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Upon the mighty raging sea, whirlpools of fiery sparks, Catherine wheels of light and mist mix with the foam of time. Tossed by unseen movements a tiny globe is floating on the tides and flotsam swirls around its contours, attracted by invisible smooth ripples. Dashed to smooth curves, rare and precious treasure pebbles dance in the flotsam, around the tiny globe, lost in that vast sea, tossed aside by finned entities. Together they ride the foam of endless ocean.

Upon his bed of green soft flotsam, in peaceful tranquillity, gazing out at other treasure pebbles, upon the most precious jewelled blue sapphire, swimming in the azure sea, the purple man soaks up the rays of green made by the yellow globe.

The purple man sees and understands.

The lines of his world are shining silver light, for him there is no darkness in the night. Beset by cares he glances at the fractal flotsam and sees himself reflected, unfolding, timeless. Cares melt in mellow green.

The purple man fades and expands, his nebula fills the ocean wide and everything folds, unfolds; breathes in and out. Allfather stands beside the gate.

Where the fish swim and water snakes, where rivers run and wash the mountains silt upon the shore, there one day the star man came descending from a ship that sails the ocean Sky. The purple man was dreaming as before. From far away where people live in light, from where there is no hunger, fear or pain, where none deceive because there is no gain, where power is within and all are free, Wayland came.

Sitting by the river in the mud his fingers sinking into rich red clay he saw this world so full of music and in love, he sought the matrix seeds that dormant lay. Weaving the matrix then this Wayland made a pair of people from the clay and calling to the green fire of life, he gave them this garden free, to care for and in which to learn and play.

The purple man, who on his misty pillow lay said to Wayland then,

“Will you not stay?” The star man answered,

“I have so far to go and there is so much I want to see, you stay here awhile and tell them this: they are the keepers now of flotsam Zu, and you can teach them all that they must know. Say to them and get it right, 'you are the children of the light, travel where you will; you are not bound here by the clay. In all who say, “I am“ there is the life, and all who live are one in truth, this moment does not pass away.' I will return to visit you one day.”

Purple light shines green around the gate and all pass to and fro. There were the flying elephants of old, bright butterfly wings and iridescent scales, and fire within they blew and rose to mate high in the careless foam of space.

“I see, I see,” the purple man exclaims, “And I will leave a legacy.” Then taking out his notebook draws a stone and then another, places both together high upon the hill.

“All shall know!” he cries and gives them eyes and crowns. Thrones they hold with firm rock fingers, king and queen in rock of jewels tiny crystal shimmers. Eyes gaze out along the silver lines of truth, eyes of stone, and he cuts a small notch in the place the eyes alight their vision.

“Now all will know.” He spreads his cloak and sleeps beneath the hill in quiet satisfaction but dreams he did the task and lost in thought forgets. Stones stand waiting in dreams of eyes that only dreamers see and ride the light that only globe green rays can ride in pale yellow day.

“Forget, forget.” The whispers of the shining huntress sing sweetly and the residents of the butterfly house are soothed and filled with wonder. Dancing light reflects from yellow sand. Lifting hot feet to cool in baking oven rays.

Skating on tension, walking on invisible support a fish jumps from the water of a lake, cascading diamond spray around golden wings, then plunges back into the familiar world. Together all are one and life renewed. Wisps of purple smoke rise from a burning pile of old splendid green boughs now brown and brittle and delicious waves cook as chatter rises in anticipation. Toes muddy and wet warm as much as they dare and faces shine as globe of green gives energy. Wisteria sweet twists its tendrils on the gatepost and spreads its fingers wide to reach the stars.

The white and shining orb that, with full sails, is dancing with the flotsam sapphire tells her story in the ripples of a darkened pool. As in each drop the orb is, so it is with all and in all flows the green.

A grey cat-wolf with silky coat, who sweetly purrs sinks her teeth into feathers and warm nourishment flows from vein to vein. Carrying proudly to the doorstep leaves the gift but pricked purple fingers drip blood as tears flow for the tiny, feathered form.

