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Ian Ponceby Oct 2010
football is fun football is great,
pads and pants geting ready,
for the big game,waiting ,thinking
finnaly  time for the game,
cheerleaders cheering,fans screaming,
kickoff is hear now as he kicks it,
its in the air, i tackel him to the groud
we start on defense maby will win we will try
JJ Hutton Aug 2012
In the stands, down 35-3 with two minutes left in the fourth,
Fred Carson picks at the sticky, white remnants of a Coke bottle's label.
He leans over to me,
"Do you mind if I talk to you again?"
I don't, and haven't since kickoff.

"You know, I played running back on this same field."

"Oh yeah?" I say, allowing the story to commence.

"Started all four years. Rushed 1,000 yards as a freshman."


"It took five guys to bring me down by my senior year."

"That's insane."

"I probably still hold the record for most rush yards,
but I doubt they keep up with things like that."

He takes a sip from his drink. It's half empty.
His hair -- greasy, most likely on its third unwashed day --
parts to the left and clings to his skull.
He's wearing a long sleeve, plaid dress shirt.
The shirt is buttoned to the top.

"Hell, that was back in 1968," slows, "I graduated in 19-68. Jesus."

Fred retired from the post office six years back.
He claims he's never missed a game of Blue Jay football since 1970.
The high school band starts playing in the section next to us --
a misshapen cover of "Louie, Louie".
Fred raises his voice,

"You know, I've been to every football game since 1970."

"Yeah, you mentioned that last week."

"I apologize. Yeah, if it wasn't for that first year of college.
I got a scholarship to play ball at Florida State.
Couldn't be there and here at the same time, you know? Kinda hard."

He runs his big-knuckled right hand along his khaki'd thigh, checking his pocket.
He checks the left thigh -- nothing.
Reaches into his shirt pocket and reveals a lighter.
Then a soft pack of Marlboro Lights emerge.

"You know, I ran the fifty in less than five seconds."

To the dismay of cheerleader moms sitting behind us,
he lights the cigarette.
He stares at the Bic lighter with some NASCAR driver -- number 88 --
I don't recognize.
The cutout of the NASCAR driver's scraggly face
sits atop a navy blue and spiraling purple backdrop.
He starts to scratch at the label on the lighter.
A screech from a clarinet rises above the rest of the band,
Fred grimaces, takes a drag, continues,

"The coach at Florida State said I was the fastest boy he'd ever seen.
He said I was going to go pro. Sure thing, he said. I rushed for nearly
300 yards in the first game my freshman year. After the game,
the coach was like, see boy, I told you. You are going to tear it up
this season."

The NASCAR decal comes completely off. Under that purple and blue label,
Fred uncovers a white lighter.

"Would you look at that. I wouldn't have bought the **** thing if
I knew it was a white lighter. That's bad luck, you know. Hendrix and
that--uh--Janis Joplin lady both died with a white lighter in their hand.
Bad luck. A white lighter is bad luck."

"What happened at Florida State?" I ask.

"Well, we were playing Notre Dame during the second game that season.
Down by five with three seconds left on the clock.
We were on our own thirty, and the coach of Florida State was like,
run the hail mary play. But in the huddle, I look the quarterback
square in the eyes, and I say to him, captain -- he was team captain --
I say, captain, I'm hungry for that ball. He knew I could do it.
He took the snap, the receivers rushed down field, and I bolted toward
that line of scrimmage, took the handoff and I was gone, baby."

The crowd begins to cheer as the Blue Jay quarterback throws a long pass
to a wide open receiver. Fred freezes mid-story.
The cheer blurs into a silence, as each person in the bleachers
watches the ball ascend.

For the first time all night, the band lowers their instruments from their lips.
Just a ball floating.
The buzz from the stadium lights becomes audible.
One person gasps.
Then like dominoes the stadium follows suit.

The high arc of the ball betrays the distance,
and the pigskin plummets sharply.

"Interception!" the announcer cries through the speakers.

"That's a **** shame. I thought he was going to have it.
What were we talking about?" Fred asks as he drops his
finished cigarette into the nearly empty, naked Coke bottle.

"You were talking about Florida State. You were down five and--"

"That's right. So, I break up the middle. I dust that noseguard.
I stiff arm a linebacker. I looked like a Heisman trophy in motion.
I travel 69-yards down the field. I'm slowing down at the endzone,
thinking nobody is around, and sure enough -- plow -- the cornerback
dives right into my leg. I broke all kinds of bones and tore all kinds
of muscles. The doctor told me, he'd never seen anything like it."

