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              from Tucson,AZ

In a haven of knowledge, structured for sharing,
an intruder descends with all absence of caring.

Unleashing his crucible’s conscienceless yield,
student’s bastion transformed to a killing field.

Grim reaper bedeviled with hell-bent depravation.
Safe haven for children suffers love’s reparation,

It’s not really surprising that death toll keeps rising,
While the lost moral compass despised compromising.

NRA’s pompous position truly appalls;
Corporate greed clenching sacs that once contained *****.

Though ******’s name fades, he’ll bequest mental anguish.
In Newtown hearts, where young memories languish.
              from Tucson,AZ

In a haven of knowledge, structured for sharing,
an intruder descends with all absence of caring.

Unleashing his crucible’s conscienceless yield,
student’s bastion transformed to a killing field.

Grim reaper bedeviled with hell-bent depravation.
Safe haven for children suffers love’s reparation,

It’s not really surprising that death toll keeps rising,
While the lost moral compass despised compromising.

NRA’s pompous position truly appalls;
Corporate greed clenching sacs that once contained *****.

Though ******’s name fades, he’ll bequest mental anguish.
In Newtown hearts, where young memories languish.
Jon gregg Dec 2012
Waiting at the Bus Stop

I'm sitting in the back of the bus where the heater is and I'm gazing into the isle of the bus. The heat is very strong, it's not very comfortable but neither is my position. My tangled dark blue track earphones are trying their best to blast "Move Along" by All American Rejects from my 3rd generation iPhone that sits in my flannel pocket. My friend in the seat next to me is reading Grendel while blasting Paramore, the freshman in the front of the bus are fooling around, once the bus goes over a *** hole they fly back into their place. Two seats infornt of me there are two girls sitting next to each other, probillily talking about a boy or how great the swim meet was. Th bus starts to go up my life threatening hill, many car crashes happen here. When we get to my stop I stand up mid drive, I feel like I'm surfing. And when the bus comes to it's sudden stop, I jolt back because I know I will fall. I walk down the isle of backpacks and freshman looking at me as if I was a big tough guy, I'm only 5 foot I would say. When I get off and cross our road, my dog is waiting for me. I start to cry. Kids should be allowed that right to be able to come home and see their dog waiting for them at the bus stop.

Prayers for Newtown
Big Virge Sep 2014
So …..
Who Are The ...  
... " Good Guys " ... ?  
In These Modern Times ... ?  

