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NitaAnn Apr 2014
The truth is that life isn’t fair– it isn’t, but “you do the best you can” – at least that’s what I’ve been told.

The truth is I don’t even know which one of ‘me’ is real and I’m scared of the many times I leave my body and can no longer communicate, it makes me feel unsafe and the truth is it happens every single night.

The truth is I’m scared all the time because at any minute I could change into someone else and bad things can happen.

The truth is every single night my body aches with sharp and persistent pain, and I cannot rest, or find comfort. And the truth is I prefer not to be present when the pain becomes unbearable.

The truth is I feel overwhelmed with the chaos inside my head and the pain in my body – and the truth is I know that no one will be there, so why would I even ‘write’ how it feels anymore?

The truth is DT has no idea what happens now because the truth I don’t think he really wants to know and he wants to believe that because I don’t ‘email’ him or leave him a ‘voicemail’ that I must be doing better. Good Job, Nita, you are doing such a great job navigating through the pain, in a much “healthier” way. But the truth is he doesn’t know anything about my “nightly navigation”.

The truth is no one wanted to know the TRUTH then, and no one wants to know it now. No one wants to see, or hear, about a man fu@#ing a kid. Because the TRUTH is that it’s disgusting and revolting, and horrifying…and the thought really turns the stomach of anyone who hears it. And the truth is, if it makes you feel that way to hear it, then imagine how disgusting it feels to be a kid who was fu@#ed.

The truth is I scared as hell that one day I will seriously hurt or **** myself. Because the truth is that we do tend to hurt and **** ourselves, and if ‘one’ of us does it – the rest of us are scared as hell that it will happen to another survivor!

The truththe truth is a journey into madness…and you can’t handle my ‘truth’. Because your truth and my truth are WAY to different…

The truth is I’m not that scarred when I’m covered up – and the truth is no one wants to see those scars because it’s uncomfortable and perhaps a reality check that the world really is fu@#ed up – and adults really do f@#k kids – and people like me really do hurt themselves and **** themselves.

The truth is everyone ignores what isn’t “spoken” and the truth is everyone is shocked as hell when the unspeakable happens.

The truth is “I” am not the one with the blinders on. And the truth is you don’t see me now because you don’t want to see me. Because you WANT to believe that I’m doing “better” as a result of your “boundaries” and “limits” (what a good doctor you are!- pure genius…she finally ‘accepts’ the limitations –and as a result huge sigh she’s doing so much better) – but the truth is you don’t know because you don’t ask, and you don’t ask because you don’t want to know- because it’s not pretty and it certainly isn’t something you see in a showroom window.

And the truth is you don’t know what my reality is because you don’t want to know, you don’t want to see. Because my reality is covered up with clothing, eyes that hide the truth, the ability to use humor to hide even the most painful feelings, and a bright smile.

And that’s okay – but really….your truth and my truth are as far apart as Earth and Venus.

Smile Pretty for the Camera, Nita ...that's "perfect."
mannley collins Jan 2016
Lies are lies
they deny you the truth.
Truth is truth
it denies you the lie.
when examined closely both are exactly the same.
They are interchangeable.
People that tell the "truth" to you are denying you lies.
How boring and dangerous and malevolent are people full of truth.
Choose your religious truth---
Christian truth.
Islamic truth.
Judaic truth.
Vedic Hindoo truth.
Buddist truth.
Capitalist truth.
Socialist truth.
Free market truth.
Managed market truth.
Monarchist truth.
Democratic truth.
Militarist truth.
Liberal truth.
Fascist truth.

People that tell lies to you are denying you truthfulness.
How boring and dangerous and malevolent are people full of lies.
Choose your lies.
Christian lies.
Islamic lies.
Judaic lies.
Vedic Hindoo lies.
Buddist lies.
Capitalist lies.
Socialist lies.
Free market lies.
Managed market lies.
Monarchist lies.
Democratic lies.
Militarist lies.
Liberal lies.
Fascist lies.
Truthfulness is neither truth nor lies.
It exists on its own.
Truthfulness is free of the Duality of Truth and Lies..
The individual Isness exists in the state of Separate and Merged with the Isness of the Universe.
Permanent Mindlessness is unconditional love--just ask any Dog or Cat.
The Mind separates us from the Isness of the Universe.
The Mind creates Duality which is governed by Conditional Love.
The individual Isness creates Unconditional Love(Consciousness) which is outside Duality.
Mind cannot create Unconditional Love.
The individual Isness cannot create Conditional Love.
If you have Mind/Conditioned Identity in your head you cannot love Unconditionally.
If you do not have Mind/Conditioned Identity then you can only love Unconditionally.
If you have Mind and Conditioned Identity  you cannot be Merged with the Isness of the Universe.
If you are Mindless and Conditioned Identityless you are merged with the Isness of the Universe.
Conditional Love says I love you on Condition I can hate you.
Unconditional Love says I will never stop loving you but I may dissapprove of your actions but I will never hate you because I cannot hate..
Conditional Love is selective--it only applies to Family and Friends and fellow GroupMind members.
Unconditional Love is not selective--it applies to every living being--human or otherwise.
Unconditional Love does not see people as Friends and Enemies.
Unconditional Love sees people as individual Isness incarnated in bodies.
Humans are deceived by the Mind into believing that the Conditioned Identity is their true Identity and deceived by the Mind into believing that they should leave the running of their brains and therefore their lives to the Mind.
The individual Isness is a small but equal individual independent,
nameless,formless,genderless,autonomous portion of the Isness of the Universe that people controlled by Mind are taught to call a Soul.
The Soul is just another Mind created Conditioned Identity.
The Atman is just another Mind created Conditioned Identity.
The individual  Isness is formed from a small but equal portion of the essence of the Isness of the Universe and incarnated in a Human Body of either Gender-_male or female of any skin colour.
Veritasism coming from latin Veritas meaning truth and

-ism meaning a distinctive practice, system, or philosophy, typically a political ideology or an artistic movement.

Veritasism is an ideology or a philosophy that says what we believe in is the truth.

-Core Belief: Each person's perception of reality is inherently their own truth. This means that what one person believes or experiences is as valid as what someone else believes or experiences, even if these truths seem contradictory.

-Living in Your Own World: Since everyone's beliefs and perceptions shape their reality, Veritasism proposes that each individual lives in their own world. The world that a person experiences is shaped by their thoughts, experiences, and beliefs. This could mean that two people might experience the same situation differently, and both experiences are equally real to them.

Key Tenets of Veritasism:

1. Personal Truth is Inherent: Every individual's beliefs, perceptions, and experiences create their personal truth, and that truth is valid for them.

2. No Universal Truth: Truth is subjective, and there is no single, universal truth that applies to all people.

3. Respect for Other Truths: Since others live in their own worlds of truth, Veritasism promotes respect for different perspectives, fostering understanding and empathy.

4. Open Dialogue: Communication is vital to understanding the truths of others, helping to resolve conflict and build mutual respect.

Practical Application of Veritasism:

Self-Reflection: Encouraging individuals to reflect on their beliefs and how these shape their experiences. Dialogue: Promoting discussions between people with differing beliefs to explore and understand each other's worlds of truth. Respect for Diversity: Encouraging tolerance and acceptance of varying perspectives, recognizing that each person's truth is a valid representation of their own ex

(It might seem stupid but the world is full of stupidity so it doesn't matter.)

Just as philosophies like absurdism and externalism have a different ideology yet different people believe in it and it's their own truth in life. Some believe life has no meaning some believe that we can make a meaning, but what humans need to realize is that everyone lives in their own life, having their own god(except money), their own world and truth. It's foolish to argue over religion and some other personal beliefs. Everyone has their own world that they are in control of. Some believe in god some believe they are god, so? It's none of your business. Everyone has their own truth and meaning in life just as everyone lives a different life. They have the full right to believe in their "truth"


How do we define real? What is real? I'm not sure and I don't care.

I don't care about anything at all, but at the same time I care deeply.



What is religion?

-Religion is a particular system of faith and worship.

-Another definition could be the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods.

In my belief, religions were either coming from evil people that wanted to control the world, some philosophy, or just something that was before science trying to find why are we here.

People worship gods that they don't know but get an answer based on their beliefs, some manifest or pray stuff into reality by just blindly believing. Some got answers from Allah, some from Jesus, some from Hindu gods, etc...

Yet they don't believe in the same god but get their answers. It's because they believe in it with their whole heart, creating something similar to what is called Placebo Effect.

The oldest religion in the world Hinduism comes from India. According to many scholars Hinduism is around 3500 years old. As I mentioned before, religion is an odd concept and we don't really know why does it exist.

Religions play a crucial role in the documented history. It played and plays a huge influence on people, good and bad.

What does religion have to do with Veritasism?


Well it has nothing to do with it historically but it can change perspective for some people that have strong religious beliefs (for example a strong religious people could **** someone for not believing in their god).

Also Veritasism can change the whole concept of religion and „truth" in general.

What i mean by truth is a personal belief of truth, not something like mathematics.

Religious Relativism:

-Veritasism rejects the idea of a singular, objective religious truth that applies to all people. Instead, it posits that each individual has their own truth about religion, meaning that different people can believe different things, and those beliefs are equally true to them. This can challenge traditional religious views that often claim to have access to the "one true" faith.

-Faith in Veritasism becomes a deeply personal journey. One's belief in a higher power or spiritual path may change over time, and that evolution is valid as long as it reflects the individual's own truth. For instance, someone may shift from believing in a traditional religious narrative to embracing a more non-theistic or agnostic perspective, and that transition would still be viewed as a valid part of their spiritual journey.

-A core element of Veritasism is respecting other people's truths.

This means that when it comes to religion, Veritasism would encourage tolerance, understanding, and compassion for those with different religious beliefs or practices. Rather than seeing a person's religion as "right" or "wrong," Veritasism calls for seeing it as valid within their own experience.




What is death?

-the permanent ending of vital processes in a cell or tissue.

The concept of death in Veritasism—given that each person lives in their own truth and world—can be a deeply personal and transformative experience. Since Veritasism asserts that each individual's beliefs, perceptions, and experiences shape their reality, this would naturally extend to how death is understood, approached, and experienced.

While each person's experience of death is subjective, there may still be certain shared truths or experiences that connect people when it comes to death. For example, the grief of losing a loved one may be universally recognized, even though how individuals understand that grief may differ.

Death is a really big concept. It isn't connected that much to Veritasism, but it can help an individual on how he perceives it or even calm an individual.

"Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss in life is what dies inside us while we live."

-Norman Cousins



Thoughts and Thinking

For truth seekers like me it is possible you may suffer from extreme anxiety because you want to know the truth.

In Veritasism it can change your perspective on how you view truth and it can calm you.

I was thinking for a long time about Veritasism so I decided to finally write about it.

I feel like I have failed. But that still doesn't stop me. I made a phrase

"If you don't try then how will you shine?"

-So here I am trying.

"Take a chance, and you may lose. Take not a chance, and you have already lost"

People don't realize how much power we have. Our thinking shapes our reality, so be careful what you think about.

"Conquer your thoughts and you shall conquer the world."

Your perspective is important in life. How life is depends on your perspective.

Veritasism has 2 big teachings.

"Love is the frequency of existence itself. It means that you are always unconditionally supported, no matter what you choose."

"All causes of action are risky, so prudence is not in avoiding danger, but calculating risk and actin decisively. Make mistakes by ambition and not by mistakes of sloth. Develop the strength to do bold things not the strength to suffer."

-I hope the teaching is clear.

Everything is a vibration. We have an entire universe within us. That is my belief and my truth. Everything depends on you.

Everything is frequency. Everything vibrates, your thoughts, everything. Moving your mind into a higher vibration, state or frequency (however you want to call it), you can attract anything you want.

Master all laws of universe and you shall attract what you want.

(my truth, my belief. It may not resonate with you at all.)

"I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing and that is that I know nothing."


"The mind is a place that can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven"

-John Milton

You are so powerful. Your mind is so powerful. Be careful how you think.

For me religions are very hard to comprehend so I decided to calm myself by Veritasistic thinking.

My beliefs change rapidly just as my personality does. I'm not sure why it happens. Sometimes I'm spiritual sometimes that, sometimes that... So if anything confuses you based on my thinking, know I'm confused too.