The band plays the fight song as the clock winds down and the Blue Jays lose.
I try to disappear in the sea of blue and silver exiting t-shirts,
but Fred slows me down,

"It sure was good talking to you. I'll have to tell you more about Florida State
next week. Be sure to sit by me."

"I will," I say as the band director, Mr. Morton, steps in front of me.

"Hey, Fred," Mr. Morton says. He looks at me, then back to Fred.
He's trying to decide whether or not I'm of relation.
"Son, I went to Seminole State Junior College with Fred here
when we got out of high school."

"Really? Did you guys play football together?" I ask with innocent inquisitiveness.

"No, we weren't really into that. Though, we were at all the games.
We were in band together. Until Fred's wild streak got the best of him,"
Mr. Morton laughs, "am I right, Fred?"

The fight song came to a close.
With a lowered head, Fred walked into the silver, blue crowd
with a plaid dress shirt buttoned to the top.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
This is my Blood Bowl.

Thank you Games Workshop for giving us Blood Bowl;
I’ve played it all my life and I’ve completely re-written the rules.
It allows my imagination to run wild carrying a sword,
Attacking all sorts of creatures, whilst playing American Football.
It has magic, magic items and you may think it’s just for kids;
But without Blood Bowl,
I wouldn’t have imagined half of the things that I did.

People need a release from the real world;
Mine is found on a football pitch in the game of Blood Bowl.
People cheat, steal and bribe referees and do almost anything.
If you give this game to your kid,
They could imagine the impossible
And some day, maybe, write random poetry like me!  He, he.

…And now down to the pitch to see the kickoff!...

The humans line up against the bad boy orcs;
The dwarfs and elves are in support.
Chaos lords and chaos spawn (twisted creatures);
Rain down pain and death on the undead and the living.

The undead walk slowly, the goblins flee!
Rat Ogres and trolls are invading the pitch!
The referee blows his whistle to send the giant off!
The deadly dark elves chop the referee’s up with chainsaws,
Or use swords and axes, grenades and clubs.
They are all fighting to win the B.B.C. cup.

The Blood Bowl Championship;
It’s like the NFL Superbowl trophy.
I’ve made leagues and cups
And every single thing possible, just for fun; just for me.

The Official Blood Bowl Organization,
Try to make all weapons illegal, but oh no, no, no!
This is the sport of death!  
This is Blood Bowl!

Use spells and magic items and cause suffering;
The tiny snotling is beaten by the little Halfling.
The ***** in there somewhere, though nobody cares;
The Beastmen are just here to fight,
Whilst the gnomes laugh at the high elves hair.
Such pampered fools, in love with themselves;
Vanity and self-love?  That must be the elves.

Here comes a chaos dwarf, driving a steam roller;
He flattens the Fimir and another vampire.
The zombies are clueless and one fumbles the ball,
Before he is decapitated, by the Reikland Reavers’ Mighty Zug!

The ghoul’s are hungry for blood;
Here come the orks, the band of goffs.
Crazy *** gitz, just having a laugh.
Here are the sneaky Skaven to stab someone in the back.

Amazonian women are running around screaming,
Like the banshee’s and all sorts of scary demons.
The Sisters of Battle are from the future;
A bear charges at a Treeman and look!  There’s a little Gnoblar.

Giant bats, giant snails, giant rats and giant eagles,
Giant leeches, giant frogs, giant spiders and giant scorpions.
The norse are Vikings, (ranked titles include kings);
There’s a termagant from the year 40,000 and something.
There are space marines, and space wolf marines,
All armed to the teeth with weapons.

The genestealer’s steal genes to make new creatures/weapons;
There are evil gnomes, evil ewoks, ewoks and evil Treemen.
Lesser demons fight lesser goblins and run from the Lictor!
The werebear’s and werewolves fight the wolves and Saurus creatures.
There is no victor.

The skinks fire poisoned blowpipes at the Large beasts & minions.
Chaos Halflings beat up people on camels and horses
And they beat up Khemri with anything.
Mummies climb out of their crypts to bring death to the mutants;
The slayers are here to bring down the mighty bone giants.

The noble Brettonians see Blue and Pink Horrors running around;
Tyranids, Tyranid warriors and tyrants send people underground.
Dead now in this game of Blood Bowl; the game of death!
Witch elves are being hunted by Witch Hunters;
There’s only three left.

