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Terry O'Leary Sep 2015
Though still within our infancy,
we strive to thrive, but woefully
we flash and flaunt our 'primacy',
display our trophies pridefully.

Our terra firma ecstasy
destroys survival's harmony,
lays waste to life on land and sea.
Mankind, thy name is vanity!

By doubting Nature's regnancy,
defying laws with levity,
we strain our spheroid's symmetry
(perhaps a fatal fallacy?)

for, swallowed in the 'world of we',
we feed on vain insanity
with thoughts beyond eternity -
so strange when looked at mortally.

No use to seek a remedy
ensconced in ancient prophecy
for if not handled skillfully,
as clay we'll pay the penalty.

The Moguls rule with cruel decree,
control the crowds like puppetry,
pursuing greed addictively
with no accountability.

The wind, it reeks of Royalty
(awash in waves of perfidy)
while blowing ’cross the peasantry
(eclipsed in clouds of treachery).

The Queen, well steeped in snobbery,
sits, preening proud Her pedigree,
on throne of sculpted ebony
while sipping Sect immodestly;

to sate Her Regal Majesty,
a caviar clad canapé
is served with golden cutlery
by maidens bent submissively.

The King is bailed from bankruptcy
by Knaves who hoodwink artfully
the down-and-outer evictee
who wallows in their lenity.

Forsooth, the Money Monarchy
exalts the dollar dynasty
engaged in highway robbery
by Peacocks plumed in finery.

Yes, Jesters and the Fools agree
to truckle to duplicity
and laugh about it witlessly.
Long live the peon's penury!

To champion an oddity
(like two times twelve is fifty three)  
one reaches to theology
through paths of circularity.

In bygone trials of travesty
the doubters, draped in blasphemy,
endured the pain and agony
inflicted by the papacy.

Inspired by the Trinity
fanatics bent cosmology
in geocentric fantasy
while Bruno burned for heresy;

and aged women, randomly
accused of wicked witchery
by justice framed in infamy,
were racked and shown no clemency

That epoch of credulity
(when savants fostered sorcery
and practiced ancient alchemy)
arose in dark age quackery

as clerics dripping piety
(while raging, raving rabidly)
pervaded thralled society
with callous inhumanity;

'repent', they bellowed, 'verily,
forsake the world's iniquity,
live lives of want and chastity,
and give your gelt to God through me'.

The Masters make a mockery
of freedom and democracy
by holding down the uppity,
released from shackled slavery,

now fettered in a factory
else strewn across the Bowery,
still chained in bonds of bigotry,
immersed in seas of poverty.

And colliers, tapping balefully
in sunken-mine solemnity,
yet thrum a mournful monody
some call the digger's elegy.

To children, pale and raggedy
(behind a day of drudgery),
the boss man, oh so gallantly,
bestows a penny, niggardly;

though some are fed (belatedly),
their eyes recede in apathy
while bellies bulge, inflatedly,
with mothers watching, wretchedly.

When met with health adversity
or broken bone infirmity,
the pauper dangles helplessly
with no insurance policy;

and those engulfed in lunacy
are ailing blobs left floating free
in ******-dream obscurity -
a mired madhouse odyssey.

Ignoring mankind's unity,
the rich and poor dichotomy
breeds dismal doomed finality,
eventual nihility.

Renewing days of chivalry,
wild warriors fighting valiantly
bring freedom neath the gallows tree
while blending blood and burgundy

to toast the slaughtered enemy,
and so convince the colony
to cede with smile on bended knee
and yield her diamonds, silk and tea.

At first they call the cavalry
and then again the infantry,
so proudly primped in panoply,
with arms from finest armory

(embraced in hands so tenderly
bestow benign atrocity) -
and soon atomic weaponry
will extirpate posterity.

Misusing high technology
(to feed the face of gluttony)
depletes our Rock of energy,
now slowly dying thermally.

Our gadgets breathing CFC
fuel ozone holes' immensity
while cloud bursts, raining acidly,
wilt woods in their entirety,

and rivers, tainted chemically,
polluted biologically,
refill our cups methodically
and drown our souls organically.

Adjusting genes mechanically
may well blot out the bumble bee
annulling fruits' fecundity,
but brings big bucks reliably.

We wager perpetuity
to revel momentarily
in shadow-like obscurity
ignoring the futility,

but if we bet unknowingly
on fickle fate's contingency
and thereby act haphazardly
we're doomed to lose the lottery.

The modern day bureaucracy
abuses trust egregiously ,
embeds itself in obloquy
and offers no apology.

It paints the past in reverie
to camouflage the tendency
to strip away our privacy
which paves the path to tyranny.

With earlobes lurking furtively
that listen surreptitiously,
and eyeballs peering piercingly
we've lost cerebral sovereignty,

and those who dare to disagree
must hide away in secrecy
else crowd a black facility
(with water board anxiety).

