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Carlo C Gomez Mar 2021
Star soldier with the rocket arm,
you bleed silver, gold,
and product placement.

Smile big for the camera,
the media will sell its soul
for a new bankable face.

Party hardy, Heisman candidate,
******* your semi-steady's
sorority sister,
then ask to see her again
sometime after the **** kit.

It's quite alright,
so long as you have talent
beyond this hemisphere.
Why even the fatherland, ESPN,
will gladly call you "son."
softcomponent Mar 2014

Testing that nuclear feeling pulsating through my ventricles, a pain sour at top of my genitals in the area above the ***** dr's call the pelvis
it hurts for no such reasons; mysterious numbness to the pain as it aches and yet it is only a suppressed fear of cancer, the dr checked my prostate jamming finger in ******* n twisting like a diamond fairy-- perhaps nicer not jammed in my ******, but this is 'the nature of the examination'

nature, nurture, I am suffocating myself in her addicted presence, regardless of how much I may love her she was cuddled next to me last night before slipping into a gasp-snore sleep and the ****** intrusive evil thought came to me-- wat if i took this lighter and singed her hair or her skin and fer sakes I scared myself, the same way I scare myself after watching documentaries on serial killers and wondering, so wondering, 'that could be me- the killer- torchering stray cats with infected syringe, binding its legs with an unwound coat-hanger and tossing it off a bridge-- and then years later I pick-up a hitch-hiker and ******* him against his will, slit his throat to keep him bound in the loss-progress of forgotten history'

this 10 mg escitalopram oxalate / i cannot tell if it is working / but my head is a pill and the dr agreed to prescribe me .5 mg xanax n maybe this is why i feel close to losing the mind in burn-ache-scare-myself-away /


I got a blood-test the other day, my way of praying to science to ask its all benevolence if I, perhaps, have ***, AIDS, chlamydia, godknowswat

immediately afterwards, I went home and read 3 articles on the Russian intervention in the Crimea as if it were my insanity civic doody

cracked-open my budget and calculated my debt to be somewhere in the $2,400 range n felt trapt and angry and unreal as if high-school is when time stopped and ever since I waste my life / spending it on money / money it on spending ******* /

i go to work, feel dead or mad already, as if 20 yrs is too late for me and it'll be one hell of a trip when I realize I've made it to 21, let alone 30

let alone 30

let alone *30


last night i begged her for ***, a remorseless evil pulsing thru my veins and no compassion save for some manipulative control of a dark-force--

she was sleeping, sleepy, woke up, i deliberately watched **** with the volume high to keep her up and guilty

she called me *pathetic
and it only hurt becuz I believed her and knew it

it spunnn outta control and into other vortextual matters of an unexpressed zeitgeist diatribe and she went as insane as me, threw my coconut oil at the wall in my bedroom when i insisted i sleep on the couch muttering to herself i feel like dying like killing myself like ending, if u *******, how can u ******* when u know i feel like this it makes no sense and it hurts and i call her one great-big-guilt-trip-lookin-pretty she insists on a slam-slouch next to the door and says i wanna listen to you ******* and i will i don't care we are both now in the grip of an evil cabin fever trapped in each others soulz and i become eviler as she becomes eviler, we look like madmen women to one another going tangent after tangent and in some sick sense realizing how petty and empty we must be to feel so petty and empty and expressive of a dark chill within us each a hot ember of hopeless cold firing the spot-team responsible for motivation and direction due to budget cuts of the soul

and by god i hate myself, and by god at times i hate her the same and the world but only as reflection to that dark chill within us

an empty chatterbox


i wake up, write this poem, refuse to pop a xanax pill today and feel a gritty dirt rubbing thru my hert hertz heart

better, it's better, i love her

and yet there is that dark chill within us

an empty chatterbox
Brad Lambert Mar 2012
So much to do, my mind is buzzing. My fingers are dancing with perverted excitement as my lips form words with more syllables than letters. I feel as though I were a more capable Atlas. May the world rely on me, I shall hold it higher than an aeroplane as it soars through the sky. Our skies.

A testament to the ingenuity of man the turrets, ******* the weak, and credit God; the asexual ****** he is.

This is no song for the hipsters to play as their ringtones as they feel for each other through their LCD screens. They search for other brazen articles of humanity trapped within their social networks, a web of faces, **** smiles, faces and words with us wherever we we go. An inextricable mass that haunts like schizophrenic vocals droning out the real life. But there is no real life. We are all just like Him.

