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Alireza Zibaie Jul 2014
Don’t take me home
nostalgia lingers in my soul
like the taste of that forbidden fruit
like the taste of water and air when drowning

don’t take me home
a survivalist without nostalgia
is a fish out of water

quietly listen to the quest of my heart
as each drift is justified
and each love story
is a battlefield
a ****** fight  

I fear
I, the survivalist, fear
becoming nostalgic for love.
Ottar Jul 2013
Does the night appeal or is it day,
Does staying close or going far away,
taste better, take your time to digest,
oh this isn't a poll.
just let the answers roll
from the tip of your nib
to the lined paper,
what causes you to fear and what, feels safe,
which is worse homeless man or war-torn waif?
do you prefer white or red,
beer in a bottle or in a glass,
milk chocolate or dark (only 5.7 grams per day)
are you a survivalist or an escapist,
do you drink too much water or not enough,
I can ask a million questions,
okay I exaggerate this stuff.

think for the moment if each choice was only between two,
would there be a pattern, or would you be able to undo,
decisions made that let your cards show before they
were played?

My life keeps me humble,
                        as I jumble,
through my day
                     and mumble,
to myself,
not in jest,
not in play,
I am not certain,
who I am, who am I?
                         I bumble
about the place
as busy as a bee,
do not stop to
look in a mirror
       at my face.

There is a chance I won't recognize me.
I walk quickly so as
to appear not to stumble,
      my stomach rumbles,
and squeals at
different pitches,
bring on the whale
song, sing along
if you know the

This what the pace of life does
leaves me jumbled, I dabble in
dark chocolate, too many times
a day, I love the taste of red,
just a glass or it may go to
                                my head,
I get my heart
pounding in my chest,
wish it was from
working out and not
be stressed.

Enough of me and how are you?
You look good, time pays you
a compliment, love what you
have done with your hair, excuse
me for a moment incoming jumble.

I walk my dog, or does the dog walk me,
fix a leaky hose or just turn off the tap,
the roof creaks over head, are there
rodents in the attic, even in this heat?
The clouds that hang in the sky tonight,
will bring rain to jack up the humidity,
some one some where in their stupidity,
will be flying a kite, Ben Franklin style.
I hope he does not suffer for his enlightenment

So down the Hydro easement in a "house known
to police" something exploded and burns of the
second degree caused trauma and the air ambulance
came in low over our kitchen, shaking the walls
and dog, both have recovered nicely thanks

So they took the burn victim to the hospital
to get fixed up, wherein I ask is there a cure for
humidity, getting in my head,
if I did not have a portable AC
by my bed, not very green of me, eh?
Ooops now you know I am Canadian,
sorry, confirmed, I will just jumble my way
off to bed, I will let you get back to more
important stuff instead...

Bragi Oct 2018
You leave.
Leaving me lifeless.
Life’s lessons are learned
Like this.
Through crisis.
Through hurt,
Through grief.
Heartbreaks make a survivalist.
Burnt out from the time I was
My heart has been set out for all to see;
Plainly strung up in pieces,
Like leaves
Precariously on a tree,
Made from the bones and ashes of lovers
I’d never meet,
Each new year bringing a wind that rips
them from their branches,
A wind that dances through my memory.
This year it was you.
Turning me golden like maple leaves in
autumn my mind’s marked me as a dying
And you,
You treated me like a poison.
Times testaments teach
To forgive
...Within reason.
You were a part of me
And I committed treason.
Vincent JFA Mar 2017
he told me,
"the problem with our flesh,
is that it doesn't do so well
as to protect our bones;
you may prefer your heart to be bare
for the sake of calming the wolves
that you let slick your throat
with their rabid tongues,
but I know you know
that it's better to be the iron you taste,
than to be the polish for a man's gums,
and the wax for his teeth."

he painted my forehead
with the vermilion broth
he brewed from the throat of the hare,
and mopped his fingers clean
with my tongue
as we watched the vermin
give one last kick.