Osama … Obama ... ? ?  
Or Those … Civil Type Guardia ... ?  
What ...  
Makes Them Good ... ?  
The Guns They Use ...
As If They ... Should ….  
To RESTRAIN and ... Defuse ...  
VIOLENT … Neighbourhoods … !?!
But REALLY …  
Is This ... What They Do … ?!?  
I've Heard Stories ...  
That … Relay TRUTH ...  
About The ABUSE ...  
Some Guardia … Choose … !!!  
Like …  
In … Spanish Streets ...  
To ... Prove To Them ….  
The ... Kinda PROBLEMS ...  
They're ... BOUND To See ...  
If They ... DON'T Respect ...  
The ... " Gendarmerie " … !!!!!  
Good Guys ….. !!!?!!!  
REALLY … ?!?  
Or Employed … BULLIES ...  !?!  
The Type Who ... FEED ...  
of … "ABUSE FILLED Deeds" … !!!  
The Type That Make ...  
Young People … BLEED … !!!
When ...  
Guns They … PARADE …  
Aren't Used … " Properly " …  
Kind of Like …. " NEWTOWN " ….  
Where It's CLEAR … Gun Sounds ...  
Will Now … RESOUND ...  
In The ... Hearts and Mouths ...  
of ... Parents Now …  
Resound With … " LOSS " … !!!!!  
Cos' A ... LOVED One's Gone … !!!!!
WITHOUT A …. Song ….  
Or Farewell ... "Prolonged" ...
So …. ???  
What Was The Mantra ... ?  
of … Adam Lanza ... ?  
To Shoot REPEATEDLY ...  
That Took … SO MANY … !!!!!  
Was His Mind So HEAVY ... ?!?  
That His Thoughts … CLEARLY …  
Had Become …  "UNstEAdy" … !!!  
So …  
Where Were Connecticut's ...  
GOOD GUYS … Then … ?  
With The ... " NRA " ... !?!  
At A ... Shooting Range … ???  
Shooting Guns For …  "FUN" … !!!  
While The Blood of A MUM ...  
And Youngsters ..... RUN .....................................
Down SCHOOL Hallways ...  
In The … Middle of The Day ... !?!
Now The NRA Says …  
"Bad Guys with guns,  
need to face, good ones !"
Okay Okay ...  
But Let's ... Get This Straight … !!!  
It's ... OKAY For A Man ...  
Whose Been Paid and Trained ...  
To ... SHOOT TO **** ...
Pretty Much AT WILL ...  
Cos' It's Been … " Okayed " …  
By The ….  " NRA " …. !?!  
Who Said ...  
They Were Good … !!!???!!!  
I Learnt My Lesson ...  
Watching … Charlton Heston ... !!!  
It Would ...  
Seem To Me ...  
That ... NRA Peeps …  
Care ...  
MORE For ... MONEY ...  
Than When … Children BLEED … !!?!!  
It's ... ALL About GREED … !!!  
Cos' ...  
Good GUYS ... DON'T NEED ...  
To Have … " ARMOURIES " ... !!!  
To ENSURE The Streets ...  
Are Filled With … "PEACE" ...
and I … For One ...  
DON'T Believe That Guns ...
Have … ANY Function …  
In …. Education …. !!!!!!  
Educate Our Youth ….. !!!  
About The ...  
HARM They Cause ... !!!!!!!  
They NEED To Be Schooled ...  
In ….... AVOIDING Wars ............ !!!!!!
And In ... Avoiding Depression …  
That Leads To HARSH Lessons ... !!!!!  
It Time To STRENGTHEN ... !!!  
Our Fight Against ... Guns ...  
And Time To … " LESSEN " …  !!!  
" NRA " ... Type Funds ... !!!!!  
That SUPPORT …   " The Lie "  
of …..  " Preservation of life " …  
Through The Use of …  
………. GUNS …………  
Seeing Blood ... Run …  
DOESN'T ... Signify FUN … !!!!!  
NEITHER Does ...  
... The Sight ...  
of Police In Schools ...  
With A Gun By Their Side … !!!
They Weren't In View …  
When I Was ... Being Schooled … !!!
So FOLKS …  
DON'T BE ... Fooled ... !!!  
By ...  Lobbyist Groups … !!!!!  
When It Comes To ...  
... "Who is Who" …  
Who Are THEY To Decide … !???!  
When It Comes To ... Peoples' Lives ...  
Who The People Should Believe .....  
To Be …………………………  
... "The Good Guys !!!" ...
From The On The Virge Album :
a snow falls upon us
blanching our being
in throes of starkness

silently we shiver
as crystallized tears
slice our eyes

icicles of
random fate
pierce our
the last strongholds
of youth blessed hope
draining reservoirs
of love into tepid
pools of blood
growing at our feet

our prayers fail
to keep the deadly
blizzards at bay
bearing this days
daily pestilence
ravaging the
fragile semblance
of our crumbling

what winds
bring this snow?

these terrible
clouds descending
upon us

drowns us in groaning
waves of desolation
with such startling

for the children, teachers, parents and community of Newtown CT
Music Selection: Prokofiev, Peter and the Wolf

Savannah, GA
I am sitting by a fire with a cup of chai,
in Africa somewhere, thinking
of twenty dead children.
The Turkana women keen in the dark.
‘Woitokoi,’ they say, ‘Woitokoi,’
a call of lament.
Oh, mom.
It’s your babies
It’s your babies

I rarely turn on the radio, but do tonight.
14th of December.  Cooking coconut curry.
I watch the last red and gold fall behind skeleton trees
and step out into the cold with my guitar and Willie Nelson’s
‘Mamas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys.’
Is anyone watching the sparrows falling?