It's a short book about my philosophy, in the near future I will make an extension of it and make it more organized. I like to share my thoughts with the world, hoping I can make a difference. I am currently spiritual instead of considering myself religious.
avalible on wattpad Ksenija Ostojic Veritasism
Vicki Acquah Oct 2015
When Truth Came A Calling

There's A knock on my door,
I ask "who is there". ?
Standing there are five faces. .
They answer" IN UNISON "Truth"
I ask" Why the disguise"...?
It is I,"Truth" they all refrain.

How will I know which one of
you is to cross my threshold,
Let us all in and you will
figure it out in the end.
"No" I shouted I will never-
I will dismiss the one in
front he is much too "Clever".

Now there are four. Who shall I leave
to come through my door.
The next one began to explain,
every reason he should entrance gain,
a very convincing argument, I exclaimed,
"Go away you are nothing but" Rhetoric";
Everyone knows that the truth is Plain.

Now standing there in
front of my door left three,
The next one to speak
was beautiful, and very ****...
"let me in, and I will prove I am truth.
You knew my mother her name was Ruth".

No! -You cannot lure me with ***
I read the story of your mother
and interpreted well.
If you do not leave my
door I will surely get vexed.

Now that I sent all but two away,
It was easier to tell ,
Who was left to welcome in..
Which of these two should enter my abode?
I had to ponder as to What truth really meant.
Was it something to be applied like a first aid kit.?

Is it true, that the truth is
sometimes ugly, and always plain?
Will the truth set you free after the pain.  
I pondered some more and let them both in.

One was life and one was death-
One was yen and one was yang.  
Truth number one started to speak, He said:
"No" The truth is not always in plain sight
Sometimes you have to search for it !

And:"Yes", The truth
can be ugly at times,
but you were right;
Real truth never wears a disguise.
Some truth is Imagined and
real truth's are universal

Depends on the mindset of the
thinker. What he perceives to be real-
has had many rehearsals;
As his thoughts have been trained -
as to what he see's, knows and feels.

The truth is not convoluted,
nor contrived,and
you will always KNOW
more than you think you do;
When the truth arrives.

When you enjoy the lies,
and the rhetoric,
It's because the lies
you believe, benefit you,
Though PREJUDICE eyes
can barely RECOGNIZE
the TRUTH again ever.

And so you will remain
To the self seeking lies forever.

We are truth,they lamented-
We are the wide and the narrow
THE good,THE bad,


There was a knock on my door--
Someone had come,
disguised as one of truth's
Somehow he has come
to blame the innocent victims.

I prayed for my secret
eye to be opened,
and my judgement
to be discerning.

Because the truth,
as it seems, I am learning.
Is subject to Interpretation.

And before "Truth"
left my home, I was told.  
Man cannot reason out, that
which he does not understand-

If he thinks he understands the proof
but calls upon no spirit to discern -
He alone, is unable to interpret the truth
Copyright © 2015 Vicki Acquah
Neti Neti, I am not the Body
Neti Neti, I am not the Mind
If I am not the Body and Mind
Who am I? This must be defined
Tat Twam Asi, I am the Divine Soul, I find

If the Truth you want to know
Then on a Journey, you must go
You must Realize 'You are That, not this'
Until you realize the truth, there will be no bliss
Then only will Heaven open its door

Ghor Avidya is Gross Ignorance
I lived with the Myth, in a trance
Because I didn't know this was just my name
I got caught in my wealth and my fame
And the Truth just missed my glance

This world is a Leela, a drama I see
We are just Actors, just transitory
The earth is a Stage, we come and we go
Nothing is real, it is all just a show
We must transcend the Mind and Ego, ME

Tattva Bodha is the Knowledge of the Body
We are made of elements five
From dust we come and to dust we will go
This Body is not real, this Truth we must know
To Realize this Truth, we must strive

Atma Bodha is the Wisdom of the Soul
It is the Power that makes us roll
When we realize we are the Atman, the Soul, the Spirit
Not the skin that is outside, but the Power that is in it
Then we achieve our Life's ultimate goal

We must start a Talaash, a Quest
And put all our beliefs to test
We must Ask, Investigate and Realize
Only then will we open our 'real' eyes
And our Ignorance will come to rest

Sravana, Manana, Nididhyasana
The steps to the Truth are three
We must first read and then listen
And contemplate to realize what is within
Then from Rebirth we will be free

Sat Darshana is the Vision of the Truth
It helps us catch the evil brute
It makes us realize we are not the Body and Mind
We are the Soul, we Realize and we find
As we get to the bottom of the root

Maya is a Cosmic Illusion
It makes us live in delusion
It has the power to project the Myth
As it does, it conceals the Truth
And thus, it corrupts our vision

Aparoksh Anubhuti is Intuitive Realization
We experience the Truth and get Liberation
It is not knowledge that we can get from a book
It is beyond what the ordinary eyes can look
But the reward is Divine Unification

Why are we talking of all this?
We don't realize that this is Bliss
When we go on a quest, our beliefs to test
We search and search with all our zest
We must not stop or the reward we will miss

There are many who are caught in this world of pleasure
They think that money and wealth is the real treasure
They are prisoners of their Body and Mind
They are the Soul, this Truth they don’t find
True Peace and Bliss of life they fail to measure

There are some who use their Intellect
What is the Truth, they detect
Viveka Chudamani is a treasure, they find
It kills the rascal, the Monkey Mind
And then in Ananda they rest

Tat Twam Asi, Thou Art That
Not this, not this, we are That
We are not the Body that we seem to be
Not the Mind and Ego that says, ‘It’s ME’
We are the Divine Soul, in fact

We are the Waker, the Dreamer, the Sleeper - states three
From this Ignorance we must be free
We are Chaturyam, or Turiyam, the state that’s fourth
To this Truth we must all march forth
Then the Witness, the Observer we will be

Satyam Shivam Sundaram, do you know…
It is a mantra, the Truth it will show
Translated, it means, ‘The Truth is God is Beautiful’
Without God, there will be nothing wonderful
With Realization, into this we grow

What stops us is Ahamkara, the Ego
Which hides the Truth for the Myth to show
All along we say ‘I', 'me' and 'mine'
And so, in agony we live, and we whine
It's time to let go of the Ego

And then we must know about the Law of Action
Karma is the Law of Reaction
It states, 'As you sow, so shall you reap’
If you sin, you will take Rebirth and weep
From this cycle, we need Liberation

What is the reward if all this we do?
We will be Free from suffering, that is true
Jivanmukti is a state of Bliss
It overcomes all misery, this we must not miss
Otherwise, we will live as if in a zoo

A Steady Intellect can transcend the Mind
When the Intellect is Steady, we are Sthitpragya we find
It is about living with Realization
And not letting go of Liberation
Until we unite with the Divine

To Realize the Truth, we must live in Yoga
Not sink in this world and suffer in Bhoga
Yoga is about transcending the Mind
What the world believes is a myth of a kind
Then we are Enlightened, not blind

To Realize the Truth, all this we must know
If we have to cross this worldly show
Neti Neti, Not this, Not this
Tat Twam Asi will give us Bliss
But to this Truth we must row

What is our Life's Ultimate Goal
To Realize we are the Divine Soul
Moksha, Nirvana, Enlightenment, it is called
Because of Ignorance, this Truth is stalled
Until our Death, we just roll

To Realize this Truth, we need a Master
Then to the Goal, we will go faster
It is the Guru that takes us from Darkness to Light
A Spiritual Master tells us what is right
Reward is Joy, Bliss, and Laughter

And then, our Journey to God we will start
We Realize God lives in the Temple of our Heart
God is the Power that lives Within
It is a myth that he is made of bone and skin
And from all old beliefs, we will depart

I too lived in Ignorance for years
Until I Realized the Truth with tears
I finally realized that this was just my name
And I was glad and ended all my shame
And I got rid of all my Fears

If we want God-Realization
Then we must start with Self-Realization
Are we the body and mind? We are not this
Then, we realize we are That and live in Bliss
And then, we experience Unification

But there cannot be Unification
Unless first, there is Liberation
We must be Liberated from the Ego and the Mind
We are the Soul, this Truth we must find
And all this starts from Realization

Not this Not this, start your Quest
Thou Art That, only then you rest
Till you discover who you are not
You will never Realize, in myth, you will be caught
Don't lose your Spiritual zest
Graff1980 Aug 2016
Last night the truth was in the bottle. It may be a tad bit cliché, but the stripping away of my cognitive functions was a relaxing endeavor. Okay, there’s nothing cliché about that last sentence. Still, there I was past the crowded living room, cluttered with soda cans and people, past the small kitchen and the three guys playing cards, past the three wine coolers sipped through a straw, and the mixed drinks, pass all that there was the truth.
Dropping the regular essence of me, I slid behind the idiot clown. I tripped and stumbled, babbled and mumbled. My emotions unguarded, I spewed love almost as much as I spewed chunks of a greasy sausage pizza with little chewed up black olives. It was fun. One moment of not thinking. One moment of not dealing with the concrete and the abstract, the struggles and oppressions, my realistic paranoia and dark observations. I plopped limply down on the couch then slid off the side of it jokingly. The ground shuddered with a soft thud.  My friends laughed. I laughed. The truth is I like the sound of innocent laughter. It is a relief. All those synapse spitting out calming fluids. Till, what little stress that was left disappears.

     Before that the truth was in caffeine induced writing frenzies. There were small interludes of creativity swirling around dark depressive moods. I pushed and prodded the black keys as if I was chipping away chunks of stone on a marble sculpture; exposing myself and my truths.

     Someone told me that to be a great writer doesn’t require me to suffer. I thought it’s a good thing they’re not mutually exclusive, because the truth is I was suffering long before I started to write. The doubt which comes from learning more and more bled me to the verge of insanity. Maybe it was vanity that pushed me to seek the truth.

     Before that the truth was in quiet walks. The strolls down old dirt paths and memory lanes, crossing the mental traffic of past and present. I lingered at the jagged grey sparkling stone markers, sitting on newly grass covered plots, just hanging out at the graveyard because it was quiet. I wasn’t some emo kid. The truth was that I just preferred the quiet. It was the same reason I raced through the day to get to the night. Night was as nonjudgmental as the pine infested graveyard. No harsh sun glaring down. No strangers staring at me until I had to turn my head to the ground. The truth was the quiet, and the quiet was liberating.

      Before that the truth was in books. Kernels of wisdom locked in works of fiction. Little leather bound universes creeping in and transforming my mind.  Now, I prefer biographies; back then I loved the fantasies. Though in truth all nonfiction is fiction, because all reality is perceived relatively and written thusly. So, I stashed book in my back pack and back tracked down old alley ways to read away the lonely days. I sat in those dark corners, the dusty gravel biting my big bubble ****, but I was there for the quiet.

      Before that there was science. Beakers and Bunsen burners burning out atoms, and chlorophyll. I never really felt I had a talent for their postulates or formulas. Yet their subtle certainty, mired in uncertainty was appealing. They offered ever evolving truths. The strange transition from one logical position to the next and I was willing to adapt to any new facts.

      Before that there was god. I was his egotistically elevated idiot child. I could converse with adults on their level because in this they were as juvenile as I was; those ancient books that no longer make sense to me. Then it was the emotion of loving unearned certainty. The comfort of cowering beneath the awe and love of an all-powerful and all-knowing father figure, I called it the truth.

      Sometimes, when I couldn’t sleep, cause a life’s worth of anxiety was hounding me the truth was in the music. Soft sounding syllables serenading me to sleep, moving to the rhythm of a calmly flowing beat. The music gave me something to focus on. It was a converging point to calm the chaos. Once in a while the music would play out some story or point out some struggle. My Tracy Chapman that was the truth.

       Sleep was preferable to the waking madness of daily living. So, if I was tired I slept. People used to make me feel guilty about it. However, I realized that sleep healed the body and the mind. Sleep let me dream. Dreams let me do things beyond reality. They directed me to grand fantasies, or pointed out painful truths about myself. I could wake up crying, or I could go to bed sad and wake up content. That was the truth.  