Misunderstanding of the gift and weary sleep claim the mourner. In the corner stands a child of dusty clothes, untidy and ragged feathers. Grey coloured and brown his hair, face, and hair all dusty and brown. In mind of purple song was singing sad songs of green trees and fields of flowers and seeds. The child turns and eyes as old as time look deep as hands are stretched to greet. The purple man takes outstretched hands and they dance to music of the ocean deep.

“It cannot end, the green can never end, it just returns.” and round they dance, as the child is filled with light and transparent power touches purple hands and spirit surges to pull the purple man to stand before the gate.

Purple man rides on steed of unicorn; who sheds his twisted horn of white and says,

“With this you may write and tell the keepers of Zu to teach their subjects true.” His purple fingers hold the shining torch as on the saddle of his steed he carves the key, the binary. “All is here!” he shouts, “it is enough for all to be and all who will to see! Freedom is my gift to humanity!” Walking to the golden shore, he breathes the green fire to his steed, “Fly now and take my pattern home for all to learn.” The unicorn, now dragon born and horse is manifest, with fiery nostrils and shining fins swims into the long and winding currents of the thread of gold.

From that island home is cast the stone and off it goes into the seas of time, the circle seas. Music wafts around the globe as jewelled pebbles sing. The purple man, his eyes upon the depths, his head on soft flotsam pillow looks horizontally and wanders paths of space between.

A king of Zu in earnest thought upon the shore, a hornless unicorn has caught. A dragon horse who will not bear but shakes his saddle, burden gone he flies into the air. This trinket fine will grace the royal belt and a medallion the king does wear; magic token lost in time as those who knew could not stay and to the music danced away. Beyond the gate, into the ocean deep they to while away, until the wafting air lifts up the drops to bear.

Within the turbulence of that wild sea of calmness where regular tides disguise, mountains are ground, their pieces smashed and broken into shimmering beads of light. Each piece the matrix seed does hold within its crystal frame and life its energy. They shoot forth in forces, travel star to star, globe upon globe they circumnavigate and chaos brings movement to the stagnant ponds of flotsam, pools stirring, breathing life.

In Zu, the wanderers, who had no houses yet, who lived among the stars and trees, gathered round fires to eat their fruit and seeds at Mothers knee and told their oral histories.

Memories of mine and theirs and time distorts the tales so pictures made they to endure but meanings lost as careless child is watching dripping fat of meat and mouth is watering at the food to eat. Within the ring of warmth and fire the wild beast fears, the stories fall distorted on deaf ears.

“Remember well the lessons here: Once our world was full of fear. The seas rose up and swallowed whole the land of Zu, the air was cold. The globe its shining rays of green was hid beneath a reddish sheen of fire as worlds collided higher. The cold it came, the ice giants walked upon the land, so I was taught. Now eat this meat the hunter men have brought.” Within the shamans cave the purple man sleeps and walks on paths of many feet.

On bellies laid upon a hill of hot dry golden sand, the purple man looks down with his band of friends upon the tall city gate below. Beyond he sees the golden domes and tall white towers of so fair a place. A white wall stretches far as he can see and by the gate two fierce lions guard with swords of shining steel.

“I know not how to enter there.” he says, but then finds he is inside, alone and the white city walls are high around him. Trepidation grips his thought and on tiptoes he intrudes in wonder, clinging to the walls. The giant who stoops to lift him smiles, gold flashes from ornaments, turquoise beads on olive skin, and strong muscular arms pick up the purple man who looks around and down to see the white towers are but square pools of proportion huge. The strong hands plunge him down into clear water cool, so fresh it cleans, from showers of silver droplets a babe is raised up to the shining pale blue sky.

Seeing a tortoise then beside the waters edge, the purple man, still having horn of unicorn, inscribed the pattern of the nine with movement of the all, so that he would remember all that Wayland said. Then silence and dreams were once more inside his head.