Yes, sans responsibility,
our marble in this galaxy
will crumble in catastrophe
ere ever reaching puberty…
and the sun weilds mercy
but like a jet torch carried to high,
and the jets whip across its sight
and rockets leap like toads,
and the boys get out the maps
and pin-cuishon the moon,
old green cheese,
no life there but too much on earth:
our unwashed India boys
crosssing their legs,playing pipes,
starving with ****** in bellies,
watching the snakes volute
like beautiful women in the hungry air;
the rockets leap,
the rockets leap like hares,
clearing clump and dog
replacing out-dated bullets;
the Chineses still carve
in jade,quietly stuffing rice
into their hunger, a hunger
a thousand years old,
their muddy rivers moving with fire
and song, barges, houseboats
pushed by drifting poles
of waiting without wanting;
in Turkey they face the East
on their carpets
praying to a purple god
who smokes and laughs
and sticks fingers in their eyes
blinding them, as gods will do;
but the rockets are ready: peace is no longer,
for some reason,precious;
madness drifts like lily pads
on a pond circling senselessly;
the painters paint dipping
their reds and greens and yellows,
poets rhyme their lonliness,
musicians starve as always
and the novelists miss the mark,
but not the pelican , the gull;
pelicans dip and dive, rise,
shaking shocked half-dead
radioactive fish from their beaks;
indeed, indeed, the waters wash
the rocks with slime; and on wall st.
the market staggers like a lost drunk
looking for his key; ah,
this will be a good one,by God:
it will take us back to the
sabre-teeth, the winged monkey
scrabbling in pits over bits
of helmet, instrument and glass;
a lightning crashes across
the window and in a million rooms
lovers lie entwined and lost
and sick as peace;
the sky still breaks red and orange for the
painters-and for the lovers,
flowers open as they always have
opened but covered with thin dust
of rocket fuel and mushrooms,
poison mushrooms; it's a bad time,
a dog-sick time-curtain
act 3, standing room only,
by god,by somebody and something,
by rockets and generals and
leaders, by poets , doctors, comedians,
by manufacturers of soup
and biscuits, Janus-faced hucksters
of their own indexerity;
I can now see now the coal-slick
contanminated fields, a snail or 2,
bile, obsidian, a fish or 3
in the shallows, an obloquy of our
source and our sight.....
has this happend before? is history
a circle that catches itself by the tail,
a dream, a nightmare,
a general's dream, a presidents dream,
a dictators dream...
can't we awaken?
or are the forces of life greater than we are?
can't we awaken? must we foever,
dear freinds, die in our sleep?
So spake the Son of God; and Satan stood
A while as mute, confounded what to say,
What to reply, confuted and convinced
Of his weak arguing and fallacious drift;
At length, collecting all his serpent wiles,
With soothing words renewed, him thus accosts:—
  “I see thou know’st what is of use to know,
What best to say canst say, to do canst do;
Thy actions to thy words accord; thy words
To thy large heart give utterance due; thy heart            
Contains of good, wise, just, the perfet shape.
Should kings and nations from thy mouth consult,
Thy counsel would be as the oracle
Urim and Thummim, those oraculous gems
On Aaron’s breast, or tongue of Seers old
Infallible; or, wert thou sought to deeds
That might require the array of war, thy skill
Of conduct would be such that all the world
Could not sustain thy prowess, or subsist
In battle, though against thy few in arms.                  
These godlike virtues wherefore dost thou hide?
Affecting private life, or more obscure
In savage wilderness, wherefore deprive
All Earth her wonder at thy acts, thyself
The fame and glory—glory, the reward
That sole excites to high attempts the flame
Of most erected spirits, most tempered pure
AEthereal, who all pleasures else despise,
All treasures and all gain esteem as dross,
And dignities and powers, all but the highest?              
Thy years are ripe, and over-ripe.  The son
Of Macedonian Philip had ere these
Won Asia, and the throne of Cyrus held
At his dispose; young Scipio had brought down
The Carthaginian pride; young Pompey quelled
The Pontic king, and in triumph had rode.
Yet years, and to ripe years judgment mature,
Quench not the thirst of glory, but augment.
Great Julius, whom now all the world admires,
The more he grew in years, the more inflamed                
With glory, wept that he had lived so long
Ingloroious.  But thou yet art not too late.”
  To whom our Saviour calmly thus replied:—
“Thou neither dost persuade me to seek wealth
For empire’s sake, nor empire to affect
For glory’s sake, by all thy argument.
For what is glory but the blaze of fame,
The people’s praise, if always praise unmixed?
And what the people but a herd confused,
A miscellaneous rabble, who extol                          
Things ******, and, well weighed, scarce worth the praise?
They praise and they admire they know not what,
And know not whom, but as one leads the other;
And what delight to be by such extolled,
To live upon their tongues, and be their talk?
Of whom to be dispraised were no small praise—
His lot who dares be singularly good.
The intelligent among them and the wise
Are few, and glory scarce of few is raised.
This is true glory and renown—when God,                    
Looking on the Earth, with approbation marks
The just man, and divulges him through Heaven
To all his Angels, who with true applause
Recount his praises.  Thus he did to Job,
When, to extend his fame through Heaven and Earth,
As thou to thy reproach may’st well remember,
He asked thee, ‘Hast thou seen my servant Job?’
Famous he was in Heaven; on Earth less known,
Where glory is false glory, attributed
To things not glorious, men not worthy of fame.            
They err who count it glorious to subdue
By conquest far and wide, to overrun
Large countries, and in field great battles win,
Great cities by assault.  What do these worthies
But rob and spoil, burn, slaughter, and enslave
Peaceable nations, neighbouring or remote,
Made captive, yet deserving freedom more
Than those their conquerors, who leave behind
Nothing but ruin wheresoe’er they rove,
And all the flourishing works of peace destroy;            
Then swell with pride, and must be titled Gods,
Great benefactors of mankind, Deliverers,
Worshipped with temple, priest, and sacrifice?
One is the son of Jove, of Mars the other;
Till conqueror Death discover them scarce men,
Rowling in brutish vices, and deformed,
Violent or shameful death their due reward.
But, if there be in glory aught of good;
It may be means far different be attained,
Without ambition, war, or violence—                        
By deeds of peace, by wisdom eminent,
By patience, temperance.  I mention still
Him whom thy wrongs, with saintly patience borne,
Made famous in a land and times obscure;
Who names not now with honour patient Job?
Poor Socrates, (who next more memorable?)
By what he taught and suffered for so doing,
For truth’s sake suffering death unjust, lives now
Equal in fame to proudest conquerors.
Yet, if for fame and glory aught be done,                  
Aught suffered—if young African for fame
His wasted country freed from Punic rage—
The deed becomes unpraised, the man at least,
And loses, though but verbal, his reward.
Shall I seek glory, then, as vain men seek,
Oft not deserved?  I seek not mine, but His
Who sent me, and thereby witness whence I am.”
  To whom the Tempter, murmuring, thus replied:—
“Think not so slight of glory, therein least
Resembling thy great Father.  He seeks glory,              
And for his glory all things made, all things
Orders and governs; nor content in Heaven,
By all his Angels glorified, requires
Glory from men, from all men, good or bad,
Wise or unwise, no difference, no exemption.
Above all sacrifice, or hallowed gift,
Glory he requires, and glory he receives,
Promiscuous from all nations, Jew, or Greek,
Or Barbarous, nor exception hath declared;
From us, his foes pronounced, glory he exacts.”            
  To whom our Saviour fervently replied:
“And reason; since his Word all things produced,
Though chiefly not for glory as prime end,
But to shew forth his goodness, and impart
His good communicable to every soul
Freely; of whom what could He less expect
Than glory and benediction—that is, thanks—
The slightest, easiest, readiest recompense
From them who could return him nothing else,
And, not returning that, would likeliest render            
Contempt instead, dishonour, obloquy?
Hard recompense, unsuitable return
For so much good, so much beneficience!
But why should man seek glory, who of his own
Hath nothing, and to whom nothing belongs
But condemnation, ignominy, and shame—
Who, for so many benefits received,
Turned recreant to God, ingrate and false,
And so of all true good himself despoiled;
Yet, sacrilegious, to himself would take                    
That which to God alone of right belongs?
Yet so much bounty is in God, such grace,
That who advances his glory, not their own,
Them he himself to glory will advance.”
  So spake the Son of God; and here again
Satan had not to answer, but stood struck
With guilt of his own sin—for he himself,
Insatiable of glory, had lost all;
Yet of another plea bethought him soon:—
  “Of glory, as thou wilt,” said he, “so deem;              
Worth or not worth the seeking, let it pass.
But to a Kingdom thou art born—ordained
To sit upon thy father David’s throne,
By mother’s side thy father, though thy right
Be now in powerful hands, that will not part
Easily from possession won with arms.
Judaea now and all the Promised Land,
Reduced a province under Roman yoke,
Obeys Tiberius, nor is always ruled
With temperate sway: oft have they violated                
The Temple, oft the Law, with foul affronts,
Abominations rather, as did once
Antiochus.  And think’st thou to regain
Thy right by sitting still, or thus retiring?
So did not Machabeus.  He indeed
Retired unto the Desert, but with arms;
And o’er a mighty king so oft prevailed
That by strong hand his family obtained,
Though priests, the crown, and David’s throne usurped,
With Modin and her suburbs once content.                    
If kingdom move thee not, let move thee zeal
And duty—zeal and duty are not slow,
But on Occasion’s forelock watchful wait:
They themselves rather are occasion best—
Zeal of thy Father’s house, duty to free
Thy country from her heathen servitude.
So shalt thou best fulfil, best verify,
The Prophets old, who sung thy endless reign—
The happier reign the sooner it begins.
Rein then; what canst thou better do the while?”            
  To whom our Saviour answer thus returned:—
“All things are best fulfilled in their due time;
And time there is for all things, Truth hath said.
If of my reign Prophetic Writ hath told
That it shall never end, so, when begin
The Father in his purpose hath decreed—
He in whose hand all times and seasons rowl.
What if he hath decreed that I shall first
Be tried in humble state, and things adverse,
By tribulations, injuries, insults,                        
Contempts, and scorns, and snares, and violence,
Suffering, abstaining, quietly expecting
Without distrust or doubt, that He may know
What I can suffer, how obey?  Who best
Can suffer best can do, best reign who first
Well hath obeyed—just trial ere I merit
My exaltation without change or end.
But what concerns it thee when I begin
My everlasting Kingdom?  Why art thou
Solicitous?  What moves thy inquisition?                    
Know’st thou not that my rising is thy fall,
And my promotion will be thy destruction?”
  To whom the Tempter, inly racked, replied:—
“Let that come when it comes.  All hope is lost
Of my reception into grace; what worse?
For where no hope is left is left no fear.
If there be worse, the expectation more
Of worse torments me than the feeling can.
I would be at the worst; worst is my port,
My harbour, and my ultimate repose,                        
The end I would attain, my final good.
My error was my error, and my crime
My crime; whatever, for itself condemned,
And will alike be punished, whether thou
Reign or reign not—though to that gentle brow
Willingly I could fly, and hope thy reign,
From that placid aspect and meek regard,
Rather than aggravate my evil state,
Would stand between me and thy Father’s ire
(Whose ire I dread more than the fire of Hell)              
A shelter and a kind of shading cool
Interposition, as a summer’s cloud.
If I, then, to the worst that can be haste,
Why move thy feet so slow to what is best?
Happiest, both to thyself and all the world,
That thou, who worthiest art, shouldst be their King!
Perhaps thou linger’st in deep thoughts detained
Of the enterprise so hazardous and high!
No wonder; for, though in thee be united
What of perfection can in Man be found,                    
Or human nature can receive, consider
Thy life hath yet been private, most part spent
At home, scarce viewed the Galilean towns,
And once a year Jerusalem, few days’
Short sojourn; and what thence couldst thou observe?
The world thou hast not seen, much less her glory,
Empires, and monarchs, and their radiant courts—
Best school of best experience, quickest in sight
In all things that to greatest actions lead.
The wisest, unexperienced, will be ever                    
Timorous, and loth, with novice modesty
(As he who, seeking *****, found a kingdom)
Irresolute, unhardy, unadventrous.
But I will bring thee where thou soon shalt quit
Those rudiments, and see before thine eyes
The monarchies of the Earth, their pomp and state—
Sufficient introduction to inform
Thee, of thyself so apt, in regal arts,
And regal mysteries; that thou may’st know
How best their opposition to withstand.”                    
  With that (such power was given him then), he took
The Son of God up to a mountain high.
It was a mountain at whose verdant feet
A spacious plain outstretched in circuit wide
Lay pleasant; from his side two rivers flowed,
The one winding, the other straight, and left between
Fair champaign, with less rivers interveined,
Then meeting joined their tribute to the sea.
Fertil of corn the glebe, of oil, and wine;
With herds the pasture thronged, with flocks the hills;    
Huge cities and high-towered, that well might seem
The seats of mightiest monarchs; and so large
The prospect was that here and there was room
For barren desert, fountainless and dry.
To this high mountain-top the Tempter brought
Our Saviour, and new train of words began:—
  “Well have we speeded, and o’er hill and dale,
Forest, and field, and flood, temples and towers,
Cut shorter many a league.  Here thou behold’st
Assyria, and her empire’s ancient bounds,                  
Araxes and the Caspian lake; thence on
As far as Indus east, Euphrates west,
And oft beyond; to south the Persian bay,
And, inaccessible, the Arabian drouth:
Here, Nineveh, of length within her wall
Several days’ journey, built by Ninus old,
Of that first golden monarchy the seat,
And seat of Salmanassar, whose success
Israel in long captivity still mourns;
There Babylon, the wonder of all tongues,                  
As ancient, but rebuilt by him who twice
Judah and all thy father David’s house
Led captive, and Jerusalem laid waste,
Till Cyrus set them free; Persepolis,
His city, there thou seest, and Bactra there;
Ecbatana her structure vast there shews,
And Hecatompylos her hunderd gates;
There Susa by Choaspes, amber stream,
The drink of none but kings; of later fame,
Built by Emathian or by Parthian hands,                    
The great Seleucia, Nisibis, and there
Artaxata, Teredon, Ctesiphon,
Turning with easy eye, thou may’st behold.
All these the Parthian (now some ages past
By great Arsaces led, who founded first
That empire) under his dominion holds,
From the luxurious kings of Antioch won.
And just in time thou com’st to have a view
Of his great power; for now the Parthian king
In Ctesiphon hath gathered all his host                    
Against the Scythian, whose incursions wild
Have wasted Sogdiana; to her aid
He marches now in haste.  See, though from far,
His thousands, in what martial e
Halcyon Dementia Jul 2012
Sold into slavery, you were
Chin tucked down to your chest
You never raised your head to look about you
Never closed your eyes to rest
Worked because you had to
Hungry, tired and oppressed

Then they gave you freedom
A gift you squandered away
You became a slave of your own pride
And the weaker ones your prey

You laughed at their misery
You let the hatred fill your chest
Never raised your head to look about you
Never cared about the rest
How easily one forgets
What it was like to be oppressed.