"but if you insist,
then I will be your cage
as I am your hunter,
and nothing will chew through
your pretty collarbone
before me."
Shannon Jul 2014
My Darling, My Dearest
I sink to the dirt,
My regrets swirl around my body like a brides wedding dress.
White lace, virginal unsoiled regrets lay about me lazily-
biting my ankle, scratching up my legs to be held.
My Cherished Treasure,
I will carry my torment like an old man carries his walking stick
Gnarled with time and miles,
before any step I will take-
My regret will mark the path.
And I will walk for all of time with my walking stick. I will walk until I bend over in a broken bridge of bones, all the while letting my regret lead me onward.
My Beloved,
I will wallow in the mud of my sorrows and grief
I will roll and dry, caking dirt on my belly-
like the beast I have become.
My Beautiful,
The wounds that mortification of the flesh will produce-
will be sorry attempts to understand your pain.
The whip braided in tight thick leather
but I can never cut deep so I might
produce enough depth so instead will I bleed-
another sin, another crime!
I cannot feel your suffering-can only guess at the depth.
Oh the endlessly black waters of your sorrow!
I hold my breath, stones piled deep in my pockets.
I dive, I dive...wanting, needing this sacrifice.
But **** this survivalist in me. My lungs betray me-
sputter and cough.
I inhale my water of my sins and breathe them deep so I may drown and
free you from the shackles of my crimes.
My Cherished one, my Shining one-
Forgive this old sinner, forgive this reprobate heart.
For I love you.
When the stars exploded, when universes expanded
I loved you.
When the first blade of grass poked it's willful head above soil,
I loved you.
When first Adam kissed Eve,
I already loved you.
In the next life where you are caterpillar and
I am stump,
I love you then too, and beg you use me to reach closer the sun.
Forgive a fool his foolish ways, he knows no better
Forgive me, cherished one
and let me love you,
Let me love you as the faulted love the Divine. As the sinner loves the penance, as the child loves the stars.
Let me give you the moon, let me put it in on your lips.
So you may kiss the moon, beloved, kiss the moon.

Sahn 7/6/14
as always i have to write, but you choose to read, that humbles me and i am grateful.
phil roberts Dec 2015
Protected by a suit of dreams
And armed with a smile
He came out of nowhere
And went his own way

Seemingly believing nothing
And walking in no-one else's footsteps
He follows no rules without reasons
But he knows right from wrong
And he knows that's what matters

In a world of easy hypocrisy
Where compassion is stifled by fear
And belief is a reason to hate
To hate and destroy other beliefs
He goes his own way

                              By Phil Roberts
Rhys Jones Feb 2016
I feel an enormous serenity - floating in some lover's limbo.

Spectate the scene in silhouette.

While bittersweet coffee cuddles my palette.

I can finally breathe.

So why do I feel like a survivalist?

On a long haul where perceptions hinder.

For now I stay floating.
lucy winters Jul 2015
I love reading Bukowski
and if I could pick one person to have dinner with,
he would be it.
He got it.
And I want to tell him I think I get it.
In his poem one tough mother fckr, he talks about this survivalist cat. How this cat inspired him and he holds up the cat
and says this is what its about, look,
and they don't get, and the cat knows its *******.
I love how he said it was a beautiful fight, still is.
And how winning the war within yourself is worth winning.
I want to get drunk with him and tell him I think I get it.
I have fought battles and wars my entire life, and find it beautiful. There's a beauty in finding peace and letting go.
In getting up everyday when you have no reason to.
Plowing through the hard days and then looking back on the good ones, smiling, knowing you made it.
Battle worn, scarred, older, maybe wiser.
Certainly takes more whiskey to get you drunk
and more cigarettes to fill the lungs
More pills to help you sleep but you're still here, tough mother f@ck*r
It was a beautiful fight, still is.
The battle is never over.
For some, there's always another around the bend.
Small victories and large defeats.
And I celebrate them all.
because if there was ever a fight worth winning, you are it.
None of us are getting out alive, its the living that matters.
So live well enough that death trembles to take us.
I want to tell him I think I get it.
And have a bottle or two with him.
And celebrate him and myself and it all, the good and the bad
and live before I die.
just something that's been floating in my head

(and wasn't it Bukowski who said "the problem with drinking is if something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget; if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate; and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.”)
Mark Lecuona Jun 2016
I am America
Old world roots
New world trees