Purple man sat at the foot of a great tree. A red furred squirrel ran up and down the bark, collecting food and going deep to keep its secret safe. Above the tree the globe was shining bright and yellow light was all around. The good folk who dwell in light transparent crystal vessels sang their song for all to hear and as the squirrel gathered food she heard their voices clear. Then, scampering along the ground quietly in case the purple man should wake, she buried down to the deep pools where three watch the water that feeds the sap. She hummed the song but had not listened to the words and got it wrong before those there to guide the destiny.

“Oh, careless child who listens not when at the fire, who now will tell the history?” The purple man saw the green sap of the tree within and understood.

“Make a machine!” the keepers say, “for you are bound by clay. Rip out the sapphires heart and give us power so that in darkness is the light of day. We have the words and wisdom here,” the keepers fight and hide the secret words, “the nine is ours not yours to know, we only have the power, is it not so? We are your keepers, guardians true; we would not lie to you.

“We took the power from Mother of the tribes to keep you safe from beasts who roam. They would not stay outside the ring of warmth and fire but come inside, devour you in your home.

“The seas rose up before and swallowed Zu, the people perished all except a few. Those few were chosen by the unicorn and here to us a tortoise bore its horn. We stole the fire that came on flotsam Zu, we have the lightening here entombed, the stars that fell in dire punishment, we kept them to remind you of your doom.

“We took the prophets all and kept their words, we wrote them down and only we can give those words to you. He who was here is gone for now but will return, to judge all those who will not heed our rule.

“We must make war to punish those who hate, we must sacrifice to please the beast. Then within our boundaries you will be safe in service to our cause for we are wise.”

The slaves of Zu who toil and sweat all day, all fearful of whatever comes their way; the slaves who have no water and no food and not because they have not loved the good, the slaves who weep for flotsam Zu, the ones who try to do what they believe is true, all listened to the keepers and were quiet, they had no heart to war and die in riot. They had no heart to disobey the rules well taught from their first day. Some turned and struck their fellows in dismay.

The feet upon the pavement hard in hardness crunch and shocks run up the legs and bounce the brains of those who cannot see. Purple streaks the sunrise comes and petals yawn to greet the sailing globe of yellow breathing green. Herded and obedient, the subjects of the kingdom of Zu wake and queue politely as keepers set the tasty morsels. Wheels and tides, time and ocean turn as globe spins in eddies and careless diamonds sprinkled in the flakes of cornfields tell the story unfolding.

Shadows play. The sickle shines its ****** sweetness horned and lovely; sparks of stars surround the misty blue. Knees and cries on time forget the sly insertions and nourish soon forgotten virtues.

A bell is ringing on the shore. Sound bounces wave to wave and lost in purple wandering a passing bee remembers that it cannot fly and hurriedly taking scissors cuts a fine raft of leaf, pointed as a ships bow and hops aboard to surf and glide on currents of the sky.

From the deep oceans light, Wayland sees and sends a whisper from his mind, the purple man is dreaming still among the many others of his kind.

“Its time to wake now, of slumber is enough. Zu needs to have its gardeners intact, its time to plant the Iris bulbs to grow in pasture and in desert before the ice comes back. Seeds of the rainbow must be sown on every track. When summer dawns on frosted fields, fingers of warmth probing into the hearts of seeds that sleep, come now its time for growing. Plough the furrows deep. When summer dawns on frosted fields, fingers of warmth probing into cold frost hardened hearts. Awake, its time for knowing!”