When a Lover is a Beggar
Abject is his Knee—
When a Lover is an Owner
Different is he—

What he begged is then the Beggar—
Oh disparity—
Bread of Heaven resents bestowal
Like an obloquy—
Jason May 2021

Buried in fact beneath censorious blame
Constrained intact by iniquitous chains
Surreptitiously lain in the shadows of shame

Dark honey drop-dripping down the throat
Enamels each enigma thought
Varnishing every mystery in doubt

© 05/15/21 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved
Carlo C Gomez Oct 2019
Within the nook of a dell,
a good distance
from obloquy
and inhibition,
floating on water,
listening to birdsong
descend down
the stream
of a musical scale.
Don’t need to believe
or even consent to
any critique,
any look-see,
you are free and light
on the surface,
buoyant and supple

Languid movements,
of a weir,
and trickle,
springing forth
to orchestrate an overture.
This feeling is
the moment one of
objet d’art,
and these transports
are yours only
to involuntarily
succumb to and relive:

Rhythmic waves
upon your shore,
as your limbs and spine camber.
It’s no wonder
you often lift
your voice in song.
Oh! could I hope the wise and pure in heart
Might hear my song without a frown, nor deem
My voice unworthy of the theme it tries,--
I would take up the hymn to Death, and say
To the grim power, The world hath slandered thee
And mocked thee. On thy dim and shadowy brow
They place an iron crown, and call thee king
Of terrors, and the spoiler of the world,
Deadly assassin, that strik'st down the fair,
The loved, the good--that breath'st upon the lights
Of virtue set along the vale of life,
And they go out in darkness. I am come,
Not with reproaches, not with cries and prayers,
Such as have stormed thy stern insensible ear
From the beginning. I am come to speak
Thy praises. True it is, that I have wept
Thy conquests, and may weep them yet again:
And thou from some I love wilt take a life
Dear to me as my own. Yet while the spell
Is on my spirit, and I talk with thee
In sight of all thy trophies, face to face,
Meet is it that my voice should utter forth

Thy nobler triumphs: I will teach the world
To thank thee.--Who are thine accusers?--Who?
The living!--they who never felt thy power,
And know thee not. The curses of the wretch
Whose crimes are ripe, his sufferings when thy hand
Is on him, and the hour he dreads is come,
Are writ among thy praises. But the good--
Does he whom thy kind hand dismissed to peace,
Upbraid the gentle violence that took off
His fetters, and unbarred his prison cell?
Raise then the Hymn to Death. Deliverer!
God hath anointed thee to free the oppressed
And crush the oppressor. When the armed chief,
The conqueror of nations, walks the world,
And it is changed beneath his feet, and all
Its kingdoms melt into one mighty realm--
Thou, while his head is loftiest, and his heart
Blasphemes, imagining his own right hand
Almighty, sett'st upon him thy stern grasp,
And the strong links of that tremendous chain
That bound mankind are crumbled; thou dost break
Sceptre and crown, and beat his throne to dust.
Then the earth shouts with gladness, and her tribes
Gather within their ancient bounds again.
Else had the mighty of the olden time,
******, Sesostris, or the youth who feigned
His birth from Lybian Ammon, smote even now
The nations with a rod of iron, and driven
Their chariot o'er our necks. Thou dost avenge,
In thy good time, the wrongs of those who know

No other friend. Nor dost thou interpose
Only to lay the sufferer asleep,
Where he who made him wretched troubles not
His rest--thou dost strike down his tyrant too.
Oh, there is joy when hands that held the scourge
Drop lifeless, and the pitiless heart is cold.
Thou too dost purge from earth its horrible
And old idolatries; from the proud fanes
Each to his grave their priests go out, till none
Is left to teach their worship; then the fires
Of sacrifice are chilled, and the green moss
O'ercreeps their altars; the fallen images
Cumber the weedy courts, and for loud hymns,
Chanted by kneeling crowds, the chiding winds
Shriek in the solitary aisles. When he
Who gives his life to guilt, and laughs at all
The laws that God or man has made, and round
Hedges his seat with power, and shines in wealth,--
Lifts up his atheist front to scoff at Heaven,
And celebrates his shame in open day,
Thou, in the pride of all his crimes, cutt'st off
The horrible example. Touched by thine,
The extortioner's hard hand foregoes the gold
Wrong from the o'er-worn poor. The perjurer,
Whose tongue was lithe, e'en now, and voluble
Against his neighbour's life, and he who laughed
And leaped for joy to see a spotless fame
Blasted before his own foul calumnies,
Are smit with deadly silence. He, who sold
His conscience to preserve a worthless life,

Even while he hugs himself on his escape,
Trembles, as, doubly terrible, at length,
Thy steps o'ertake him, and there is no time
For parley--nor will bribes unclench thy grasp.
Oft, too, dost thou reform thy victim, long
Ere his last hour. And when the reveller,
Mad in the chase of pleasure, stretches on,
And strains each nerve, and clears the path of life
Like wind, thou point'st him to the dreadful goal,
And shak'st thy hour-glass in his reeling eye,
And check'st him in mid course. Thy skeleton hand
Shows to the faint of spirit the right path,
And he is warned, and fears to step aside.
Thou sett'st between the ruffian and his crime
Thy ghastly countenance, and his slack hand
Drops the drawn knife. But, oh, most fearfully
Dost thou show forth Heaven's justice, when thy shafts
Drink up the ebbing spirit--then the hard
Of heart and violent of hand restores
The treasure to the friendless wretch he wronged.
Then from the writhing ***** thou dost pluck
The guilty secret; lips, for ages sealed,
Are faithless to the dreadful trust at length,
And give it up; the felon's latest breath
Absolves the innocent man who bears his crime;
The slanderer, horror smitten, and in tears,
Recalls the deadly obloquy he forged
To work his brother's ruin. Thou dost make
Thy penitent victim utter to the air
The dark conspiracy that strikes at life,

And aims to whelm the laws; ere yet the hour
Is come, and the dread sign of ****** given.
Thus, from the first of time, hast thou been found
On virtue's side; the wicked, but for thee,
Had been too strong for the good; the great of earth
Had crushed the weak for ever. Schooled in guile
For ages, while each passing year had brought
Its baneful lesson, they had filled the world
With their abominations; while its tribes,
Trodden to earth, imbruted, and despoiled,
Had knelt to them in worship; sacrifice
Had smoked on many an altar, temple roofs
Had echoed with the blasphemous prayer and hymn:
But thou, the great reformer of the world,
Tak'st off the sons of violence and fraud
In their green pupilage, their lore half learned--
Ere guilt has quite o'errun the simple heart
God gave them at their birth, and blotted out
His image. Thou dost mark them, flushed with hope,
As on the threshold of their vast designs
Doubtful and loose they stand, and strik'st them down.

Alas, I little thought that the stern power
Whose fearful praise I sung, would try me thus
Before the strain was ended. It must cease--
For he is in his grave who taught my youth
The art of verse, and in the bud of life
Offered me to the muses. Oh, cut off
Untimely! when thy reason in its strength,
Ripened by years of toil and studious search

And watch of Nature's silent lessons, taught
Thy hand to practise best the lenient art
To which thou gavest thy laborious days.
And, last, thy life. And, therefore, when the earth
Received thee, tears were in unyielding eyes
And on hard cheeks, and they who deemed thy skill
Delayed their death-hour, shuddered and turned pale
When thou wert gone. This faltering verse, which thou
Shalt not, as wont, o'erlook, is all I have
To offer at thy grave--this--and the hope
To copy thy example, and to leave
A name of which the wretched shall not think
As of an enemy's, whom they forgive
As all forgive the dead. Rest, therefore, thou
Whose early guidance trained my infant steps--
Rest, in the ***** of God, till the brief sleep
Of death is over, and a happier life
Shall dawn to waken thine insensible dust.
Now thou art not--and yet the men whose guilt
Has wearied Heaven for vengeance--he who bears
False witness--he who takes the orphan's bread,
And robs the widow--he who spreads abroad
Polluted hands in mockery of prayer,
Are left to cumber earth. Shuddering I look
On what is written, yet I blot not out
The desultory numbers--let them stand.
The record of an idle revery.
undermyfeet May 2020
She died when she heard a laugh

It was a forlorn laugh
A one that knew silence was the hardest glass to break
But still it pierced the air

Because Death was coming
- no, he was already here.

