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Emma Langley Nov 2012
Coming down in soft flakes,
Melting on my toung
Beautiful for such a short time.
Floating down blissfully
Waiting to land,

Softly being crushed under my boots.
As I walk up the hill to go sledding.
As I zip down the hill,
Snow getting in my eyes,
My cheeks red and burning,
Being cut by a million tiny knifes.
Going over a jump and,
"catching air"
The wind is knocked out of me as I land
Reaching the bottom,
Disipointment at how short the ride is.

Going inside to sit on the couch eating popcorn and drinking cocoa.
Watching to snow flutter down out side.
Thinking about what it is like,
To be a snowflake.
To be created high uo in the clouds,
A beautiful piece of ice crystle.
To small to be marveled at
Only to float blissfully to the ground,
To be crumpled up by a boot.
On its way up a hill to sled.

To be flattend by a sled,
As it zooms down the hill,
Hitting a bump and flying into the air,
To flatten may more of us.

What would it be like to be a snow flake?
Just wrote this up at Mt. Hood with a TON of snpw coming down...hope you like it and comment what you think

They say that fear's a bad thing
But I know some fear is good
It makes you change the way you think
From the way you usually would

It can make you run from danger
Or stop you in your tracks
Allow you to protect yourself
From what you know is bad

The fear that you will hurt someone
Is what makes you bite your toung
Knowing you can't take back the words
Once the damage has been done

You can fear the future or the past
And not allow your life to change
Or face your fear and understand
You choose the path you take

So the next time that you're feeling fear
Know it could be something good
Fear can be the best part of life
Once its understood

Carl Joseph  Roberts
They say to do this and that.
but you can't make me do it.
cuz i am my own person.
they lock us in a billing with only gray
for a color.
On every wall i see.
i fill like Im in a jell with the teacher
dwelling nonsince bull shiv in my head.
But it don't say my thoughts.
cuz i have my own opinion.
But i bite my toung.
I ask the teachers if the government
told them to teach this nonsins.
they say i have to know it.
i say i don't care to and any
ways you can't make me
cuz Im not a robot that you can just program.
Like you are.
And any ways you should know
that you can't make me.
cuz i am my own person.
So stop trying to dwell my head full
of shiv.
                to my teachers.
This is how i fill about school now. thank god its my last year. lol.
Ryan Flanagan Jun 2020
Beads off sweat rolling down your face from the pleasure your getting makeing my heart race your skin smooth as silk rubbing against me screaming please baby please be mine the ecstasy the passion there is *** in the air as I start to RIP off your underwear kissing lower and lower until your grab the sheet you let out a moan it sounds so sweet you scratch my back as I go deeper in time the room starts to spin I look into your eyes and give you the cheeky grin I come in close to your ear whispering get ready my dear I grab your arms tie them to the bed and start kissing down your body not missing a bit as I get lower I look up to your eyes while kissing your inner thighs I'm in charge now baby remember you whisper yes sir as I start to use my toung it starts to stir you scream out my name as I get faster  begging please let me ****** master I give you permisssion as you moan so loud
You make master very proud
Romona Hardy Jul 2013
and darling i miss you
i just thought you should know
ive been lying to myself since the night i watched you go
i wish you were here
in replace of his arms at night
staring into his blue eyes
i imagne them as yours when i close mine tight.

i wish you knew me now
i wish it wasnt to late
i had my chance with you
but i cant change fate.