You mothers who have lost a child,
you fathers who have lost a child,
have gone where none can follow
but One who loves you, loves me,
even school shooters, maybe;
One who hates evil
for what it destroys,
One who
(for this love
and hatred)
listens to His son say:
Why have you forsaken me.
One who says to you now:
though father and mother forsake you
yet I will not forsake you--

I am sitting by a fire in Shelton, Connecticut,
thinking of twenty dead babies.
Oh mom.  Mom.
It’s your babies.
It’s your babies.
It’s your babies
girl Apr 2013
You should never make fun of someone else’s beliefs
Where you are right now has less than a few hundred million miles of surface area
You can’t even walk on 70% of it
77 years of life on average if you’re a healthy American
That’s only 4,015 weeks
28,105 days on this small planet floating in a large black mass
You’ve already lived about one eighth of your life
Time won’t stop for you
Your days on this blue marble go by and there’s nothing you can do to stop it
Believing there’s something more is nothing to scoff at
Do you really believe that? they say
Do you really believe there is a man in the sky?
Well since you asked here’s my answer
I believe there is meaning in every day
I believe there is a point to waking up and doing good actions
I believe there is a spirit in emotion
And a metaphysical being who loves me endlessly
I believe in something more
Now it’s my turn
Do you really believe that?
Do you really believe this whole thing is a scientific coincidence?
A cosmic collision at a specific point
An explosion that created all of this
Perfect atoms with electrons that bond and share
Creating perfect cells with all the right organelles
A process of cellular respiration that coordinates as a perfect opposite to photosynthesis
All to maintain homeostasis,
the so-called “wonder process”
that keeps us all alive
Our bodies preserve an exact temperature, the ocean an exact pH and salinity and the ground an exact resistivity
To keep us all alive
Scientific coincidence
We are all a coincidence?
What about that shooting in Newtown
More than one kid took a gun to his head
and what for?
Why was that so tragic?
The shooter could have been conducting a scientific experiment
What is the basis of right and wrong derived from?
What are feelings derived from?
Don’t tell me it’s science
Don’t tell me that it’s science that makes you cry when you get dumped
Science that breaks your heart when you lose that state championship
Science that lightens your spirit when you go home to your beautiful family after a long hard day
It’s not science
It’s your soul
A soul given to you with a light side and a dark side
A soul with genius thoughts and horrid sins
Genius thoughts you should act on
Horrid sins you may commit anyway
and He will love you
He will forgive you
Will your precious science forgive you?
I wouldn’t force anything on anyone
I wouldn’t question beliefs in science had my faith in God not first been tested
I’m not asking you to believe, whether you do or not won’t affect our relations
I just need to explain
To each his own
So don’t laugh at me
E C Vadnais Aug 2016
Quiet now.
The children are dead.
Do you understand?
The children are dead.

Words you see,
Just words, you see, you hear.
But do you understand?
The children are dead.

We are responsible.
Do you understand?
The children are dead.

We have loss our right to speak.
Quiet now.
Tonight in Newtown
Children are dead.

© 2016
"We have loss our right to speak" because it has happened too many times in our society without our willingness to stop it.
Brynn Dec 2012
Those minutes you were wondering
Scared and alone
Wanting mommy or daddy
You never thought you could feel this scared

Backed up in a corner
Huddled together
With fear vibrating though your spine
What's going on?

You don't want that animal to invade
The place you learn

The noises you hear
Will haunt you forever
Corrupt your dreams
Ruin the innocence

The things you see
Red marked halls

Finally out
Knees shaking
Vision blurred
Life altered

The scariest thing
Seeing the adults upset
Their knees shaking,vision blurred
*Life altered
One person ruined the lives of so many. Newtown you are in our thoughts and prayers
Gary Gibbens Dec 2012
And so he came to the high place
The broken steps of many years behind him
Many times he had rehearsed his question
It was o so wise and would impress the foolish
But now his heart was shattered
His clothes were rent
There was dirt on his face
He had forgotten all his pretenses

He simply asked
"How could you let this happen?"
Again the images of the children
Lying in their blood
Screams and moans now quieted
As their black blood pooled
Bodies scrambled in a classroom
Filled with their innocent drawings

"How could you let this happen?"