I am America
To overcome
To transform
To dream
To live
To die

I am America

I am America

I am America

I am America

I am America

I am America

I am America

I am America
So it is written
Natural born
Inalienable rights
Created equal
I am you
SkinlessFrank Sep 2016
it’s not difficult
to know what to do
with 500 heads of garlic
but the garlic scapes
that’s another question

i’ve been grinding them
with basil, oil, nuts
and parmesan and freezing
the pesto
but the freezer is stuffed now
with strawberries and soon
the beans will come
then the broccoli
and the kale

i’m not a survivalist
but if the electricity
were ever to be cut
for a day,
well, i’d have to
haul out the generator and
today I picked up my old
two horsepower pump
from the shop
i use it to draw water up from
the pond which is 10 meters
lower than the garden
i am gradually learning to
look after myself

it’s been a lifelong project
Kelsey Feb 2017
Hey dad did you know
the chicken we keep
locked in the garage
lays brown eggs
in the dusty stacks
of disregarded things?
Did you know I find every one?
A survivalist Easter hunt
in a salmonella **** shed.
You didn't know because
I never told you, for fear
you'd eat them as a joke,
or worse throw them away.
But you left the door open
and she's gone anyway.

Hey dad did you know
my car broke down on 17th street?
You do because I called you
on your way to church at midnight.
You wished me luck.
You'll pray for me.
You gave me the car,
thank you.

Hey dad did you know
that I once used
your hand made birthday card
to stop the bleeding of a neighbor boy
who thought your Scottish swords were fake?
No you don't because you weren't home.

Hey dad do you realize
you voted against me this year?
I lost my insurance last week.
You do know, but do you care?
You keep saying that you love me.
You yelled at all my races.
Asked for prayers when I had surgery.
Learned the names of all my friends.
Read my poetry when I was 13.

But hey dad did you know
that was never what I needed?

I needed a dad that didn't
have the nerve to joke
about how I made
new families with my dolls,
and friends when I was older.
I needed a dad who instead of
acting like his family was taken from him
kept his together.

And smaller things too.
I needed money for school.
I needed doctor visits.
I need my insurance now, dad.
I needed food, and a dad
who picked me up from school.

And a dad that instead of praying for me
raised me like my life wasn't broken,
raised me like I didn't always owe him.
A rant about losing my insurance.
Matt Jun 2015
It's chaos, chaos everywhere!

The economy has collapsed

All the major cities have been attacked
The U.N. and military is on the street

Our food supply has been cut off

They are hauling people off to FEMA camps

They tell you to go the camps
There is food there they say

But they are executing people there!
Stay away

Run, run
Where to run

People are acting like animals
America, our America is ruined

Some political dissidents were taken
From their homes in trucks
Their weapons seized

And all I have is food and water
For a few days
My can opener
A knife

I'm not a master survivalist
I would have bought everything
But I never had the money

I want to live
I want to live
I will live
I will live

They try to make you scared
With their guns and megaphones

And martial law
Martial law across the nation

And will I stay at home
Will they try to seize our emergency food
Or will I flee

Flee to the place of refuge that I know

Have mercy on me Lord, a sinner
Terrible trials have come upon us

I pray that I will do what is right
In your eyes

Our America
What has become of our America
Of this nation

The terrible times
I think they are near
the leaders of tomorrow bravely take to the dais
justified their precious life,
     liberty and pursuit of happiness -
     stolen under their figurative nose)

     asper an unparalleled heist
recouping quintessential basic human rights,
     and will NOT yield an inch
     (or any other minuscule amount),

     if for no other reason
     (and many more valid claims prevail)
     such inalienable American birthrights

     (codified decrees endowing freedoms -
     tattered to shreds via frenzy of bullets)
     guaranteeing harm inviolable unjustly out priced
     sacrificed by lax second amendment spiced

within wanton murderous sprees wherein assassin
literally calls the shots (supplanting
     assigned storied halls with din
of fire arms (acquired

     from pennies on the dollar,
     or bartered for a bottle of gin
within the underbelly (viz black market)
     of society, where trigger happy jinn nee

     as slaughter sans killing fields mount
     with resignation vis a vis
     tocollective shrugging shoulders prithee
and upend safe havens i.e. storied academic re:

deuce sing self preservation (UNFAIRLY)
     to activist minded students tree
ting each day as a survivalist course, thus WE

as coined on legal tender (E Pluribus Unum)
MUST unite against love affair with pistols, no matter
     one or more mere mortals
     think Matthew Scott cray ZEE!
Matt Jan 2016
I was supposed to choose
A program
They call it a "life"

