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Jim Kleinhenz Apr 2010
Birds tend to think the ideal morning raga is
             a mathematical formula, an idea
which will describe ancient silk petals, say,
or nascent flowers in deep movement—  
     objects whose proof lies in open comparison to
            sunlight. The birds, when they
listen to this old raga, played by these
old hands, still say that it’s a language which might be
a new language, and not the same old drumming sound
       played next to their gold and silver cages.
                Birds truly are sensate beings.

True thought consists in singing chords that seem
a repetition of this new language
            —even in pain, even at death—
even though this cannot be. Imagine
each bird singing a thousand songs at each
advent of thought. Think about it—
a thousand songs before the sun moves one degree,
a thousand songs before each bird
         can take a breath,  
a thousand songs against that one moment,
against the passing of that moment…
It is impossible. It has to be.
Of course this too is why I play raga.

So morning’s first raga should not just wake
the sleepers, it should first disturb their dreams.
It should with open eyes bend over their
shut eyes, and watch them come to consciousness.
It should pause at the edge of its destruction,
for soon its vast body will fill the air.
The day is now upon the land. The cage-
bell-flute-beauty, this breath,
is now an abstraction and powerful.
For each day the morning raga finds its way
to garden walls, to destroy those walls.
And for the birds that can fly off,
who are at least alive in the wind,
the morning raga plays a thousand times
in that wind. And then the day begins.

(March 28 2001)
© Jim Kleinhenz
Crystal lived alone in the cabin Ray had built for her. Ray had left long ago but she thought of him often and sometimes went to see him in the city. She was an artist and a dabbler in many fields. Her house was a kaleidoscope of stained glass windows and half finished art projects. It was built almost entirely of wood with a beautiful stairway to a loft bedroom replete with a skylight window on the stars. Set in the mouth of a valley next to a clear stream the cabin looked almost as if it had grown there.

Crystal spent most of her time on her art projects, in fact she made her living that way. She was well known for the macabre nature of her works and they sold well at the local art fairs. Most of the scenes she painted could not possibly have existed on earth. Take for example the orange sky and purple mountains of Mariners Delight or the river of blood in Cosmic Conception.

Often Crystal would meet Ray at the art shows and they would discuss his books or her latest works. It was just such an occasion that preceded the first of her dreams.

Although Crystal had often dreamt of playing in a large meadow surrounded by reflections of her art work this dream had been different. She awoke from a scene in the woods where she had been the object of a grotesque conclave of creatures almost beyond description. There had been a huge goat like creature leading a chant, "Rada nema nestos Yreba, Rada nema nestos Yreba", for a group of creatures that resembled animals. There was a black toad sitting on a rock of seemingly impossible crystalline form, while an agile spider danced on the spokes of its luminous web above her. The smell of blood, the heat of the fire, and the constant and oppressive chant, "Rada nema nestos Yreba, Rada nema nestos Yreba" with all eyes directed at her. She woke with a start, it was early morning, her bed was a tangled mess, and she was covered with sweat. She felt she could almost smell wood smoke, and somewhere in her mind she could still hear the echos of the horrible chant.

It wasn't until almost a year later that the dream repeated itself. She had just completed what she considered her greatest work, a large mural like painting called Id Conclusion. It was a matrix of human forms in contorted and deformed conditions against a backdrop of misty images of human holocaust, war machines, and atomic clouds. She had gone to bed in a storm of thoughts on human depravation and greed. The scene was the same, the spider, the goat, the half human animals, all seemed the same, except for the chant, it was different. "Rada nema nestos Yreba, Raga mantra nestos reale, Yreba Yreba Shiva kommt da." Lightening cracked and a creature appeared. He seemed a man but was built more like a large monkey. Light seemed to follow him like an aura. He was the obvious master of the conclave and all stood back at his approach.

Crystal was lying on the stone altar in the center of the glade and although not bound she was incapable of motion while held in Yreba's gaze. That this creature was Yreba was obvious since all had bowed down now and the chant had changed, "Yreba Yreba teach us to grow." Crystals eyes were glazed and her naked body shown in Yreba's light. All her past works were floating across her mind like a collage. Lost in ecstasy she responded to his aggression like a wanton beast, screaming and writhing in the flow of his energy.

She woke to find her cabin in shambles and she was lying in the center of the living room on the floor, she panicked and ran to her car, slammed it into gear, and sped off down the road.

Ray was sitting in his office at the University that morning when Crystal burst into the room. "Ray, Ray, I've had a dream, a horrible dream, it was, I was!" "Slow down Crystal! You've had a what?" said Ray. Crystal sat down in a ball of frenzy and continued.

About an hour later Crystal had finished her story. Ray spoke, "So you say this is only the second time you've had this dream. Tell me more about Yreba. Does he resemble any of your art works?" "No", she said, "He seemed a lot more like that creature you told me about that day we were discussing witchcraft. The one who was supposed to be the personification of ****** desire evoked for the *** ****** of the ancient Persians."

Ray walked to his bookshelves (he was a professor of ancient mythology and religions) and pulled out a book called Necromancer by Abdule Azerod. "As I recall" he said "that creature was also a god of fertility." He thumbed slowly through the book, "yes, here it is. What did you say this creatures name was? Yreba? Very strange that's almost exactly this Persian deities name, Youruba. It seems he was evoked every year on the vernal equinox to assure ****** reproductivity and if you think that's frightening, feature this, last night was the vernal equinox." Crystal was stunned. "Do you think there's a connection" she stammered? "Don't be silly girl, this was three thousand years ago. Why don't we drive out to your cabin and see if we can find some clues."

Twenty minutes later they were standing in Crystal's cabin. What had seemed so disorderly to Crystal in the morning was now clearly a purposeful state of order. All of her sculptures were arranged neatly on the stairs to the loft, and her pictures were arranged so as to face the spot on the floor where she had awakened. On the floor where she had lain was a large five pointed star. "What does it mean Ray?" "I think it's a pentagram" he stated. "Is anything missing?" "Not that I can see" she said. "I don't think we had better stay" he said, "Find what you need and we'll go back to my house. You can stay there until we figure it out."