*****. Not natural. Filthy. Unclean.

Today, I grabbed a handful of sand just to see if I could feel it. Ten years ago, I would have felt every grain as it passed through my fingers; crisp, sharp, invigorating. Now, it’s dull. Blunt, rounded, indistinguishable. *****. Not natural. Filthy. Unclean. Nothing for our worshipped deviant to see.

My life is pornographic; an infographic of my exquisite taste in infectious lies, in the slaughter of old days, in the times immemorial. A map of things that don’t relate to me. A chart of things I don’t care about. I have too much to do, so much to write about! To write

*****. Not natural. Filthy. Unclean.

My mind is buzzing.

Until the next day, when my bones fall sluggish and my mind thinks plainly of its singular desire: Sleep…*****, sleep...filthy, sleep. But I can’t.

So now...I work. I am alive, alive, alive a lively beat of my heart as blood runs like an inmate from the bars of confinement. From my body: a testament to the ingenuity of *******. My body. Where my heart is beaten.

Beat, beat.

Sleep, sleep.

Fly high.
No longer let our voices fall to a whispering
march of death. Jam your baritones and
inflections through songs for a god gone

Make the earth shudder under your footsteps
as you let the wind take the pages like
a flickering flame

Make your presence known through the howling
sleet and rain - scream in the faces of distorted
kings, spit on their robes and **** in their eyes

Cast your fury like the waves and witness the smoke
of god vanish in the shadow of a cat, feast upon the
words that wither like the grass

Smear the self indulgent prophets in sweat and mud,
drown the child of the Euphrates and **** on his
holy stone

Go horse in your burning wrath, ******* wretched
Isaiah, suffocate him in the wallowing tears of Job,
let the blood of your hatred flow like wine

Drink of your consummate supplication steeped
in rage and disgust.

Let it sustain you to shake the pillars
and columns of his temple to the ground

Dictate your commands and bask in the boundless
power your existence brings to bear upon the weak
and know you and the fake god you hate

are one.

*This is an old one from my depreciated poetry blog found here:
Austin Heath Sep 2016
It's as gorgeous to see the first stick with a sharp rock at the tip, as well as the last mirror polished heavily ornamented spear someone used to try and ****** another human in the name of that quest for greatness, and remember that somewhere in between Jesus Christ was nailed to a flagpole and stuck with the same instrument.
      "Lives Forever."
      To some rate we stopped making weapons to **** mankind, and started building weapons with the destructive power to **** entire branches of thought, philosophy, ideas, and religions. We committed to Hiroshima to tell the world, "Your future is ours." We committed to Iraq and Afghanistan to say, "Thou shalt not interfere with the moral ambiguity of the nuclear superpowers." We fight the idea of terror abroad with real weapons to unrighteously protect the idea of freedom here, dead black men and children in the streets, and in their own homes.
      I'm no longer surprised what little effort it took me to stay alive.

      A friend comes to me lovingly and spitefully because they are depressed. Life is hard. People are cold. Nearly every lover requires a stroke to the ego that tells them they are special or great. We build God in the people we ****, and we're baptized in our ******, not the draining of fluids, but the soft verse that "reminds" us we are "objectively good."

       "Pillowtalk; the prayer for forgiveness."
       She comes to me for forgiveness twice and disappears forever. Jacob calls it, "ghosting". It's casual, really.
       They say the universe is comprised of strings sometimes and it sounds like an idea writers can ******* into dust, but I think they do well connecting human bodies without; part metaphor, part science.
      I attend a party and flirt with a stranger. She says we met before. I make out with her friend. She appears out of nowhere. I flirt with her again. I make out with her friend again. Her friend rubs her hand over my pants around the outline of my steel hard **** and hangs her mouth open to girlishly illustrate shock at her own action. We don't ****.
      I finish twelve hours later into the mouth of an amateur **** artist/cam girl and kindergarten teacher for the second time. Her uber driver told her how ****** took the life of his wife and best friend. We laugh at this. We fall in love to some extent.
      I had a dream I saw my father in a hospital bed and told him I forgave him despite my actions. I wake up fully comprehending that he will die without a son.
     I write haiku for a year because everything else lacks structure.
David Ehrgott Dec 2015
Imagine this man, my father or dad
Would guilt trip his children, this story's so sad
Takes half a weeks pay, waves it under their nose
Demands that we write him or the check it will go
You crazy old man, you make me so blue
Do you even remember how you made me so *******
Pay attention, a lesson I've learned, so will you
You only get back what you give, here's to you
You told me when I was a lad of thirteen
Don't come around I have other family
I don't need them getting confused nor upset
Just leave us alone, the skunk is our pet
Or how 'bout the time I was just only three
When the neighborhood mobster did ******* me
You told me "don't just sit there call up the police
But, I have to work so please excuse me"
Or how 'bout the time that along with my sister
You let that bad man take his creepy **** pictures
Sue often referred to her dad as her dooshie
And he'll never know what she baked in her cookies
You think I don't know how you spoil your son
Normy gets all he can handle of mile high fun
Fine season tickets to all sporting events
For how many years now, since he was ten
I had a neighbor, competed with me
I'm sorry I troubled you, what did I think
That you cared?  That you tried?  Did more than nothing?
'Cause you're old now, your children, should they be so loving?
C'mon who ya kiddin'?  You had more than this comin'
You should have been locked up to protect my dear cousin
If you're all alone with no one and feel blue
What goes around finally came back to you
Arcassin B Jul 2017
By Arcassin B & Wendy R