As always, there was no answer
Far away the muffled sounds of weeping.
Carla Marie May 2013
When you got the
cuz ole' Scratch
done pulled off yet another coup…

Remember to remind yourself to
keep on…

When you don’t think you can…
When you feel so alone…
Dig out… from under…
cuz if we stay
then wrong will win…

it is a long and dusty road...

but let us not lay prostrate
no matter how tempting
in the aftermath... and
seemingly well worn path
of insanity's destruction...

get up

Lift your eyes to the hills
From whence your help comes… and
Speak a word
To your self…
Your self...
Lay hands on
Your self...
Dust your own self off… and
Keep on… keep on…
Run On!

I heard the singer say
“I think I’m gonna run on, to see what the end is gonna be… “
And that feels
mighty good to my soul… so
Let’s run on…
And see what the end is gonna be…

Take my hand
Let's run on

And see what the end
Is gonna be…
Sora Mar 2013
The scuff of sneakers, boots and flats form the solid and stable beat.
Add in the chuckles, silences and brief interruptions to create the varying and rhythm.
All that remains is what goes unsaid but is speeding around in your mind.

That man from Uzbekistan,
He was telling us how peace and non-violence starts with us,
With middle-schools, with teens, with future leaders
To all those who laugh, when I say violence is never the answer,
You're the ones I worry about

That man from Uzbekistan,
He was speaking to us about how the kids had a parliament in Uzbekistan
Those kids had  a say in what their fate would be

Believe it or not,
But adults are not the only things to make up our society...
Infants, toddlers, 5th graders, 8th graders, 11th graders, seniors, the diseases make up us, us..

So maybe parents shelter us too much, or not at all.
And kids throw fits in the grocery store
While teenagers attempt to jump off the nearest bridge
This is our society..
But we're like those kids in Uzbekistan
We have a say in what our fate will be

That man from Uzbekistan,
He was sharing out how blessed he was to be living here in the United States
Even though he could live in a much more peaceful and welcoming society.

I have no idea how many years i will be,
Or what has to happen before we get the message across..
That's what's played out isn't acceptable

The American people,
Were baffled, devastated, overwhelmed
That all those stereotypes really were mixed within us.
Obama stood up in that room
With a shaky camera man, staring while he slumped and grieved
He addressed our nation,
About Newtown,
Clackamas Town Center

No leader should ever be forced to speak about children dying long before there time was up

Or about average people ducking and diving from bullets

Gun Control is only a little layer
And that's the start of our restoration to end up being a peaceful, safe country
It begins with how youth are shown how to solve problems.

I'm willing to reach my hand out to every single state in this country
And if that means devoting everything I've got to making our restoration successful,
Then so be it..

No leader or person should be raising candles to the sky for little kids to see that they are missed.
And I took all of this in at a Lebanese Luncheon
Muggle Ginger Dec 2012
26 angels have arrived for orientation
Taken from the world without hesitation
Heaven is a little more crowded:
There’s a place already prepared
At least tonight those who’ve passed,
Will rest in God’s care

Buried under heartbreak, Newtown still stands
Worlds changed, for this kid and the next
“Kids, 2 +2 is…” BANG -
Children were unable to protect,
Themselves or their friends

Gunshots filled the air
Instead of love that should be there

Flags at half-staff, leave us half-hearted
Soo many, like too many,
Will spend their Christmas
With families torn apart
And no New Years resolution
Can make up for the inhuman execution

May we ever look to love unconditionally.
My greatest empathies go to those in Newtown, CT. Lives have been irreversibly altered, and in the words of President Obama, "our hearts are broken."
Raj Arumugam Jan 2014
the teacher
expounded on the value of the tree
“Isaac Newtown
discovered the law of gravity
under an apple tree;
the Buddha gained nirvana
seated under the Bodhi tree
Children -
what can we extrapolate from this?”