I decided not to choose
Any of the life programs
That were offered to me

But to create my own


My brain is always recording

A world that is both infinite
And mostly meaningless

Forget a full-time career
Forget money

I envision
A terrible time
On its way for America

I am not a good enough
They want you to be dependent

I don't have all the things
I need to survive

Sitting here in my car
Waiting for the taxpayer
To leave from his lunch break
JB Claywell Nov 2019
Thankful for what?
I've lost myself and gained an insight into my own stupidity, my own arrogance. I think that I think too much. I think that I know too much. I think I'm right much of the time. (I'm not.)

What am I? Who am I?
I feel like I know who I am.
But, I need to be something too.
And, that, friends, is the lizard-faced terror of our Capitalist society.

Some of us know who we are and that is definition enough.
Others of us need more than one definition.
Able to stave off poverty,
socioeconomic savior?
Survivalist instructor to the less-fortunate?

What am I now?
Not very much at all.

This is not a good line of thinking.

My self-talk is not very good these days.

I want to make something happen.

Doors opening or closing,
is the hell of this particular hallway.

There are no open doors.
Every one of them is locked.

My kicking is bootless
as are my cries.

(Positively Shakespearean!)

I'm waiting for someone who carries a key.
This is not my style.
I want to wreck some rooms.

© P&Z Publications 2019
Regarding yours truly
he experienced setback
amplified by Luddite propensity
nostalgic longing for simpler age
bring back horse and buggy
better yet find me a mancave
and/or apprise me
ideally via email
Flintstone web page modality

allowing, enabling, and providing
excellent linkedin access
whereby augmented
and/or augmented reality
telecommunication simulation
delivers, exports, and ferries lame poetaster
to small town America
a place that time forgot and

the decades cannot improve
within which dwell
strong women, good-looking men
and above average children
Wobegon place name
preserving lifestyle
exhibiting voluntary simplicity
though aforementioned fictitious locale
fires up imagination as does

a place called Willoughby
flourishing along outer limits
of twilight zone
buzzfeeding outlier zee
crème de la crème confabulist
this side of Schwenksville
hankering towards... nebulous
body, mind and spirit synchronicity

courtesy sweat of mine brow equity
acquiring alliance, cognizance, existence,
guidance, intelligence...
think **** Proenneke
alone in the wilderness survivalist
jack of all trades
I would live free,
yet nevertheless die

ill equipped to captcha victuals
and/or drink
to stave off hunger
and/or thirst respectively
one twenty first century beastie boy
heavily dependent upon
urbanization, mechanization,
industrialization, civilization
to savor creature comforts

climate controlled environment(s)
courtesy finite fossil fuel extraction
**** sapiens scourge upon planet Earth
me metaphorically on par
one more human parasite
zapping nonrenewable resources
thus desirous (yet helpless)
to forsake consumerist lifestyle

yet lack ways and means
to toil physically
to wrest good n plenti
juicy fruits of labor,
which initial premise
as iterated with poem title
dramatically off tangent, yes?
Forged while in utero (the crucible concocting conception),
the fluke of biology begat
me – a happy go lucky boy, whose vulnerable uber travails
susceptibly sprung sly as a cat
on a hot tin roof, where the faux pas survivalist diktat
burrowing into my figurative,
   elusive, and divisive gofer hole decreed éclat
where solitariness didst a ford

   driven psychologically by obsessive fiat
a compulsion to grip tightly
   with distorted, dispirited and disgruntled guilt
evasiveness where schizoid personality disorder
   rudely rued the day halt
ting natural development
   of body, mind and spirit, a rampant insult

finding thyself as a kid alienated, deviated, and gravitated by jolt
like electric shock from how peers responded to knocked
down confidence, egoism, faith, et cetera within self locked
and linkedin to an identifiable causes
   (which said malady) – marked
by painfully being shy, debased fortitude,
and intimidation noted