He snatched the laugh from midair
and replaced her silent body with that one sound

And she dispersed in a burst of breath
- Death carried her away from the world

Away and away, until she was nothing but a speck
of dust, on one’s tongue

Spitted out, she felt used and dosed
In unnecessary shame, needless awareness

Of her life blinked out
And again, she tumbled through the air

That laugh slipping up her skin until it did not fit
No more, was she going to seem to live.

She died - when she heard a laugh
Ashish Gupta Aug 2015
His dream was buried under
So excavating down he went
But 'twas his mind that split asunder
And his solitary heart rent

He was forced to rediscover his way
With no hope left in sight
Past treacherous rocks of obloquy
Back to a place of light

The settling dust reveal in the end
That a laurel wreath or a thorny crown
Is for the one who would dare contend
For the one who would not stay down
KILLME Dec 2013
Petrichor- the scent of rain on dry earth.
eunoia (n.) beautiful thinking; a well mind.
basorexia(n.) the overwhelming desire to kiss.
elysian(adj) beautiful or creative; divinely inspired; peaceful and perfect.
clinomania(n.) the excessive desire to stay in bed.
psithurism(n.) the sound of the wind through the trees.
aegis- protection, support
affable- 1. easy and pleasant to speak to; approachable. 2. gentle and gracious.
agrestic- 1. rural; rustic. 2. unpolished; awkward.
alexithymia- inability to describe emotions in a verbal manner
ameliorate- to make or become better; improve.
anathema- 1. a formal ecclesiastical ban, curse, or excommunication. 2. a vehement denunciation; a curse. 3. one that is cursed or ******. 4. one that is greatly reviled, loathed, or shunned.
antediluvian- 1. extremely old and antiquated. 2. occurring or belonging to the era before the Flood.
apodyopsis- 1. the act of mentally ******* someone. 2. imagining women naked; ******* women mentally.
apolaustic- devoted to enjoyment
apostasy- abandonment of one's religious faith, political party, principles, or a cause.
apricity- the warmth of the sun in the winter.
assuage- 1. to make (something burdensome or painful) less intense or severe. 2. to satisfy or appease (hunger or thirst, for example). 3. to pacify or calm.
ataraxia- calmness or peace of mind; emotional tranquility.
atrabilious- 1. melancholic; gloomy. 2. irritable; ill-natured; peevish
bailiwick- one's particular area of activity, interest, or authority
banausic- merely mechanical; routine. 2. of or relating to a mechanic
clandestine- done in secret; needing to be concealed.
curple- buttocks; ****
doryphore- one who draws attention to the minor errors made by others, esp. in a pestering manner; a pedantic gadfly
dystopia- 1. an imaginary place or state in which the condition of life is extremely bad, as from deprivation, oppression, or terror. 2. a work describing such a place or state:
ecdysiast- a striptease artist
effusive- 1. unrestrained or excessive in emotional expression. 2. profuse; overflowing
euphony- agreeable sound
flapdoodle- foolish talk; nonsense
frippery- 1. pretentious, showy finery. 2. pretentious elegance; ostentation. 3. something trivial or nonessential
gelid- very cold; icy
gigglesome- prone to giggling
globule- a small spherical mass, especially a small drop of liquid
inchoate- 1. in an initial or early stage; incipient. 2. imperfectly formed or developed.
incondite- 1. poorly constructed. 2. lacking finish or refinement; crude
indemnify- 1. to protect against damage, loss, or injury; insure. 2. to make compensation to for damage, loss, or injury.
kakistocracy- government by the worst or least qualified citizens
kerfuffle- a disorderly outburst or tumult
lachrymose- 1. weeping or inclined to weep; tearful. 2. causing or tending to cause tears.
lackadaisical- lacking spirit, liveliness, or interest; languid
libertine- 1. one who acts without moral restraint; a dissolute person. 2. one who defies established religious precepts; a freethinker
logorrhea- excessive, incoherent talkativeness
maudlin- effusively or tearfully sentimental.
noctilucous- shining in the night
nullipara- a woman who has never given birth
obloquy- verbal abuse of a person or thing
perfidy- 1. deliberate breach of faith; calculated violation of trust; treachery. 2. the act or an instance of treachery.
quixotic- extravagantly chivalrous or romantic
susurrus- a soft, whispering or rustling sound; a murmur
transmogrify- to change into a different shape or form, especially one that is fantastic or bizarre
tryst- a secret meeting between two people who are having a romantic relationship.
usurp- 1. to seize and hold (the power or rights of another, for example) by force and without legal authority. 2. to take over or occupy without right
vertigo- 1. the sensation of dizziness; an instance of such a sensation. 2. a confused, disoriented state of mind.
vitiate- 1. to reduce the value or impair the quality of. 2. to corrupt morally; debase. 3. to make ineffective; invalidate.
Papilionaceous- having the form of a butterfly, having corolla with two wings resembling those of a butterfly
voodoo May 2020
white surfaces flash in fluorescent lighting –

this is no opus, heaving on cold bathroom tiles,

blood and grain against porcelain,

convulsing creature in all its grotesque obloquy:

bleary and snotting. four-walled, windowless, antiseptic vivarium;

life crawls outside. it thrives, it devours, it fortifies.

inside, here, it repulses. ****** effluvium of all kinds.

sharp shrieks of skin across glossed floor, tears soak

before the cliff of the jaw. nothing stays.

wiping drool off the sterile sink and sweat off my knotted back.

snarls choking into sobs, sobs gasping for air.

this is no opus; blackening from corners,

the repugnant vignette held between fingernails –

for the contagious odium of the resigned abhorrent

bleeds and drips and stains.

neglect and rejection strewn like pearls,

pearls, worth nothing, feeling everything.

a fly buzzes in the stark fluorescent light,

and blackness climbs in. blackness consumes.
Keith W Fletcher Nov 2016
Have we become
So OBdurate
As to believe
Only by OBedience
Can we create
A future

Therefore all must be
OBedient servants ?
To OBey
Those visionaries
Who show
An OBsfugated vision
Fraudulant validation
By an
OBiterdictum decree

"The OBjective
tolerates no OBjections !"

By those convinced
OBliging ...
Is an OBligation
Without any thought
To the OBlique they seek
To completely

Somehow convinced
Complete OBliteration
Will heal this nation
To the fact
That this
OBlong view of history
And how often
We've seen this OBloquy
Cast it's shadow across nations
When OBnoxious
And OBscene inhuman beings
OBscurantist regimes
Lead their people
From OBscure into OBscurity

Wherein massive OBsequies
Are ever present
As are the OBsequious
Willing patrons
OBservable by
The  nature of their ignorance

As they believe OBservance
And being an OBservant
Faithful Compatriot
Is equivalent to OBservation

Where in reality
Their darkness... so complete
They could no longer
See...the light and glory
Of the stars
From an OBservatory

Following the OBsessions
Of the exaulted Leader
They come to OBsess
To seek and destroy
Dissenters and freethinkers
Who are to be made OBsolete

By their very existance
They are  
Considered OBstacles
OBstinate non- conformists
With OBstreperous
OBstructionist agendas
Seeking to reverse course
By their Obtuse views ...
And philosophies
Believing that the Obverse
Must be seen

Or a time will come
When total OBviation
To save this nation
...all too...
.....OBVIOUS !!
Zia Nov 2014
For what good is it to trample something lovely?
Not so even waiting for it to wither down
Killing the joy in it that was once so lively
Forcing it in lies, obliteration, to drown.

For what good is it to contaminate, poison?
With the obloquy that your scornful lips emit
And your eyes that look with shame, devoid of reason.
Some pomes stick to the wall like spaghetti,
And filch meaning from better poets.  
So take not the dower of my time,
And I'll make no obloquy against ye petty scriveners.
B M Clark May 2014
The words tumble
Pouring, Floating, Drifting
Off your tongue
Hovering in the air
Poisonous and vitriolic

Lies are the air
All I breathe around you
I breath lies and remnants
Vestiges of what was

Even when you leave
Lies are your parting gift
Probity is foreign to you
You live in obloquy

Lie or not
There is the door
You said
you wanted to leave

Take your haze
Of lies and distortion
With you
801 Nov 2018
Just hours since I learned of the great fall
my childhood enemy has taken.
My heart is shaken in internal squall.
Yet still, there is joy which I partake in

Why feel guilt at such a time, so long sought?
When others still roam the alleys of night;
our nightmare meetings still frequent and fraught.
The terror still real in the broad daylight.

I have been, largely, where she has now stood.
I have ground teeth on the obloquy.
I can’t rejoice now, though I wish I could
**** this infernal anisotropy!