To the right is a Zoat fighting a huge Yeti.
A chaos human rides a chaos horse; look out Goddess Betty.
Greater demons bring down Griffons and **** the crazy monkeys;
The mushlings and snotrooms are simply fleeing and screaming.

Skeletons on skeletal horses, fight salamanders and satyrs.
Jabberwocks and Juggernauts,
Destroy Hydra’s with the Hydra’s own fire.
Chaos Warriors and Chaos human cowboys, slug it out with Gods;
Norse dwarves fight Nurgles rotter’s and nurgling’s fight ogres.

The slann were the originators of the game of Blood Bowl;
The Ushabti Tomb Kings come from Khemri to fight the robotic Tau.
Vostroyan drunks are fighting with Wood elves.
Oh my God!  That troglodyte really does smell!

Warhounds race Gladehounds and cyborg’s fight cyboar’s;
Big cats include tigers and lions, so we must quickly carry on.
A carrion is an undead bird and they are ****** huge!
The imperial guard are like the rebels in Terminator;
They are humans.

Kroxigor’s smash boney clubs & break Kroot’s predator-like heads;
Kislevite Horsemen and Cowboy’s ride horses onto the pitch.
Night goblin’s and forest goblin’s steal from all including the Eldar.
They are elves of the future and there are chaos space marines…

They have travelled far.

Every creature has come to take part in this game of football.
Its American football with death included; it’s so much fun!
Harpy fly above Haradhrim as a Necron breaks his own jaw;
He fell over when dodging the tomb scorpion’s claw.

Thrall and Wights march to battle on the pitch against the living;
Undead champions are leaders of death
And the minotaur’s eat the dead.  
Nobody knows who is winning.
Chimera and other daemonic beasts are really tough to ****, I see;
But that boar just exploded, thanks to the grenade…
Bye life, hello death; he, he.

Elementals are like Gods of earth, wind, water and fire.
Dragon ogres are going to **** anything that gets in their way!
Dreadnoughts are made to ****; there’s a wolf!
This undead one’s dire.
Dryad are small Treemen; there are some Elite Skaven!
Open fire!

Savage orcs fight sea elves as squig hopper’s bounce past randomly.
Ungor’s are little Beastmen, but there are still quite deadly.
Manticores destroy lizardmen and there’s a blood-soaked cold one.
Bull centaur’s charge at black orc’s,
Who are ganging up with a chaos champion.

Centaurs crash into carnosaur’s,
As Dark eldar fly down from their space ships.
Hobgoblins can’t be trusted; the thieving gits!
Orc leaders are warlords, bosses and big bosses too;
The Redemptionists are the priest from aliens 3 or aliens 2.
Whichever I can’t remember and haven’t got time to look;
Oh yeah let’s watch the game again and see who has got the ball.

Golem!  (phlegm!)  Golem!  No; not that one!
These golems are Flesh golem’s and some are made of stone.
They are creature of magic and are here to smack some heads;
And this is the end of the poem…

Dedicated to Games workshop (thank you) and the sport of death!

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
inggo Dec 2015
Jump out of your bed
Offer your mirror a great smile
End the alarm of your sadness
Ride the euphoria car for a mile
Imagine dragons invading castles
**** them all and protect the princess
Day 1 - Write a poem where each line starts with a letter from your first name (an acrostic). It can be about anything, but it should not be about you or your name.
Moon Wright Mar 2018
Soccer is the sport
Which my heart belongs to
Kicking a ball into a goal
Under a sky so blue

Yesterday a game
Was played quite nicely
Until the end
When we became less feisty

A kickoff to start
The beginning of the game
Not many spectators
As it's not of fame

Trying to get the ball
Like a good player should
I get backhanded in the face
Knocked to the ground as I should

The refs call no fouls
As they favor the other team
It made me so mad
Since my lip had begun to bleed

Further into the game
The ball comes towards me
Nails me in the stomach
Making me want to scream

The halftime whistle blows
We get off the field
To go over the game plan
And take a time to chill

Getting back on the field
Determined to tie the game
We get the kickoff
The ball our claim

So ways into the game
Another player crashes into me
I fall to the ground in pain
Because I twisted my knee

I'm taken off the field
Another player goes in my place
But it didn't really matter
The game was over with grace

It wasn't our best game
But we've certainly had worse
Next time we'll score
And hopefully, no one will get hurt
This is about the soccer game my team and I had yesterday
Brumbies night live