prominently when thee papa found him walking toward me,
where he orbited
from the dark side of me noggin
   with no intent at harm, yet a portent
welled up inside

   mine chromosomal maternal and paternal quotient
whereat this unease generated an unspoken radiant
cowering reaction training thyself crouch with silent
body language that bespoke volumes expressing torment
with nary a clue (meaning approximately  
   xl plus years ago) only the unguent
of magic powers to disappear

   since silent springs restrained thee to vent
and only when this sole son started a family of his own and went
back to visit parents did a diminution
   sans cower take the shortest xing

in heyday of inferiority spurred (a veritable bee line back
tummy honey combed hive), or if feeling especially intense – a yurt
would answer the call of duty, and once inside
close all the zippers.
Aditya Sep 2018
Entering the majestic Stage,
A clown juggling with Precision,
Performing an act to Assuage,
Epitomizing life was a multitude of Missions.

The Lion came Roaring,
Headstrong it wouldn’t be Tamed,
Compromised merely by a whip Slashing,
Fear possessed us all Restrained.

On a tightrope a Uni-cyclist,
Glorifying an ability Unprecendented,
Shaming the world and each Survivalist,
For the ability to coexist Disoriented.

Splitting a child’s body in Half,
A magician triumphant to Deceive,
As if conducting on the world’s Behalf,
The treachery of humanity, why Grieve ?

A drum roll to announce you’re Alive,
Dancers, hoopers and musicians Arise,
It is the one and only life, why Deprive ?
A flamboyant CIRCUS with Lows and Highs.
Life is a CIRCUS –

Filled with several tasks and responsibilities like the pins in the hands of the juggler. The important thing is how well we are balancing and committing to each of these pins. If one falls, everything else follows. Be COMMITTED !

Life is a CIRCUS –

We are born screaming our lungs out. This scream is tamed with fear as we grow. Fear of society, religion, reputation or simply, failure. Are you a tamed lion or the fearless human longing to live life each day as if it’s your last. Keep roaring and Be FEARLESS !

Life is a CIRCUS –

A world full of diversity, quarreling over the tiniest of events. Notice the balance of the tightrope walker, where everything appears to be in harmony? The physical as well as the mental energies coinciding to produce a perfectly balanced state to leave you in awe! How hard can it be to broaden our horizons and simply co-exist ? Be ACCEPTING !

Life is a CIRCUS –

When a magician fools your intellect with each trick, your ego is never hurt. Our world has elements of deceit that often leave us heartbroken. Treat every defeat like a magic trick and move on. Be FORGIVING !

Life is a CIRCUS –

While you are riding this roller-coaster, filled with highs and lows, realize the most important truth that you are alive. Dance and hoop to your favorite tune amid all the chaos, to simply cherish this gift of life. Be ALIVE and AWARE !
Decades since frittering like - yule
ne'er believe me, boot true
lee, I wreck clues lee wasted
     my life lock, stock, and barrel
     as if there **** no tomorrow,
     this skein knee boy didst spool
away youth like some drool
ling doggone motley fool

     while mutely dumbfounded taking -
     as undeclared seriously gruel
ling studious favorite pursuit - duel
major space and time, believing
     them tubby (out
     of this world), and cool,
yet unbeknownst tummy then
     more precious than any jewel,

hence this faux Einstein,
     who got pool
lightly dubbed"the quietest
     student", albeit still
     underhandedly cuffed and cruel
moniker, nonetheless wool
worth being spot on,
     though when within comfort

     of home aye
     yak act did mule
lush, non provoke'n, neither tool
ling with smoke'n,
     funny ****, but more specifically
     class (sic) self serving
     as token passive non rule
breaker counted among

     mysterious as Lemuel
     unlike hundreds of
     other rowdy seniors
     constituting the nineteen
     seventy seven graduating class
     of Methacton High School,
this now mooch older non "Warrior"
     (alma mater mascot) alumni -

     of late more astute,
(yea rather boyish looking edging
     into age bracket,
     viz ranked as ole coot)
far to late for
     me or any brute
to gather rose buds,
     fat and/or slim