so ill carry on an empty converstaion
the entire time biting my toung
i cant let it slip that with you im still in love
and ill cling to your memories
while i sleep in his arms at night
for in my dreams im with you
in my dreams i got it right.
tyler land Aug 2010
you sit there
to the right of my eye
dancing about like giddy fool
but when i look directly at you
you disaperate
to a world unknow
then i presume reading
and back you are
dancing again
almost taunting
i know that if try to take a glance
youll be gone back to your other world
still dance you are then
couriousity gets the best
i look you are gone again
then thoughts pour in
"am i going insane"
then the peives like voice say
"you all ready are"
see speck youve made voices apear
it annoys me so but as contineu to write
but this time dance
it seems as thought you feel my anoence
then just as i was about write that you felt for me and stoped
you are back and this time more jittery that ever
now i am almost shaking with rage
i thought you were nice
but now you are not
its almost as thought you remind me of someone i know
but yet i dont your descriptsion is on the tip of my toung but then it is not
just like your jitter dance
aha now i have it
you remind me of me
Tea Sep 2012
When you kiss me do you feel it
Is your hear mine, should I steel it
Do you feel the same
Supple kiss ever drain
Does your hear beat, beat the same
Will forever be okay
Can you promise me you will stay...
Can I even say the same
Can you leave me hear this way
Expecting me to complie
To say that cuttings not a lie?
One that breaths the words...
That you can love with hurt

You would never break my skin
Razors edge biting in
You would never set me free
Do you have the courage to cut me?
Hurt is feeling, so it's life
But what's the point of living if it is only strife
what's a hand to hold, if there is no reason
Sadness comes and goes like season
But bitter twisted truth
Rips my soul and feelings from heir roots
Your peeciouse blood can spill
Your sacred hands can hold
Bitting metal, mean and cold
Legs stained in red
you can cry in silence
Scream in dread
But not alone
Not again

If you choose me, then hold up our head
I can only do so much and promise little
But to love, you have to love your self
And if it isn't a crime to you, it is to somebosy else
Each evil thought that clouds your head
Every cut, or scar that remains unsaid
For every lie that's sliped your toung
My self is trampled, come undone
If you become my reason, my chosen path in life
You have to love your self, and have to love our life.
Ariel Taverner Sep 2013
He sat on his chair
In his desk
In a place he called heel

She walked
In a place she hated
She bnamed hell

He sighed
Decided to take a break
And walked through hell towards heaven

She sighed
She was stressing
So she went for a walk to heaven

He sat on a chair
And loathed himself
He loved heaven but was still in hell

She walked into a room
With a man on a chair
She frowned for hell made it all worse

He silently wept
With no tears
He needed respite from hell

she teared
With no tears
She needed respite from hell

He looked into memory
But found nothing
His life was a series of hells

She looked into her mind
But found nothing
Her life was a series of hells

He thought
in despair

She thought
In despair

He looked up
About to scream
And saw her

She looked around
About to cry
And saw him

She was amazing

He was amazing

She smiled
And he cried

He smiled
And she hoped

He looked upon his life
And finally
Took a chance

She looked upon her life
Almost cried
And took a chance

He stood up
Went to her
And said one syllable

She stared
As he walked up
And said one syllable

He despaired
For she didn't say anything
And turned

She grasped
His shoulder with desperation
And begged with her eyes

He turned
And smiled
A true smile

She smiled
A true smile
He caused it

He started a conversation
A conversation
Of a lifetime

She chatted
Without thinking
She just let her toung work

He hoped
Something he never did
Something he liked

She hoped
Not a false hope
A true hope

He left
With her number
And hope in his heart

She left
With hope and fear
Would he call her

He lay down
But didn't sleep
He thought

She lay down
But didn't sleep
She thought

He smiled
A true smile
A Happy smile

She smiled
A true smile
A Happy smile

He slept
Like never before
For he had never truly slept

She slept
Like never before
For she always dreamed

He woke up
And smiled
He had slept

She woke up
And smiled
She hadn't dreamed

He called her
And made something

She answered
And felt something

                             TRUE LOVE
                        SUCH AS NEVER FELT

They laughed
They were not he cand she
They were they
Sometimes you have to take a chance and trust untrustworthy feelings