       In-between all these things I pondered relative and certain truth. Was it constant or changing based on perception? People passed, none returned. I got older. Now my teeth are starting to rot right out of my face, but I still devour information; listening to the wild tales of strangers. Sometimes, I trust too much, other times I trust no one.

      The truth is I exist, amidst whatever this existence is. Beyond that I cannot clearly define this reality. What is the truth?
If we don't realize who we are and why we are here
If we are not happy and just live with stress and fear
If we come to earth and don't realize why we are given this birth
Then, can we say we lived? No, at best, we did exist

Everybody wants happiness, who wants to be sad
Who wouldn't exchange a life of misery for one that is glad
But few are happy with unfullled desires and expectations
They never learn happiness is a journey, not a destination

Are we meant to zoom from our womb to our tomb
Or is life such that we must be locked in a room?
No, life is about living and realizing the Truth
Finding our life purpose, getting to the bottom of the root

The world is chasing success for everyone wants happiness
They cheat, they lie, they steal and cry, and end their life in a mess
They think achievement and money will give pleasure and smiles
Till they learn Success is not Happiness, Happiness is Success

It's crazy but it's true that we earn for others to burn
Silly, we are stingy, we don't spend on what we yearn
Till one day we realize, sadly, that we have money but no life to live
Money that we can't take with us, everything we must give

Achievement creates pleasure, it makes us laugh and smile
But with it come problems that are longer than a mile
With contentment and fulllment, our life is full of peace
There is no stress, there is no worry, just tranquility, and ease

Have you ever wondered why we are anxious and miserable?
We worry about our cough and cold, and how we will pay the bill
The biggest cause of unhappiness is our desires that are not met
We seek something and are disappointed and this makes our eyes wet

What is our life purpose? Why do we come to this earth?
How do these trillion cells together take a magical birth?
If we live and do not nd life's purpose and meaning...
Then we are no better than a tree that is tall but just leaning

Instead of just existing, there are questions that we must ask
Let's make our life interesting by doing this curious task
Where is God and who is He? Is it true that God made me?
Let us nd out what came rst - was it the seed or the tree?

Are we the body that is born starting as a zygote?
Or is the body something that keeps our life aoat?
Fools are those who believe that we are made of bone and skin
The Truth is that we are the Life Energy that lives within

We think and worry and fear, that is our mind
Strange, isn't it, where is the mind, we cannot nd!
It appears like a monkey jumping from trunk to trunk
Spilling thoughts left and right till we make it into a monk

If I am not the body, I am not the mind, then the question is, who am I?
The ego says, “Oh, it's me! This silly question - why?”
The ego tries to fool us with this mistaken identity
The Truth when we know, only then we will be free

We live in ignorance covered by a blanket that is dark
We achieve many things but what is life, we miss the mark
We foolishly live and do not achieve our own life goal
To nd we are not the body or the mind, but the Soul

The body will die, and the mind will y
The soul which is me will leave for the sky
The body will return to dust, that's no lie
That's the simple Truth, I will never die

There is a power that controls this earth and universe
A power that's kind, that's wise, and does not curse
How is it possible otherwise that the earth goes round and round?
Who is the one that causes all the magic on the ground?

We know God exists but who is, where is, what is God?
Why can't you tell us the secret from the skies, Oh Lord!
We know you exist that's for sure, we have no doubt
You are a power that we know, but we pray: please come out

Life on earth is a Cosmic Drama, we come and we go
Nothing is real, it's like a dream, it's just a Cosmic show
Because we think that life is real, we worry and we cry
We ght, we shout, we scream, we suffer right until we die

Karma is a universal Law, what you give is what you get
As you sow, so shall you reap - on this I can bet
Law of Action and Reaction, those who **** will be made to hang
And it all returns back to us, just like a boomerang

Man thinks he can achieve anything but little does he know
There is a mysterious 4th Factor that actually controls the show
Man believes results depend on him, his equipment and his act
Sad it is but the results lie with the 4th Factor, in fact

There is a way to suffer no more, not to worry, not to cry
If only we nd out the Truth of 'who am I?'
Then though the body and mind suffers, that is not me
From regret, fear, worry, pain and misery, I am free

Of course, we all need a good Life Coach who will teach
Otherwise, it is not possible that success we will reach
If we want to nd the Truth and our life to realize
We need a spiritual master, who will open our real eyes

Do you know anybody who has been to heaven or hell?
Are there devils in hell and does heaven have a bell?
The Truth is this, these are not places that anyone can go
Sins or good deeds are redeemed here on earth we must know

If we are not the body and the mind, then who are we?
We are the Soul, the Atman, we are the Life Energy
When the body is born, we enter and we are the cause of birth
We continue to give life to the body till it dies here on earth

We all say that time is ying, but this is not true
We are moving. Time is still. It's stuck like glue
No doubt the clock has a needle. Its ticking doesn't stop
Stop and see time is still. It's we who run and hop

We must realize this Truth that knowledge is not realization
It's the root, it's not the fruit, there must be evolution
From knowledge shall shoot wisdom that will nally make us know
Who we are and why we are here, in our Soul this will glow

What is our goal? All religions say it is liberation
We must realize we are the Soul, whatever be our occupation
Most of humanity thinks that happiness is the goal
No, this is not true. It is to nd that we are the Soul

Where is the mind? We cannot nd but who will make us know?
It is our intellect who is the master to make the mind slow
The intellect discriminates between what is right and what is wrong
We then choose what we must do and sing a happy song

There is a way to stop all our worries and anxiety
If we live with detachment then from misery we are free
It is passion and desire that makes us expect and crave
If we don't live with dispassion, we will take worries to our grave

What is the key to realization? The secret, do you know?
With discipline of mind and body, towards liberation you can go
If you have no control on your body and your mind
In a prison of Body and Mind, yourself you will nd

People think yoga is a physical exercise.
This is believed by fools, not the ones who are wise
Yoga is union. It's a connection with the Divine
That is all that matters, and it is truly sublime

Who is it that kills and destroys our joy and peace?
It is we ourselves who do it. Let's not blame others, please!
When we start, there is happiness and peace all around
But we desire and we crave and anxiety is found

The one who can be happy in this moment, in the NOW
It is he who can be peaceful, grazing like a Happy cow
He doesn't live with regrets of the past that is gone
Nor does he live with the fear of the future not yet born

Why do we nd that people easily believe in the myth?
Why don't they ask questions and Realize the Truth?
Because we believe in rituals and trust superstition
Our life is in turmoil and we live in stress and tension

Maya is a cosmic illusion. It has two amazing powers
With one it conceals the Truth, with the other, it projects the stars
Nothing is real in this cosmic world, everything is a dream
Because we believe in Maya, we fear, worry, and scream

The Law of Causation states that every effect has a cause
Don't just believe it's a gold ring. Ask questions and pause
If you remove gold from the gold ring, you will nd nothing left
The Divine is the cause, the world and we are just effects

To achieve the goal of life, important steps there are three
It starts with the purication of body and mind, then we are free
In the second step, the darkness goes because of illumination
In the nal step we become one with the Lord, that is unication

Every human being on earth has to act and is not free
When we wake up from bed, we wash our faces and be who we must be
While we cannot be free from action and this Truth we do know
We can be free in action and we can let the spirit grow

At death one of two things happen…this is the Divine Truth
If we believe we are body and mind, we will have to take rebirth
But those who realize we are the Soul, from rebirth they are free
At death, their Soul is liberated and one with the Lord, they'll be

Columbus discovered America, the land he could touch and feel
Self-realization can't be discovered. You’ll know it when you peel…
Layer by layer, when you strip apart the body and the mind
You will realize you are neither, you are the Soul that's inside

Even those who realize the ultimate Truth, they are still not free
They still have to ght the war within, then liberation they will see
The Truth you know, you are still prisoner of the mind
When you transcend ego, and mind, then you are free, you will nd
Of course, there is a way to everlasting peace and joy
If we are free from body and mind, this bliss we can enjoy
But rst, we must realize the Truth and know that we are the Soul
Then we can achieve everlasting joy and peace as our goal

Many things are beautiful, with these beautiful eyes we see
And then we can appreciate how beautiful the Creator can be
But when we realize that everything is a manifestation of the Lord
Then we will not just see beauty, but in beauty we will see God

All religions are good for they take us closer to God
But there is one problem, they say their God is the only Lord
Thus, religion is the kindergarten to spirituality we must know
We must go beyond our religion, in spirituality to grow

Realization of the Truth is nothing less than magic
It eliminates regrets, fears and takes away everything tragic
When we realize we are not the body that cries and the rascal mind
This is the realization of the truth, and peace and joy we will nd

When something happens don't wonder, accept the Divine Will
We must trust in the Divine Master, His design and His skill
Rather than hope for something and break our little heart
It is better to surrender to the Divine, just doing our little part

We all have enemies, who doesn't? But the greatest enemy is 'ME'
ME is Mind and Ego, a bigger enemy there cannot be
It bombards us with thoughts and causes anxiety
It makes us suffer in regret and fear and doesn't let us be free

What is life all about, have you ever thought?
Who are we and why we are here, this we have forgot
The purpose of life is to nd the Truth - we are not body and mind
Our goal is to unite with the Divine, and this Truth we must nd

In a transformation, we make a change, though it is better, not worse
We changed our life from what it was, but this change we can reverse
But a metamorphosis is different, it's when a caterpillar starts to y
It can never again crawl on earth as it becomes a buttery

We are all Souls embodied in a body and a mind
Without this body-mind complex, the Soul we cannot nd
Just like mud needs a *** to manifest itself
The Soul too needs a body and mind and can't be seen by itself

Why do we fear, why do we worry, why do we regret?
Because we live in ignorance, we fume and we fret
But once we realize the Truth that we are not body or mind
We dance with joy and peace, and misery we leave behind

It starts with self-realization, knowing who we truly are
Neither are we the body, nor the mind, but the Soul that shines like a
This leads to God-realization, we nd God is a power
He is everywhere, on earth and in the sky. He is in every ower

The human mind can't understand all, it has a limit we must know
The nose can smell, but cannot see and show what eyes can show
And so is the human being created, he cannot think beyond
He can realize the self and realize God, but can't go beyond

I live as the happiest man on earth, what is my secret of life?
I live with peace and joy and bliss. I have no strife
I know I am not body or mind. I am a Divine Soul
To unite with my Lord, My God, is my Life's only Goal.
Spiritual Poem By AiR
The son came to his father
and with tears in his eyes
he said “my soul is ruined,
and my heart has faced demise.”
The father said “my son, there is
a light you must pursue,
A wisp deep in the forest,
that dwells amongst the dew.

Pursue the Truth and Goodness
relentlessly my son.
Pursue the Truth and Goodness
and before your journey’s done
you’ll have your heart’s true longing,
unending peace of mind.
The soothing of the soul that which
all men in time must find.”

The lad went on his mission,
yet even at the start
the thorns of sloth beset him and
they tore his legs apart.
But still, his body bleeding and
his feet being weighed with lead,
he pushed on, persevering,
these words held in his head:

“Pursue the Truth and Goodness
relentlessly my son.
Pursue the Truth and Goodness
and before your journey’s done
you’ll have your heart’s true longing,
unending peace of mind.
The soothing of the soul that which
all men in time must find.”

And so he journeyed onward,
yet in his path there lay
the fiery beast of fearing that
did wrathfully buck and bray
it roared and charged our hero,
its horns did pierce his chest.
Yet through the pain he struck the beast
these words clove through it’s breast:

“Pursue the Truth and Goodness
relentlessly my son.
Pursue the Truth and Goodness
and before your journey’s done
you’ll have your heart’s true longing,
unending peace of mind.
The soothing of the soul that which
all men in time must find.”

So still the lad went onward,
yet who should he now find
but the wagging tongue of mocking
to place doubt in his mind.
Yet though all nerve and sinew
in his arms did melt away
his mind was ever focused
for these words did he say:

“Pursue the Truth and Goodness
relentlessly my son.
Pursue the Truth and Goodness
and before your journey’s done
you’ll have your heart’s true longing,
unending peace of mind.
The soothing of the soul that which
all men in time must find.”

