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the problem is..
being a poems in yearning..
in the silence of solitary nights..
i still wander heedlessly..
upon the pleats of my papery heart of longing..
besotted by the fragrance of a garden of love..
that we never planted in a distant desert..
is that you savour and trust each words your lover has..
but without question..

the problem with..
being a poet in conscience..
so skillfully that i have crafted the art..
to carefully lay the beats of my heart..
to sleep between its folds and pleats..
O’ this Origami of my heart..
how well i have mastered the art..
and it's all about you..

we are simply in love..
with bare literature...
spoken from the mind of someone we hold in higher regards..
and then ourselves sometimes..

in the stillness of serene dawns..
i still walk barefoot..
upon the folds of my rugged heart of yearning..
looking for the footprints of a shore..
that we never cared to saunter together..

when you love a poems..
each word you utter should be a piece of artwork..

Oh, still at the very thought of your figure..
i hold this creased paper in my palms heart..

and still..
still before you come to know of it..
i gently fold it away..
and hide it in the voids of my *****..
along with the paper jasmine,
paper flowers,
paper stars,

each sentence is a highly thought out structure of awe and beauty to leave us seeping..
in the warmth of your voice and caressing such fine words..

along with the few crumpled angels..
treasured to forget for sure..
between the pressed beats..
of your flimsy heart..

so when deciding that you love someone,
who writes or reads for it..
just go for it..

fill their souls with beauty,
and truth especially,
for a poet's heart breaks at ease..*

┈┈┈┈┈»̶·̵̭̌✽✽·̵̭̌«̶ ƦУ »̶·̵̭̌✽✽·̵̭̌«̶┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
despite my ghoulish reputation, i really have the heart of a small conscience..
i keep it in a jar on my desk of my mind..
kulantunkan - lembut
kunyanyikan - kesenian
kukumandangkan - religi
kuikrarkan - formal
kulafazkan - detail
kuucapkan selamat malam duhai..... hahay.. :D
mana nih yang pas ya..

*kukumandangkan maklumat yang merindu..
oleh sanubari yang tersenyum kelu..
dari iman penghapus birahi dalam kalbu..
membangkitkan cinta yang menggebu..

       hingga ranting direlung hati tak sempat betanya..
       akan kemana gundah dalam jiwa terbawa..
       mungkinkah hanya sebuah nestapa...?
       yang tersingkap oleh nafsu dunia fana..

nurani yang kian membangkang..
bertanya pada tubuh yang terkekang..
merebahkan raga dihamparan angan yang tak lekang...
adakah keikhlasan yang terjengkang..

      tutur bijakmu sering tak terhiraukan..    
      seluas samudra perhatian kau berikan..
      dalam kasihmu tersandar persahabatan..
i put love in your heart ...
and you make me a part of your night...
in an increasingly turbulent night hugging ...
you satisfy my longing and warm my romance...
delivering mounting throb....

gentle breeze caressing your face...
looks beautiful blush color of your face ...
when your thin lips ****** by the roar of jealousy of mine...
foundered knees in your sweet longing ...

it will not let go handheld fingers...
looking at the tumultuous and passion ...
i brought a cold kiss on your forehead...
then put your fingers in my chest...
and i whisper  to your ear deeply,  "my love,  please feel the throb and my restless tonight.."

all night we made ​​love in the embers of romance that increasingly stretched...
piece of the story we create full enjoyment...
although still hung leaden sky...
not apart arms clutching...

i flung my longing for your night field ...
until you heartily drank furiously ...
i pinned my romantic turmoil in the arms of your night ..
to filled up the lake of  your wild love ..
then wading through a night of passion and relentless ******...

i held it creeps up your amorous passion satisfied at the end of the night....
i buried my longing desire in every inc of your body that ripe fragrant and full charm of passion..
when you grabbed at shoulders of my love that burning so strong...
i will not stop to rain and pumping your lust until you forget to trample the earth ...*