AB: Searching for a part I never thought i'd find in myself
carrying guilt in many ways from a cry of self help,
A tally every time for all the times , those simple times,
where it could've been easy,
life is a common cold and I've been sneezy.
in a world of pure uncertainty,
they ******* your energy,
brainwash your thoughts through a big flat t.v screen,
we work for things we've earned,
if you're not stupid , you'll learn,
that everybody has a purpose,
don't let evils scratch the surface,
they like to show up where your worth is,
It's just a casual Sunday,

the love we find.
is the love we hide for ourselves.
The love we find.
they want to see how it felt.

WR: If humans were a floriculture
Some might call me a ****
Poetry, my way of
Spreading forth my seed
Just like a ****, in a perfect line
I do not grow, you will find me
On a venture clustered down
The untaken trail
To spread the seeds I sow
I sprout sporadically
Throughout the year
My motivational bloom in life
Is to conquer all fear
Constant growth is my goal
Endurance of the tragedies of Life
To enrich the blooming of my soul
Purpose to bloom above all strife

AB : the love we find.
is the love we hide for ourselves.
The love we find.
they want to see how it felt.
Nathaniel Jun 2019
O Sweet almighty my lover lies-
Carried to mountains that silhouette skies.

By a demon mightier than your power-
Scheming to *******, force, and abuse her flower.

Who wolfs such hate, vile and cruel?
Me! For I am the beast that fathers no rule!

Ignorance envenomed my scrupulousness ears-
And gave tribute for lust to find what he hears.

My compass became dwindled but pointed true-
Such guidance, yet pique and repulsion grew.

She watched my footprints with rapt eyes-
And scoffed at my kind-furred disguise.

O why was I a fool to a lover so dapper!
Now the water runs unclean in the cold shower.

Rancid is a man who records his ***** being,
Grim is the one that goes without seeing
daniela Nov 2017
latin poet catullus was often called too personal by contemporaries,
he didn’t write about gods and monsters or heroes or epics,
he wrote about himself and that was terrifying.

catullus wore his heart on his sleeve
and his heart was ugly sometimes, this beating, ****** thing
that would never shut up,
chattering between the line breaks and skirting around the meter.

the opening line to his poem carminae XVI was
“pedicabo ego vos et irrumabo”
which translates pretty literally to
“i will ******* you and face-*******”  
my latin teacher called him “incredibly ******”
i call him “the realest ******* to ever live”  
catullus was the first person to ever write
an open letter to his senatores,
julius caesar burned at the stake of carminae LIV and LVII.
catullus wrote about his boyfriends and his married girlfriend lesbia,
who incidentally was not his beard
or one of sappho’s lovers.
catullus buried his brother in the shrine of carminae CI,
left offerings of wine and bread and coins over his closed eyes.
catullus always made the ugly sound beautiful, eloquent.
you could taste the blood in his mouth,
the pearls and gravel between his teeth.
when i translate his work, he’s the only classic poet
who feels like he’s still alive, laughing at me from his grave
and writing invective epigrams about my grammatical errors.  

catullus was a little bit of an *******, but maybe so i am sometimes,
and catullus was a honest *******.
that’s more than i can say, some days.
he never shied away from himself, not even
from all the ****** parts that are hard to make quiet.
he always wrote about himself because
he understood what ovid and vergil and horace were still learning:
you can’t write about anything if you can’t write about yourself,
if you can’t look at yourself in the mirror
and call your demons by their names.
catullus XVI is the world's ultimate diss track, if you don't know now you know
Michael ayodeji Apr 2018