All hope he had forgotten,
yet lo and yet behold
the shining Truth and Goodness
of which he had been told.
He forced his arms to outstretch and
his legs the pain withstand.
He grabbed the Truth and Goodness as
he whispered to his hand:

“Pursue the Truth and Goodness
relentlessly my son.
Pursue the Truth and Goodness
and before your journey’s done
you’ll have your heart’s true longing,
unending peace of mind.
The soothing of the soul that which
all men in time must find.”

And there he stood, a-trembling,
his strength was all but gone.
His life was quickly fading
but yet - the deed was done!
The Truth and Goodness’ light shone as
its power filled his soul.
And as his strength redoubled
it spake these words in full:

“Pursue the Truth and Goodness
relentlessly my son.
Pursue the Truth and Goodness
and before your journey’s done
you’ll have your heart’s true longing,
unending peace of mind.
The soothing of the soul that which
all men in time must find.”

The wagging tongue was nothing
as its words fell on deaf ears.
The beast of fearing feared, for
our hero knew no fears.
The thorns of sloth were burning as
the flame of truth shone bright
and though the night brought darkness,
these words shone as his light:

“Pursue the Truth and Goodness
relentlessly my son.
Pursue the Truth and Goodness
and before your journey’s done
you’ll have your heart’s true longing,
unending peace of mind.
The soothing of the soul that which
all men in time must find.”

The lad said “Oh my father,
my heart now knows no tears.
I’ve shuffled off my doubting
and I’ve left behind my fears.
No sloth can ever slow me,
my eyes see through the night,
for Truth and Goodness guide me as
my everlasting light.”

Pursue the Truth and Goodness
relentlessly my son.
Pursue the Truth and Goodness
and before your journey’s done
you’ll have your heart’s true longing,
unending peace of mind.
The soothing of the soul that which
all men in time must find.
Who am I? Why am I here?
What is the truth about life, my dear?
I am not the body, I am not the mind
Who am I? The truth, I must find!

Most of us, just live and die
We believe the lie that God lives in the sky
We don't ask questions, 'How and why?'
All we do, is live and die!

What is the truth? We must put it to test
To realize this, go on a quest
Most believe, we are the Mind and Ego, ME
From this ignorance, when will we be free?

We are not this body, this is a fact
This body came later, after the fertilization act
First, came the Soul, the Spark Of Unique Life
When Divine blessings fell upon a husband and wife

The first cell of life is called a zygote
It may be in a man, a sheep or a goat
Every life starts with the arrival of the Soul
To realize this, is our ultimate goal

Neither are we the body, nor are we the mind
Where is the mind, we cannot find
The mind is nothing but a bundle of thought
And in this thought, we are caught

We believe the illusion, we are the Mind and Ego, ME
In this Ignorance we grow, the Truth we cannot see
Until we go on a Quest, we will never be free
We will never discover, who we are meant to be

We are not the body, the ego or the mind
We are the Soul, this truth we must find
If we want to achieve life's ultimate goal
First, we must realize that we are the Soul!

The Soul is a Spark Of Unique Life
It is immortal, it experiences no strife
The Soul has no birth, it has no death
It is a Power that gives us breath

We think we HAVE a Soul, what is the truth?
We ARE the Soul, it is our root
Without the Soul, we would never be
We are nothing but Soul energy

Without the Soul, we would be gone
Without the Soul, we wouldn't be born
Without the Soul, we would never grow
It is the Soul that makes us come and go

Of course, for sure, this body will die
But who leaves the body and flies into the sky?
Because we think that it is the Mind and Ego, ME,
From our Karma, we are never free

The Body dies but ME takes Rebirth
The Mind and Ego, ME, returns to earth
But how does the ME in a new Body arrive?
It is the Soul that makes it alive

So first, we must realize, I am a Soul
Then only, will our life, start becoming whole
Then, the purpose of life, we will achieve
The ultimate truth we will get to perceive

This truth can't be known, it must be realized
For this, we must delete what is memorized
Whatever we were taught, we must let go
Then only, to the Divine, we will flow

I am a Soul, the Soul is SIP
This Truth must come to our lip
God is not God, God is SIP
We must start this voyage, start this trip

Who, where, what is God? We must ask
It is not blasphemy, we must do this task
If we truly love God, if God, we yearn
Then, this Ultimate Truth, we must learn

God is not made of bone and skin
God is the Power that lives within
God has no birth, God has no death
God is present, in our every breath

Let us stop saying from today, 'God’
Let us realize the truth of our Lord
God is not God, God is SIP
May this Divine truth, from us, never slip

SIP is present in every Soul
SIP is in every creature that can run or roll
SIP fills this universe whole
Be it a mighty animal or just a mole

SIP does not have a name or form
SIP never dies, SIP is not born
SIP has no beginning, SIP has no end
At death, the Power of SIP does transcend

Therefore, SIP is everywhere on earth
SIP is the cause of every birth
SIP gives life, to come and go
Without SIP, there would be no show

I am a Soul, the Soul is SIP
This is the truth that must be on our lip
This will start a voyage on a special ship
And to SIP, we will start our trip

Therefore, in essence, 'Who am I?'
I am that God who is thought to be in the sky
When I realize, I am nothing
I become SIP, I become everything

I am not the body, ego and mind
I am the Soul, when this truth I find
Then, I realize, I am none other than SIP I don't speak,
SIP speaks through my lip

I do nothing, SIP does it all
It is SIP that makes me grow tall
Although in ignorance, I may again fall
But I have realized that there is SIP in all

I am SIP, you are SIP, we all are SIP
The Truth is that SIP is in every lip
We realize the truth, when we go in search
We realize that God is not in a temple or church

SIP is the essence of every being on earth
SIP is in that little rabbit that takes birth
SIP is in that bird that flies in the sky
But we in ignorance, ask, 'How and why?'

When we realize, 'I am the Soul'
And then Realize, 'Soul is SIP’
We then, Realize the Truth, 'We are all SIP’
Every creature alive, is on a Divine Trip

SIP is the Soul in you and me
SIP is the supreme immortal energy
The Soul that is SIP is in every living being
Animals, birds, plants and every living thing

When we realize that the Soul is SIP
We realize God is a Power, then we flip
From the myth, we flip over to the truth
We realize, 'SIP is in every root'

Every tree, every flower and every fruit
All that is alive comes from the root
But what is the Truth about the root?
It is SIP, SIP is in the flower, fruit and the root

This world is nothing but full of SIP
Every molecule of matter is the Power of SIP
The five elements of nature on earth
Are nothing but SIP, this we must unearth

This book will make us unlearn the lie
Let's realize the truth, before we die
‘I not ‘I’, I am SIP
The Supreme Immortal Power is in every chip
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2017
strange, there's always "the" truth, but always "a" lie... i never understood the monism of truth, and the pluralism of a lie (lies), what is interesting is that with the exclusion of articles: there's but one truth... as there is only a chance of lies... when your disregard the use of definite / indefinite articles, you are talking about truth and lies... reworded, as is necessary ti effectuate the purity of language... the truth: a lie... we speak of truth, but then reconsider this truth with: lies - lies have no uniformity, no honing foundation, not (0, 0) vector enterprise to guide a third negation (kant equate 0 with negation) - the third coordinate of negation is impossible... two negations are possible, but a third negation is near impossible, since there's the first negation of a proposition, then there's the negation of the negation of a proposition (second), but a third negation of the second negation (of a proposition) is impossible, because by second negation the third negation has no proposition to negate, only a negation, and a third denial is a contradiction, and how can a negation that's a "proposition", be negated?! magnet dynamic.

telling "the" truth (a truth) is actually
the easiest thing to do,
  truth doesn't erode the memory,
in that by not eroding the memory -
it allows a narrative a continuum
that does not necessarily have to
digress into a regression of overlaying,
repeating a said lie -
truth is hardly mingled with
memory, truth is forgetfulness -
however, lies reveal a strain on memory,
in that they have to be repeated,
to keep a narrative: intact.
    - and that's what my mother always
taught me:
              - unlike a chinese mother
who says: keep your heart small -
no, instead she said:
    don't like -
  conjure that one up against
the ten commandments:
  there's no shall, i.e. you shall
not lie, she simply said:
               don't lie -
                 if i lie i lie about
the most finicky concerns / details...
notably in culinary concerns -  
   i ask whether i under-salted a dish...
i don't lie about my drinking:
yes. to excess,
   in one ear, out the other -
a litre of whiskey is sometimes not
enough, per night,
           but then i act upon
the sober person cordiality -
              i hush my footsteps -
    i encourage bladder talk and
squeeze my **** to avoid
the unexpected gush of soggy
  telling the truth is fun,
at least the narrative is glued together,
it feels almost vampire-like:
   perhaps there's a visage in the mirror
to my body, perhaps even a shadow
in the night, but when i stick my tongue
out from out of my tongue?
i see nothing.
  truth is a honing device -
lies: always shrapnel -
  a lie was never and never will be
a unifying concept -
            since there is
        no definite lie -
               as there is, a definite truth -
for there are indefinite lies -
   but no indefinite truths...
                  well, that's also wrong,
indefinite truths exist
           but their indefiniteness is
historiologically* true, rather than
historically true -
              i.e. history is a lie,
    but also a truth, when empowered
with a chance to repeat: or improve -
yet it is still necessary to denounce
  the article as sole inheritor of being
                 definite or indefinite -
              a chance to see truth (the)
applied to the definite article, as seeing
lies (a) applied to the indefinite article
is not merely singularity honing,
  or pluralism shrapnel...
              but by simple construct of but
three to four words:
  the truth...
                   vs. a lie: which implies
a singularity indefinite - i.e. a pluralism,
the truth resembles only one resolve -
a one inside a one;
     a lie?
              a lie of how many?
     hence the pluralism of a lie: lies.
                         now do we believe in
the signature ending via S?
                                        i never believed
in abstraction per se,
        the only abstraction i ever believed in,
was how to mature with one's use of
              i only believed in listening to
idiots, while reading geniuses -
so much of language is burdened with talk,
that so much optics is lost...
                     i only fathomed philosophy
within the framework of how far
language could be abstracted, away from
the jovial everyday conversations in a marketplace,
thus said: how to unlearn asking
for a kilogram of apples from a country person;
but more importantly:
for to speak a tongue foreign to me,
but in a way,
as to make the native speakers:
feel nothing but shame,
and if not shame: confusion...
to become a tarantula...
for personal reasons, i rather keep
intact in the person i am becoming.
What might the heights of the minds eyes see while the spirit is in motion of the purest emotion of intent and expression of love?

Is it such a state where false has awards and evening gowns picked out for the awards show?

Is it so fake that one might find it difficult to understand real from false?

Or might the fact that when a human being can truly  walk the line of life with grace and demanding ******* while gently caressing the absolutely overwhelming truth that love has ravaged the soul ,

Ravaged this soul,

*****, held, ravaged, run through, righted and scorned in the deepest of waters a soul has yet to express to the world for two thousand years, and all while  the captive ....... Soul,         is critiqued on the devastation wrot in such completeness that is is even to this day savoured as a prized  fetish even unto the sad would self.

Dare I ask simple a question of wondering curious eyes of windowed souls to cast a view into the dew of the greatness of being of truth and grace while respecting the very heart from which such torture pours from?

dare a truth be asked that such a human being be of a dignity in company with the child timid in him self torn, dashed , bruised, named and bolder than the soul that resides in you?

Dare a tasked truth be ever revealed of contemptuous  acts of ***** souls and privacy of ones tiny castles in the  oh so damaged and bitter sands. Of the wombs of mind that we all venture to frontier the very limit of the souls endurance, prestige while being undignified by the raw violence of the act of continued ****, or is a dared truth to harsh a fact for timidness of my self to have swallowed whole as the soul of mine self and mine eyes and mine teeth from which the vengeance did pour a pounding to seek, all to be driving back by the broken and horrorably disfigured child of me that many find more womanly.   For this Ugly Boy of me, this sad sot silly and ***** smaller to the vastness of the fridgidness of ******* through lies and manipulations while taking in the raw ******* of the common God's child , virus this not what we all are the now newly in question not so rarely ***** and sold like ****** in a new church for the dastardly and bastarded ******* that we have come to call complacency of decency?  