Crystal never returned to the cabin. Ray sold it for her and bought her a new house in the city.

Crystal got sick a few months later. She was sitting in the doctors office now awaiting his return. "I have good news" he said. "Good news" Crystal groaned. "Yes" he said, "Your pregnant."
Aliens can make you pregnant of mind, it's the hawkowl facts.
I named my bird dog Yreba.......I'm in so much trouble!!
Aridea P Oct 2011
Jiwa ku terbang
Raga ku hilang
Raga ku menangis
Hati ku mencari

Saay hancur hati ku
Berkeping-keping bagai sisik
Susah dicari untuk dihiasi lagi
Untuk menjadi seutuhnya hati

Serpihan hati ini terbang
Sisa, ku peluk erat sampai ku mati
Sampai kembali lagi
Jiwa dan raga ku ke sini

Tempat terindah kini hatiku
Saat menemukan mereka
Dalam buaian hangat
Hidupku indah untuk selamanya

Le Gra,
created by. Aridea Purple
Aridea P Oct 2011
Tangan ku kaku ketika menulis
Kaki ku lumpuh ketika melangkah
Mata ku buta ketika memandang
Raga ku pun mati karena merindukan

Langit amat luas
Hidup bahagia bersama awan
Tapi, langit tak berikan aku
Aku pun menangis

Air laut menampung kesedihan ku
Meluap menjadi awan
Dan menenggelamkan jagat raya
Termasuk hati ku yang sudah rentan

Rentan, karena terik mentari yang menyengat
Raga ku roboh terhempas angin menjadi puing
Jiwa ku lari saat takut desiran pasir
Darah ku habis saat berlari mengejar semua

Sumpah mati takkan tergapai
Cinta sejati dalam hati yang tulus
Dengan ocehan yang melukai
Dan kata cinta yang omong kosong

Created by Aridea Purple
Aridea P Oct 2011
Jika aku berdosa Tuhan
Hati tak ingin disalahkan
Karena jiwa yang serakah
Telah terbelah menjadi dua

Ingin hati terbang ke Surga
Apadaya terbelenggu senja
Mentari panasi dunia
Bagai raga ku yang mulai gersang

Tuhan... Tolong...
Teriakan ku memohon
Hujanilah raga ku yang gersang ini
Beri tanda jiwa yang asli

Jiwa keras bagai karang
Terhempas ombak baru mengalah
Jiwa lembut bagai awan
Terhempas angin baru tersadar

Sadar akan 2 jiwa yang terbagi
Begitu berbeda bagai langit dan bumi
Amat berbeda bagai air dan api
Ku sadari, aku manusia yang Munafik

Created by Aridea Purple
Sethnicity Dec 2015
Beyond the lights and glare and joyous cheers
Outside the pretty things prepared to tear
It glows without joules or generators
Without lists and traditional movies
between gathered gifts and exhalations
mini mall masses travel plans, traffic
makes meaning of monotony, trees of woods
burning bright before menorahs first light
unquantified warmth while tilted from sun
unnamed it's ether a summoning drum

Before Christ birth or Alleluia sung
Close your eyes and see from glance where it comes
More precious than 34th street miracles
the motivation of cold breeze on leaves
The reason for seasons found in unity  
Where shepherds staff birth red white epitaph
Where plants of poison rosy the living
When wise men exodus for genesis  
Seven lights or Nine or just one big star
matters not the name or time frame in bloom
indiscriminately celebrate the Ohm
The form is based on the Indian Raga in a pattern of ten.
To and From Ravi. Dhaynavad, Shalom, and Rest In Music.
Elle Sang Apr 2016
Terkadang raga ini lelah melangkah
Berjalan tanpa tahu pasti kemana
Apakah akan singgah sebentar di sudut itu
Atau mungkin akan berhenti di pelabuhan timur
Malam itu aku tertatih
Menahan perih dan luka
Tanpa ada satupun yang sadar
Dalam hati mengumpat watak manusia yang acuh
Namun aku juga manusia
Aku.. manusia yang tak akan pernah berhenti belajar
Walau harus merajut asa dalam sakit
Ditemani oleh temaram lampu kota aku menari
Hingga raga ini tak sanggup
Dan jiwa ini hilang dibawa angin malam
Prabhu Iyer Sep 2014
A raga of another time, from another day,
plays in the head:
grime of the day, stuck on my hands.

You shot an arrow across the eastern skies.
Senora, a hundred cries you carry
in your womb, yet I never
found you in the peasant woman
in whose arms I fell asleep, when
at noon you disappear at the horizon.

Maiden of the moons, at dusk I lost you
to the trail of lotuses blooming westward.

It is raining in gusts but this storm
cannot wash it away:
Guilt, like turmeric, stains the soul.
A raga is a mode in Indian classical  music and different modes are sung at specific times. So a morning mode that plays on in the head late at night, arouses a sense of nostalgia...!
Aridea P Oct 2011
Malam larut tak ku rasa kini

Hanya duduk merenungi sepi

Aku pun berdiri

Mendekati cermin di dekat ku

T'lah ku lihat kini

Bayang lain pengkejut hati

Namun, tak kuasa ku tahan tangis

Ingat-ingatmimpi yang lalu

Bintang-bintang kabur berkejaran

Bulan pun tak lagi berjanji pada ku

Untuk selalu menyinari aku

Malam larut hilang berganti pagi

Menusuk raga saat raga menyinari

Membunuh jiwa saat tak lagi kini

Ku rasakan malam yang hening

Di mana ku selalu teringat Belahan Jiwa

Yang dulu slalu mengiasi malam

Created by,

Aridea Purple
Aridea P Oct 2011
Untukmu Cinta
Sejuta kata tercipta untukmu
Segenap jiwa ku serahkan padamu
Hingga akhir waktu ku sembahkan hanya untuk mu