The purple man in forest sees green light of yellow globe is shining energetically its light on all, and one with all he walks in joyful song. Along a branch a leg is stretched, a long leg, there a person sits within the tree, smiling song of life,

“He's just like me!” the purple man does not intrude but curiosity is wakened as the man is standing tall and then is gone before his eyes of sight. A figure dressed in light, not vaporous, a solid man who flickers on and off he sees. The purple man perplexed is wondering, when at his side a figure tall and grey is standing, branches on his head, without a face in the full light of day. The purple man looks for the face, the seat of senses known to know who is it there and meets an eye as old as universe. The eye is looking for the same and as they meet in trap of combined senses all, there is a spark and purple man is travelling then, he is not in the planet Zu at all. The visitor who comes to show the way gives him a choice of paths to take, he forward walks along a narrow lane with strange and pointed leaves of maize. Rustling in the plants the other chases past, he greets him at the other side, and man of light is shining on and off out of the gate the purple man to guide. The rainbow bridge connecting all the worlds, the green path that all who live must share, the purple man looks for the visitor but turning finds that nothing's there. Then rippling wave of green comes flowing through the woodland and the day, it passes through all that lies before, and purple man is standing in its way. Green fire! The life! The sap of tree! I see! His spirit soars as Wayland flies away.

Looking down at hands and feet with rainbows shine, in great delight he finds he is not purple now but made of light sublime and at his step the irises spring bright.
Emily Jones Jan 2017
StarMan out in the great beyond
How you touched us all with your luminous song
The wondrous echos of your voice fades only in the presence of time
As the man who fell to earth
You left a mark
On each of our down trodden hearts
StarMan out in the great beyond
Always here and never gone.
In remembrance of David Bowie on the one year anniversary of his passing.
Dave Williams Jan 2016
one of the first songs i learnt to play on a guitar
was about a guy in space
while planet earth was blue
and there was nothing he could do
so he came back

and wrote a bunch more songs i can can play on a guitar
about heathens and spaceboys
and a guy called picasso
who was never an *******
but never came back

and in between he morphed a few times
assumed many guises
genies, heroes and dancers
rebels, dreamers and monsters
and never looked back

and i chuckle to think that up there on mars
whoever he's selling the world to
be it all the young dudes
or you in your red shoes
needn't give it back

i feel grateful for being part of it
all you've left behind
at least one thing is sure
there isn't any more pressure
and i've got your back
thank you david bowie, rip.
Man Mar 2024
It's humbling to look
Up at the stars, the
Gorgeous night sky.
Humbling to think,
Someone revoling one of those stars
Is staring back at me.
If there's one thing to never grow out of, it's gazing up.
tamia Feb 2017
here's to the glam rock messiah of outsiders and misfits,
the androgynous man of the stars with the music.

born in brixton,
he traveled the universe by spaceships and soundwaves
with wild hair and one eye dilated.
book-loving and queer,
in love with the thought of turning 50.
the world had never seen a man
living different lives at once,
but here the starman came reinventing himself:
ziggy stardust, thin white duke, aladdin sane, major tom—
all different selves tied together by his heart.

he lived his earthly mission, rightfully so
that even the gravity of the world could not keep him put.
so on and on he strummed his guitar and crawled on stage,
in spaceboots and dresses, in porcelain doll makeup,
reaching out to all the nobody and somebody people

but one day his cosmic vessel
was taken down by a secret sickness
and halted his mission here on earth,
and so the streets and little bars smelling of cigars
were flooded by the ones who mourned,
who looked up to the stars,
wondering where their starman went.
the world had never seen such an electric creature,
but here the star man came in music and dance,
saying it was alright to be weird—
to embrace strangeness
in a world where every earthling wanted to be the same.

and perhaps, he isn't really long gone:
his time here may have ended
but now he is out there, somewhere,
on some distant star,
watching over the Earth as he always has.
i miss you, david bowie.
farthest star Jan 2019
Traversing the constellations that unite our worlds
         of light and dark,
I seek refuge in the ephemeral soul that is you.
Although our time together is fleeting
such as any and every star that reaches my observation,
         I still adore the intertwining of divinity
with that of mundane creatures, like myself.
         the salient life that emerges from this phantasmagoria
is priceless in every respect because it comes from you,
who inspires me to dance amongst the nebulous gala
         perhaps we will collide
and we will swirl into the abyss of everlasting night
or collapse and rebirth a new universe.

Nonetheless, we will meet one day
my muse, my treasure island,

my farthest star.
Jude kyrie Jul 2018
I remember when you were so tiny
You were fascinated by the moon
We hung a sky of golden stars
On the ceiling of your room.