A perverted city
Whose occupants
Unseats the natural order
Wonderful city of mysteries
Where truth smells martyr
And falsehood wallow in legitimatecy

A *****
Where sodomites *******
Hookers bookers
We find solace in our deeds

Smokes from hose
Fills thé house
Yet we call on the lord of host
So in empyrean we might get a post

Skulls as Cups
Bloods as wines
Sacked bills
Paralysed our conscience
We never got to understand
The temporality of the temporal

Our city,
The euphoriant
Which makes the ticket of empyrean
Slipped away from our palms
In the temporal space
We will rest but not in peace
we are sodomites
Forever we will be

Michael ayodeji Apr 2018
A perverted city
Whose occupants
Unseats the natural order
Wonderful city of mysteries
Where truth smells martyr
And falsehood wallow in legitimatecy

A *****
Where sodomites *******
We found solace in our deeds
But the opportunity of the second phase eludes us

Skulls as Cups
Bloods as wines
Our existence grace dwindle
We never got to understand
The temporality of the temporal

Our city,
The euphoriant
Which makes the ticket of empyrean
Slipped away from our palms
In the temporal space
We will rest but not in peace
Because we are sodomites


Michael A Lawson
Arduino Apr 2019
Yes, I

Pitter patter
On a bitter pattern
Of broken memories that I chitter chat about with little matter

And according to the middle latter statement

I'm a little out of place when
I reminisce about that nasty past

That mask... THAT mask.

The one that covered the area where my face belongs

Which matched PERFECTLY with the shoes I would step in **** with

Telling myself:
"My socks are still clean"

Thinking I could use more chemicals than a Sheen to be Pristine
But that's just artificial heat from a blanket with no seams..

I try to tear apart this quilt
Threaded with empty promises in vain

Inside veins that don't pump blood
They pump shame

I'll never be wrapped in this again..

Covered in unfamiliar skin
Wearing a questionable grin

When in the hell did I begin this transformation?

Self surgery.

Murdering false idols!

******* the very fabric of entertainment.

(Yes I can be a ****)

But I rock an S on my chest over the D..

I'm so sick

My thoughts are so vile
They will leave you ill on your lying lips

There is no use in trying to switch
The shattered reality you now have as a dying wish
***** feet wearing clean shoes
nick armbrister Feb 2018
to what
what to write
what to think
what to do
what to say
what to dispose
what to ask
what to answer
what to design
what to suggest
what to refuse
what to confirm
what to dream
what to add
what to discuss
what to tattoo
what to read
what to eat
what to drink
what to be
what to ****
what to shoot
what to bomb
what to corrupt
what to believe
what to dismiss
what to slaughter
what to obliterate
what to annihilate
what to eliminate
what to terminate
what to graduate
what to *******
what to beautify
what to crucify
what to mummify
what to buy
what to steal
what to create
what to destroy
what to forget
what to remember
what to expire
what to try
what to ship
what to order
what to use
what to fly
what to drive
what to sail
what to crash
The police have a big job to do as there are millions of citizens to black-jack, choke, crush, gag, gouge, hand-cuff, kick, ******, pepper-spray, pummel, punch,  rob, shackle, shove, slap, *******, stomp, strangle, tackle, tase, tear-gas, trample and ****.
Simon Nader Aug 2019
Cannot resist your love
Your gaze that kills the beast
Bring me down to my knees
Only you, I want to please
My love

Even the darkness in me
Shall adore the light in thee
I'll give you my romance
Dominate me in this dance


Rise up and conquer my love
Give me the kiss of death
Rise up and take all control
Until my very final breath
I cherish thee

The serpents shall coil
As they worship thee
If I wish to be one
Let this soul be undone
Shatter me

Sensual such whisper
Through my ears
To fall in such despair
In heated atmosphere

Let it burn in me
Let it burn in you
Let it burn in me
Let it burn
With the fires of your...

(Guitar Solo 1)

Crucify me
******* me
You are on top of this world
Torment me
Defeat me
As long you belong to me
Break my spirit to be for you

(Guitar Solo 2)

This is the end of the story
For thy precious glory
I see the smile in your eyes
As the flames shall rise


Let it burn in me
Let it burn in you
Let it burn in me
Let it burn
With the fires of your...


(Outro Guitar Solo)
The police have a big job to do as there are millions of citizens to black-jack, choke, crush, gag, gouge, hand-cuff, kick, ******, pepper-spray, pummel, punch,  rob, shackle, shove, slap, *******, stomp, strangle, tackle, tase, tear-gas, trample and ****.

— The End —