Any, how foolish, yes my dear friend , you are indeed a wiser worrier  wafareing wondering wizard of vast skills and frightful  ways and means to tame the beast of such hateful things , so costic as to reach deep into them and quiver their tiny tethers and frail feathers all a mockingly  to the tones and notes left after we vacated the dead crypts of self deprivation and hate as we all found the truth of the emotion as it poured through us when realizing this damaged, torn and frightened child , a man holding the depth of winter killing fields at bay, a man kindly swaying the stars to play a tune so as to grace all who broke his heart a stay of pain for each and every attempted and timidly bold and brazen sway and slanted ****** love or raw truth and powerful motions from which we all find the fancy to ****** the  tool as the goofiest  **** **** as hell fool we all choose to allowed the absolute grace and magesty to ******* Rule our Hearts for even just a fraction of a moment in this prayer of endless time, yet hold with the dared scary and walking naked and alone into the lions den while the wolfs and beasts all gathered their finest clothes, weapons and gold, silver, trinkites and shiny of the shiniest of the things they boldly and brashly slash all with as to command the fear to reside in the human spirit.

As this silly little hill Billy with a **** nice *** *****, were wolf feet and all called out to the proudest and loudest of the tiny little spouts and softly said " what is all you foolish fuss about?"
"Have you lost you most precious toys, only to find victim the Dickson of my sorry and sad state of dieing from the oath and lashing of what you helped  rip from what can only be many peoples and communities and even many families?"

Dare a truth to truth this dare my dearest cud of a bear for a true beast of welcome verosity I be all the while giggling and prancing all about like a happy *** skipping fairy, and of this I most truly rather be for don't you know? , did no one tell you the news?  The horror is scaring but the truth is so amazing, turns out scar gardens are the softest things God has ever created, scar gardens are the hardest element that break far stronger , bold creatures of far fasters tested , cleeted, bust a mother up than most man has ever know to exist.
Scar gardens are the very  spouts from which the truth and grace of the living love of God pours fourth into this majestic ******, animal ,spiritual ,sacred, holy and magnificent place , a place that the very bashing of the flowers that dance you delight even in the pity, plight, laughter , and slight  has done nothing but cast us all from it loving embrace, yet, dear cub of a Billy bad *** nub of a cubbed couger in the final leaps to catch this timid and playful prey of me that you so think you will devour you see,  we, the ones whom truly felt and opened and dare that **** scary *** chance to dance with this devil in the pale moon light have found that they no longer must live in fright, that this very garden is theirs and none to own but to flourish and grow, thrive if you must, but lest get nasty for a real minute, animal to animal ,it ma thrive , sure but it will **** , love ,fight, rise , Smit , right the wrongs that have tortured us far to ******* long and in that moment of exstacy the human race may just finally realize ***, love, caring, kindness and truth of self are the face of God starting through your eyes experiencing all f his loving songs creations and getting ******* goose bumps and he'll yes this Billy Jack goofy *** bad  kat all **** knuckled with bad habits and a lust for loving full ******* spectrum and a lesbian trapped in this fugly *** mans body all crazy *** triple run *** marks the spot moon shine devil of mine were wolf feet and all does truth and whole love the Real Girl and is ,,,,, and most mother ******* who are real and real down with the truth that God is love and loves even your silly but as God loves mine silly *** and the rest of this star studded cast of human **** ups simply attempting to pass and go the **** home at the end of the school bell.

HUA,    I do love the Real artist  you speak of, she knows it, and may just know that I know she is not the one laying **** the silly hill Billy with a rather bad *** wi,,,,,,,, um sorry.     Where were we. Oh yes. Um. Only those who care to let go and allow the truest of flows and are true to self and the love that one finds in the being of anothers breath, thoughts , actions , decisions, and mistakes and graces to right ones self after horrors that tear us and embarrass us, these know the truth ,and my dear friend i love you too, but not like the love i expressed to you in hopes you to feel the love i share to her with out pushing it on her, so that what is rightfully hers to reject or except i gave it all away to all even those whom used it to fuel hate in mine own shape , form and name.  And i have done all of this and a dillion years of pouring stars into the hearts of that goofy *** girl by way of dancing crying and **** it dieing through the very core of you,  yes i got you high, horney, got you off, many times , i gave you memories of sparks you know, i gave you worlds of wonder and ways to flurish and grow, i gave you what you , well many of you , did not even deserve for it was truy meant to be for her, but i felt that the most good it could do and the best love i could show her is i can love all of you and even rock hear heart all the very same ways i moved you , and not loose one silly little drop of the tears in her pain, yet sip them and drip them into her so she may choose to live again, as she has done for you now see? For I C C I said this goofy eyed going man who has done all this in his true and real names,  For I Love You So.

And didn't even eat my wheaties wink , smile I a not mad at ya, just being me, and some times we all have a tax bit of  werewolfand badger **** in us , sorry to offend, smile in the end, we all just might be ,,,,, sort f friends..
Big Virge Jun 2021
That’s RIGHT The Truth HURTS... !!!
When It’s Served To JERKS...
Through Words And Verse....

That DON’T Observe LYING...
And Taking WRONG TURNS... !!!!!

That Preserve FALSEHOODS....
That SHOULD BE......... Removed........ !!!!!!

The Truth HURTS In Ways......
Because It’s... STRAIGHT... !!!

UNLIKE The Ways...
Now DEFINED Today... !!!
As Being... OKAY.... !!!

Like... ****** Displays...
That INDULGE In *** PLAY...
And Of Course Today’s SWAY...

Towards Accepting... “ Gays “...
Whose Actions NOT So Long Ago.... !!!

Were Seen As UNCLEAN...
Being NASTY And Low... !?!

A Truth That YES HURTS... !!!
And DISTURBS Herds...
Whose Truth Makes Moves...
Like... Media News...

One Day It’s... THIS... !!!
And The Next It’s... THAT... ?!?

And Then They Make CLAIMS...
That Their Stories Are FACT... !!?!!

A Truth Now Found...
To Cause Losses of Pounds...
And Dollars TOO... !!!

When These LIARS Confuse... ???
Due To Views They USE...
To Have People CONSUME...
That FILLS.... Balloons.... !!!!

And Cladding For Towers...
Where The TRUTH Became HOURS...
of... " FIRE and POWER "... !!!!!
That EXPOSED These COWARDS... !!!!!

For What They Did...

... DENY A Truth...
That KILLED Elders And Kids... !!!

A Truth That Now Sits...
In Those Who Now LIVE...

That Do MORE Than SCARE... !!!!!!

On... TV Shows..... !!!!!

Where Hosts Quiz THOSE...
Who Dealt DESPAIR... !!!...

Because of How Low...
Their Dealings GO.... !!!!!!!

TRUTH To These Folks...
Seems To Be... UNKNOWN... !?!

I Wish That I Could Say....
That It.... " JUST AIN’T SO "... !!!

But That’s A TRUTH That GLOWS... !!!
Like Homes Now SHOWN...
To Have Been DESTROYED... !!!

Because of... “ Ploys “...

Like... Peace Envoys...
Whose Truth Makes NEWS...
When They’re Found To ABUSE...
People They Were SENT To Give HELP To... ?!?

DON’T Play The FOOL.... !!!!!

That HURTS Like Views...
From... Racist Crews... !!!

Whose HURTFUL Ways...

NO MATTER What The Liberals...
...... TRY TO Say..... !!!

From Brexit' To Trump...
Those Running Gums...
About UNITY And EQUALITY... !?!

Because Their Truth...
Is Based On DENIAL...
of Things Profiled...
And Historically Filed...

Those In... “ Politics “...
When They Part Their Lips... !!!

Sexually... Or Otherwise...
They Deal In ABUSE...
And A Number of LIES.... !!!

And Then Get To Be...
On... " PRIMETIME TV "...

To Talk About WHY...
People Have DIED... ?!!!?

Well It Seems To Me...
That It’s Down To ***** DEEDS...
Making Money And GREED... !!!

NO MATTER What The Cost....
To Their OWN Communities... ?!?!?

Come On Now Peeps’...
It Can’t Just BE... ME.... !!!

That The TRUTH Is Something...
That Humanity NEEDS... !!!!!

NO MATTER What Race...
… Colour Or Creed... !!!!!!!!!

It May Well HURT...
But Also SERVES... !!!
In CALMING Nerves...

Cos' of LIES That FEED...

Things That Now Make People BLEED...
And Have Folks Living In POVERTY... !!!!!!!!

While These LIARS Now PREACH...

Kinda Like These Black Peeps’...
Who Act Like... “ Sheep “...
And SEEMINGLY Don’t Like TO SEE...

... DARKNESS Be...
Where The White Folks Be.... !!!!!!

You See Colonial Themes...
And... SLAVERY...
Are Truths That BURN...
When Black Worms TURN...

Because They WON’T UNLEARN...
What They Have LEARNED... !!!!!

A Truth On Which...
I’ll End This With...

Because IGNORANCE Reigns...
Like... LIES Today... !!!!!

Just Take A Quick Look...
At... Political Games... !!!!!!!!!

Well All I’ll Say.....
Is That Being FAKE...
Is... NOT THE WAY... !!!!!

And That LIES Do WORSE...
Than... Honest Verse.... !!!!

When You READ These Words...

That Simply SHOW How … YES...

... “ THE TRUTH HURTS “...
Silencer Dec 2018
Through the fog and through the rain
and the midst of my escape
to seek a hope of rescue I await
that though I fell away
I become the master of the energies I once believed could not be tamed

And So I thank you

Thank you, for setting forth instruction, fufillng the indulges of my desire to be taught
In my adolesence
I listen to The Order of Your Word,
carried out through training
adhereing in self-discipline
I now had learned to crawl..
that in the giving of free will, I be given way to step my foot in straight directed forward path, to spread the power of your Love

Thank you, for the Wisdom to know choice
for even though evil ways I crossed
you granted opportunity
to raise me up and walk

Thank you, for the Wisdom that's your Son
Who descended from the heavens to
to guide the way in sacrifice
that our hearts may see the light, never growing cold, to be overshadowed by the darkness, that fades into the night
A Knowing, Through Jesus, The Law Fulfilling Christ
That in Wisdom we come to know the Truth
Truth that set forth Wisdom descended from the heavens to carry out the Truth
A spreading of the seed that through Wisdom you come to know the Truth
That Truth may blossom like the flowers of the field in hopes you be carried out by Wisdom
To the land that fosters only Truth
Truth that is of Wisdom
Because Wisdom is of Truth
Because Wisdome is the truth
Because Wisdom was The Word guided by the Truth
Because Wisdom is The Word Of Truth
In Ascention, to once again unite
The Trinity
The Infinite Divine
Cause the only path To Truth is Wisdom
because only Wisdom knows the Truth
Because Wisdom is the Truth
And Truth resides in Wisdom
Like Wisdom resides in Truth
And To Find Truth You must Find Wisdom
That it takes,
Wisdom to Know Truth

The Truth that is God

Thank you, that my loving you was my absolute and greatest fear
Whether I be right or whether I be wrong
It was in my sinning That I found the Fear of God
doors that led to my refuge
that I may know liberation
offerings he presents, to represent, his representations, of representatives

In that, Rising from submeregence
Thank you,
Blind that unblinded I became
I come to know the penalty,
A life without a cost, without cause
For such name I could not bear to hold
dissenigration of the deepest realms that had been placed,
       For the Angels of the Fall..

            I'm not meant to be here

Secluded in my hiding I find death, and death cannot be bought
To act against in Sins of He whom I Fear  Most Loved,
That I once more come to Thank You,
For it was there, that I was found to find my self dwelling,
        In the Shadows of The Lost
It was fear I Wed, more so did I know it was a custom of the dead
of those who away from love Fled
married to the absence of those unable to return and just like the memory
the sparkle burn a hopelessly, Only for their Spirit to return to from whom they were sent
Samuel Lombardo Jan 2019
Stories, truths, lies, all these lines,
So confused as to what is happening.
Like riding a rodeo, Dust and rope, rain and shine,
Been a year thinking, and breaking bones,
Healing, taking bumps, watching phishermen
As they try to pick the lock of my heart.
The truth is no one knows my story,
No one knows his story,
They take letters, unscramble them to make a sound
A sound that is not yet proven to be true, either way.
I have time to think and make my move.
No one is rushing it, I am not, he is not,
We are on the same page, but the healing begins.
The only way you will get the answer is not by words, Understanding math, and finding the common denominator
Is the only possible solution.
I am the solution to the problem, not the problem.
Math can sometimes be difficult, because
There are ways to finding the solution,
But if you're not careful, there may be many numbers
Not useful, and the remainders will have to be
Reworked until there is a clear denominator for Solution to this equation.