ACT v lions

Hi dudes and welcome to gio stadium
Where the mighty brumbies will be trying to win after some terrible performances they have had and mate it is going to be a great match
No matter who wins and the brumbies who are number 4 in the Australiasian conference and we have to hope that they have the power to best the lions this evening on brumbies night live
With the last win from the brumbies being on March 15, and they are bound to win tonight and mate it should be cool, our first entertainer is George from red hill
Take it away George

Coming out tonight
With a lot of power
The mighty mighty brumbies
The team of the hour
They will beat the odds
Never giving up
Come on brumbies
You must win yes please be the best
Brumbies team brumbies team
They must fight hard tonight
Knock the lions completely out
And pile on the tries
Brumbies team brumbies team
Will we win tonight
Come on brumbies players
Please put on a fight right

Thank you George and tonight brumbies night live will be great
If brumbies win and not lose and now here is Peter from cook

Go brumbies we will fight them
Go brumbies we will never lose
Never, brumbies will win tonight
Go brumbies this is footy
The big game they play in heaven yeah
Brumbies we must win tonight
Go brumbies beat the lions
On our home we need to win
Yeah mate we must win oh yeah
With our players playing average
In other games
Our last win was March 15
Come on brumbies we must win
Come on brumbies we will win
If we put our mind to it
Get our mindset right yeah
Come on brumbies
We must beat the lions
Yeah we will win if we play well enough yeah we will win hope-ful-ly
Yes we are the team of the week
If we win tonight
Go brumbies we must win yeah
Go brumbies we will beat South Africa
Yeah dude we will be triumphant yeah
Go brumbies

Thank you Peter and lets hope brumbies win tonight and if our mindset as you put it is right we will win and win well

And now here is John from Casey

Come on the brumbies
We need to be triumphant
We need to show South Africa
Who is boss
Come on the brumbies
Hopefully we won’t lose this
Cause if we do our adrenaline
Will be pushed right down oh yeah
Come on the brumbies
The lions will be waiting
But we must win
Never ever give in
Because it must be our turn
Dance goes the cheer girls
And cheering goes brumby jack
As the brumbies are superb
Yes we will win oh yeah
And the team to win tonight
Will be the mighty brumbies

Thank you John and I hope the brumbies are listening because mate
They are due for a win and if they are good enough they will win battle and conquer and now here is rick from kaleen with a brumby rap

Yo hey brumby team
The best team at the GIO yeah
We will fight we will say
That we will beat the lions hands down
Come on hey brumbies team
Everyone will cheer you as you take the field
With the crowd going brumbies Clap clap clap brumbies clap clap clap
Brumbies clap clap clap right from start to finish
You see brumbies we beat the tahs
At their own game yeah we are cool
We haven’t won since then
But the lions tonight will be our feast
We will trample all over them
And say brumbies clap clap clap
Brumbies clap clap clap
Right till the very end
Go brumbies yo from start to finish

Thank you rick and that was a cool rap beat for the mighty brumby team
And I hope they win against the lions tonight and now here is harriett from

Brumbies team show the crowd a good time
Brumbies team show us how you win
Pile on the the tries
Make sure you never look like losing
Never lose go the brumbies team
Brumbies team fight till the final
Siren mate show us your style
Come on brumbies we must win this evening come on mate we must win oh yeah
You see the brumbies and lions meet this evening who will win
Who will ****** win
Everyone cheers for the brumbies this evening at 9-30 we will know the result
Brumbies team we will win this evening
Brumbies team we will win this game
We must fight we will conquer to be the best overall you see we are the best

Thank you harriett and that was a great song about the brumbies hopefully winning well let’s hope the beat the lions and very soon we will be watching the kickoff between the brumbies and the lions
Go brumbies

And welcome back and we are about to start this brumbies night live match
Against the lions from South Africa
Go brumbies go brumbies win this match
Come on brumbies we need to win this yeah we do and we will
Well, I hope anyway go brumbies

Welcome to half time and the mighty brumbies are leading at the half time break by 19 points to 8 and this is a crackerjack game of rugby mate and now for our half time entertainment and first of all is Gordon from Macgregor