mumu Jun 2018
She woke up from a nightmare
A strange Prince was toung tying his lips to her
She never wanted to be engaged
So she poisoned the king and killed everybody at her young age
When the poor Prince arrived to save her
She throws some gas and put him on fire!
She says "Prince are not my interest,"
"I just want to sleep and have a beauty rest"
Pastell dichter Jun 2016
It's too loud
Too bright
Too much
Too many people
Too much noise
Please shut up
shut up
Shut your stinking mouths
Your lips moving
And blathering on
Spit flying
Toung working
Words spilling out like a leaking pipe
I don't care about your stupid problems
Can't you ***** just shut up?
Pounding head like a hammer slamming into a nail
Sore throat
Like sandpaper on smooth stone
I had to stay quiet
I was talked over
No one heard me
No one would hear me if I screamed for help
Or if they did would they care?
Terra Sep 2015
Lights moves slowly at night. Brutal flashes of distance belongs to the daylight and the busy commoner.
In darkness all becomes soft and silent.
Wrapped in invicibility.
As the bus takes me trough space like catapillars on leaves, I catch myself wondering.
Whispering about who you are.
We look at ourselves trough magnifying glasses as if the essence of the world were to do the same.
A tool for us only, and the curiousity lingers...
we want to touch the imperfections we're not familiar with.
Blind we reach out for details that never hits the surface, and what insanity to think of diving into the cold!
Yet we never felt the temperature.
Expectations will overpower lust for most.
I travel alone in the dark, holding my own hand.
Impulses flow trough my body like the silent shock of bombs in the distance.
My mind is at cold war.
I want to touch and feel the bumpy road leaning towards my fear, and to taste the sweat of my dreams.
A toung caresses my mind so smoothly, as I yearn to figure out how words could ever touch me in such ways.
Am I warm, stranger?
You don't need eyes.
In melancholy and excitement I bade in hills of emotion, and for once, my mortal enemy, my weakness, I welcome you.
I smell your intentions carefully as I learn to know your presence.
Your hair is grey with the wisdom of shared pain, and your skin is soft like a newborn ready to live another life.
I don't need eyes either.
Only heart.
To fight nature is my nature, for on this earth I am a moon, and how was I ever to learn the ways of the one admiring my mystique?
As I would admire them.
No grass to softly hold me tonight, only cold windows.
But strangely I have also found comfort in the passing by.
DCM Jul 2015
They're biting their toung, vividly picturing a perfect vision of  themselves.
Crossing they're sweaty fingers,
While trying to hold still they're shaky hands.
We all want others perspective of ourselves to be someone were not.
We're not doing it to impress them.
But to prove to ourselves that if you want to be someone so bad you might actually turn into them.
bluevelvet Mar 2018
You keep up the work, baby.
You're a real crowed pleaser.
Bite that toung, not that food.
And you can finally see it.
That face is thinner,
Those fingers overlap more.

You're on the right track, girl.
You a bad baby with a whirlwind storm.
Two years top,
Buy that couch.
Find that stranger and make it obvious.

A colorful accent,
Rosy cheeks,
Lopsided smile.

Let him feel those hipbones, sweet thang.
Do some ******* or ecstasy on that bone,
His choice because it is.

Bounce and you grind it, baby girl.
**** that neck and watch the sun rise.
Tell him. Demand him to listen.

"You see, I was never enough.
Never for the flash of cameras,
The holy trinity of delusion,
The fear of opening up.
I was a child, working for some kind of love."

And you smile because he's about to ******.

"Life is about compromising for the one you love."

You hop off, yiu throw him to the gravel.
Dump that lighter fluid, sweet child.
You use your last bit of strength to lift it up.
Toss that **** over the cliff.
Flick the match to follow.

And you look up.
The sun is up.
The wetness on your face dries.

Fold up the childish things,
Compromise with the ones you love.

One of these days,
You'll be good enough to be engaged too.
DC raw love Jan 2015
The toung is like a rudder on a ship
Yet so small, but powerfull.

Just the smallest change in direction
Could take miles of your life to recover.

Something so small can change the direction of your life.

It can also causes, harm, sorrow and destruction.