Meski tak kau terima
Cinta dalam hati ku
Terhempas begitu saja
Bagai dari langit ku jatuh

Ingin ku berenang di lautan
Arungi samudera bersama ombak
Desir pasir melagukan alunan daun
Lambaian tangan untuk berselancar

Indah cinta mengikat raga
Satu aliran nadi di salam darah
Mulut mengucap selalu kata cinta
Hati pun akan selalu bahagia
Aridea P Dec 2011
Palembang, 17 Desember 2011

Aku hidup dengan nafas mu Bapak, Ibu
Aku ada karena Dia Yang Maha Satu

Namun raga ini aku yang bawa
Jiwa ini aku yang menjaga
Hidup ini aku yang memilih
Cerita ini aku yang jalani

Aku tumbuh bersama nafas mereka
Aku termotivasi karena mereka juga

Nafas kita menyatu
Mereka menghela nafas kebahagianku
Aku menghela nafas kebahagian-Mu
Nafas kami juga nafas mu, Bapak.. Ibu..

Kau pelita kehidupan
Obor benderang di gelap ku
Bekal mengenyangkan di lapar ku
Oasis indah nan segar di dahaga ku

Tak akan ada aku tanpa-Nya
Tak akan hidup aku hingga sekarang tanpa Bapak dan Ibu
Tak akan aku bertahan tanpa diriku sendiri
Dan aku hidup tuk bersama mereka

Aku yang menentukan
Dia tinggal menyetujuinya
Bapak Ibu hanya bmendoakan
Dan sebentar lagi mereka ku gapai

(it’s because I Love Shane, Mark, Kian and Nicky)
Crystal lived alone in the cabin Ray had built for her. Ray had left long ago but she thought of him often and sometimes went to see him in the city. She was an artist and a dabbler in many fields. Her house was a kaleidoscope of stained glass windows and half finished art projects. It was built almost entirely of wood with a beautiful stairway to a loft bedroom replete with a skylight window on the stars. Set in the mouth of a valley next to a clear stream the cabin looked almost as if it had grown there.

Crystal spent most of her time on her art projects, in fact she made her living that way. She was well known for the macabre nature of her works and they sold well at the local art fairs. Most of the scenes she painted could not possibly have existed on earth. Take for example the orange sky and purple mountains of Mariners Delight or the river of blood in Cosmic Conception.

Often Crystal would meet Ray at the art shows and they would discuss his books or her latest works. It was just such an occasion that preceded the first of her dreams.

Although Crystal had often dreamt of playing in a large meadow surrounded by reflections of her art work this dream had been different. She awoke from a scene in the woods where she had been the object of a grotesque conclave of creatures almost beyond description. There had been a huge goat like creature leading a chant, "Rada nema nestos Yreba, Rada nema nestos Yreba", for a group of creatures that resembled animals. There was a black toad sitting on a rock of seemingly impossible crystalline form, while an agile spider danced on the spokes of its luminous web above her. The smell of blood, the heat of the fire, and the constant and oppressive chant, "Rada nema nestos Yreba, Rada nema nestos Yreba" with all eyes directed at her. She woke with a start, it was early morning, her bed was a tangled mess, and she was covered with sweat. She felt she could almost smell wood smoke, and somewhere in her mind she could still hear the echos of the horrible chant.

It wasn't until almost a year later that the dream repeated itself. She had just completed what she considered her greatest work, a large mural like painting called Id Conclusion. It was a matrix of human forms in contorted and deformed conditions against a backdrop of misty images of human holocaust, war machines, and atomic clouds. She had gone to bed in a storm of thoughts on human depravation and greed. The scene was the same, the spider, the goat, the half human animals, all seemed the same, except for the chant, it was different. "Rada nema nestos Yreba, Raga mantra nestos reale, Yreba Yreba Shiva kommt da." Lightening cracked and a creature appeared. He seemed a man but was built more like a large monkey. Light seemed to follow him like an aura. He was the obvious master of the conclave and all stood back at his approach.

Crystal was lying on the stone altar in the center of the glade and although not bound she was incapable of motion while held in Yreba's gaze. That this creature was Yreba was obvious since all had bowed down now and the chant had changed, "Yreba Yreba teach us to grow." Crystals eyes were glazed and her naked body shown in Yreba's light. All her past works were floating across her mind like a collage. Lost in ecstasy she responded to his aggression like a wanton beast, screaming and writhing in the flow of his energy.

She woke to find her cabin in shambles and she was lying in the center of the living room on the floor, she panicked and ran to her car, slammed it into gear, and sped off down the road.

Ray was sitting in his office at the University that morning when Crystal burst into the room. "Ray, Ray, I've had a dream, a horrible dream, it was, I was!" "Slow down Crystal! You've had a what?" said Ray. Crystal sat down in a ball of frenzy and continued.

About an hour later Crystal had finished her story. Ray spoke, "So you say this is only the second time you've had this dream. Tell me more about Yreba. Does he resemble any of your art works?" "No", she said, "He seemed a lot more like that creature you told me about that day we were discussing witchcraft. The one who was supposed to be the personification of ****** desire evoked for the *** ****** of the ancient Persians."

Ray walked to his bookshelves (he was a professor of ancient mythology and religions) and pulled out a book called Necromancer by Abdule Azerod. "As I recall" he said "that creature was also a god of fertility." He thumbed slowly through the book, "yes, here it is. What did you say this creatures name was? Yreba? Very strange that's almost exactly this Persian deities name, Youruba. It seems he was evoked every year on the vernal equinox to assure ****** reproductivity and if you think thats frightening, feature this, last night was the vernal equinox." Crystal was stunned. "Do you think there's a connection" she stammered? "Don't be silly girl, this was seven thousand years ago. Why don't we drive out to your cabin and see if we can find some clues."