Yes mate we were down and
I felt bad when the lions started well
And scored the first try
But the conversion was missed
And the brumbies got in
And with their successful conversion
We lead 7-5 but the lions were given
A penalty to the lions mate made the lions retake the lead but
We stuck at our guns at 8-7 down
And we pushed ourselves to the limit
Then we scored a great try
And again we converted it 14-8 was the score the lions tried to put pressure on us but we stuck at our guns and scored a unconverted try
It was 19 points to 8 at half time
And what do you reckon brumbies fans are we going to give up I say
No fear
Thank you for the summary Gordon
And now here is olly from Fraser
Go the brumbies win win win
Go the brumbies win every time
When we play so late at night
We have to see whether we can put up a fight
Go the brumbies win oh win
Go the brumbies make sure
You don’t give up this lead
Thank you olly and now it is time to
Start the second half
Go brumbies
Kick some ***
Go brumbies
Show some class
Come on brumbies win against the lions

Welcome back and it is full time at gio stadium and the brumbies beat the lions by 31 points to 20 after a very good second half of 12 - all the deadlock couldn’t be broken and here is Patrick from wanniassa

Here comes the brumbies
Here comes the brumbies
The ACT brumbies
Beating the lions 31 points to 20
What a picnic
Here comes the brumbies
Here comes the brumbies
The ACT brumbies
It was a very good win indeed mate
Those mighty brumbies won and the crowd is happy
Like a real smart happy Chappy
Here comes the brumbies
Here comes the brumbies
The ACT brumbies
We provided the best entertainment
You have a ever seen
Yes we had a picnic
Go the brumbies
Go the brumbies
We are the champions
Of the territory of the ACT
Especially tonight yeah
Go the mighty brumbies
Go the mighty brumbies
We will provide some of the best
Performances of the super rugby
Oh yeah what a picnic
Go brumbies you are the best

Thank you Patrick and now we cross to the brumbies cheer squad
Brad and Thomas and Daniel to cheer like they have never cheered before

Hi everyone at the brumbies game
I hope you enjoyed us win 31-20 mate
We put the pressure on the lions
Keeping above them anyway we want
They scored the first try converted it to trail by 4 but we piled on tries and
Won by 11 and the second half was 12 all dude, what a match this turned out to be and the lions tried and tried and tried but we were better tonight oh yeah, thank god I nearly died
As the crowd yelled so loud
The brumbies supporters stood up
Nice and proud and we had a good mindset tonight better than the lions
But the lions still played well
But we were better really really cool better mate yeah mate yeah
Go the brumbies on brumbies night live kick ***, go brumbies

Thank you brad and Thomas and Daniel and yes it was a great win by the brumbies and it was a 12-all second half and thank Christ brumbies lead the first half and now here is Pete from Melba

Go the brumbies go the brumbies
We won yeseree
Come on brumbies
Come on brumbies
This night was ours oh yeah
It was an even second half
But the brumbies still was leading
Yes and we cut the lions in two
And their hearts were a bleeding
But lions played well
But not well enough
Go the brumbies go the brumbies
We’re the best in the super rugby
Well on our good day, mate
Go the mighty brumbies
We are the champs of gio
But hopefully we can win more
To show today was no fluke

Thank you Pete and now it is time to go, so here is our final curtain song

As we draw the final curtain
And it is the brumbies on top oh yeah
Time to head out to go to our houses
While the wild ones have their beer
It was a very good match
The lions were displaying pressure yeah but the 12-all second half meant
The brumbies are the best
Oh yeah bow bow
Yes, the brumbies are the best
See you next time we have brumbies night live
Shakil Hasan Jan 2015
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Emily Pidduck Dec 2013
Rocks and trees
are no match for bees
they are too similar
there is no controversy
neither is worthy of the other

the world needs spray
from the crashing waves
to pound against the rocks
and warn off the flocks
of birds battling survival
               are the birds always so reckless?

everything holds danger
to bring out the braver-
for the souls who are lost
too afraid of the cost
but the gravity
of depravity
is unbreakable
                but you've said the chains are heavy, not tight...?

then, unbearable
but that's why there is two
so while one holds the weight
the other regenerates
but neither has the strength to move along
and this goes on
                 but there must be a loop in every cycle?

that's the struggle
but why rise up
when the sky is black
and just that
             can't they see the stars?

aye, but those lights
are part of the night
that never reaches daybreak
in the stillness of late
                       then later, they will resurface?