You tied strings from star to star
Making star patterns yet unknown.
Became a bedtime spaceman.
That in your stars you roamed.

I think of the very first time
You went outside in dark of night
To look at the spangled heavens
And Bathe in their magic light.

Your wide eyes saw earth’s ceiling
With a billion stars so bright.
It send your tiny heart reeling
On that clear and wondrous night.

The stars told you they loved you
Every planet star and all
But you were frightened of them
They made you feel so small.

You could not change the constellations
In the space beyond the sky.
And the feeling of being so tiny
Almost made you cry.

But listen, little traveler.
There’s something you must know
The minute that you were born on earth.
A new star began to glow
For my grandson
Lunar Vacancy Mar 2016
The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars
" ******* up eyes and ******* down hairdo."

Hunky Dory
" It's the freakiest show."

The Next Day
" As Long As There's Sun, As Long As There's Rain."

Aladdin sane
"Watch that man! Oh honey, watch that man."

Young Americans
" His ever loving face smiles on the whole human race."

Station to station
"Don't let me hear you say life's taking you nowhere"

Diamond dogs
"When you rock 'n' roll with me. No one else I'd rather be."

"Sometimes you get so lonely, Sometimes you get nowhere."

Pin ups
"Let me hold your hand and be your loving man"

"There's nothing in our eyes, as lonely as a moon."

Scary Monsters (And super creeps)
"I'm happy, hope you're happy too. I've loved all I've needed love."

Lets dance
"If you say run, I'll run with you."

The man who sold the world
" Oh no, Not me. I never lost control."

"How you turn my world, you precious thing."

" We can be Heroes. Just for one day."

"I guess we lived it out. Something in the air. We smiled too fast."

" Look up here, I’m in heaven, I’ve got scars that can’t be seen."
I'll Love you forever, David Bowie
Caterina Jan 2016
Dear Starman,
now that you've left
our world
to reach yours
I'm Happy.
Now that you can
        like a martian
and travel
        the galaxies
and dance
       the Venus
I'm Happy.
The Earth is always blue
up there
isn't it?  

     dear Starman

(11-1-16 Rest in peace Mr Bowie)
My personal goodbye to the astronaut of dreams
Lexander J Jan 2016
A great mind departs into the winter's night-sky
wreaths and shrines adorning the ground where he may lie
died doing what he done best, knowing his time had come
now he traverses the stars with Ziggy and Major Tom

sitting in his tin can far above the likes of you and me
gazing upon our world through tears, alas now he's free -

wanted eagles in his daydreams, diamonds in his eyes
escaping the black side of reality he so very much despised

['Look up here man I'm in danger
I've got nothing left to lose.']

carried away upon a tidal wave of fame
albums meant nothing 'cause they'll sell again,
defying sexuality, pioneering the glam-rock scene
achieving goals only the common man can dream

['Ground control to Major Tom -
your circuit's dead, there's something wrong!']

now his voice is followed by the chilling whisper of death,
sang to the end with his very last breath
body failing but soul very much alive
empty silence filled with his hazy cosmic jive -

and yes, years will pass from this day, but we will never forget who you are

farewell Ziggy Stardust

our brilliant shining Blackstar.


["I'm happy... hope you're happy too..."]

RIP David Bowie
Lucy Tonic Nov 2011
Major Tom
Where's your tea-set?
It's us and them now
Forget Ziggy
You're the Starman

Becoming more like a machine
Each and every day
Dusting my hard-drive
Pulling wires from the
Seeking control
Who am I?