“It’s obvious, teacher,” said a smarty-pants kid
*“class is useless -
for if they’d been seated in a class like us
they’d have remained ignorant”
              from Tucson,AZ

In a haven of knowledge, structured for sharing,
an intruder descends with all absence of caring.

Unleashing his crucible’s conscienceless yield,
student’s bastion transformed to a killing field.

Grim reaper bedeviled with hell-bent depravation.
Safe haven for children suffers love’s reparation,

It’s not really surprising that death toll keeps rising,
While the lost moral compass despised compromising.

NRA’s pompous position truly appalls;
Corporate greed clenching sacs that once contained *****.

Though ******’s name fades, he’ll bequest mental anguish.
In Newtown hearts, where young memories languish.
Ottar Dec 2012
I can not console you,
you the Inconsolable,
you are there and I am here,
I can not be with you, any
or all
of you.

Your grief is as big as the ocean you live
near and you are now tossed on a churning pitch of
waves of emotion, a salty wave-wash that cannot cleanse this.

If I could wrap my arms around you,
in the the hope you would absorb what
strength, I had to give, but it would not
be enough if you have lost a daughter or
a son or a friend of someone, anyone.

But I would anyway.

I need to write this to let you know, that
of you are alone,
but the emptiness that lies around
your town your school your life
will make you feel like it.

find others find all who are going through this
cluster together, break bread, encourage, endure.

I do not know who can make the pain, your agony go away,
I can not tell you for certain it will ever go away
If I could make it go away, if it was right so to do.

I would, but I am human my flesh is weak.
My spirit cries out
Comforter Arrive Swiftly!

You deserve so much for your
Reach out to them
My words seem hollow, even to me,
Forgive me
If this did not help.
Let it be because I am only one,
America, the World,
step close to a community
that needs
East Coast West Coast
Canadians Americans
Matter not
But you do.
Chalaine Scott Dec 2012
Chalkboards and easels, pencils and toys
Desks lined up in aisles of little girls and boys.
A classroom, learning the A B C’s, two plus two equals four
But this day, all that learning didn’t matter anymore.

A girl with a bow, a boy with a grin
Children with freckles scattered on their skin.
A daughter, a brother, a grandkid, a friend
A lot of moms never thinking these titles would end.

Lego’s and the alphabet, Mrs. Soto taught them how to write a name
And then a mad-man stormed in, with destruction he came.
He shot down a daughter, a son, a wife
He shot down a child, a baby, a life.
Lessons in elementary consist of building Lego’s, catching butterflies in the sky
Lessons as a 6-year-old should never be what your friend looks like as they die.

Moms stuff a lunchbox with treats; Dads stuff a ball in a glove
Parents raise children; stuff a heart full of love.
They teach how to ride a bike, put a band-aid on a scratched up knee
What they should never have to do though, is bury their babies beneath a tree.

But there is evil in this world, a darkness that engulfs the light
There is an evil that reigns that humanity can’t fight.
The safest places are not safe, the most guarded unsecure
In the world we live of ignoring God and provoking massacre.

We denounce Him out of government, our country, and our schools
We ask that He move aside so that we can make the rules.
And then we blame Him when there’s death; but we don’t thank Him when there’s life
We don’t bless Him when there’s goodness; we just curse Him when there’s strife.

Moms are always good at preparing children for the day
With some things that don't matter, clinging to a love that will never go away.
Mothers, kiss your babies. Fathers, hold their hand.
Devastation comes unannounced, we will never understand.

At home in Newtown, a dog sits waiting at the door
He stares out the window, his tail wagging no more.
He sits by the window, lots of time he’ll spend
Waiting to welcome his very best friend
Jump up on her lap, smell her scent, steal her sock
But his owner won’t be coming home; no more leash, no more walk.