                                                    ­I stare long and hard at her.
                                                    So simple and innocent
                                                    and persistent
 ­                                            She's reached the age of twelve
                                             and the universe is her limit
                                             and she dives in with suggestions
                                             to questions
                                             that I have faced
                                             and crushed
                                             while my reasoning
                                             has imprisoned me

Alright, your turn
I can't answer that last one
I'm still sunk under
these waters

Let's see
if you can bring clarity

                                                        ­   Normally, my pessimistic side
                                                           would shoot down positivity
                                                      ­     and I don't believe
                                                         ­  that she could know
                                                           the words to break my cold

Well, my words aren't as big
but I think simplicity
is the path towards

                                           ­     ~giggles/chuckles~
                                                ~our eyes meet~

Yeess, but you've got it wrong
right from the kickoff
so I'll have to start
with rocks

Rocks are the bottom
so trees will grow on
and bees feel safe
'cause the trees are strong
and this composite
of opposite
makes it worth
having both

and the spray of the waves
leaves intervals
so the gulls
can find hide-holes
in the cliffs
while awaiting the fish
see? - survival
...of the fishest

                                                      A­s I wait out her cackle-fest  
                                                      I am uncomfortable
                                                   ­   the simplistic
                                                      ­seems realistic
                                                      w­hich means I was only pessimistic...

And certainly the danger
makes people braver
but it can't be so unbreakable
if you think hard
there can't be such a high cost -
if people are braver
'cause then the danger
just isn't as dangerous

and if there are two people in chains
don't they stand side by side?
i'm sure if you do the math
upholding each other
makes each one strong
and the time they withstand
is twice as long

and if struggling
seems hopeless
when you can't see the sun
can't you feel grateful
that night
hides the demons

eyes can see
only angels fly
with wings that shine
in a darkened sky

                                                                ­                  My brain is scattered
                                                       ­                           as my thoughts are rattled
                                                         ­                         because right now
                                                                ­                  my shadows seem so friendly

It's not hard to resurface
if you know this
and I promise
your scars will heal
because time is the boss
and love is the cost -
and the easiest to pay
'cause each day
it regenerates
until it's all okay

                                                          ­                          I smile at her ending
                                                          ­                          maybe simple, but what I wanted
                                                          ­                          and as she traces the scars on my wrists
                                                          ­                          i'm thinking golly goodness
                                                        ­                            I am a vast pit of empty knowledge
                                                       ­                             I wonder how long she's listened to me
                                                              ­                      and how long she's known I's wrong
                                                           ­                         and I ponder what I know from me

Okay, that seems believable
Ah, crap, you can say it
or, I suppose I should...
altogether you were, completely, entirely, 100% thoroughly and perfectly right
and I

                                       ­              ~lays head in my hands~

I'm lost

All I know
is rocks and trees
and trees and rocks
and bees
                                          ~ she giggles~    ~grabs my hand~
There's one more thing
*It's me
I tried to combine poetry and story while keeping both very obviously, so I hope you like it :)
Also, this is between an older brother and his little sister, I pictured him around 16.
Meg B Dec 2014
It was a Saturday night somewhere where'bouts
December the 10th of 2012;
okay, fine, I can't recall the exact date, but that's not
the point
of this;
it's so much less bout the whens and whys and so much more
bout the whats, the what the **** it was.
And it was so good.
It was just a December night
in my windowless bedroom,
and I know it was a Saturday
for sure
because Daddy was picking me
at 9 o'clock on the ******* dot
because that Sunday was game day,
and we needed to get to Indy in time
to swallow down some Medium Rare burgers
before kickoff.
Anyway, so yeah,
Saturday night in my cave of a bedroom,
the only light that broke the darkness's
arrogant foreground
was the iridescent glow of the four
lavender and ocean scented candles I had placed
on the shelf by my desk,
seemingly casual enough,
but nothing I ever do is actually casual,
and it never was casual with you,
as much as I may have pretended.
It was all calculated, all culminated, all animated and anticipated,
*******, yeah, I laid out the whole set up
with the candles and the music and the glow,
like a perfectly **** setting.
But it turned out after it all that it wasn't that
sexiness I thought I wanted
that hit me so hard in the gut.
It was us, sitting there on my bed
bodies close enough that we were almost touching,
like I could feel the body heat from your
perfectly built arms,
but I didn't actually feel the silkiness
that was your caramel skin
against my ivory.
Nope. No touching, for once
it really wasn't about that,
not even in the slightest.
We just sat and gabbed and laughed and
cried and squealed and
joked and concluded and pondered
and on and on
it went,
our bodies every so often readjusting
their positions on my white comforter with the black
and I really just knew you in those moments
and you I
and it was like there was no clock
no time
no morning early rising committed plans
to the outside world,
because that realm ceased to exist as
you laughed in baritone
and told me funny stories about football and your friends
and then tragedies
about a mom that never loved you right
and a dad you never knew except for
the drugs and
his lack of
And there I went telling
you about when I got kicked off the team
and the one time
I got beat up
and other secrets I never knew I would
tell anyone and somehow
on it went as we were spiraling into
the abyss full of
everything we have ever needed, wanted, desired,
fears no longer fearful
and hurt set loose;
somehow I frantically reached for my phone
realizing that we just
made an entire night of conversating
and falling into something
that could be that word I won't
use because I ain't entirely sure,
but ****, my Dad was 20 minutes away,
you couldn't stay,
and I think I just
I'll say it,
cuz I really think that night
I fell
in love.
Marshal Gebbie Nov 2009
Dedicated to the Hard Hats, ..for holding it all together.