And yet anger smolders at the pylons;
burning bridges and lashing at icons.
A few still remain but I never believed even this much justice could be had. I've learned late of this but it is still hard to decide how I feel about it. I certainly never expected to feel anything but contempt for this person but I can't help but to remember much of what they probably experienced. It's almost like reliving it and impossible to enjoy without unease.
2D World Apr 2015
Clueless walking through the streets
Optimism keeps me on my feet
Nuisance to those I meet

Tagging along with the crowd
And do I feel proud
Gazing at my future in a shroud

It's about time I changed my methods
Obloquy makes me intrepid
Uncontainable as expected
Strong, encouraged and always tepid
Have the courage to do things in life. Don't follow crowds just create your own styles and stay original. Don't dig yourself into an early grave, there's so much to live for. Don't be scared to mold yourself into a better person be brave because one day you will be CONTAGIOUS.
Bellie-boo Jan 2016
In the End
we all fall
these lines
to slumber
in echoing
our breath
if only we
could breath
At our end
we all reside
side by side
in straight
parallel lines
Adorn by
your wishes
of who we
were then
soild with dirt
tossed upon
Lowered into
your straight
simple grave
as what persona
you have created
In the End
we all lie
these lines
by straight
lines carved
into the Earth
In our Ends
we're all buried
as straight as
how you wanted
Our rotting corpses
abandoned to
be inflicted with
your desired image
of who we are
When we live
So why does
your opinions of
who we are matter
if in our End
you wont approve
you'll bury us straight
In our end,
So tell me
why we care
what you think
of who we are?
If you were going
to obloquy who
we are in our
Delton Peele Oct 2020
Non knower of carbon.
Liqud sacked dependant .
Blind insect you all breed of unquenchable want it all'ers.
Un-do ing plume of simple uni dimensional lucidity
Harbingers of self inducive doom
infidels of indecency.whom defecate more than consume
Clutch of incubating repubates writhing in a seether of iniquities .
Listen to me
Since your inception i have languished
Infinitesimal linguistic anomalies
It would consume more than youre vocabulary
To understand one simple word from me
dumbed down distilled  to you
From me.
regarding  the only pure euphoria
Created ...prophesied
The pain...............we have waited...
You tainted
You measure linear aggregation in terms of time
You cannot even fathom infinity which to me is a blink of your eye
I see Epochs...   ......millions upon millions..........
You ............
Took love for granted and i rot inconsolable
Only to Rebuke you
You........a lesion infected  solution of spiritual blood lust and ****
Leaving me with one fantasy
My only to coalesce
At the advent of your demise
Evangeline Jun 2019
Should I clip my broken wings
'Fore I learn to fall or flight,
Hide away the fleeting beauty
Of the mountaintops, so high
Call out fear at every turn
Or be as ardent as the sun,
Cast my caution to the wind
For the mere pursuit of fun.
Name all things that made me tremble
As a schoolgirl, in my youth
Feel the caress of the wind
Breathing life into my chest
And the promise of a love
For which once I made a fool of this
Grizzly savant soul.

Do I dare disturb the universe,
Call myself Tycho Brahe,
Swim in waters full of sharks
And, like Neptune, whirlpools make
Like Mars, belligerent fires
Leave my feet upon their wake,
And like Jupiter Almighty
There is thunder to my step.
But like Venus, seafoam child,
Beauty took my breath away,
Came Minerva with her owls
And her wisdom kindly shared.
Spoke so softly even Juno,
Wearing darkness as her cloak,
Listened carefully to Eternity
As Copernicus awoke.

Do I dare disturb the universe
And defy gravity and more?
Will the obloquy of newness
Stomp me dead and steal my throne?

Issac Newton came around
Just as he turned twenty-three,
Laws of gravity and physics
And an apple carried he.
Halley came,
A comet named, by the people,
After him,
Then came Einstein,
German thinker,
With another theory.

As for me,
I'm not as valiant
To disprove what it is wrong,
Not as quick to notice change,
Not as sharp
And not as strong.
2020 presidential election
already promises seat of pants suspense
hint of (post apocalyptic) coming attractions
see –

supposed poll worker(s) accidentally
(yea right) fomented kerfuffle
imposible mission witnessing
transgression Republicans wont muffle
reasonable rhyme legitimate votes

purportedly some how amidst
waste paper bin (laden) shuffle
crumpled beyond recognition
easily mistaken (without
mushroom for error) for truffle.

Among electorate (debacle trumpeted)
includes nonagenarian widower papa
just biden his time before he doth die
Boyce Brandon once formidable guy
(no sir name included – nose hurry)
bedridden his shrunken body dost lie
regarding treating Normandy Farms
estates (elder care) neglect an outcry.

However hospice care consideration
thankfully option included within fee
to occupy said accommodations he
(thy male parent into cyber spatial void,

I lament spirit hoop fully heard
by long deceased dearest mommy)
strong possibility because condemnation
rankles sensitivity of yours truly namely i.e. me
aforementioned predicated upon obloquy.

More to the point paperback writer wannabe
aimed to communicate courtesy thee
humble wordsmith, concerning alarming acme
of storied chain of events horrific see
thing unfortunate voting wretch,
who supposedly disposed free
(half dozen) mail in ballots.

One need not be a brain scientist
or rocket surgeon to interpret gist,
whereby golden opportunity never missed
to embroil commander in chief
whose critique he could not desist
concerning numero uno pet peeve kissed
regarding fraudulent claim to White House keys

goodbye, viz to shortchange said totalitarian wannabe
as dear leader for life linkedin with staged imbroglio,
whereat supposed auld Don Trump ****** his fist
into air out of defiance absentee mode grist
for mill casting choice other than standing in long line
coughed on, cuz registered eligible voters ******
off, and disbelieve coronavirus (COVID19) real.

Even me dad suffering mild dementia
avidly watches television news,
who hopes to live long enough
before paying Charon mandatory dues
(to cross the River Styx)
papa ardently, confidently, fervently..., and hankers
to hear "Joe Biden" named forty sixth president
and could see right thru above concocted ruse.
Young and driven
Not by bus but by golden God given beauty
****** is what society seeks in their creativity
Harsh words dastardly spitted on their face
Never give up dear model
Your beauty showcases the art of stitched cloth on cam
Your black Zambian silky skin drives viewer's attention
Your slenderly soft hips perfectly fit outfits
Never give up dear model
Wipe your tears and face your fears
For discrimination will never end
Bend and pretend you never heard
Never give up dear model
Jubilantly prance with confidence
Even if they obloquy obnoxiously
Don't run,turn "say the race has just begun
alternately titled: any resemblance between this title,
and living persons purely coincidental.

Generality maybe doth equate,
this non-overt obvious purpose
to any hidden agenda
insufficient to generate
pitfall of obloquy, ostracism,
and outrageousness
response, nonetheless of late,
this fluttering not alluding
to anything more than
innocuous overture,

no matter this poem tethered,
suspended, and braced
on tenterhooks I await
tinged him, who felt
tempted to communicate,
(albeit vaguely – deliberately),
but yet perhaps bold
daring, and outwardly
enough to arouse,
quiet aspiration begat

upon unspecified social media
hankering suddenly toward
reflexively reaching
for opportunistic masterful bait
I pray no implied
illicit transgression,
hence hope NOT
to induce backlash denigrate
ting logophile predicated
on unintended outcome,

sans this human
spirit did enervate
merely from flattering comments,
that moost likely
will NOT transcend
uplifting virtual fate,
whereat this web surfer
experienced alluring,
captivating, gravitating
intoxicating kindled magic,

yet steers far clear
blatantly didst debate
against broadcasting
explicit sentiments, create
ting unwarranted ballroom
blitzkrieg of potential hate
towards me, cuz aye
merely aim to communicate
em ma nant worthy attraction
toward one modest gal

with true mettle of late
only gently broaching,
how euphoric her comments,
(oft times juiced one word),
affected mine psyche to hum,
jingle, and pleasantly vibrate
and quasi valiantly
tis folly to wait
for "the right
moment," to elevate

an affinity, though aye dont
infer any inappropriate
iniquitous tete a tete,
thus enough clues
(albeit ambiguous), she
unwittingly within rhyme,
her worthy existence I state
hence someone I would
like to date,
you figure logic
of this sexagenarian married man.
to my long deceased mom...
Harriet Harris née Kuritsky

My mother succumbed to a terminal illness
two score minus three orbitz passed away
no matter she fought tooth and nail
to keep ovarian/uterine cancer at bay
disease metastasized throughout major organs,
hence demise found grim reaper to carry
her Bag of Bones into The Dead Zone -
where Misery loves company
Four Past Midnight
well nigh seventeen
and a half years ago to the day
thus a flash in a bedpan idea flit
thru me mind setting task at hand
to forego bidding on eBay

and ruminate how she felt
knowing her end to be near, -
where her psyche did flay
with anger writhing at the injustice
to ****** thee lover of life
her deadened flesh became ashen gray
yet, a recurring memory
replays in my mind,
whereby this ordinarily
sole sunny trooper
blackened hole within her sons' psych
doth feebly booster morale
with a lame duck uttered hay
huzzah, but flashback to last moment

I saw mother, yet
merely stood mute in close proximity
within the kitchen of thee predominant
century old mansion stone
built home donned with English ivy
once glorious complex edifice
sans domicile razed
no stone left unturned
remains longer only in me noggin
twittering memories flutter
and tweet like a blue jay
keeping visage intact
the house (formerly known as Glen Elm)
at 324 level road,