     chance i.e. remote
     while I may in my dreams
     play Mozart's Magic flute
     at this late stage of life,
     no harvested crop yield,
     nor any sown
     healthy product rendered moot
('cept tantamount to rotten

     tomatoes and fruit)
all, cuz your truly
     did not give a hoot
'bout his future,
     later when the
     requisite need for loot
would be absolutely necessary,
     not necessarily to buy

     a fine gold spun suit,
but more so to be financially
(non bombastically, egotistically,
     nor inimitably) to toot
my own (baritone)
     horn, no any which
     ways appearing snoot
**** (more likely absent minded,

     versus trying tubby astute),
no matter this myopic googly eyed
     non-boastful logophile,
     these days (lives duet
tough lee hand to mouth
     existence) nearly destitute
his whole pro Lix life,
     witnessed, and flaunted

     (reed dit as) inked badge,
     (regardless getting promoted,
     but nearly failing every grade),
     and ambivalent toward
     dismal poor performance report cards
     testament toward tummy
     severely lacking ambition,
     while analogously forced

     to climb hemp fat tick rungs
     jute dish shuss academic ladder,
     no matter rope burns
     squarely didst root
moost unfavorable outcome
     to this wimp who mouthed
     pop eyed expletive
     conveying "oh chute",

     whose then palm (olive)
     oiled pilot size glute
more accurately boot
found me poor *** promoted
     to higher baby boomer chair

     despite favorably portentous signs
     tubby potential vagrant,
     who would lack self reliance,
    nor give a hoot
to stitch survivalist parachute.
Analogous to mobius strip -
     measured passage of existence
     only took precedence
     with **** sapiens ascendent
busting forth upon
     the figurative pedestal
     presiding over domain,
     sans Earthly covenant

a bajillion ago,
     where fits and starts
     pitted proto humans
     at no immediate advantage,
     yet merely, thru
     dint of accidental
     happenstance ever so
     imperceptibly amassed dominion

     over every other species
     as became evident
throughout the vast sweep of
     evolutionary incidental
plucky perturbations, provocations,
     and/or pullulations arisen by
     spontaneous circumstantial grant

ting quasi consciously
     coalescing into brutish
     deliberated focused intent,
where forethought
     coopted indiscriminate
     chance facilitating kent -
manifested rubber
     baby buggy bumpers

     activated, aggrandized, and
     allotted destiny meant
to lurch incrementally
     i.e. hierarchical designation
     present day primate
     predecessors practiced negligible
     notched nimbleness orchestrated
     (equal parts gall and genetic

     giftedness), whatsapp operant
adaptation toward
     survival rippled quiescent
lee minutely nudging overt salient
traits ineluctably
     manifesting, outflanking,
     and proffering
     quintessential urgent

biological scrim quietly testing,
     and wrestling, whence yen
     (to secure rootedness)
     zeroing what didst warrant
winning formula
     to adapt adroit edge
     pitted by dictates of nature
grappling iron

     grip, viz literal hedge
fund and kickstarting toehold
     upon tenuous ledge
(oft times succumbing to danger)
     falling into abyss
     of anonymity pledge
jing acquired innovative tool
     such as a primitive sledge

hammer instinctively
     resigning animal instinct
     death be not proud not
     before inculcating
     survivalist tactical wedge.
bluevelvet Jun 2017
I carry the burden
of always caring
for the ones that wouldn't dare
for the ones that have passed
for the ones not yet
brought to life

My heart has the capacity
to sustain time and decay
And regardless of what people say
my heart is bigger than
my body in every way

I am a survivalist
I make it through every list
and every room has
different views

Packed to the maximum
I still find the knowledge
to out last the best of 'em

I am an old soul
that has survived
even the harshest of cold
in a body that is
made of solid gold

Certain bumps in the night
things stop collecting
over periodic time
No longer feeling of fright

And my guide is built
for endless fights


Just how true have you been
With every word your head spins?
wont get a red cent from me
(explained by following words you see)