I think Jesus sat by his window this very same way
Waiting to welcome His children that awful Friday
He greeted them from His throne that December afternoon
And as they entered through the Pearly Gates, He healed all their wounds.

A classroom filled with giggles, children’s voices - the sweet sound
This same classroom turned from liveliness to a too-young burial ground.
But we hold on to the giggles, and we hold on to their love
And the promise of a Father taking care of them, above.
twisted mind, finger twisted,
twisted trigger
@ Killeen
& Camden


twisted mind, finger twisted,
twisted trigger
@ San Diego
& Aurora


twisted mind, finger twisted,
twisted trigger
@ Fairchild
& Fort Hood


twisted mind, finger twisted,
twisted trigger
@ Columbine
& V. Tech


twisted mind, finger twisted,
twisted trigger
@ Pearl
& Paducah


twisted mind, finger twisted,
twisted trigger
@ Newtown
& Santa Barbara


twisted minds, fingers twisted,
twisted triggers

broken system

broken lives
straight bullets


~ P
i found pryce jones
empty, except for
a smell, and sad boy,
wanting to get out of there.

i found that when taking notes,
i took note of the shadow,
the history man on
bullet points, politics.

registering my interest
i may have an opinion here.

or there. he left early
which was just as well.

i went shopping for wooden things.

Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
Untitled for none is deserved.

Bended knees self-sanctify bloodied ground,
sneering, silent thunder slaps my face,
Those Who Dare Call Themselves Gods,
chuckling at all they have wrought,
murderous, heinous, hateful.

Who is the reprehensible abomination,
us or them,
and their devoted servants
who **** "freely" in their name?

Ennobling man with faculty infinite,
then tempting/torturing, obstacling him
from its fullest usage, lest we recognize,
the imperfection of their sloppy design.

If free will is a gift,
I freely regift it back to them.

Some venerate Mother,
after killing their wives and daughters and
laughing about it in
the whorehouses of their souls
What a piece of work are these Gods!

If man is the quintessence of the Gods,
their last, best creation before resting,
are they themselves not corrupted?

So called Gods,
pillory the New York City morn dawn,
a pallor hard-grey nothingness.
a bitter kiss, from things only they control,
a greeting card from on high,
happy new year wishes from
Newtown, Delhi, Peshawar,
and Jerusalem.

At last, I comprehend,
why we minioned millions
celebrate this day with drunken reverie.
Jan. 1, 2013
Gregory K Nelson May 2013
A gentle breeze of warmth pushes pleasant,
freakishly normal, but a smack on the water
builds waves that grow older and stronger.
You feel it all soft behind your eyes.

But there is always something missing
that on more cigarette can't fix.
There is always one bird flying
who just can't find the right sticks

to stand on, to launch from, to rise and
fight the world, so he glided circles
as Lady Hurricane approached.
He flew tired, then he flew more.

I opened the door to our house in Connecticut
in the red mist after Sandy and looked up, and
watched him ramble.  "The Hawk in the Hurricane."
There he was circling, as if to prove his strength.

And when those boys and girls were murdered in Newtown,
just down the road,
I thought of him
like he was a good thing.  
Brave enough to stand and be a bad omen.  
A crucifix with wings.

Innocent boys and girls are gone now.  
Turned into a show we watch on TV.  
But that is natural to life in this century,
so there's policy and argument
and my eyes turn back
to my own
endless circle
with an end.

Happiness makes a subtle appearance as just a humble breath,
a deli sandwich, as sun that peaks around the old windows.  
And sees me,
invites a squint,
and then comes back.
always liked newtown,
now seeing the peripheries.

not been to glansevern, now
i have.

never had a red dress
made of paper cloth,
now i have two.

the same. i have not a
photograph yet,
so will shoes do?