-the poetry is the result of a collaboration with a sincere friend of mine, Ha-

┈┈┈┈┈»̶·̵̭̌✽✽·̵̭̌«̶ HaƦУ »̶·̵̭̌✽✽·̵̭̌«̶┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈

no..!  we don't definitely doing **** as seen, it's just our thoughts *******..
fight fire with fire and get burning..
pumping passion with longing and  it will surely go explode..!
when the moon  writhe and crawling the silent night..
it was time to layover yearning  who clotted for sweetheart..
when the sun excited to greet the morning ..
it was time to embed cheerfulness on the idol of conscience..
sprinkle knitted heart turmoil and dew drops each cavity of jasmine petals ..

i greet to you,  my dearest sister..
each twist will crease beautiful crowded heart longing ..
so that  relieved you feel full carefree breathing..
with the presence of me,
i will fulfill your every drought in the lake of your worries ..
i will treat every your petulant  in lap with more  excellent attention ...

return back to you  as always,  my dearest sister..
to pulling  the curtain  the recesses of the heart that always hiding ..
to wrapping blush smolder desire in your heart arms ..

because your bliss,  my dearest sister..
it's  most beautiful thing that can i enjoy ever ..*

-the poetry is dedicated to a sincere friend of mine, Ha-

┈┈┈┈┈»̶·̵̭̌✽✽·̵̭̌«̶ ƦУ »̶·̵̭̌✽✽·̵̭̌«̶┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈


kala sang rembulan menggeliat merayapi malam sunyi..
tibalah waktu untuk menyinggahi gigilnya kerinduan sang kekasih sanubari..
kala sang mentari bersemangat menyambut pagi ..
tibalah waktu untuk menyematkan kecerian pada sang pujaan nurani..
menyemaikan untaian gejolak kalbu dan meneteskan embun disetiap rongga kelopak melati..

kusambut darimu, adinda...
setiap simpul lipatan hati yang sesak akan indahnya kerinduan..
agar terasa lega engkau bernafas penuh riang..
bersama hadirku,
kan kupenuhi setiap kekeringan ditelaga keresahanmu..
kan kumanjakan setiap rajukanmu dipangkuan perhatian nan syahdu...

berpulang selalu kepadamu, adinda..
untuk menyibakan tirai pada relung hati yang selalu bersembunyi..
untuk membalut rona kerinduanmu yang membara dalam dekapan hati ..

kerena bahagiamu, adinda...
adalah merupakan hal terindah yang dapat kunikmati..
whatever it's you're seeking won't come in the form you're expecting..
that's why they said,  "man purpose but God dispose.."
****** up along with it, then..
is there nights still exist..
and helpless cries..
i always remember the part of missing stories...
i slept with dry eyes..

as the sun sets in the sky..
my hopes go along with it..
everything’s seem leaden in solemn..
until i’m alone again without you come into my night..

i guess i should be thankful...
at least we have one thing in common..
all i think of is you..
and i know that you do the same too..

when moon's climb in the leaden night slowly...
i can see your face figure in the stars..
don't you know that  i’m always  thinking of you..
i wish you’d think of me too..

if i wonder how this will work..
when you think of nothing but,
yourself,  your poems,  your life
and i can’t help but love the way you telling it into the poems..

but maybe this what the fate is..
a twisted series of two soul and mind's fused..
and maybe i’m destined..
to be the victim of my feelings ..

but how can i blame the fate..?
for something that i have control over...
i know you don’t thinking the same as mine..
and i know i’ve fallen too deep into my imagination of your figure..

you have them lined up..
just another notch on your belt..
am i the fool...?
am i the one who fell...?
but i definitely don't  mind at all..

you twist my yearning around your sincerity...
and your lies around my words..
you’re the definition of beauty..
horror, pain, desire  and love...

should i run...?
should i give up..?
sometimes i wish i could just sleep...
or  never get  wake up when i was dream of you..*

┈┈┈┈┈»̶·̵̭̌✽✽·̵̭̌«̶  ƦУ  »̶·̵̭̌✽✽·̵̭̌«̶┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈

apakah masih ada bentuk malam itu.. .
dan ketidak berdayaan sebuah tangisan...
masih teringat aku akan sepenggal kisah yang hilang itu..
saat kuterpulasi dengan mata yang kering..