But it can also get you were you want to be.

It can take you to great places
But yet, could get you lost.

If you have to, sometimes, bite it.
dennis drain Jul 2016
Yea the government is always talking **** on street soldiers,
****... they don't even know us.
When gang crimes are at there highest, available jobs are at there lowest.
Crime is the only way for some of us to make it day to day,
a criminal record and a toung spittin hate, at a continuous rate ain't no way to get government funds or paid by the state.
But what am I supposed to do during the mandatory minimum of 30 days for compensation.
am I supposed to do right by this nation? not steel to eat as my homies  fall to there feet, Bein shot by police due to there desperation , persperation wettin there  skin as they contemplatin robbin fools for just enough money for some food cuz we survivors and we willing to live even if it means we have to take it
I guess it's not bad I just posted it for my own records
DC raw love Jan 2015
From her words of temptation
With a toung like a sword
She can Peirce my eye's with a look or a word

She'll be living in my head
My life will be dead

I don't want to feel her pain
I beg for her mercy in the city of the ******

Did she mean to crucify me
But I did come to her

Is it any wonder
She drives me crazy

She fooled my life
The tears I bleed
Are tears for her love
I open the blind as eyes are wide open
When u blink u sink in my brink
I Seether around inside thy vacant dark mind
I ignite thy insides with my golden wand
My toung is gold my words are jewels
Decorate thy mind and decalciphy that first eye
We all serpents in God's clothing
Our shed skin is pure clay and dust with fine rocks.
albion asllani Dec 2021
Touching a 9v Battery with the toung!
Wendy Buckley Mar 2019
I died inside when you said "I don't know".
I thought..."Really?"
"How can this be?"
Wasn't it your toung that helped you to
form the words that came from
The mouth attached to your face.
A face on your head, that has 2 eyes to see,
And 2 ears that hear,
And a mind that works so fast.
With millions of electrical impules,
Racing around at the speed of light
To form ideas and thoughts and emotions?
Yet out of all of a million possible things
That you could have done or said,
You CHOSE the one thing that
You knew would hurt me the most.
As my eyes filled with tears,
And my world collapsed.
I asked you "Why?"
And all you can say is
"I don't know".
Samual Hidden Nov 2020
"Lover boy", the unheard whisper across the pillow.
The beautiful grey eyes that draw you in
The silver toung to rival the devil himself
My lover boy
My Anarchist so clad in black
Let the world roll like water off a ducks back

My lover my angel my fae
Please stay till the break of day
Let me be awoken in your arms,
knowing that to you, there is no harm.
Please my lover boy.

Please my lover boy come back to bed
Least you fall and crack your head
Please my gorgeous angel you must understand
the responsibility falls not in your hands.
Inspired by an over heard convorsation
Moon Oct 2020
There is a planet that live inside my  mind
Full of greenery and exotic view

Place where there is a perfect balance of green and blue
There is no disease or flu.

Place where nor god or demon exist
Nor man or woman live
Nor heaven or hell council
It's a visual world with full of blessedness.

Every sunset and deem touch of the moon
Lovers engaged in love
Romancing the romance
Singing the songs
Dancing in love tune.

Island where there is no shame
Sweetness fruits and purest food
Crystal water and huts are build with mud and palm brunches
Still no invention of plastics.

Beings of this planets has shimmery skin
Dark blue eyes
Each and every look prettifull
Their toung taste only words of kind
Sparking hair that glitter up during day
Kole J McNeil Jan 2021
You make me want to write
Words so bitter but oh so sweet on my toung
The words u said to me sour in my mouth as I repeat them

Im a slave to your words
Im a slave to your love
Im a slave to you
Ann Jan 2021
I want it to be hot, but not burn my toung ,
I want it to be raining, but I still want to see the sun,
I want to feel no pain, but be able to relate,
I want to diaper, but still somehow stay,
I wish there was a way I can do both,

I  just can't make up my mind ,

— The End —