No...not until the 
     bitter cold temperature, 
     sans iron maiden 
     (Polar Vortex) grips 
Southeastern Montgomery County 
     (Perkiomen Valley) Pennsylvania 
     will this foo fighting 
      goo goo doll, beastie boy - hips
stir survivalist 
     wannabe contemplate 
     cracking on the heat, 
     no matter mine lips
might turn me, and 
     false teeth chatter 
     (even after taking them 
     out of my mouth)
     as the mercury dips
way below degrees 
     (Centigrade, Fahrenheit, 
     or Kelvin) oh Lord 
     will passing thought eclipse
penumbra of mine 
     cerebral cortex reckon eyes,
the benefits to future
     cryogenicists voluntarily becoming 
     (a frozen human 
     Guinea Pig) realize 
zing molecular biochemical 
     behavior practically 
     comes to a stand 
     still, I surmise,
which cessation of
     ordinary senescence buys
time until some 
     future age, when scientists 
     long since didst devise
strategies to approach immortality, 
     (viz keeping "live" body 
     electric factory completely 
     preserved), and get wise
to hidden secret to exorcize  
death be not 
     proud, thus putting 
     funeral parlors out of business, 
     which astute morticians who espies
the future, and how 
     the quaint practice, 
     asper burial plots
     ( yesteryear), 
     and dramatically dies
down quickly giving rise
to the burgeoning enterprise
re: bajillion dollar franchise,
where death cab for cutie 
     offers ***** prize
a coffin (grateful dead set)
     "feign" to eulogize.
Doth strongly waft, sting,
and nauseate about me
olfactory nose flying zone
bombarding cilia of
nasal passageway analogous
to displeasure wrought by

crashing, deafening, exploding,
ear splitting xylophone,
also synonymous isolated like
barenaked lady within
remote location of Lake Woebegone,
voluntarily forced to bathe

in brutally cold
mountain waters oxbow lake
vaguely resembling out
size topographical wishbone
rescue unlikely since
bajillion miles from radio tower,

thus state of the art
electronically sophisticated videophone
good as worthless resignation,
sans fate linkedin tubby
mother nature's cryogenic specimen
more'n murmuring undertone,

where huge Arctic glacier overshadows
infinitesimally microscopic human,
one speck kin zee ditched
**** sapien subsumed
under superfluous tombstone
as frozen fountain head,

where Atlas shrugged,
nonetheless incongruous yen
to purge mine offensive odor,
where civilization footprint
sole lee mine alone in wilderness
thus farcical reason (without rhyme),

atypical, farcical, and poetical title,
yours truly didst stirrup and spur
inexplicable search for soapstone,
yet prospect to don measly frame
without gay apparel

(beastie boy bit figurative bullet,
and buttressed body in buff)
immediately augmented primal scream
to trumpet heebeegeebees
(teeth chattering yodeling
rendition re: stayin alive)

from this Rhinestone
survivalist cowboy wannabe,
began feeling comfortably numb,
and immediately prone
to become human popsicle,
especially when sub zero temperature

immediately froze water splashed skin
(like glassy sheet of ice)
glancing viz albedo effect
as blindingly white
snow capped mountains outshone
albino crags, offering

absolute zero, yes none
reassurance with insulated moonstone
sleeping bag useful
as yolked with lodestone
around neck - slow death by
freezing this knucklebone,

who sought cleanliness,
(and panacea to immortality)
joining exclusive polar bear club
(Ursus Maritimus very selective,
and only chose me) even
at expense of more'n

just frozen jawbone
plus Jack frost bitten cockles turned
deep purple as inkstone
used to write re: scrawl epitaph
on icicle glommed headstone.
Forecasting to thunderous applause
fast as greased lightning draws
upon futuristic atmospheric gewgaws
hot air emanates out these slackened jaws
spluttering courtesy indentured maws
armed with four footed tall paws
gesticulations resembling horizontal seesaws.

Humidity felt across every square inch
covering these lovely bones,
which pores will dribble perspiration
bracing for onset when
meteorological conditions
spell utter lethargy, I unroll the welcome mat
and present global warming!

Every year I seem less tolerant
when oppressive climate
(specifically merciless heat waves)
blasts one anachronistic, dogmatic, and generic
garden variety weatherbeaten **** sapiens
reduced to torpid inert state.

Central air conditioning quickly
found this creature comfortably acclimated,
who defies, contradicts, bumps uglies...
up against rugged individualist,
yet he meekly professes
spouting ideal survivalist ethos
admitting actual propensity as
nothing else matter
barely distinguishable traits differentiating
yours truly among braggarts
visited by the unforgiven sandman
exhibiting all talk no action.

