that entail crappin' out among ***** who'd ripped you off as friends

— The End —