Twenty minutes later they were standing in Crystal's cabin. What had seemed so disorderly to Crystal in the morning was now clearly a purposeful state of order. All of her sculptures were arranged neatly on the stairs to the loft, and her pictures were arranged so as to face the spot on the floor where she had awakened. On the floor where she had lain was a large five pointed star. "What does it mean Ray?" "I think it's a pentagram" he stated. "Is anything missing?" "Not that I can see" she said. "I don't think we had better stay" he said, "Find what you need and we'll go back to my house. You can stay there until we figure it out."

Crystal never returned to the cabin. Ray sold it for her and bought her a new house in the city.

Crystal got sick a few weeks later. She was sitting in the doctors office now awaiting his return. "I have good news" he said. "Good news" Crystal groaned. "Yes" he said, "Your pregnant."
I named my bird dog Yreba, I'm in so much trouble!
fatin May 2016
mana mungkin rindu aku terasa
jika diungkap dengan bait bahasa

dakaplah aku
rasakan rindu aku
kerna mana bisa ayat dan kata curah rasa ini
andai kau rasa perit dan pahit ini,
lepaskan lah.
biar aku bebas terokai dunia
tanpa rasa sekat dalam raga

aku penat
-menunggu sesuatu yang tidak pasti
dalam hal ini, adalah kamu

jalan yang dahulu kita lewati tengah malam kini kian sunyi
dulu, ada sahaja tawa kita kedengaran
bukan aku tidak cuba untuk berhenti ada fikiran tentang kamu
bagai aku tersekat

andai kau rindu
andai kau rasa perit dan pahit ini
lepaskan lah aku

*agar aku bebas teroka dunia
ophelia Jan 2019
rindu berarti merangas,
kehausan akan tubuh itu
mulut ku gersang lalu bisu,
tidak dapat mengucapkan bahwa tubuhku ini haus akan tubuhmu yang sudah berpaling berjalan jauh.
Lalu, harus diguyur air apa raga yang sudah kering ini?
Atau, biarkanlah saja rindu merangas menggerogoti raga hingga tubuh tak berdaya
Ya sudah, biarkanlah mati dan di kubur hingga kau bersedia kembali membasahi lagi di atas tanah saat semua sudah sia-sia.
Aridea P Oct 2011
Hari ku tak tenang
Tanpa alun lagu terindah
Di pantai sana
Bagai tempat ku merana

Jeritan ombak bagai mewakili
Hati ku yang sedang menangis di sini
Risauan burung tanpa henti
Bagai raga ku yang terancam
Tak akan melihatmu lagi

Saat cahaya mentari redup
Bagai mimpi ku yang telah berakhir
Begitu menyesalnya aku
Tak dapat cinta nya
Yang pasti akan indah sampai ku mati

Created by Aridea Purple
jeffrey robin Sep 2014
(             )  


/ ( ) \


See !
                                            ( Tell me your name !  )

It ain't so easy

A lover can not save you

You are the universe

You are the child
                                     Born for        Eternity


( & the fallin rain )


We come from the vast shadows of all the alien places


To survive will take a miracle

( a        Miracle )

We know it

But we are        Afraid


Hero raga

                           Poem of enlightment

Drawn from the world of dreams                


Little boy or girl

                        Hold on !

Perhaps            (?)


Aridea P Oct 2011
Tergetar nadi ku saat teriakanmu
Tersenyum aku saat melihatmu
Bagai mentari pelawan gelap
Bagai jiwa ku  yang amat tenang

Saat terjunan air membasuh raga
Alangkah indahnya pelangi melingkar
Bercahaya terang amat indah warnanya
Begitu segar sambil menatapnya

Tatapan itu tak sama
Dengan saat aku menatapmu
Di hati ku hanya kau yang terindah
Tak tertandingi dari apapun

Segelas darah ku buang
Selaut air mata ku tumpahkan
Saat ku lihat kini kau berada di Surga

Created by Aridea Purple
Aridea P Dec 2013
Palembang, 30 Desember 2013

Ini terjadi lagi,
tuk yang kesekian kali
Jiwaku terbentur batu, keras sekali
Retak, hampir pecah berapi
Gesekan kemarahan dan penyelesaian hati
Menjadi mayat tak berhati
Tak mampu berfikir lagi
Menahan diri tuk bertahan dalam raga ini
Meski kaki ini tak mampu berdiri
Nafas ini tak mampu berhembus lagi
Hanya satu yang aku yakini
Keajaiban yang benar ada di dunia ini
Rencana indah Tuhan yang lain
Yang tak pernah bisa dihindari
Hidup tidak selalu buruk atau baik
Perubahan kecil sangatlah berarti
Tuk hidupku yang sunyi

Aku memang sendiri
Tapi ku tak ingin sembunyi
Apapun yang kan terjadi akan ku hadapi
aku yang memilih aku yang jalani
Ini bukanlah janji
Ini adalah curahan hati
Keinginan yang tak mampu ku raih
Namun ku jua tak lelah berlari
Meraih keingnan di hidup ini
Jika kalian membaca ini
Tolong, hargai dan temani
Aku di sini sendiri ...
Di satu sisi aku ingin mengaburkan batas raga antara kita
Menggagalkan objektivitas yang tersurat
Sehingga berdua adalah entitas jiwa yang ideal dan bermakna

Di satu sisi aku ingin menghukummu
Merobekmu hingga berkeping-keping
Menghilangkan eksistensimu agar kau tak memenuhi benakku

Di satu sisi aku ingin membimbingmu
Meniti sehelai rambut menuju altar suci
Bermandikan mentari, kita adalah makhluk yang paling dinanti

Di satu sisi aku ingin mencabikmu
Menikam segala urat nadi yang berdetak
Beriringan dengan debar jantungku kala visimu terbayang olehku