**** frost on the green grass
There's a cold moon in the sky
The estuary waters black and calm
Where golden ripples lie.
Dawn's horizon lightens up
Bright stars begin to dim
Hard Hats all arrive for work
And with frozen breath...log in.

Work boots crunching on the stone
The men disperse to trucks,
The diesel motors roar to life
Their departures forming rucks.
Swarming in the morning light
Each to his own job's task,
Bridge building work underway
As dawn's first sunbeams bask.

Amazing the complexity
That building bridges has,
Amazing how voraciously
It eats up time and gas.
The planning and design work
The funding of supply,
Those organizational matters
And the labour standing bye.

Digging, lifting, shoving, shifting
Moving this to there,
A logistical nightmare
For the novice, unaware.
Steel and timber by the ton
Concrete pours en mass,
Gravel, sand and aggregate
And reservoirs of gas.

Procurement of supply ensures
A smooth transitional flow
Of successive small procedures
To make the project mesh and grow.
Day after day the massive trucks
Carting tons of sand
Are authorized by gate men
To unload on to land
Where motorway construction
Is steadfastly taking place
And progressing at
A gradual and steady building pace.

From concept to completion
A million multitasks,
Which involves a caste of thousands
And a schedule which asks,
That the finished installation
Be completed by the time
Of the Rugby World Cup kickoff,
Our global status on the line.

Like ants the Hard Hats swarm about
Each does his little bit
And gradually, over time,
The bridge emerges from the pit.
It emergeth like a phoenix
In a drab and sombre gown
But on completion, shines like fire
To be the nation's most re known.

The Manukau Harbour Crossing
A project for the Gods,
Of massive lengths of concrete
And miles of reinforcing rods.
Of an eternity of effort
From everyone involved
And an asset for New Zealand
And a beauty to behold.

Mangere Bridge
14th March 2009

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How to watch Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts Live Streaming NFL Football online broadcast coverage. Here is Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts Game Kickoff Time, TV Schedule, Radio Commentary, Match Odds, Scores, Results, Highlights Videos : Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts will be played at NFL Football. You can watch Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts Live Stream broadcast coverage on ESPN TV Channel.
Shakil Hasan Jan 2015
Watch Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts Live NFL (Online TV,Score & Preview 2014). You won’t have to learn new software all over again! Simply install and enjoy! The fully customizable player allows for full screen mode or can be set to any size you want. Watch today match Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts Live On Upgrade your home entertainment system by connecting your PC directly to your HD TV and enjoy the finest sports coverage ever!

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Click Here To Watch NFL live

How to watch Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts Live Streaming NFL Football online broadcast coverage. Here is Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts Game Kickoff Time, TV Schedule, Radio Commentary, Match Odds, Scores, Results, Highlights Videos : Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts will be played at NFL Football. You can watch Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts Live Stream broadcast coverage on ESPN TV Channel.

Are You Looking for exciting NFL Football 2014? Looking for awesome NFL Football 2014 match with HD video on your pc and related others? Don’t worry. It is pleasure that the expected Semi Final NFL Football 2014 match is going to your favorite channel STREAM DIRECT for live telecast. Hello everybody an enthusiastic Welcome to watch and enjoy the live soap cast NFL Football 2014 NFL match between the world class most favorite Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts live streaming internet on your mobile, pc or laptop. If you don’t want to miss the big match Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts so click the link and continue to catch the match and enjoy the Semi Final NFL Football 2014 Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts live stream online , It’s today Live TV 2014.
Shakil Hasan Jan 2015
Watch Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts Live NFL (Online TV,Score & Preview 2014). You won’t have to learn new software all over again! Simply install and enjoy! The fully customizable player allows for full screen mode or can be set to any size you want. Watch today match Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts Live On Upgrade your home entertainment system by connecting your PC directly to your HD TV and enjoy the finest sports coverage ever!