Collegeville, Pennsylvania -
amazed at my ability to recall an okay
dough key mixed meadow
for with many emotions arising
from where siblings
and me did blessedly play
our oasis, a rural route number 2 -
or rd2 for short a constituent key
per our residence, which like a quay
Tsar seemed light years
removed from civilization,
a remnant tract of idyllic ray

dee hance, upon with open space slated
to become outfitted
and transformed into an urban stay
shin for mobile Americans hopscotching
as short term owners of a new home they
never knew what fractious
mother-son trials and tribulation,
now invisibly harbored and enshrined
forever pristine sanctuary
denominated secular way
down deep in thy conscious, which access
to retrieve nada so

excellent circumstances of youth
(oftimes meditating while dwelling
upon expansive roof
many an outlook raised)
on par with hop, jump,
or skipping to Uruguay
but nothing can recreate
and make real one again
deconstructed house where dwelt pangs
of pre and post adolescence
no matter I mouth
and soundlessly mutter oy vey
till the cows come home,

cuz the days of boyhood,
teenage and emerging adulthood
(matter of fact, this heir -
overstayed his welcome)
accentuated courtesy corrosive
contumely contretemps
thus ambivalent feelings
doth owe way
kin this day of the month
every year the aura, charisma,
and persona delighting like galena zany
persona, thine late mother of pearl

and milk of human kindness
yes, this cingular male offspring doth miss
when he gives pause (all faux),
thus aye scrawl this poetic mini opus
knowing full well,
ye will never be cognizant,
but cathartic to press
any black key (on this laptop)
and expunge thru
Times New Roman font size 12
discombobulated words

buffeted bitta bing bitta bang
in situ jewel flowing emotions
akin to Rapunzel unfurling long tress
buffeted by the war wren inside mine being
for love unspoken, I confess
and tis thru fatherhood
(which beautiful granddaughters
ye would marvel) despite obloquy
when ye and papa de address
me in harsh terms, but objectionable traits
wove within mein kampf DNA less

or more, and angst riddled
body, mind and spirit
rent asunder with emotional duress
essentially encoded within
the twisted sisterly chromosome strands
that wrought Matthew Scott Harris,
now the boss and master
of his own psychological domain,
whereat he closes with mum --
I feel terrible ye got angry and cross!
Back approximately half my life ago
dissociative disorder
if qualified to self diagnose
mein kampf psychological state...

I lacked emotions where others concerned.

That refrain replayed itself,
when wife picked up
(like a broken record),
where parents left off
before they entered
another dimension
(maybe the fifth)
of space and time
(hosted courtesy Rod Serling),
where yours truly (me)
repeated until blue in the face
don't hock my chinik
to the missus lest
a potential crime scene
draws The Mod Squad.

Though she ceased reiterating
magnum opus of colorful epithets
towards me, daunting effort
well nigh impossible to ignore
daily USDA over dosage
stinging derogatory, heavily re: tar did
psyche stunted, wrathful
verbal artillery fire remains with me
to this moment in tandem,
and keep lock step company with malicious
noxious obloquy pilloried,
quotidian rate sundering unsung
vitality within zealous
aspiring bookish chap.

Daily eruptions
from glowering Hercules
inundated, jack-knifed, linkedin
fin de sic cull nursing offal
personal quaking resentment stewing
toxic watershed unleashed veritable,
red hot wrath, undermining vivacity
within yawping seething, tormenting
uber vitality wreaking
yours truly x ***** she hating,
killing motives of papa querulously,
rabidly scathing, terrorizing

sole son, who for better
part of marriage underwent
lighter version of invectives
cutting me down to size,
asper zero self worth, though
calmer days prevailed between
 huzz-band and spouse, yet nonetheless
indelible imprimatur undeniably
etched overtop palimpsest
raw hide of self esteem.

Twas quite recently,
this heir indubitably coaxed sea legs,
more so regarding self acceptance
felt emboldened,
empowered, and emancipated
from invisible shackles
bounding (akin to Gulliver)
a dire straightened situation.

Thru auspices of divine help
(then Lower Merion counseling offices)
professional psychiatrists
psychologists quelled
retaliatory spiteful treatment
upon banshee hushed heads
(high school peers,
parents and fiendish ghoul-
lash humans) intently joyously kindled,
lamentable mean name calling
(though sticks and stones
ne’er hurled venality broke
lovely bones), the sheer redundancy
to remain passive
internalizing verbal cut throat,
villainous wicked yik yaks zapped
ambition to fight back,
and desire to live.

Characteristics against cross purposes
predated onset of bullies took delight
feigning Brutus Maccabeus
lashing at diminutive, harried,
and introverted Capricorn
incessantly lambasted, ostracized,
and repulsed from LivingSocial
hermetically sealing within bubble wrap,
could not thwart nor deflect
piercing poison tipped daggers
puncturing outermost covalent shell,
reminiscent pock marks from yesterday.

Though cessation of banal, devilish frothing
at mouth nastiness no longer prevails,
an inordinate number
of bumped ugly chronologically
bereft experiences, detached, estranged,
fostered knee-**** reactions
against socialization, brought
to light this moment
pregnant revelation no need
to discern what cauterized alienation.

Seeds of white lily
begot ordinary individual
(now middle aged male
lxv passages around black hole sun)
accepts schizoid personality disorder
born free and clear
within utero bolstered
by external forces
finds me aware essential core being
alive absent til death do me part.
Words are wondrous. Somehow in fourth grade I read a biography of Noah Webster, who compiled and published the first dictionary of American English. That got me hooked. I have been a poet since my early 20s. Words are not to be used to be pedantic;  rather, they're chosen to be the 'precise" word, the exact word, to convey to the reader as chearly as possible what the poet wishes to convey. Words in a poem are chosen for their timbre, their tone, their color, their heft in a way similar to how Beethoven chose the exact note for the exact place in the work he was composing, the admixture eliciting the precise effect he wanted his work to have on his audience. I read dictionaries while others read detective stories. I am the only person I know of who reads a college book on English grammar for fun. Some of the words I enjoy using:  "meretricious" means ******;  '"veridical" means speaking the truth;  "threnody" means a song of lamentation;  "solipsistic" means egocentric;  "adjure" means to entreat;  "dithyramb" means a Dionysian choric hymn;  "mare's nest" means a hoax;  "phatic" means noise, but no substance;  "bootless" means futile;  "rebarbative" means grim;  "truculent" means surly;  "esprit d'escalier" means a witticism that comes after it could have been uttered;  "Stygian" means gloomy;  "surcease" (as a noun) means cessation;  "rubric" a category;  "meliorist" means a person who believes the world can be made better;  and "obloquy" means verbal abuse. Just memember, there's still the Oxdord English Dictionary (20 volumes).

Copyright 2020 Tod Howard Hawks
A graduate of Andover and Columbia College, Columbia University, Tod Howard Hawks has been a poet, a novelist, and a human-rights advocate his entire adult life.
a revision of the earlier posted poem with a similar but not exact same titled:

     ("Thus always I cause the death of tyrants.”)
the purported line Brutus uttered
after assassinating Julius Caesar.

     Alternatively titled:
The prose and consequential arguments
for the death penalty.

     An attempt to resuscitate
the following rambling missive
written quite some years ago
(being declared dead on arrival
if yours truly took emergency measures
to recruit editorial assistance),
but after re-reading loopy thought process,
I decided to submit to rebukes
and suffer withering criticism
from any anonymous reader.  

     Ever since the early forerunners
of twenty first century mankind
(sprinted across the trackless expanse
extant upon planet Earth),
modern **** Sapiens
essentially won out as coterie precursors
sans predominant present day team of rivals.

     The zigzag line,
whence our arboreal ancestors
skedaddled their way
toward a capitalone delineation
of die hard grateful deadheads
******* disaster, and acquiring
dubious distinction decreeing domain
of oblate spheroid as prime real estate,
(when Prometheus fire
made privy to proto humans,
while an anonymous forerunner
of Flintstones squatted squeezing
with utmost effort,
when nothing more
than an ear deafening blast of flatulence
issued forth unwittingly
kindled sparks of tinder),
the imperceptible figurative ink
did not dry before these hairy hooligans
edged out other prehensile primates.

     Enfant Terrible employed
as an analogy for punctuated equilibrium
(postulated by Stephen Jay Gould
heterochrony and similar evolutionary changes
would not be directed by the genes
that actually build various body parts)
witnessing a boom rang
amidst feral creatures unpredictably crowing
with foo fighting fecundity
(inadvertently in sync with Feng Shui)
to launch a scrappy posse
of measly mensch kin’s into the realm.

     This phenomena countless thousands
(more like millions) of years
since the inception of brutal,
nasty and short tempered
present day troglodytes.

     With the aid of an imaginary crystal ball,
the seeds of White Lily got borne
via Aery windy gusts
jet setting most “advanced” pygmy beastie boys
as the animalistic bellwether
per future adventure,
whence many anthropological
opposable thumbed volumes yet written
till the present deadly crossroads
announced ruthless Reichstag.

     Credos, codas, diktats
governing infantile Messerschmitt
Sol Invictus yet unnamed role
as most dangerous living beings
known to exist
unwittingly usurped
grandiose nom de plume
as Master baiters
predicating their survival
on brawn and brains
to public enemy number one
to all other life forms.

     As the fittest
(at least when accidents of circumstances
found tendency to crowd source,
the mob mentality already evident
as hyena cackles quickly garnered rubric
of might equals right),
thus grabbing by force of strong arms
(fingers clutching deadly lances),
the top prize
as sovereign dictators of the Proletariat).

     Over the course of millennia
(presently without Melania, who cares),
they became the de facto dominant species.

     The proto humans ancestors of Donald Trump,
essentially won the race millenniums ago.

     The evolutionary descendents
metamophasizing into bipedal hominids
of recent mankind did not monkey around
when competing in the Human Race.