Di satu sisi aku ingin bicara, di satu sisi aku ingin menerkam
Menertawakan humor renyah gestur yang kikuk dalam bertindak
Hanya dengan menyakitilah aku dapat mengungkapkan
Perihal aku candu akan dirimu
Kepada Pria yang menjadi Psikedelik Pribadi-ku selama tiga tahun.
Elle Sang Jan 2016
Kau mungkin tak akan tahu siapa aku
Dan sejujurnya aku tak akan mengenalmu
Namun kau dan aku memiliki suatu kesamaan
Ia yang kau perjuangkan, yang kau sayangi hingga hatimu sakit
Dulu pernah menjalani hari demi hari bersamaku
Ia juga pernah ku perjuangkan hingga raga ini tak mampu lagi
Ia yang selalu ku sayangi hingga hati ini tak merasa sakitnya

Aku hanya ingin menitipkan sebuah pesan untukmu
Sebuah pesan kecil yang bisa saja kau abaikan jika kau mau
Jangan pernah merasa lelah untuk memperjuangkannya
Jangan berhenti menyayanginya walau mungkin ia menyakitimu secara tak sadar
Karena jika aku masih mampu dan ia masih membuka hatinya
Aku pun tak akan berhenti melakukan kedua hal tersebut
Apa yang bisa ku lakukan sekarang adalah menyisipkan namanya disela doa-doaku agar ia bahagia dengan hidupnya
Dan agar kau tetap terus menjaganya sebagaimana aku akan menjaganya
erik diskin Jan 2019
perjalananmu pasti cukup melelahkan, bahkan menjadi buta pun bisa melihatnya dengan baik. ini, disini, rebahkanlah kekhawatiranmu yang semakin hari menjadi gusar dalam doa-doa yang tabah. akan kuganti dari setiap amin yang kamu titipkan pada malam diam-diam. hati yang kemarin kamu pertaruhkan untuk menemukanku dalam mereka laut yang kesulitan kamu pelajari siapa Tuhannya, yang telah bersusah payah kamu coba taklukkan.

tidak apa-apa. tenggelamlah sesekali, mungkin lima, teguk pilunya, dan pelajari dengan bijak. pada akhirnya, jiwamu yang diberi nama manusia akan piawai membawa diri. paling sedikit, penjaga yang tahu kapan dan untuk apa waktunya sepadan dengan raga yang tersedia.

aku akan menerima sebutan sialan, menyebalkan! dalam hidup bagai keputusasaan jarum dalam jerami dengan senang hati, malah. setidaknya, kamu adalah pelaut yang cukup handal karena aku, dari jatuh-bangun-tenggelam-terbentur-salah nama dan angkatan telepon yang kesalnya harus diangkat.

bahkan, syukurku akan terpenuhi menjadi sebuah tetes melengkapi lautanmu. aku adalah satu tetes yang akan cukup membuatmu rumpang kapan saja, yang akan kamu kejar dengan bodohnya kapan saja. katakan saja terdengar ganjil. siapa peduli. aku tidak akan menjadi mudah karena aku adalah pembalut kulit dan hati terlukamu dan akan selamanya menjadi tugasku.

namaku lebih dari sebuah harap. aku tak akan pernah dan ingin menjadi harap, sebab payah adalah nama kedua dari harap. aku adalah, “kamu bisa mempunyai bagian besar dari kue ini.” atau, “tentu saja. aku punya alasan untuk mengemudi dengan hati-hati dan kembali.”

namaku sederhana.
sederhana dan akan selalu nyaman.
setelah hari itu yang penuh prasangka dan tanda tanya dari dunia yang kamu kenal dan tidak.
namaku adalah seorang pelindung dan pahlawan yang gigih nafasnya, nama yang ketika rindumu akan lapar dan kehausan menemui pelepasnya.
aku adalah kemenangan dan hadiah kemurahan hati.

Aridea P Oct 2011
Jakarta, Senin 20 Oktonber 2008

Malam ini aku bersedih
Aku menangis, aku berfikir
Agar waktu menunggu
Hingga aku mulai tenang

Cobaan hidup datang
Melumuri ragaku
Hingga terasa lumpuh
Tak berdaya bagai mati

Ku tunggu hujan bunga
Yang harum bebaskan raga
Mungkinkah aku bisa sabar?
Jika petir tetap menyambar
Aridea P Oct 2011
Jumat, 1 Oktober 2010

Terima Kasih Opa...
Kau luangkan sedikit waktumu
Untukku di sela waktu istirahatmu

Terima Kasih Opa...
Tak pernah engkau marah padaku
Meski ku pulang terlambat
Atau terlambat bangun di pagi hari

Terima Kasih telah menjaga ku
Selama ku di perantauan ini
Ku pikir hanya mengandalkan raga ini
Namun ku pasti tak mampu tanpa bantuan mu

Beribu-ribu Terima Kasih untuk mu... Opa

Created by. Aridea .P
Aridea P Oct 2011
Jumat, 6 Agustus 2010

Tak lagi kini kata syukur pada diriku
Tak ku sadari begitu bencinya Dia
Hingga kini ku diberi kesempatan
Yang tak ku sadari adalah cahaya-Nya

Tak lagi kini ku terpanggil untuk-Nya
Tak tahu aku ada apa dengan raga
Dan jiwa pun kini ku tak tahu di mana berada
Hanya ocehan kasar yang terucap
Tingkah laku yang berdosa saja
Perenungan yang membawa hasil
Namun tak sanggup aku berkata maaf

Sudah terlambat dan telah berlalu
Ku hanya bisa menangis sedu
Dan menanggung perasaan malu

Ku harap kali ini
Ku mampu memanfaatkan waktu
Demi hatapan dan tujuanku
Mengembalikan kata syukur pada diriku
Dan ku ucap syukur itu setiap waktu

Created by. Aridea .P
Aridea P Oct 2011
Segenap usia t'lah ku pegang. Namun, akankah telepas? Usia akhir hampirkah dekat. Apakah raga akan terbunuh?

Cintaku belum tergapai. Bisik hasut baik, terngiang di telinga. menyerukan kata indah tentang cinta. Agar ku tak merasa terikat usia.