bak mentari yang tebenam dilangit..
begitupun keinginanku yang melaju turut..
segalanya tampak kelam dan hening..
hiingga aku sendiri tanpa engkau singgahi malamku..

harus kusyukuri..
setidaknya kita memiliki satu kesamaan ..
aku mengenangmu  ..
dan kutahu bahwa engkau melakukan hal yang sama ..

saat rembulan mendaki malam kelam perlahan ...
aku dapat melihat gambar wajahmu diantara bintang ..
tahukah kamu bahwa aku selalu mengenangmu ..

...... dang... why i should made two ver for my poems anyway.. lol.. just writing...
i suspect the most we can hope for...
and it's no small hope,  is that we never give up...
that we never stop giving ourselves permission to try to love and receive love...
i remember  you more than you know,
then don't ever hesitate  to leave me..
and i missing you,
then please don't ever hesitate to hide away..
i could lost myself later..

because of you,
the teenage girl  that  first i know..
who is close,  will definitely caught by me..

because of you,
the princess of hearts..
dare to steal mine..
until i forgot myself..

love me softly,
for me,  you are sweet popcorn..
the phantom  heart who makes me  jealous...

love me tender,
for me,  you are a ripe mango..
the villain of love which makes me so mad...

┈┈┈┈┈»̶·̵̭̌✽✽·̵̭̌«̶  ƦУ  »̶·̵̭̌✽✽·̵̭̌«̶┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈

Sir­atu pundung

aku mengenangmu lebih dari yang engkau tahu,
maka jangan segan untuk meninggalkanku...
aku kehilanganmu ,
maka jangan sungakn untuk bersembunyi..
aku dapat menyasarkan diri..

karena kamu,
gadis terhebat yang pertamaku kenal..
yang mendekat pasti akan ketahuan olehku...

karena kamu,
sang ratu hati..
beraninya mencuri...
hingga aku lupa diri..

kasihi aku dengan lembut,
bagiku, engkau berondong manis..
sang siluman hati yang membuatku cemburu...

sayangi aku dengan tulus,
bagiku, engkau adalah mangga yang ranum..
sang penjahat cinta yang membuatku jadi gila..

*heu.. :O  mengapa begitu lebay dan tendensius tulisan ini, ahahay.. =))
sorrow is better than fear..
fear is a journey, a terrible journey. .
but  sorrow is at least an arriving..
absolutely scandalous the way you are..
you treat me mercilessly for feeling cheerful ..

so cruel attitude you are ..
thou silent throughout my sense of my disappointment to smile ..

truly evil your touch ..
you whip my heartbeat pounding and carefree ..

indeed bear your concern ..
you fill up my weak with politely invincible ..

really sneaky way you are ..
you stole my heart a dozen years ago to freeze and harden ..

indeed savage your sincerity ..
you satisfy and pamper me until i could not walk on the mainland ..

because you are the villain of heart of mine..!*

┈┈┈┈┈»̶·̵̭̌✽✽·̵̭̌«̶  ƦУ  »̶·̵̭̌✽✽·̵̭̌«̶┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈

san­g penjahat hati..!

sungguh keji caramu..
engkau perlakukan perasaanku tanpa ampun untuk ceria..

sungguh kejam sikapmu..
engkau bungkam seluruh rasaku kecewaku hingga tersenyum..

sungguh jahat sentuhanmu..
engkau cambuk detak jantungku berdegup kencang dan riang..

sungguh tega perhatianmu..
engkau jejali lemahku dengan santunmu hingga tak terkalahkan..

sungguh licik caramu..
engkau curi hatiku belasan tahun lalu hingga membeku dan membatu..

sungguh biadab ketulusanmu..
engkau puasi dan manjakan asaku hingga tak sanggup kupijak daratan..

karena enkau adalah sang penjahat hatiku..!
the best index to a person character is how she/he treats people who can't do her/him any good..
and how she/he treats people who can't fight back...
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