     They elbowed, jostled,
and ousted competitors eventually
to ascend inexorably their way
to the top tier of totalitarianism.

     Great indomitable naked apes
of early simian evolution,
would not settle for any role
except top banana
in the hierarchical schema of biota
extant throughout the nascent
dawn of civilization
and age of Aquarius.

     Violence with whatever materiel at hand
vanquished any threat
to world wide webbed *******
sans existence at dawn of civilization.
    Closer to late morning and high noon
the tall tale ushered vanity
videre licet venal, vicious, vocal
frankly zapped Tarzans,
10,000 Maniacs, and voodoo worshippers
blitzed like banshees.

     Literal face saving each manikin for himself
(gnome hatter whether blood pact swore),
the bludgeoned, hoodwinked,
and whipped warriors wary warlocks
fought tooth nail to the death.

     One instant found a bald
(ah that explains my receding heir line)
bandied legged *******
macho tree swinging sportsman
(my monkey's uncle)
brazenly boasting bona fide.

     Well guess what ma friend?

     That sure-footed geico hunter
met a ****** death on an empty stomach.

     His purported blood brothers abandoned him
(at the drop of a clump of offal)
as not dependent and unreliable brethren.

     No such thing as a gentlemen’s agreement
ruled the ****** terra firmae.

     Amidst the warren of primates,
a promise quickly broached instantaneously
after pledging allegiance to a pseudo fraternity.

     Swift lee tailored and harried styled obeisance
adhered to a flip flop (dip thong)
pattern that guaranteed staying alive.

     This included bopping strapping "jocks"
on their beanies
with rotten tangerines of bystander’s
whereat even babies innocently
caught in the culture club
thwacks between one competing claque and another.

     Pity clobbered indiscriminately
friend and de foe alike
exacerbating ruination of bucolic beauty.

     Contra bands (very loosely applied)
associated with village people
as the most powerful brigands,
which shifting fidelity took place
without the presence
of border crossing guards
or border collies.

     The open frontier
presented Avast earthlinked heaven,
where danger lurked
in most every field camouflaged
by delusively diminutive sized cretins,
that punched a wallop with a crack
on the noggin before
indigenous faux peoples swooped down
amidst the war whoop emitted
by a madding crowd marauding
where angels feared to tread.

     Oft times (no doubt),
thee ah bridged brotherly bond broke
brooked ranks (once
upon unfamiliar terrain
of an alien nation)
plying figurative cards
to benefit bristling brood.
     Deoxyribonucleic Acid
played a key role as genetics
probably parlayed traits
to the ace of spades,
where the wild impractical joker
abetted physical heft
to hoist with her/his own petard heavy objects,
and mandates employed and obeyed
by snatching strapping twisted sisters,
thence sacking sacred cistern,
when bands of ruffians
within the melee wrought regal restitution.

     Where nature fell short
weeding out the weak, sickly, elderly,
frail, deformed, et cetera,
the Flint Stone Age paradigm
evinced population control
linkedin to Netzero tolerance
for even minor infractions.

     Interwoven with the whack
upon the mole hole atop noggin
with cracked skull
(and broken weapon of destruction)
throve the depredations
of rival rebellious ravenous stealthy,
quick of pluck (prestidigitatious like)
orchestrated nature made ideology.

   Highlight of Goofus and Gallant
bred within the survival instinct
of hungry hordes of prey,
when Earth in the balance
against an uncomfortable truth
smug smurf like scavengers.

     Punishment meted out
and limited by the poison
yielded courtesy iron maiden
of hand-to-hand mortal kombat.

     Only when the codification,
edification, glorification…
of sedentary versus nomadic lifestyle
did considerations turn
to protection of self and others.

     This shift in consciousness
occurred over great swaths of time.

     At some juncture in the history,
an alteration from superstitious,
querulous, and portentous outlook,
some anonymous hotmail
awakened with a momentous,
judicious, and industrious insight
to counter act and oppose
hellacious and supplant said pathos
with a healthy generous dose
of fortuitousness reckoned
by invention formulating calculus,
audaciousness and picking up
some helpful tips from bad company.

     Difficult to pinpoint
the precise instance or prodigy
who advanced contemplation,
federation, intuition…
the process most likely happened
in fits and starts.
     As aggregates of close affiliates
with out genus and species
recognized benefits of law and order,
a coordinated effort
seemed to blossom forth
promulgating civility,
every good boy does fine mentality
and seeking methodologies
to offer greater guarantee for longevity.
     Creedence clearwater revival
delivered the gospel according to Matthew,
which soon indoctrinated
the merry brigands of pagans
actuating obloquy against contrary beliefs.

     Long story short of course
forcibly pronounced decree
imposing religious strictures
to be obeyed lest one be sentenced to death.

     Many a decent creature,
who found solace from spirits
that inhabited the natural environment
got sucker punched
(or worse tortured till he and/or
she recanted supposed primitive beliefs),
and at some instance
relinquished spiritual heritage
harkening back generations.
     Though freedom of religion
an inalienable right, a twisted sister logic
(my opinion) seems
to destroy innocent lives
while a terroristic perpetrator
becomes a martyr.

     If the realm of each cerebral individual
aggressively usurped
by indomitable fanatics
hell bent on proselytizing
at a very tender age,
(when the mind most malleable),
and hashtagging those
whose willpower greater than any sword,
the latter labeled heretics
with the price of their life
to pay for staunchly held vision quest.

     Here doth stare me a long entrenched
hypocrisy at the expense
of no threat to another.  
     How (warning cause mumbo jumbo ahead)
in the name of tarnation
(with or without feathers
would be incidental
to this Unitarian based atheist)
can there be a more severe implication
of self sovereignty than the deprivation
for personal willfulness
as a natural curiosity
to cogitate, educate, genuflect…
et cetera on the ramifications
of humanism if forced
to recant such individualistic projections?

     Unbeknownst to this wordsmith
his meandering reflections would follow
an arc unpredictable
at the start of this self-imposed literary exercise.

     His er rather my intent aspired
to dwell on near black and white principles
of so-called right and wrong.

     Funny (and/or maybe ironic),
that most if not all organized edicts
disparage against every single premise
(particularly taking the life of another
without just cause), yet pronounce
severe screeds with a bounty hunter
put upon the head of he/she
who professes such antithetical intimations.

     Further objection toward adherents
to this, that or some other accepted codex,
when the sanctity of embryonic/fetal entity
sets mad men going off
on a rampage of ranting, and raving,
and even killing in the name of pro life.

     This introspective, live,
oddly ruminating uber xman wags
as a sagacious thinker,
and does assent that a capital offense
(such as ****** – minus self defense)
ought to be dealt with a blow
(both figurative and literal)
against the killer, though outright execution
disallows the hardened criminal
to become sensitized
to such a deadly deed.

     Earlier chapters of mein kampf
would elicit an immediate declaration
that what he/she who kills another
ought to get (I scream) their just desserts.

     As the decades passed, a realization
that exact retribution can bring reduction
regarding the departed heartfelt,
lost past quirky specialness,
whether that person
constitutes an outlier
whose notions, thoughts,
whims, et cetera, could upend
the entire complex edifice
what tomb me on par
with an ennobled, established,
and accepted myth greater than Sisyphus.

     Whatsapp penning to me
(a punning logophile
with acute perception
can be briefly explained
by the role of fatherhood.

     As the papa of two
dearly beloved daughters
(both soon on the cusp of taking wing
and flying the coop
at the electronic date/time stamp),
many controversial stances
underwent augmentation
within the breastworks of mine *****.

     How many emotionally
laden issues posit one or both
of said prized progeny
as a hypothetical/speculative victim
courtesy growing up
in a dysfunctional upbringing.

     Anger against the avenger
would be mirrored by innumerable questions.

     I would be keen to share
how pained this papa felt/feels,
and beckon to  explain
what provoked such unforgivable
vengeful wrath against himself.

     Damage would haunt
thine prized precious offspring,
and this dada cannot imagine
how a mother and father endure
the never-ending permanent harm
dealt their son or daughter
no matter the perpetrator penalized.
("Thus always I cause the death of tyrants.”)
the purported line Brutus uttered
after assassinating Julius Caesar.

     Alternatively titled:
The prose and consequential arguments
for the death penalty.

     An attempt to resuscitate
the following rambling missive
written quite some years ago
(being declared dead on arrival
if yours truly took emergency measures
to recruit editorial assistance),
but after re-reading loopy thought process,
I decided to submit to rebukes
and suffer withering criticism
from any anonymous reader.  

     Ever since the early forerunners
of twenty first century mankind
(sprinted across the trackless expanse
extant upon planet Earth),
modern **** Sapiens
essentially won out as coterie precursors
sans predominant present day team of rivals.

     The zigzag line,
whence our arboreal ancestors
skedaddled their way
toward a capitalone delineation
of die hard grateful deadheads
******* disaster, and acquiring
dubious distinction decreeing domain
of oblate spheroid as prime real estate,
(when Prometheus fire
made privy to proto humans,
while an anonymous forerunner
of Flintstones squatted squeezing
with utmost effort,
when nothing more
than an ear deafening blast of flatulence
issued forth unwittingly
kindled sparks of tinder),
the imperceptible figurative ink
did not dry before these hairy hooligans
edged out other prehensile primates.