Belum lama ku cicipi dunia. Akankah kandas bagai tergilas. Tiupan angin menjadi puing. Terbakar api menjadi debu.

Nyawa kini menjadi asap. Tak berguna tanpa cinta. Menangis haru karena suara indah. Dan tersenyum bahagia bermimpi cinta.

Created by. Aridea Purple
Aridea P Sep 2012
Palembang, 7 September 2012

Apa kau bilang?
Seenaknya memerintah!
Tuk apa Tuhan menciptakan raga yang sehat,
kaki yang kuat.
Bila kau tak mau menggerakkannya.
Kau hanya membuat mereka terdiam.
Mereka akan mati!
Mati mengurangi ***** di tubuhmu.

Apa kau bilang tadi?
Bukannya ku ini babu mu!
Seenaknya memerintah!
Menganggap yang muda mudah diperdaya.
Kau ini pintar!
Tapi tak cukup pintar.
Untuk apa kau sekolah tinggi?
Jika mulutmu tak dijaga.

Masih bilang apa kau tadi?
Kau memang lebih tua,
sudah banyak menghasilkan uang.
Tapi aku tidak bodoh!
Aku muda tapi bisa menghasilkan uang.
Aku terpelajar!
Ku akan miliki pekerjaan yang buat kau berkata WOW!

Aku balas apa yang kau katakan.
Terus, kau mau apa?
Aku ingin menggapai angin; dengan jasad
Ia mencumbuku; namun transparan

Aku ingin menari di tirta; dengan cinta
Dan ombak mengalun; namun transparan

Aku ingin bersangkar di bayangmu; dengan waspada
Semua terlahap; namun transparan

Lintang waluku di selatan; musim subur
Hujan rintik; kini berbaur
Paradigma melesat; mendekap
Dan apa yang kurasa; semua menguap

Kuinjak leluhur raga, kupuja doa-doa;
dan semua konkrit; namun transparan.
(Kepada Harapan;
Rama Krsna Apr 2023
how can i ever forget
those penetrating moist eyes
before we bid our final goodbyes.

ringing in my ears now,
are mellifluous incantations
flowing from the synchronized lips
of brahmin priests at this open air temple.

i, as budhanilakanta
adorned with marigold flowers,
recline on a celestial snake,
pondering the blue print
for the next cycle of creation.

one hundred eight lamps
are waved in arcs
as salutations for me,
witnessed by humble devotees.
a spectacle to match
the fireworks of the Milky Way.

but it’s your chosen silence for now,
which resembles the night sky.

as i search for a melody
deep within me,
your face is the pure dawn i seek.
your haunting voice,
the raga, i yearn to hear.

can’t we immerse in the simple joys of human life?
can’t we just add a few more chapters to our cosmic love story?

© 2023
budhanilakantha: Vishnu on the cosmic serpent
yoga nidra: state of awareness within a dream
kulantunkan - lembut
kunyanyikan - kesenian
kukumandangkan - religi
kuikrarkan - formal
kulafazkan - detail
kuucapkan selamat malam duhai..... hahay.. :D
mana nih yang pas ya..

*kukumandangkan maklumat yang merindu..
oleh sanubari yang tersenyum kelu..
dari iman penghapus birahi dalam kalbu..
membangkitkan cinta yang menggebu..

       hingga ranting direlung hati tak sempat betanya..
       akan kemana gundah dalam jiwa terbawa..
       mungkinkah hanya sebuah nestapa...?
       yang tersingkap oleh nafsu dunia fana..

nurani yang kian membangkang..
bertanya pada tubuh yang terkekang..
merebahkan raga dihamparan angan yang tak lekang...
adakah keikhlasan yang terjengkang..

      tutur bijakmu sering tak terhiraukan..    
      seluas samudra perhatian kau berikan..
      dalam kasihmu tersandar persahabatan..
Sipaa Adriani Jun 2019
Rasanya tubuhku seperti ditikam jutaan kali
Ragaku,perlahan mati
Rasaku hancur tak bertepi
Dan kau si bajingan,yang ku dambakan
Yang selalu ku beri pujian
Yang detik ini masih pertahankan
Tapi malah membunuh ku secara perlahan

Aku benci hadirmu yang selalu membayangi diri
Disaat ku mulai melangkah kan kaki
Sejauh mungkin, melupakan kau
Dan rasa kita yang perlahan mati

Tolong,untuk kali ini
Jadilah bajingan yang sedikit punya rasa baik hati
Bantu sedikit aku memulihkan raga ini
Bantu aku sedikit percaya diri
Bahwa kau memang sudah sepantasnya tak di sisi
Pergilah jauh dan tak perlu lagi kau kembali disini

Rasaku sudah mati
Sejak kau memilih berlalu pergi
Aku benci
Tapi aku mencintai
alma Jun 2017
Hampir lebih separuh hidupku
Tidak ada hati yang ada..
Ya, hati ini sudah terisi sebuah batu yang amat keras
Tetapi bukannya Aku tidak mau ada..

Terkadang Aku termenung sendiri di dalam kesendirian
Sesambil menatap pemandangan yang ada di depan mata
Hati ini terus bertanya-tanya
Sebenarnya apa..

Apa yang Aku inginkan?
Apa yang Aku butuhkan?
Lelaki seperti apa?
Siapa dia?

Kepala ini selalu berbisik bahwa ada saatnya akan hadir
Jiwa ini juga mengatakan untuk tetap menjaganya
Menjaga jiwa dan hati ini untuk suatu raga..
Raga yang tidak bisa ku sentuh keberadaanya

Rasa ini selalu meyakini dia ada
Ya, mungkin di suatu sudut yang sangat tidak terlihat..
Bahkan mugkin tidak ada
Dan tidak pernah..
KA Poetry Nov 2017
Kutarik secarik kertas putih
Kutumpahkan tinta hitam
Kutulis namamu
Kuceritakan segalanya

Cintaku kepadamu yang terawali layaknya sebuah kepompong
Hingga menjadi sebuah kupu-kupu
Terbang melintas dunia
Berakhir dengan kematian

Tetes demi tetes tinta
Menyusun kata per kata
Membentuk sebuah kalimat yang ramai
Mewakilkan mulutku yang membisu

Untuk siapa kubuat tulisan ini?
Tulisan yang tak lebih melibatkan amarah dan kebencian
Namun ditulis dengan sedikit rasa cinta yang masih melekat
Putih suci ditimpah hitam penuh dosa

Bisik Sang Hati " Lipat dan buang. Sudah cukup sudah. "
Jemari bergerak melipat surat itu
Berbentuk perahu
Perahu kertas.