Analogous to weather scorching
the blackest soul,
a similar aversion exists
toward severe wind chill factor temperatures
plunging mercury way below zero.

When regarding conditions linkedin
with extreme heat index
smothering Perkiomen Valley,
this bloke (residing what seems
since time immemorial
at Highland Manor Apartments) burrows
when heart touched by fire
into sixty degree Fahrenheit
fella climate control mancave,
thus adieu go doldrums
figuratively strait jacketing
yours truly no more.

Unlike luxury to chill out (literally)
back quite scores of years ago
central air conditioning absent
imposing grueling hardship
no deliverance afforded tender vittle Earthling.

When referenced human (me),
he formerly (passively) weathered
humid, hot, and hazy
dog days of summer,
during his boyhood at 324 Level Road.

Said storied estate with manicured formal gardens
lacked luxuriating aforestated amenity
regarding cool (temperature wise) climate control
introducing anonymous reader
familiar or otherwise
regaling modest literary versatility,
whereby yours truly average bloke
Fahrenheit dealt with temperatures
registering bajillion blistering degrees.

Especially upper level housing bedrooms
about half dozen steps above landing
suddenly experiencing indisputable
scientific principle hot air rises
undermining ability to function,
no more active matter rendered lifeless,
but rather equally inert think deathlessness
as an inanimate object
mainly cuz estate - complex edifice
formerly christened "Glen Elm"
built approximately turn of

twentieth century abode -
once encompassed
one hundred plus acre demesne
unfortunately long since razed
(initially intended as summer retreat)
preceding never incorporating
said modern HVAC conveniences,
now no modern building
lacked fantastic amenities,
plus ability to tolerate hardship
much more omnipresent
before yours truly

racked quite numerous
orbitz round the sun
versus now, when
greater sensitivity prevails,
I admit pioneer spirit plummeted,
and if forced to forego
custom tailored environment
would be immovable prey,
for even the most
harried styled counting crow king carrion,

which admission would
only present challenge
predicated on severe disruption
compromising being hermetically
sealed, linkedin, cocooned...
within man-made dwelling
hardship analogous no name brand
garden variety slug
essentially homeless snail
shell lacked with mew cuss.
Albeit cold shower with sudden zoo
ming onset of
brisk fallen temperatures
may not be amenable to you
dear reader, but after Matthew
sets to washing
creating substantial lather,

visited with healthy slew
of frothed shampooed hair do
(cuz - jest like
I like abundant suds),
which initial shock
     of cold water jolts mine
     body inducing "Whew"

to escape soaped over mouth
     (here, lemme lean in
     so yukon get a whiff)
     this self proscribed
     quasi (very diluted off the
     Peco boo grid) deprivation
     of hot H2O tolerance,
     qua minimal self

     elected survivalist
     modus operandi value
bull electric kool aid acid test
     undertaken in the
     event devastating adversity
     (mainly an electricity
     power outage) doth render
     livingsocial uncomfortably

     cold to the bone and sinew,
where mind over matter decides
     riches superfluous,
     especially if parvenu,
when scads of back up
     generators conk out
     total unbelievable wreckage,
     sans the overnight

     natural germane Blitzkrieg
     imposes savage apocalyptic
     devastating hellacious milieu
     (on account of a mega disaster
     such as hurricane Michael), who
doth not indiscriminate
     toward gentile or Jew
obliterating entire infra

     structure super glue
equalizing economic disparity hew
wing fair playing field reducing
     whether disposable wealth harkens
     from "old" money, and/or nouveau
riche, this sudden
     catastrophic event brew

till lee decrees indeterminate
     penury, and trappings
     of theoretical leisure class
     bon voyage every stitch of cloth,
and other material goods
     forcibly bade i.e. adieu.
Michael Marchese Jul 2023
More passer
Than dribbler
The scritch and scratch
My flow is a river
In come what May
I swim in the shiver
And even in bloom
All my numinous
My luminous
Still obscured
To the witness
My freakiest nature
A wishlist
Of ashes
And with tact
My collapsing

— The End —