Anonymous Mar 2014
On December 14, 2012
Children hid in cubbies,
They hid in shelves.
Teacher's surrounded
And spoke them kind words,
For out in the halls,
The shots could be heard.
Just an elementary school
Filled with laughter and joy,
Was stripped of its fun
All because of one boy.
A tear fell from America's eyes,
As we heard the news,
For now twenty-six angels,
Our country did lose.
Newtown, Connecticut
Will never be the same.
Engraved in its heart,
Is sorrow and pain.
Twenty children,
Six adults.
They didn't deserve it,
They weren't at fault.
Now all of our hearts
Are filled with sorrow,
We never expected
They wouldn't see tomorrow.
Twenty-six angels
On a friday, flew away.
Rest easy, sweet angels.
In our hearts you will stay.
Dorothy A Dec 2012

Virginia Tech

Aurora, Colorado

Newtown, Connecticut

Is this what our nation has come to?

When shall it end?

What the Hell is Happening to Us?
John F McCullagh Nov 2013
For those who view abortion different;
As the ****** of an unborn innocent,
There’s a Newtown massacre every day
with nameless victims for whom they pray.
Not wishing to gainsay the law
of privacy or woman’s right to choose.
Praying more for a change of heart,
for children not to be refused.
For there are songs that might have been
That never will be sung.
Blank Canvases, devoid of paint,
That never will be done.
In truth, a generation lost,
As one was lost before;
The first upon the fields of France,
the next on Clinic floors.
No firearms employed this time
but the carnage is the same;
Helpless bodies torn apart
Their blood poured down the drain.
I’ve seen the people up in arms
When Madmen use their right to choose,
But abortionists grow fat and rich
Please understand why I’m confused.
While I view the battle to overturn Roe vs Wade as  not winnable and not worth the expenditure of political capital I still view the fetus as human and abortion as a human tragedy. The struggle should be to change hearts and minds rather than forcing the clinics to shut down.  Bill Clinton said abortion should be legal safe an rare. At 53 million and counting it has, instead, become a big business.
stewart acuff Aug 2013
In the tiny hours os the morning

Long before the sun casts its

Pre-dawn gray and the east

Begins to light

You feel the oneness of us all

You hurt for the people who

Really are brothers and sisters

The people and families of Boston

And Newtown

And the people and families, victims

Of random, meaningless gun violence

Every **** day

The kids lost every day in drive-bys

And the men and women who

Try so hard to hold it all together

The families on the ramen noodles and

Baloney and peanut butter plans with

Hamburger Helper for a treat

The men and women scared of

Losing home--not just a **** house

Don't you know, the only home

Their kids ever knew

And you hurt in the tiny hours

For your people who no longer

Can make the ends meet

And you know a much bigger

Struggle calls

Our people are sick of hurtin and losin

While those who really can

Make things happen

Sleep through the night

Without a thought to us

Lots and lots to do

Woody said it right in a different

But same kind of time

This land belongs to you and me
Julia Dec 2012
about all of
the unopened
Christmas presents
under the tree in Newtown
Connecticut this holiday season
R.I.P. to all of them...
jeffrey robin Mar 2013

I'm terrified, so
There must be a thing as terror!


If there is terror
A terrorist must be causing it!!

No wonder I'm terrified!!
It's them terrorists!!

So lets blow the **** out of everything!
To be sure we get them before they get us!

Anti-terrorist! >>>>> terror?

Let's blow the **** out of them before thru get us!
Just don't be afraid of me
I'm okay
A.  Lanza
--newtown , conn--)
John F McCullagh Jan 2015
“There will be no second Newtown here!”
Our principal decreed.
“Forget armed guards on campus,
Cans of soup are all we need.”
“When murderous villains roam our halls
And the shots are growing louder,
We’ll take them down with well-placed throws
of canned New England Chowder!”
“With a giant rubber slingshot,
we will make the villain pay.
Why, with adequate supplies of soup
We could hold out for days!”

This policy of “Soup to ****”
Is not like concealed carry.
It seems like an idea straight out
of Curly, Moe and Larry.
A principal in Alabama has proposed stockpiling canned soups in classrooms so the children can counterattack gun toting assailants with  cans.