Raga berjalan ke tepi laut
Seakan jiwa yang menggerakkan
Mulut yang berbisu mengucapkan sebuah doa
Tangan melepaskan surat itu

Perahu kertas,
Bawalah mimpi buruk ini berlayar denganmu
Berlabuhlah di neraka
Agar dosa dan penyesalan ikut terbakar disana.
18/11/2017 | 16.32 | Indonesia
langit b Jan 2016
debu di kaca berbingkai kayu


buat rayap tak berselera makan

buatnya tak berselera mengintai wanita

           sunyi di pekarangan berpagar besi


           buat ia tak berselera bermain

           buat ia terdiam di rumah seharian

di tingkap pandangnya wanita kecil bermain tawa

di tingkap rancangnya pikiran abu akan wanita usia fajar

di tingkap ia pandang luapan dahaga pada satu raga

           sepi di pekarangan berhias rumput


           ayah datang bawa bidan
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2018
.and believe me, you will never get into the music of Bohren & der Club of Gore... if you weren't played a lot of classical music as a child, and having graduated from classical music, moved onto jazz music... you will simply not get this band, notably the bass fetish fest on the album Midnight Radio; how did i graduate from classical music to jazz? my GCSE English teacher, a Scot, a Mr. Bunce... THOMAS! he experimented with writing on the basis of our music, my writing partner were to explore whether "satanic" metal music induced violence... we were supposed to speak... but didn't really... first my writing partner's song choice was played, Raammstein's Rein Raus... then mine... Slayer's Spill the Blood... but then one day he brought in a jazz CD... Jazz on a Summer's Day (a compilation)... with the opening track being art barkley's moanin', sooner than later i was asking him to borrow that Ben Webster album, where you can listen to the best cover of the song: how deep is the ocean... and then came Miles Davis... i was probably the only 15 year old who listened to the message literally, and followed the advice the day after, having bought the album... he said... whoever doesn't own Miles Davis' kind of blue by the time they're 30, well... then there's something seriously wrong with them.

who would have thought...
that wes borland
could craft such atmospheric
     given how atmospheric
the song hold on
was on chocolate starfish
and the hotdog flavored water
i'm not surprised...
and almost akin to
to tom verlaine's album
you take one listen
to the song jubilee
from the album crystal machete...
whatever the hell he did
with big dumb face
with that death-metal growl...
i'm happy he finally found
his strength to compose
purely instrumental music...
obviously he's not a guitar
   in terms of showing-off
like some Van Halen or
a joe satriani...
the whole point was to craft
something akin
to the comparison with
the album kenotic (2005)
by the band hammock...
yes, great... you can pick up
the frets,
the solo *******
into excess..
but like food...
   where the balance of flavors,
and texture are important...
texture translated from
a critique of food...
into music?
the haunting lingering on...
a simple nuance,
   matched to a perfected
what texture is in food,
atmosphere is in music...
now... i figured...
   if john frusciante could
tap into a purely instrumental
  and forgot about singing...
he'd probably come out
with a Grammy's worth of
an album...
             i mean... i like his music...
but if he continues to
preserve the multitask
endeavor of singing,
and playing guitar?
    he's not prince...
                 but if wes borland
can move away from
  that... ******* that was
big dumb face...
and make something akin to
crystal machete?
then john frusciante
can pull-off a tom verlaine...
or at least work with
something akin
to davy graham's
virtuosity on the track
blue raga,
from the album
              large as life and twice
as natural
Dhia Awanis Oct 2016
Sore itu langit menangis sejadi-jadinya, seolah-olah mengamini resah hati yang dilanda lara. Kalau kita sedang melakoni drama, kuyakin bunyi tik-tik-tik itu 'kan menjadi latarnya. Kemudian sembari aku yang berurai air mata, kau pun mulai bertutur kata.

"Kurasa," katamu, "sudah tidak ada lagi yang tersisa di antara kita—selain sepasang raga dan nostalgia.

Namun tak apa, setidaknya aku sempat merasa bahagia dan lega luar biasa. Pertemuan kita adalah konspirasi terhebat sepanjang masa, yang disaksikan oleh seisi alam semesta beserta penjaganya, dan direstui oleh Yang Maha Kuasa.

Dan atas itu semua, aku bersukacita."
Aku ingat menangisi kepergianmu semalam suntuk, dan aku bersumpah tak akan ada malam yang lebih buruk
Connor Apr 2016
That the earth
Had to be given to
This Way"* - Charles Olson
Impermanence is romantic because you
have to make the most of love
while it's still there.

Music doesn't play for birds anymore.

I'm having a conversation with myself
that has never stopped, and honestly, I want him
(the other guy) to shut up!

Recounting recent Vancouver,
humid commercial streets all lit up in midday
cafes cafes cafes
Sweet Cherubim with it's tobacco free cigarettes
and appearance of smallest India!
Traincarts full of familiar faces as time makes these tracks easier to travel.
My shoes are stained with fences, Seagulls do nothing but
complain and **** beautifully!

Here I am now, April 16th, Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal, I can smell the overcast and the expensive perfume behind my seat.
We have the French tourists, Chinese grandmothers,
and millenials wearing thick red lipstick, hair braided back
"What the heck"
to something by the SNB (more coffee)
read Gerry Gilbert's stuff, continuing "MOBY JANE" and it's
refreshing to be engaged with a local poet who makes
direct references to
Nanaimo, Vancouver, Victoria, etc.