     Enfant Terrible employed
as an analogy for punctuated equilibrium
(postulated by Stephen Jay Gould
heterochrony and similar evolutionary changes
would not be directed by the genes
that actually build various body parts)
witnessing a boom rang
amidst feral creatures unpredictably crowing
with foo fighting fecundity
(inadvertently in sync with Feng Shui)
to launch a scrappy posse
of measly mensch kin’s into the realm.

     This phenomena countless thousands
(more like millions) of years
since the inception of brutal,
nasty and short tempered
present day troglodytes.

     With the aid of an imaginary crystal ball,
the seeds of White Lily got borne
via Aery windy gusts
jet setting most “advanced” pygmy beastie boys
as the animalistic bellwether
per future adventure,
whence many anthropological
opposable thumbed volumes yet written
till the present deadly crossroads
announced ruthless Reichstag.

     Credos, codas, diktats
governing infantile Messerschmitt
Sol Invictus yet unnamed role
as most dangerous living beings
known to exist
unwittingly usurped
grandiose nom de plume
as Master baiters
predicating their survival
on brawn and brains
to public enemy number one
to all other life forms.

     As the fittest
(at least when accidents of circumstances
found tendency to crowd source,
the mob mentality already evident
as hyena cackles quickly garnered rubric
of might equals right),
thus grabbing by force of strong arms
(fingers clutching deadly lances),
the top prize
as sovereign dictators of the Proletariat).

     Over the course of millennia
(presently without Melania, who cares),
they became the de facto dominant species.

     The proto humans ancestors of Donald Trump,
essentially won the race millenniums ago.

     The evolutionary descendents
metamophasizing into bipedal hominids
of recent mankind did not monkey around
when competing in the Human Race.

     They elbowed, jostled,
and ousted competitors eventually
to ascend inexorably their way
to the top tier of totalitarianism.

     Great indomitable naked apes
of early simian evolution,
would not settle for any role
except top banana
in the hierarchical schema of biota
extant throughout the nascent
dawn of civilization
and age of Aquarius.

     Violence with whatever materiel at hand
vanquished any threat
to world wide webbed *******
sans existence at dawn of civilization.
    Closer to late morning and high noon
the tall tale ushered vanity
videre licet venal, vicious, vocal
frankly zapped Tarzans,
10,000 Maniacs, and voodoo worshippers
blitzed like banshees.

     Literal face saving each manikin for himself
(gnome hatter whether blood pact swore),
the bludgeoned, hoodwinked,
and whipped warriors wary warlocks
fought tooth nail to the death.

     One instant found a bald
(ah that explains my receding heir line)
bandied legged *******
macho tree swinging sportsman
(my monkey's uncle)
brazenly boasting bona fide.

     Well guess what ma friend?

     That sure-footed geico hunter
met a ****** death on an empty stomach.

     His purported blood brothers abandoned him
(at the drop of a clump of offal)
as not dependent and unreliable brethren.

     No such thing as a gentlemen’s agreement
ruled the ****** terra firmae.

     Amidst the warren of primates,
a promise quickly broached instantaneously
after pledging allegiance to a pseudo fraternity.

     Swift lee tailored and harried styled obeisance
adhered to a flip flop (dip thong)
pattern that guaranteed staying alive.

     This included bopping strapping "jocks"
on their beanies
with rotten tangerines of bystander’s
whereat even babies innocently
caught in the culture club
thwacks between one competing claque and another.

     Pity clobbered indiscriminately
friend and de foe alike
exacerbating ruination of bucolic beauty.

     Contra bands (very loosely applied)
associated with village people
as the most powerful brigands,
which shifting fidelity took place
without the presence
of border crossing guards
or border collies.

     The open frontier
presented Avast earthlinked heaven,
where danger lurked
in most every field camouflaged
by delusively diminutive sized cretins,
that punched a wallop with a crack
on the noggin before
indigenous faux peoples swooped down
amidst the war whoop emitted
by a madding crowd marauding
where angels feared to tread.

     Oft times (no doubt),
thee ah bridged brotherly bond broke
brooked ranks (once
upon unfamiliar terrain
of an alien nation)
plying figurative cards
to benefit bristling brood.
     Deoxyribonucleic Acid
played a key role as genetics
probably parlayed traits
to the ace of spades,
where the wild impractical joker
abetted physical heft
to hoist with her/his own petard heavy objects,
and mandates employed and obeyed
by snatching strapping twisted sisters,
thence sacking sacred cistern,
when bands of ruffians
within the melee wrought regal restitution.

     Where nature fell short
weeding out the weak, sickly, elderly,
frail, deformed, et cetera,
the Flint Stone Age paradigm
evinced population control
linkedin to Netzero tolerance
for even minor infractions.

     Interwoven with the whack
upon the mole hole atop noggin
with cracked skull
(and broken weapon of destruction)
throve the depredations
of rival rebellious ravenous stealthy,
quick of pluck (prestidigitatious like)
orchestrated nature made ideology.

   Highlight of Goofus and Gallant
bred within the survival instinct
of hungry hordes of prey,
when Earth in the balance
against an uncomfortable truth
smug smurf like scavengers.

     Punishment meted out
and limited by the poison
yielded courtesy iron maiden
of hand-to-hand mortal kombat.

     Only when the codification,
edification, glorification…
of sedentary versus nomadic lifestyle
did considerations turn
to protection of self and others.

     This shift in consciousness
occurred over great swaths of time.

     At some juncture in the history,
an alteration from superstitious,
querulous, and portentous outlook,
some anonymous hotmail
awakened with a momentous,
judicious, and industrious insight
to counter act and oppose
hellacious and supplant said pathos
with a healthy generous dose
of fortuitousness reckoned
by invention formulating calculus,
audaciousness and picking up
some helpful tips from bad company.

     Difficult to pinpoint
the precise instance or prodigy
who advanced contemplation,
federation, intuition…
the process most likely happened
in fits and starts.
     As aggregates of close affiliates with out genus and species recognized benefits of law and order, a coordinated effort seemed to blossom forth promulgating civility, every good boy does fine mentality and seeking methodologies to offer greater guarantee for longevity.
     Creedence clearwater revival delivered the gospel according to Matthew, which soon indoctrinated the merry brigands of pagans actuating obloquy against contrary beliefs.

     Long story short of course forcibly pronounced decree imposing religious strictures to be obeyed lest one be sentenced to death.

     Many a decent creature, who found solace from spirits that inhabited the natural environment got sucker punched (or worse tortured till he and/or she recanted supposed primitive beliefs), and at some instance relinquished spiritual heritage harkening back generations.
     Though freedom of religion an inalienable right, a twisted sister logic (my opinion) seems to destroy innocent lives while a terroristic perpetrator becomes a martyr.

     If the realm of each cerebral individual aggressively usurped by indomitable fanatics hell bent on proselytizing at a very tender age, (when the mind most malleable), and hashtagging those whose willpower greater than any sword, the latter labeled heretics with the price of their life to pay for staunchly held vision quest.

     Here doth stare me a long entrenched hypocrisy at the expense of no threat to another.  
     How (warning cause mumbo jumbo ahead) in the name of tarnation (with or without feathers would be incidental to this Unitarian based atheist) can there be a more severe implication of self sovereignty than the deprivation for personal willfulness as a natural curiosity to cogitate, educate, genuflect…et cetera on the ramifications of humanism if forced to recant such individualistic projections?

     Unbeknownst to this wordsmith his meandering reflections would follow an arc unpredictable at the start of this self-imposed literary exercise. His er rather my intent aspired to dwell on near black and white principles of so-called right and wrong.

     Funny (and/or maybe ironic), that most if not all organized edicts disparage against every single premise (particularly taking the life of another without just cause), yet pronounce severe screeds with a bounty hunter put upon the head of he/she who professes such antithetical intimations.

     Further objection toward adherents to this, that or some other accepted codex, when the sanctity of embryonic/fetal entity sets mad men going off on a rampage of ranting, and raving, and even killing in the name of pro life.

     This introspective, live, oddly ruminating uber xman wags as a sagacious thinker, and does assent that a capital offense (such as ****** – minus self defense) ought to be dealt with a blow (both figurative and literal) against the killer, though outright execution disallows the hardened criminal to become sensitized to such a deadly deed.

     Earlier chapters of mein kampf would elicit an immediate declaration that what he/she who kills another ought to get (I scream) their just desserts. As the decades passed, a realization that exact retribution can bring reduction regarding the departed heartfelt, lost past quirky specialness, whether that person constitutes an outlier whose notions, thoughts, whims, et cetera, could upend the entire complex edifice what tomb me on par with an ennobled, established, and accepted myth greater than Sisyphus.

     Whatsapp penning to me (a punning logophile with acute perception can be briefly explained by the role of fatherhood. As the papa of two dearly beloved daughters (both soon on the cusp of taking wing and flying the coop at the electronic date/time stamp), many controversial stances underwent augmentation within the breastworks of mine *****.

     How many emotionally laden issues posit one or both of said prized progeny as a hypothetical/speculative victim courtesy growing up in a dysfunctional upbringing.

     Anger against the avenger would be mirrored by innumerable questions. I would be keen to share how pained this papa felt/feels, and beckon to  explain what provoked such unforgivable vengeful wrath against himself.

     Damage would haunt thine prized precious offspring, and this dada cannot imagine how a mother and father endure the never-ending permanent harm dealt their son or daughter no matter the perpetrator penalized.

— The End —