Rumors have it that I did not show my right to him.
However, truth says that time and space heals wounds.
I do not have to doubt my love,
Because I see where the common denominator is.
Rumors have it that I drove him crazy,
Truth is that I feared love and he opened me up to it.
Rumors have it that I am not right for him,
Truth has it that solutions are sometimes painful,
But only the one can be the solution to my problem.
Rumor has it that I think I am the one,
The truth is the only common denominator that seeks
To make the math problem whole is the one.
Rumors say, that I will not feel loved again,
Truth says, it is love that is opening me up from a distance. Rumors say I do not belong in his life,
The truth says, I already exist in his life,
I am the one he suffered to fix me, and I accept it.
Rumors say I have no peace because I have no love,
Truth says he is the one that opened me to love.
Rumors say I am a broken dream with no hope,
Truth says I am the hope that brings peace to dreams.
Rumors say I am nobody and fat and ugly,
Truth says, my heart opened and my ugliness has Moved on to peace, love, and understanding.

Rumors say, why you like younger people?
Truth says, my youth is what brings me the joy I seek.
Rumors say leave it alone, you will never have him,
Truth says, I already did, and now I am more open.
Rumors say you will never last,
Truth says, true love, lasts a lifetime.
Rumors say you caused the separation,
Truth says, my heart was inseparable and I will prove it.
Rumors say, distance ruins relationships,
Truth says distance is what heals obstacles and barriers.
Rumors say I have some many barriers to open love,
Truth says love is what opened my barriers to freedom.
Rumors say the foundation to my heart is broken,
Reality says brokenness is the foundation of fixing
The broken pieces that will show the one
Who is the one in space and time to fix my brokenness.
Rumors do not believe in love but fear that love exists,
Truth believes that love exists and hope is the key.
Rumors need a reality check,
The truth knows where it is heading on this journey.
Who doesn't want to be Happy?
We all seek Happiness
We search for it from birth to death
But the true treasure of Bliss we miss
Success is Happiness, we were taught
And in this myth, we were caught
We won and we lost, we succeeded,
and we failed But Happiness we forgot
Happiness is like a Shadow, you see
The more you chase it, the further is goes away
But if you stay still to enjoy it
You will see that with you, it will stay
Happiness is not a product or a place
Nor a person that can give you Bliss
Happiness is a state of being, my friend
When will you realize this?
From the time we are born, we seek Happiness
Just as we run away from pain
We start seeking pleasure and then we seek Peace
We seek Happiness again and again
Ananda is that state of Joy
It is true Bliss without a tear
We transcend the suffering of ego, body, and mind
And we live without worry and fear
But this state of Ananda, this state of Joy
Doesn't come to us for free
Until we become conscious of the Truth
In this state we cannot be
It starts with the Realization of the Truth
Overcoming the myth in life
Renouncing all superstitions and rituals
That create misery and strife

When we go in quest, 'What is the Truth?'
It is then that we get to find
All that we were taught when we were a child
Was a lie, but we were just blind
When we are Enlightened with the Truth
It is then we get to know
We are not this body, we are not this mind
This world is just a show
We realize that we are the Divine Soul
That causes us to live until death
The day we leave this physical body
There is death, there is no breath
But we are that, the Divine Soul
To realize this is our goal
Then, we will experience true Ananda,
In Peace and Joy, we will roll
Why is it we don't realize the Truth?
Why the Truth we don't find?
Because we live as prisoners
Of the ego, body and mind
Our quest leads us to the Law of Karma
Our actions make our desires prevail
Then we realize there is no heaven and hell
It is all but a fairy tale
Today science agrees we are not the body that appears
Before this there was no synergy
It had warred with spirituality on almost all counts
But today both agree we are energy
When we become conscious of this Truth
Then the myth we leave behind
It is then that we open our spiritual eyes
We can see, we are no more blind
But soon the mind that's a monkey
Will jump from thought to thought
The Truth that we had realized
Will soon be forgot

The challenge is to stay conscious
And to observe as a witness
Only then the Truth that we have realized
Will give us Happiness
The Truth is the Truth, no one can deny
But we must be conscious of it
Otherwise though we have the knowledge
We will lose sight of it
Consciousness is not an easy thing
It's unknown to the world
Only a few are blessed to experience
What the wise sages had told
SatChitAnanda, they used to say
Consciousness, Truth, Bliss
But what this state actually was
Nobody could understand this
Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss
But how this Joy, can one find?
Unless one realizes the Truth
They remain prisoners of the mind
Ananda is that state of Bliss
It is a state of Joy that's rare
It is eternal Peace and everlasting
Bliss But you must pay the fare
You must be conscious of the Truth
If you want everlasting Peace
Then the triple suffering that makes you cry
Will, once and for all, cease
Nothing will affect you in this world
As you surrender and you accept
The Divine Leela of the Lord
You will realize you passed the test
Nothing is real, it is just like a dream
In the end, we all must go
But if we live conscious of the Truth
We will truly enjoy the show
Those who don't know, they fret and fume
They look at the sky and they cry
They try to make sense from what happens
They pray and ask God, ‘Why?’
But those who live conscious of the Truth
They live a life of Bliss
They have learnt to live in the moment
Forever in Happiness
SatChitAnanda is a seamless Joy
Being conscious living in Peace
Nothing that happens in the world
Can make our Bliss cease
For deep within we enjoy Peace
And conscious of the Truth we live
We know it’s a dream, it’s not real
We love, we laugh and we give
But is it easy to achieve this state...
This state of eternal Bliss?
Oh, no! As long as we have the mind
It’s difficult to achieve this
As long as the monkey mind in us
Creates all the junk
There can be no Ananda
Till the Monkey becomes a Monk
Then, we can live with Consciousness
With Peace, with Joy, with Bliss
Nothing that happens in this mortal world
Will steal our Happiness
SatChitAnanda is eternal Bliss
It is our ultimate goal
It comes when we transcend ego, body, mind
And we live as the Divine Soul
Big Virge Sep 2021
Now Dealing In Truth Speaking’s...
NOT Something For Weaklings... !!!
You’ve Got To Be STRONG...
When What You Speak Upon...
Are Subjects Where Truth...
Tend To Upset The Crews...
Who Like To Make Claims...
That They Aren’t Afraid...
To Hear Talk That’s Straight... !!!
So Yes That Means FAKES...
The Truth To Make GAINS...
In... DEVIOUS Ways... !!!
Just Like These Females...
Who’d Rather Hear FABLES...
That DO NOT Unstable...
And Make Them Feel STALE... !!!
Because They NO LONGER...
Are Told That They’re HOTTER...
Then... Suicide Bombers... !!!
That Line Was A SHOCKER... !!!
Like TRUTH That Hits Heads...
The TRUTH About How...
Their Actions Are FOUL... !!!
So... Resort To SCOWLS...
And Acting Like Hounds...
When LIES Are What’s Found...
To Come Out of Their Mouths... !!!
So HURTS Modern Day Clowns... !!!
And Causes Their Brains...
To REACT In Ways...
That Cause Them To Make...
Statements That Are Lame...
Then Suddenly HATE...
Is What They Display... !!!
Because The TRUTH HURTS...  
And DISTURBS Their Nerves... !!!
Truth Speaking CONCERNS...
These People Like Verse...
That Comes From Big Virge... !!!
Because I DON’T Deal...
In Words That Conceal...
The Way That I Feel... !!!
It’s Caused Me To Lose...
Some ***** And Tunes...
That Really Were COOL... !!!
But Speaking The TRUTH...
Is Just What I DO... !!!
And Sometimes Has Proved...
To Protect Me From Fools...
And Idiots... TOO... !!!
Truth Speaking Is GOOD...
Don’t Get It Confused... !!!
of Who’s... REALLY Who... !!!
Cos' LIARS For HIRE...
When Truth Speaking FIRES...
At Them Like Gunfighters...
Who Take DEADLY AIM... !!!
That OPENS The Veins...
of The LIES They Maintain... !!!
You See I’m Like SHANE... !!!
Cos’ My Weapon’s Truth Speaking... !!!
NO Time For Deceiving...
Or Falsified Teachings...
In My Spoken Word Readings...
That Deal In REVEALING...
Who Quickly Catch FEELINGS... !!!
When Their FALLACIES...
In TRUTH SPEAKING Zones... !!!
These LIARS Claim Thrones...
Until TRUTHFUL Quotes...
Do MORE Than Rock Domes... !!!
They SHATTER Their Bones...
And Quickly Take Hold...
of Their POOR Broken Souls... !!!
They’re Just Like Star Wars Clones...
Who Will LIE Til' Their Told...
To TURN On... Their OWN... !!!
So Truth Speakers... NO... !!!
They’re The WORST Kind of Foe...
Because What They Hold...
Is The Truth Like A DEVIL...
Who ADVOCATES Levels...
And Power That Brokes'...
Just Like... AL PACINO... !!!
Keanu Reeves Knows... !!!
That When You’re Deceiving...
Your Soul Becomes Weakened...
Just Like Cheating DEMONS... !!!
UNLIKE Those Whose Dealings...
And Movements Are STEEPED In...
That Comes From....
.... “ TRUTH SPEAKING “....
It's really not as easy as many believe, and claim it is, to do !
We human beings are seeking Enlightenment

But we live and die in the dark

The myth makes us scared of a lizard

Instead of fearing the shark

It's sad that we are taught lies

And our mind is full of junk

It's time for the Intellect to make the monkey mind

Into a silent, tamed monk

But how do we doubt our parents and teachers...

Who taught us all that we know?

How can we believe that this world is not real...

It's just a cosmic show

For years we have followed our religion

And believed in what scriptures tell

Suddenly to change our belief is tough

That there is no heaven and hell

What is the Truth, what is the myth...

How will we get to know?

Until we ask questions and investigate

Through Life, we will just flow

We are taught to chase money and success

And that the Goal of Life is Achievement

We live and die without realizing

That the Goal of Life is Enlightenment

Throughout Life we chase pleasures

And to become happy, we try to be

We never realize the Truth that happiness

Is within and then from misery we are free

Money can buy medicines and a bed

And it can buy a diamond ring

But money cannot give us health and sleep

True Love it cannot bring

So, throughout Life we believe in the myth

We never learn the Truth

We live and die with ignorance

Not getting to the bottom of the root

We try to be Happy in a tomorrow

A tomorrow that is not yet born

And we live with the miseries of yesterday

A past that is forever gone

We believe in astrologers and palmists

And like fools show them the lines on our hand

We don't realize that everything is controlled

By a Supreme Power beyond our land

We live and die with ignorance

Thinking we are the body, ego and mind

But the Truth is that we are the Divine Soul

This Realization, when will we find?

We come with nothing, we will go with nothing..

This Truth, don't you know?

Enlightenment will open your 'real' eyes

To realize everything is just a show

Then, the myth makes us celebrate our birthday

With balloons, candles and a cake

The Truth, we were conceived nine months prior

To this Truth, when will we awake?

We think God lives in a distant heaven

He is made of blood, bone and skin

That is a myth, the Truth is this

God is the Power within

Doesn't each human being on earth say with pride...

'I am Roger, Steve or John'?

These are just names, when will we realize

One day, this body will be gone!

Some of us believe in the Law of Action

Everything is controlled by our deed

Do we believe in the myth...

That we can get mangoes with an apple seed?

Then, why do we believe the Law of Attraction...

That we can manifest all we Dream?

When will we realize, not attraction, but action...

A Team and Scheme will fulfil our Dream

We believe the myth that our mind is king

And we trust it can do anything

When will we realize it is the biggest enemy...

That throughout life does misery bring!

Isn't it true that we will die?

Death is certain for all who are born

Some of us believe we are this body

But at death, we depart, we are gone?

Then, we believe that after death

To a distant heaven we will go

We ourselves destroy the body of our loved one

Then to God, who will go?

We haven't understood death, have we?