Wind is calm today,
I find most poets go into the details of their daily lives and perceptions, while I've made it a habit to try and write about everyone's lives all at once, even when I don't know a **** thing about them (but that's the most interesting part to me)
anybody could by anybody else
who's to say?
I bet I am not as interesting as some may think,
I bet I am not as interesting as I may think,
I can't land a solid date!
aboard the last ferry I saw someone with the face of Andy Warhol and now I see someone with the hair of Andy Warhol.

Back to Vancouver,
shorts while it rains outside (not me)
Gastown tangerine reflections off buildings &
my friend points out the non profit office she works in weekly/
10 floors or more of archaic steelwork/heavy foundation/smoothed edges/copper ceiling.
I hardly miss the smell of this place (or rather some areas of it)
the ***** and suited cologne, frequent pizzerias, vintage two-floor aged wood shops, perspiring neon Granville hysteria, Vogue Theater advertising a future appearance by Parov Stelar, I think Robin Pecknold was here recently as well but hell if I can remember the comings & goings of everybody!
Raga band plays beneath the window cleaners one year earlier emitting
audible visions of Calcutta's disorganized theatrics.
Some of these skyscrapers look almost imaginary in their modern sheer.
Glass and more glass with solar panels added in/absorbed heat and people's despondent attention.

Big blow-ups of spectacular strangers, *** is in high demand and marriage has become commodity///





**** THAT!"










'no sir if the cat is young we usually find a way around euthanasia'
'thank god for that'"



"MY HOUSE IS GOING UP IN VALUE! now how can I implement this value to my life?"


An Orca is alongside the ferry,
it's a lovely sunset beyond the series of islands to reach Schwartz Bay
this afternoon. I put the book down, stretch myself out on the seat, arms relaxed to my sides.
I only write the poems I don't need to think about.
Here I am, so distant from shopping carts
or drums or physical isolation, people talk of travelling
to New York and Italy, a group of young girls console their friend who's being bullied (I have a bad habit of eavesdropping)
There's people snapping pictures of the whale, now stopping as it
returns to the blue mirror.
Days never tie up their loose ends, instead it's up to the day after that, and so the next one, yadayada.

Suddenly the weight of this year floods in,
a specter of eager fields, goodbyes,
and leaving myself behind.
Where am I going?
KA Poetry Oct 2017
Semerbak hujan
Merangsang ingatan
Menggantikan kelam

Menunggu Sang Surya datang
Namun lelah menunggu ketidakpastian
Kini yang tersisa luapan tangisan
Hingga merasa distorsi yang tidak terbendung

Membius raga dengan memori kelam
Rasa ingin sendiri
Terbang menuju dunia baru
Meninggalkan realita
25/10/2017 | 20.56 | Indonesia
prasad bolimeru Dec 2014
sometimes, is not sensed,
but, stirs like a silent wound
goes on vibrating like the string of "SITAR".
SUN is a naughty gardener
can chat with the dumb bough
can hum the hue of emotions
SUN is a musical dialogue of flowers .
it is always a PAIN
waves becoming static
flowers falling down
sitar hugging silence
it is always a PAIN
pain transforms into a sweet history
yes, to me , a sweet memory
i too like an unknown shell
on the same shore of time
have been breathing his music.
HE is not HE, now on
an essence of "RAGA"*
silence is the space in sound
that took birth in his blood
is sinking in our blood
his sitar is the divine mystic piece
his music is the definition of purity of life
HE is a flowing memory
HE is the peacock feather
that i preserved in my c.d. folder !!
SITAR-- PLUCKED STRINGED INSTRUMENT used mainly in Indian classical music

Ravi Shankar, often referred to by the title Pandit, is an Indian musician and composer
who plays the plucked string instrument sitar.
He has been described as the most known contemporary Indian musician.
Born: April 7, 1920i
Died: December 11, 2012,
Raj Arumugam Aug 2011
I walked past and I heard
you play the sitar, Kadambari;
and I waited at the side in the streets
as I heard the soothing tunes and the notes
and the playfulness and the pleas and eloquence
and the pain and the joys and the ecstasy
O I heard the coming to of each note and raga
and I heard each improvisation
and I stood at the gate, hidden behind the green vines
not allowed in, always the outsider
always left outside, marked by clear boundaries;
but I heard each turn and each leap and fall
and I saw you in all your beauty, Kadambari
I saw you in my mind as I stood outside  
and I heard each note
as you offered each note to Kama, the Love God
Kama with his bow and arrow of flowers;
and the jasmine plants around me bloomed
and the trees in the street and the vines over the wall
they all bloomed, as you played, O Kadambari -
and so did my being, so did my being open like the sunflower
so it did, as you, O Kadambari,
as you had your fingers on your sitar
as you made music
poem based on Kadamari,  painting by Ravi Varma....
KA Poetry Oct 2017
Pagi disemat dingin sejuk
Terbit matahari menghangatkan
Melihat senyum indah darimu
Apakah raga ini terbangun di surga ?

Memulai hari dengan imajinasi yang menghanyutkan
Memandang Sang Penerang bangkit dengan dirimu
Sungguh menyempurnakan elemen dunia ini
Khayalan di dunia nyata

Nyata atau mimpi
Dirimu sungguh sempurna di dua dunia
Satu yang memandang dekat
Lainnya yang memandang jauh.
28/10/2017 | 21.57 | Indonesia
resah menyambut kala pagi.
terbalut kabut yang menghantui.
aku tersadar,
raga kita terpisah oleh jarak.
menciptakan rindu sebesar jagat, dan ragu seluas semesta.

benarkah kau hanya pergi bersama temanmu, atau malah hilang bersama gadis manis yang menggodamu itu.
benarkah hanya namaku yang tertancap dibenakmu?
aku meragu,

tapi aku cinta kamu.

— The End —