We know you got this
Death-drive type thing
Pure desire
Driving you up walls
But don't worry
Your bedroom's elegant
Just lacking in a certain shade of green

Got my death tools
Got evolution's bent
LSD morals
Cardboard Soup
But any malfunction
Means I plummet

Starling child
Superman's coming with
Great Insights
Red Suit, Yellow Suit
We know it's you
Rest now
Your homecoming awaits

Penetrating gravity
Swallow me slowly
Black hole
The rules of brain
Have changed
I repeat
The rules of brain
Have changed
(Throw up,
Man in yellow suit
Miscarried today
He floated away
Tried to save him
But the jaws of life let go

Let's talk drill bitter
Hold that thought
(Pod B- Eyes Open)
Hey we're back
Let's play chess
Testing Testing
What a brilliant

I keep having
The same dream
I see this floating
Taunting me like Moses' tablet
But it always dissolves
Out of my reach
The door keeps closing
But floats back to me

Hold your fact sheets close
This decimation is critical
The millions will praise you
Don't eclipse your mission
Enjoy the scenery
Remember your duties

If God has a face
Will I soon see it?
Can he not hear us without
These markers?
Did he abandon Gaia
The minute she fell?
Ancient astronauts
Invade my nightmares
I feel like I've been here before

We assure you
There're no witch doctors
In outer space
There's a time for revelation
And a time for concealment
Please learn the difference
You're almost home

More imaginary friends
But their intentions
Are unknown
The bow-man
With his shaky spears
Tells me I have
Nothing to fear
But I wonder why he
Looks so sad
The motherboard is dead
Polite robots politely abandon you,
Just like people do
And I'm still carrying
The motherload
"My mind is going- I can feel it"

This is a prerecorded message
By now you're in
Jupiter's time warp
Deep inside the
You're making history here
Keep your eye on the prize
You'll do fine"

Neon light seizure
It's too much
It's too much
I see the Universal shape
Of a pupil
The iris is white
Consumed by light
It's too much
I see another door
In the bedroom of the Sun King
I've arrived at Stargate
Made a room in my mind

A blank, black slate
A nothing state
The secret's out
We yearned and pined
For nothing
The blind-fold's off
The secrets out
We ached and pained
For nothing

*And when the glass breaks and
Wine stains my bedside
I quench my endless thirst
With the vine inside
Ann Williams Ms Jan 2017
In memory of David Bowie, died 8 January 2016: ‘Second star to the right, and straight on till morning’.

In the blue midnight
A crown of stars
Lights on the head
Of winter-king, summer-king,
Oak and holly,

In the blue midnight
Wheeling and gliding
On glassy waters;
Up and out, down and back,
Turning the year.

In the blue midnight
Time’s hand is cold,
Eternity’s colder;
But infinite skies
Diamond-bright, featherlight,

In the blue midnight
Open the path,
leading us home.
It's a space oddity
for all that this came too
for the man who sold the world
should have sold it all to you

Let's dance, for we are heroes
we know there's life on Mars
you our dear modern love
now dance amongst the stars

You were a rebel, rebel starman
without you our world changes
ashes to ashes, dust to dust
Your body, your soul exchanges

We know you're still alive
but where are we now?
Maybe next a china girl?
we'll meet again somehow
AB Jan 2016
The Starman rose,
He created Changes all around,
There was Dancing in the Street,
And we all saw something new.

He became Iconic.
Rebel Rebel to the norms and stigmas we knew.
We found Golden Years in the lilt of his voice.
And we were happy.

But Heroes cannot stay forever.
Eventually they must ascend.
A final Magic Dance for all to see.
A legend we lost this day.

Now we face this question,
Where Are We Now?
We're without him
The Man Who Sold the World.

We have to go on, left on this earth,
This suspended rock holding life.
Our own little Space Oddity.
Rest easy Starman,
We'll take it from here.
David Bowie shaped so many lives and stood for so much. We can never truly pay tribute to him for all that he did, not only for the music world, but for our culture and who we are as a people.
Oscar Mann Jan 2016
Most of us don’t even manage
To become a hero, just for one day
But the Starman came, he saw, he conquered
He blew our minds
A creative centipede
A shapeshifter
A kook
A man who sold his image to the world
And showed us that heroes still exist
Jester Feb 2020
Starman taking off, over Venus and to Mars, I get lost up in the stars.