The myth of death makes us live with fear

The loss of all that we own and the beyond, unknown

Makes us shiver, year after year

Why do bad things happen to good people?

This question our ignorance does ask

Bad things can't happen to good people

Everything is happening as per our task

Then, we blame God as being cruel

And say that He is unjust, unkind

This is sheer ignorance my friend

It is a trick of our monkey mind

It believes that good deeds will take us to heaven

But think, who will go there?

The body at death has become dust

And the one who died, is where?

Of course, we have to pay for our actions

For every good deed and sin

When we realize the Truth of Rebirth

Then, this battle of Life we win!

But we just live with ignorance

Thinking bad thoughts will control our

Life It is not bad thoughts, but actions

That we do to our friends or our wife

And so, we pray to our Heavenly Father To

forgive us for our bad deeds

When will we realize the law he made?

Everything grows as the planted seeds

The Truth is simple, it can be learnt

If we transcend the ego and mind

But first we must discard the fairy tales we learnt

Then Enlightenment we will find

For years we are taught this story

That God lives in a temple or church

We live and die with the ignorance

But for God we never search

We think God is a statue or picture

Who has a name and a form

We don't realize that God is the Supreme Power

He is immortal, He never dies, nor is ever born

But because we are taught with prayer

To God we can go

We continue to fold our hands at pilgrimages

Through life we flow, we don't grow

Is there a way to find God?

This Truth we never find

We just live as slaves of our ego

And our rascal monkey mind

Because we just believe everything

We are taught and we are told

To the myth and the superstitions of this world

And to the rituals we are sold

Religion is good, it teaches us basics

But it's just a kindergarten, it's where we start

If we want to realize God

We need Spirituality that will take us to the last

Spirituality is the way to realize God

To realize the Power in our heart

To realize we are ourselves that Supreme Power

And with the Power we will unite, when we depart

But as long as we believe that our ancestors are alive

In some heaven far away from earth

We will not realize the mind and ego

Will return to earth in a rebirth

Why do we believe in the fairy tales?

Stories that preach suffering of the Soul

To realize that the Soul is the Supreme Power

Is our life's ultimate Goal

But we are taught about good Souls and bad Souls

We don't realize we are all one

Our bodies and mind are different

But our Soul is the Power of the sun

There is one Power that controls everything

The Supreme Immortal Power

But until we overcome our ignorance

The Truth we will not discover

Have you ever stopped to realize...

What is the purpose of life?

When you do, you will be free from all misery

And the triple suffering that causes you strife

The past is gone, you can't change it

But you can change Life from now

Go in quest and realize the Truth

Today, take this solemn vow

Let go of the fairy tales, the myth and the lies

And realize the Truth of this show

We are just actors, this earth is a stage

We just come and we must go

Before we go, let us overcome the myth

Let us transcend the ego and mind

Then, we will attain our ultimate Goal

Within, our GOD we will find

And if we don't realize the Truth, then what?

One day we will die on earth

Then we will return again and again

As we suffer in a Rebirth

Those who realize the Truth of Life

That they are not the ego, body and mind

They are free from all misery

Everlasting Bliss and Peace they find
Grace Nov 2019
What is truth?
So many people
So many different "Truths"
Being shoved down my throat
What is Truth?
God's word is Truth
But so many opinions
So many versions
So many "truths"
Coming from all directions
What is Truth?
If you look at "Truth" enough times
It stops looking like a word
Just like if you look at
People's "Truths" enough
They no longer look real
What is Truth?

God is Truth
He is beginning and end
He is love
He is alive
He is Truth
Just a late night thought stream.
John 14:6
Jesus said "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No inebriated comes to the Father except through me."
Marieta Maglas Dec 2011
The defined and undefined truth,
Endowed with knowledge or without knowledge,
Sometimes real or unreal,
Certainly including being and non-being,

Accepting that being is true,
Accepting the non-existence of being,

When the absence of existence means the negation of being,

Accepting that truth did not exist,
And it would have been true that it did not exist, at the same time,
Understanding that truth is eternal,

Imagining the idea of a non-existing world,
Before its own existence,

Accepting the universal and immortal truth,
So interchangeable with being,
While the universal never ceases of itself,

Recognizing the truth always existing in an eternal intellect,
While the created truth is not existing,

Understanding the created truth as not existing,
Remaining truth, when the true things have been destroyed,
Or remaining truth, when all true things can be destroyed,
Or remaining truth, when our minds can not see the truth itself,

Truth, being in sense, always as a consequence of its act.
Truth, not being in sense because
The sense does not know the truth it truly judges,
Even it judges truly about things,

The existent and non-existent truth.......
Nels Dahl Dec 2020
To tell the truth
I live in pain
There is part of me missing
And I will never be the same

To tell the truth
I’m ashamed of some of the things I have done
I have lived in a sea of regret
Over what I let myself become

To tell the truth
It doesn’t matter to me
That other people have done worse
I never intended to be anyone’s curse

To tell the truth
It’s still hard to look in the mirror
The reflection is blurry
But forgiveness makes it clearer

To tell the truth
Unconditional love is real
Although very rare
It’s much more than what you feel

To tell the truth
I cry everyday
There is crippling pain
That just won’t go away

To tell the truth
I can be selfish and unkind
I won’t make excuses
Fear can make you go blind

To tell the truth
I never thought I would live this long
I think every day
Am I singing the last verse of my song?

To tell the truth
My daughter is now a wife
She is powerful, smart and frail
Being her Dad has been the great joy of my life

To tell the truth
I have no future plan
I try to stay positive
And spread love where I can

To tell the truth
I hold on to hope
For love and happiness
It helps me to cope

To tell the truth
I’m scared of dying
If I said I was sure where I was going
I would be lying

To tell the truth
I try too hard to please
The fear of rejection
Brings me to my knees

To tell the truth
I know I’m not a bad guy
God is always reassuring me
Not to buy into that lie

To tell the truth
You are defined by your choices
The hard part for me
Has been discerning the voices

To tell the truth
I was created to spread love and to be free
I will never give up
And spread the love that’s been shared with me
Nthaby Sep 2018
There is a deep cry in all of us longing for truth, absolute truth.
We bumb into many messages clothed in truth but are not.
What is truth?We ask ourselves daily.
We make up our own version of truth.
How do we recognize truth?
Truth meets the deep cry inside of us and they dance.
Truth touches places that are empty and fills them.
Truth makes a new melody in our hearts.
Truth brings joy deep down.
Truth is love.
Truth is all beautiful things.
Oh But that's my version of truth.
What is truth? We ask ourselves daily.
I choose my truth to be love.
preservationman Dec 2018
Truth being the actual facts
Timelines that illustrate the stacks
A look back with helping to move forward
But knowing the truth one must be able to except the truth
Believing the truth is real
But along with truth comes lies
However that should be no surprise
A perfect example is when the WHITE HOUSE makes a statement it becomes a questionable though being truth with a lie mixed in
It wasn’t until when
There was no truth from the very beginning
Lies become the forefront
Truth was never meant to be the font
Real truth is real understanding with wanting to expel the truth
But Dr. Dyson explains the truth right out and being direct
“Fact is and it is fact that will stay”
Lies don’t make it right, but they do try with no understanding and guidance behind it
Truth is knowledge within the understanding, and the theory of precise logic in strategy
So what does truth sound like?
Make a Truth statement and watch for the response
Can you handle the truth?
Listen for the facts
This is my review and what do you think of that.
Keely Newton Mar 2019
I act as though im bulletproof
I act as though your words don't hurt me
I act as though im as confident in myself as the most precious thing in the world
I act as though i am tough
I act as though i knew what was coming
I act as though i know exactly what i'm doing
I act as though i don't care
I act as though nothing matters
I act as though it's all going to go away
I act as though i don't love you
I act as though everything you  do doesn't makes me happy
I act as though i never cared
I act as though i can't be hurt
I act as though my life is ok
I act as though my heart is hard enough that love can't affect me
I act as though i thought i would be able to do this
I act as though the sight of blood doesn't make me want to *****
I act as though my feelings aren't meaningful
I act as though everything is perfect
The truth is i'm not bulletproof
The truth is your words do hurt me
The truth is i'm not confident at all
The truth is im weak
The truth is i didn't know what was coming
The truth is i have no idea what i'm doing
The truth is i care
The truth is everything matters
The truth is it's never going away
The truth is everything you do makes me happy
The truth is i cared
The truth is i can be hurt
The truth is my life is shifty
The truth is my heart is empty
The truth is i want to ***** at the sight of blood
The truth is my feelings **** me
The truth is nothing's perfect
Especially me and i hope you can accept that
Aiden Hand Dec 2019
The Truth can be the light
The Truth can create greatness
The Truth can be the blight
The Truth can create darkness

The Truth surrounds us all
The Truth is always watching
The Truth does not ever stall
The Truth is always coming

The Truth can seem clear
The Truth can seem obscure
The Truth can give fear
The Truth can give cure

The Truth has started it all
Yet the Truth will also end it all
Let the Truth guide you.
Ete Sep 2011
Silence is what truly says it all.
Silence is the answer to all questions.
Silence is the language of God,
total silence.

In total silence, God is heard and felt;
flowing in you, around you.

Or we can say Life,
another word for God.

For some people,
total silence is impossible.

Right when silence and peace are entering the being,
a thought will arise in the mind and distract.

For many humans today,
the mind is compulsively bringing thoughts;
there is no silence and no communication with God.

Maybe i wont become some professional,
maybe i wont become a psychologist or a doctor,
but the love,
the peace,
and the healing that i want to give to the world can still be given wether i go to college or not.

My whole family has their eyes on me,
asking themselves and asking me:
what are you doing?
are you wasting your life?
what are you doing?
they ask me;
because they all expect something from me.

They all expect me to hop on that train,
where you compete,
and work hard to become somebody.

"You have to succeed. You have to become somebody in life!"
is what they tell me..

What can i do about it?
I let them talk.
I listen.
And i know that i am all-ready all that i can be.

We are all all-ready all that we can be.
There is no need to struggle to be-come somebody..
We are all Kings and Queens.
We only need to truly realize it.

We are all Kings and Queens because as human beings,
we are able,
of total freedom.

When we listen to our hearts,
we know what we have to do.

In our hearts we can find the answers to our deepest questions.

We have to come to know who we really are to know what we truly have to do.

And knowing who we are not,
will reveal what we don't have to do.

Because threw years of conditioning on the human mind,
too many have come to believe that we are what we are NOT.

So to know who we really are,
it truly helps to realize who we are not.

And from my own experience,
the only way to do that is to go deep inside one's-self and begin to analyze all of one's believes.

It helps to remember:
that what we believe today,
we do not believe because we ourselves choose these believes.
We did not discover them.

What we believe today,
we believe because it was said by our parents,
that this is true and that this is what we should believe.

And those same believes were told and imposed on our parents also.

And those same believes were given to our parent's parents,
and so on..

So it is important to clearly see that we did not choose to believe what we believe today.
That these believes have been traveling from generation-to-generation.

And i talk about all believes..
From what is wrong to what is right,
to what is pretty and what is ugly,
to what should be and what should not be.

As i see it:
It is necessary that we all come out in-to the world alone,
and see if all of these believes match with the feelings of the heart.

And the way to see,
is to go deeply within,
and be completely honest with what we find.

We will have to doubt all believes,
and begin to discover,
what is real-ly true,
and what is really false.

And we are all capable of fully knowing,
without a doubt,
what is true and what is false.

In my observation of nature:

A tree does not got to any school to learn how to be a tree.

And the ants do not go to any school to learn how to be an ant,
and the ants who go in search of food do not train for this specialty,
and the ants who guard their homes,
do not go to any school to learn about guarding and security.

And the birds do not go to any school to learn how to fly,
or the fishes to learn how to swim.

It is all all-ready in them.

And the same is for humans.

Humans do not go to any school to learn how to be a human,
to learn how to be a King and a Queen and an Emperor.

But as far as history and present day are concerned,
humans go to school,
and have been going to school,
to learn how to be NOT a human,
but a robot,
and a copy,
and a follower.

We are all Kings and Queens,
protectors of Earth,
divine beings,
creators of beauty and love.

According to nature,
It is not necessary for a human being to attend any school in order to learn and come to know the secrets of life and the great mysteries of the universe.