Better than tossing their cookies, I guess.
Poemasabi Dec 2012
In the wake of an act
More evil than one could imagine prior to its being done
Who more represents evil?

The perpetrator certainly.

Or is the people who profess love
Of god
Of country
Of children


Who refuse to talk
Or even threaten revolt
and more violence

Rather than discuss
possible ways
to reduce the chances of this
of Newtown
ever happening

Abbie Argo Apr 2013
why is it
that someone
must die
before we


we take
our fellow
for granted
until they

only then
do we

i know
i am guilty
of this

(so many people
and i never
even got
to say

we pull
our sheets
up over
our head
and pray to
our gods
(the media)
and cling
to each other

what a tragedy

god bless the dead children
(and america, if you get a chance)
boston, our hearts are with you.
Rick Warr Mar 2017
what is it about water
so calming and meditative?

spent most of my life looking at it
bringing on muse and contemplation

watching the flow lines
of surfers at wave play

gazing at
the ancient river red gums
bowing to the muddy Murrumbidgee
in reverent silence

and now watching
the flowing gutters
and umbrella parade
over a beer
in a Newtown bar

water makes me wonder
in a peaceful way
of the beauty in the world
like the dancing air-borne plastic bag
in American Beauty
Muse while the rain came down
Elizabeth Pryor Jan 2016
On December 14, 2012
Children hid in cubbies,
They hid in shelves.
Teacher's surrounded
And spoke them kind words,
For out in the halls,
The shots could be heard.
Just an elementary school
Filled with laughter and joy,
Was stripped of its fun
All because of one boy.
A tear fell from America's eyes,
As we heard the news,
For now twenty-six angels,
Our country did lose.
Newtown, Connecticut
Will never be the same.
Engraved in its heart,
Is sorrow and pain.
Twenty children,
Six adults.
They didn't deserve it,
They weren't at fault.
Now all of our hearts
Are filled with sorrow,
We never expected
They wouldn't see tomorrow.
On December 14, 2012,
One special angel
Flew away from me.
Ottar Dec 2013
eyes downcast and heart heavy,
thoughts move slowly and march
far away, east of here,                                                       Newtown, CT
the echoes ring throughout,
how far could the bells be heard?
For Sandy Hook
Marsh shilling (walled herd)
Whitman man inside
expedited without fanfare
takes yours truly to
hot air wind Copeland
an effort to expunge grievous

llama ants that chide
this NON GMO, nonconformist,
gluten free... brand
heralding supreme storied
ancestry courtesy 23andme guide
me with enlightenment, whereby

family (dollar) tree did expand,
visual perception these myopic
(color blind) brown eyes espied
thank you very mooch beloved
eldest sister Amelie plus band
of relatives, whose voluntary efforts

made significant stride
rightfully abetted digital technology,
vis a vis FIOS or other broadband
telecommunications company
allowing, enabling, and
providing me to bestride,

hitherto yawning gaps formerly
blank slated information
mystifying this pokey cowhand
before he doth give up his ghost,
when succumbing to grim reaper
patiently scythe ying at bedside

(mine) no matter gravely ill,
but ecstatic to learn extensive
eye opening insight spanned
generations back from present time,
once again lion's share opened
shuttered Pandora's box and defied

successful neatly mapped
genealogy regarding direct
(day late dollar short) penniless
descent, nonetheless grand
thieving ish kabibble
**** pa linkedin

with figurative trailer load
of rolling hard rocks seconds
to spare before I died,
thankfully this *******
loo nut hick kick bajillion
got earful of anecdotes

analogous to gourmand
checking off sought after eateries,
(especially Indian restaurant in
Newtown, Pennsylvania) on
bucket list before downslide
into infinite abyss i.e.

farce hide scanned
din knave eon aged Swede schlemiel
constituting non "FAKE" mockery,
trumpeting parody travesty,
many golden opportunities I denied

self, now toothless
drooling, groveling, sniveling...,
woof fully poorly manned
existence, gloom,
I forever reside!

— The End —