Command has their doubts but I have an urge, so into the black above I travel, explorer of the unknown. Countdown to history.

Looking back down to something I knew, something now far beyond my reach as I reach to the stars and go home.

Home beyond the void and here we go, Sail into dreams, sail into dust.

Stardust and red dwarf and here we go, mission control gets cut off, we're in charge now, doing what we do going home, leaving the blue behind as we head into the void, each wearing their pride on a sleeve of Red White and Blue.

Light a cigarette, final time to say goodbye, and I'm gone.
wordvango Jan 2016
just an ode a eulogy to the man who
brought us "Ziggy Stardust" .
"Starman"  and so many more great songs.
David Bowie ,David Jones
rest in peace.
You spent your life creating
"Planet earth is Blue and there is nothing I can do"
Martin Mikelberg Feb 2018
immortal, almost - starman
a tribute to the human dummy just sent into space
Lunar Vacancy Jun 2016
I opened the airlock and stared into the blackness of space.
It's cold on my skin as the look of blue and purple creep up my fingertips.
I hold on to the latch and try to maintain my gravity.
All  it  takes
I breathe in no air.
One  Step
I've told myself over and over. If i step out i'm never going back..
But how will i know?
If i never step out then i'll never know what could've happened.
I take a step-step-step out.
I take a step-step-step out.
Starman save me.
And crawling on the planets face,
Insects called the human race.
Lost in time.
Lost in space.
And meaning.
Oh! You Pretty Thing
First time I saw you I thought Watch That Man
I really wish he'd Rock N Roll with me All Nite
because he looks like he's coming straight out of 1985.
Unfortunately It Ain't Easy since you already got this China Girl
but Where Are We Now? We made some Changes
and finally Here Comes The Night we'll be turning down the lights
covered in Ziggy Stardust, Dancing In The Streets, I never felt so right.
I'm a Rebel Rebel living on a Blackstar
you say Love Is Lost and just like you I Can't Give Everything Away
but I now that All The Young Dudes ain't got a thing on you
right now I'm in the Quicksand and can't find a way through.
I'll be your Lady Stardust, you'll be my Starman
we can be Heroes just for one night, or we can be us just for one day
so come on, let's go rattle the stars
And, maybe, in Five Years
we'll discover if there really is Life on Mars?
The "infamous" David Bowie poem
Lora Lee Jan 2016
And I cry
for so many losses
so many ties
that burn, that bind
waving in a lit-up
trail of dark..
there is the Starman
now up above in his glory
his beautiful music forever
our souls
There is the precious love
of a friend, gone her way
leaving him to mourn her glow
So many others..actors,
musicians of our youth

And what of my precious love?
He lives. Yes, he lives
yet is no longer
mine, perhaps
never was
just an illusion of light
in my ever long tunnel
of sparkling darkness.

And now
I gather up
the shards
put back together
my heart of
Paul Hardwick Mar 2014
Today I met a StarMan
all he did was drift up.
Recent telepathic conversations with interstellar installations causes titillation skin sensations

...I'm simply over oversimplifications....

The amalgamation of information will cause transformation,
Transfiguration from my
out-of -this world publications of blood relations to star constellations....
Jupiter The Poet Aug 2020
Dearest wildflower grinning,
With powdery, crooked teeth,
Hair, incandescent and unusual,
Bright mind,
I write this although it was my last,
Follow me into the Holocene,
And the night ghosts will not steal your eccentric soul,
You shall always be an epitaph for the ages,
Your happiness plastered on pages,
Your blue eyes dance away,
Your irises discoloured and grey,
Never has indigo seemed so violent,
Never has Auburn seemed so opaque,
And for strong tongues to seem so silent,
And Berlin nights,
And London days,
David Bowie,
Our Ziggy, Our Starman,
Now there is life on Mars.
William Kline Nov 2021
If there were to be a movie about my life
I’d want David Bowie’s Starman to be the the track that plays after I jump off the bridge.

— The End —