Every human being is born with that enlightened seed,
capable of blooming into a Buddha.

It is only when we decide to follow and do what others say,
that we become afraid and forget all about that seed,
therefor not allowing it to grow.

Because we believe many lies,
fear enters the mind.

We begin to fear too many things,
specially "death".

We simply start to go with societies flow,
the flow of the law,
and we don't go with the flow of life,
the flow of nature,
the flow of love.

So what i am trying to do in writing these words,
is encouraging people to believe only in themselves.

I want to encourage people to start meditating.

Start becoming aware of everything.

And stop living your life automatically.

Become aware of every-thing,
all of your movements,
all of your actions,
all of your thoughts,
all of your habits,
your routines,
your unbalances,

A topic on Meditation or on Truth is a very delicate topic.

Because both Meditation and Truth are experiences that will not be totally understood unless one has experienced them too.

It is almost like a drug inside of you that can be activated in any moment,
that can be tried any time.

Like any other drug,
**** for example,
once you try it and experience the high,
the effects that it gives,
you can then talk about the experience of being high.

But if you talk about it to a person that has never been high,
that person will not total-ly understand what you are talking about.

That person would have to smoke **** to understand you.

And it is the same with Truth and Meditation.

Truth can be the name of the drug that is inside of you.

Just that it is not like any other drug,
because it will not harm you in any way,
it will actually heal you.

It will heal your mind your body and your soul.

Your whole being will be healed.

And you will become fearless.

You will not fear anything in life because you will not fear death anymore.

You will understand that there is no death for the true Self.

That the only thing that dies aside from body and mind,
is the whole illusion of who you think you are,
your whole story,
your ego.

That will disappear.

So these words are simply to help people to activate that drug that is inside of them,
that seed,
that is within us,
so that we can become fear-less,

And so that we can discover that which we are in search of.

Because as i see it,
we are all searching for that something.

And in my believe,
until we find this truth,
there is always going to be a feeling that something is missing in our lives.

And it make take some time to know what that something is.

It may even take many lives,
many life-times.

And one will go on learning from mistakes,
and realizing that,
"Ok, it was not this that was missing,
it was not a partner that was missing,
it was not a vacation,
it was not some car,
it was not money,

One will go on searching and searching,
and until we find this truth of who we are,
which will reveal the truth of what this all is,
until then,
one will not feel complete.

And when one finds IT,
one will know that it has always been there,
that it is always here,
that we were simply conditioned to give our backs to it.

Once we begin to see what is true and what is false,
we begin to see that all of our believes go against IT,
they go against truth.

what we are searching for is here in this moment.

Always is in this moment.

It just can not be seen if we are clinging to any-thing.

One must surrender every-thing to this moment.

Accept death.

Accept the truth that one day you will die,
and that one day your friends and family will die,
and that everything that is alive will die,
and go deep into understanding what the point of it could be.

If at one point we are all going to die,
then what is the point of it all?

Why struggle,
why work,
why stress to be a millionare,
to build a reputation,
what for?

If at some point we are going to die and it is all going to disappear?

Then what could be the point of it all?

As far as i have understood,
one needs to become very silent.

One needs to start watching one's thoughts.

So that we do not have the mind talking to us at all times,
so that we can put the mind at rest.

Because the mind contains too much borrowed knowledge,
the voices that speak in the mind is not your true voice,
it is the voices of people.

We have to pause the mind,
so that we can know what truly is true,
so that we can know the truth about our-selfs.

And the truth is,
that we are not this body and mind,
that we are not any of these experiences that we are living,
that we are somewhere else,
simply aware of it all.

We are the awareness,
we ARE awareness.

We are just watchers.

Watching us speak,
watching us think,
watching us do,
watching us feel,
watching us sleep and dream,
watching every single thing that happens or does not happen in this moment.

And that watcher,
that watching,
is eternally always here,
and always has been.

Meditate and you will know it,
and you will know real peace,
real power.

Deeply study your-self and you will know reality.
Amy Foreman Feb 2017
Pilate asked Him, “What is truth?” when Jesus stood on trial,
Bearing witness of the Truth to all who heard His voice.
Though philosophy rejected it, stood in denial,
Still, the Way, the Truth, the Life allowed mankind its choice.

“What is truth?” though, sounds urbane, superior to law.
Hermeneutics of humility smooths out the field.
I seem more sophisticated, cultured, not bourgeois,
If it’s all a mystery, still hidden, unrevealed.

So I claim, “There are no absolutes; it’s relative,”
Disregarding that my statement’s antithetical.
My assertion controverts itself (though tentative),
By proclaiming proclamations “theoretical.”

Next I try, “Who really knows what truth is, after all?”
All my friends agree with me; they wisely nod, concur.
Confident in doubt, with inconsistency banal,
Logic cast aside, to diametrics they demur.

How about “There is no right or wrong; it’s in your head!”
Satisfying concept until I’m the one abused.
Then my default is to judge the wrongdoer instead,
Never asking, “Why impose my ‘truth’ on the accused?”

“Well,” I claim, “I make my own reality; it’s true.”
If you counter me on that, I’ll argue all the way.
Think about it, though, because just how can I undo
True belief with skepticism; how will doubt have sway ?

Really, if I don’t have Truth, I don’t have anything.
Two plus two must equal four, or all the rest is void.
If we have no premise to employ linguistic string,
Then our discourse has no point; we’re barely humanoid.

Truth’s the binding to our book, the glue that holds secure
Logic, Reason, plain Consistency, our common ground,
Making possible each conversation to be sure,
Infrastructure of our culture, verity profound.

Then . . .
Let the relativist hush, he has no argument.
Making absolutist claims without the Truth is mad.
Only schizophrenics would attempt to circumvent
Rationale with their subjective unbelieving fad.

Maybe Truth’s “behind the times,” unstylish, square, uncool,
Maybe if I cling to it they’ll call me “Simpleton.”
All I know is Truth, derided, under ridicule
Still is True, and I’ll be its “minority of one.”

Yes, I’ll make that choice to speak the Truth against the tide.
Orwell’s “revolutionary act,” though I’m alone,
Pilate asked Him, “What is truth?” and history replied, . . . that
Truth, though spurned, remains civilization’s Cornerstone.
“Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.”
“Perhaps a lunatic was simply a minority of one.”
“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell, 1984
Big Virge Sep 2021
Now There’s A Proverb That Says...


“A Speaker of Truth,
Doesn’t Have Any Friends !”

Or Words To That Effect... !!!

And It Seems To Be Correct...
Because The Truth OFFENDS...

LIARS And Their FRIENDS... !!!

As Well As Those...
Whose Truth EXPLODES...
When They Are Found...
To Be The Type of Clowns...

Who Hide Their Thoughts...
Until They’re FORCED...
To Let Them Out...
When They’re Made To FROWN... !!!

Due To Lies They’ve Told...
That Become EXPOSED... !!!

Because They’re Weaker...
Than The Truest Speakers... !!!

In Fact Their Meeker...
Than ******* Preachers...
When They’ve Been Found...
To Be Using Their Mouths...
In Ways That DISGRACE...
The Faith That They Claim...
To Choose To Embrace... !!!!!!

You See It REALLY Is...
A... DANGEROUS Thing...

To Be A TRUTH Speaker... !!!

Because You Get Left...
Out On The Bleachers...

Or That’s Right...
The CHEAP Seats... !!!
By Those Who Are Bereft...
of........... HONESTY....

So Are Quick To DENY...
Simply Being... REAL... !!!

And When It Comes To **’s...
Or So Called... “ Ladies “...

That The Truth Will Draw NO’s...
And Keep Their Legs Closed... !!!!

Because They Don’t Like...
To Deal With Guys...
Who WON'T Tell Lies...
To Make Them Smile...
And To Spread Their Thighs...

Truth Speakers Need...
To Have BIG MONEY...
To OPEN UP *******... !!!

Or Have Those Looks...
That Get Girls Hooked...
Like ******* Lines...
That BLOW Their Minds... !!!

Now It’s Mostly Pretty Chicks...
Who’ll Spread Their Lips...
For Guys Who Are QUICK...
To Make Them THINK...
That They're The Hottest Thing...
That They’ve EVER SEEN... !!!

When The Sun’s Above Them...

You See TRUTHFUL Men...
..... Are A RARITY..... !!!

Like Truth Being Used...
By Political Crews...
Or Gangster Dudes...

Truth Speakers Get Told...
To Keep Their Mouths CLOSED...
When It Comes To Folds...
Where Power Is Used...
To Make Strong Moves...

So Don’t Get It Confused...
Truth Speakers AREN’T Viewed...
On Your Daily News... !!!

Or In The Homes...
of These Famous Folks...

Because Many Have LIED...
To Live The FAST Life... !!!

And Many Have Deceived...
To Get To Where They Wanna Be... !!!

And Have Joined Fraternities...
That Let LIARS Lead...

Who Then Open Doors...
Where LIES Are The Source...
of Providing A Course...
Where Fame Is ENSURED... !!!

For... ACTORS And LIARS...
Who Are NOT GOOD Friars... !!!

The Truth Is NOT HIRED...

Or In Other Words FIRED... !!!

Like Apprentices DUMPED...
By The Likes of Donald Trump... !!!

Or... Sugarless Bums...
Whose Speakers Run Gums...
To Get What They Want...
Like Deceitful Chumps... !!!

So TRUTH Speakers RUN...
From Joining Their Club... !!!

But The TRUTH Is THIS...

There Really AREN’T Many...
Who Are TRULY Ready...
To STICK To The TRUTH... !!!

And The Proverb Proves...
That What It Suggests...
May Well Be CORRECT... !?!

A Speaker of Truth...
Really Doesn’t Have Friends...

They’ll Find A Few...
Who’ll Try To Play...
That The Truth Is Cool...

But When It Reflects...

They’ll Quickly Make Threats...
And Show Their Ignorance... !!!

And In The END...
Tend To Leave Them For DEAD... !!!

Those Who Are REALER...
Than Deceitful Teachers...
... ******* Preachers...
And Todays False Leaders... !!!

Who... UNLIKE Them...

Are REALLY Dealers...
... In Being...

.... “ Truth Speakers “....
The proverb says much about, what those who speak the truth, have to face for speaking it !
The truth is the truth *****
I rather a lie,
Living forever sounds better
Than everybody dies

Cause the truth is the
Truth *****, so just lie
Say you'll see me soon
Even if it's a final good bye

Similar to parents lies
About a kids Xmas gift
Cause more enchanting
Is the idea that Santa exists

Good old st nick
Catholics have it best
Cause heaven sounds good
As no one wants death

Like mutual break ups
Everyone knows ain't mutual
Tell the ugly duckling that
One day she will be beautiful
Tell tall tales of Atlantis
Or a fountain of youth
Tell Pinocchio he's a real boy
....Anything but the truth

Toothfairys for a tooth
Easters famous  bunny
Tell Christopher Robbin no delusion
Made Winnie the pooh eating honey

Cause in truth it's funny
The truth ain't that funny
Say the best things in life are
Free and we need no money

Cause everyday is sunny
Who u love will love u back
Family and best friends will
Never never ever stab u in the back

tell me my career wont match
my social status and ill en-devour
the same respect as a rich man
tell me love is forever

And if not it ends without pain
and will tell everyone its mutual...
Tell the ugly duckling that soon..... will be beautiful.....

but the truth is
The truth ***** so I'll pretend
This is just the poems beginning cuz
good things don't come to an end....

...But The truth is....
...the truth *****....
Adebisi Odeyemi Aug 2016
I've lived my life in search of the truth
Now I know I've searched in vain
From all I gathered is no truth
But just the truest lies avail

WHO is here, to tell the truth?
Is he the one being fed lies
Or those that carve some lies as truth
Maybe loyalty is the color of truth

If the truth is genuinely our freedom
Why are we still trapped in walls
I guess the truth is history
Or just some historical lies

I searched afresh in the house of God
The only place the truth should abound
Only to find that what they preach
Are the truest lies avail

In my recent search for the truth
I searched relentlessly without
It's not without but just within
The truth is what I say is

Trust and faith are the elements of truth
The claim that loyalists validate
The only ones that know the truth
Are those that see the truth within

— The End —