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Click Here To Watch NFL live

How to watch Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts Live Streaming NFL Football online broadcast coverage. Here is Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts Game Kickoff Time, TV Schedule, Radio Commentary, Match Odds, Scores, Results, Highlights Videos : Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts will be played at NFL Football. You can watch Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts Live Stream broadcast coverage on ESPN TV Channel.

Are You Looking for exciting NFL Football 2014? Looking for awesome NFL Football 2014 match with HD video on your pc and related others? Don’t worry. It is pleasure that the expected Semi Final NFL Football 2014 match is going to your favorite channel STREAM DIRECT for live telecast. Hello everybody an enthusiastic Welcome to watch and enjoy the live soap cast NFL Football 2014 NFL match between the world class most favorite Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts live streaming internet on your mobile, pc or laptop. If you don’t want to miss the big match Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts so click the link and continue to catch the match and enjoy the Semi Final NFL Football 2014 Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts live stream online , It’s today Live TV 2014.
Shakil Hasan Jan 2015
Watch Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts Live NFL (Online TV,Score & Preview 2014). You won’t have to learn new software all over again! Simply install and enjoy! The fully customizable player allows for full screen mode or can be set to any size you want. Watch today match Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts Live On Upgrade your home entertainment system by connecting your PC directly to your HD TV and enjoy the finest sports coverage ever!

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Click Here To Watch NFL live

How to watch Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts Live Streaming NFL Football online broadcast coverage. Here is Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts Game Kickoff Time, TV Schedule, Radio Commentary, Match Odds, Scores, Results, Highlights Videos : Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts will be played at NFL Football. You can watch Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts Live Stream broadcast coverage on ESPN TV Channel.

Are You Looking for exciting NFL Football 2014? Looking for awesome NFL Football 2014 match with HD video on your pc and related others? Don’t worry. It is pleasure that the expected Semi Final NFL Football 2014 match is going to your favorite channel STREAM DIRECT for live telecast. Hello everybody an enthusiastic Welcome to watch and enjoy the live soap cast NFL Football 2014 NFL match between the world class most favorite Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts live streaming internet on your mobile, pc or laptop. If you don’t want to miss the big match Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts so click the link and continue to catch the match and enjoy the Semi Final NFL Football 2014 Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts live stream online , It’s today Live TV 2014.
Shakil Hasan Jan 2015
Watch Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts Live NFL (Online TV,Score & Preview 2014). You won’t have to learn new software all over again! Simply install and enjoy! The fully customizable player allows for full screen mode or can be set to any size you want. Watch today match Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts Live On Upgrade your home entertainment system by connecting your PC directly to your HD TV and enjoy the finest sports coverage ever!

Click Here To Watch NFL live

Click Here To Watch NFL live

How to watch Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts Live Streaming NFL Football online broadcast coverage. Here is Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts Game Kickoff Time, TV Schedule, Radio Commentary, Match Odds, Scores, Results, Highlights Videos : Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts will be played at NFL Football. You can watch Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts Live Stream broadcast coverage on ESPN TV Channel.

Are You Looking for exciting NFL Football 2014? Looking for awesome NFL Football 2014 match with HD video on your pc and related others? Don’t worry. It is pleasure that the expected Semi Final NFL Football 2014 match is going to your favorite channel STREAM DIRECT for live telecast. Hello everybody an enthusiastic Welcome to watch and enjoy the live soap cast NFL Football 2014 NFL match between the world class most favorite Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts live streaming internet on your mobile, pc or laptop. If you don’t want to miss the big match Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts so click the link and continue to catch the match and enjoy the Semi Final NFL Football 2014 Cincinnati Bengals vs Indianapolis Colts live stream online , It’s today Live TV 2014.
Carlo C Gomez May 2020
God bless wartime for lovers
And the heart's desire
For all things ammunition

The seminal spark
Of randomology
Runs as an aqueduct
To the mothership
Fascination is found
In strangeness
And its sister's alien sigh

The fun of fear
Is teeth and biomechanics
And morbid curiosity
Of what lurks in the brazen alcove

Abducted on Sunday morning
Returned in time for kickoff
Dressed like a fugitive
With a hole in your head
Souvenir of the brave and the new

The body's warm jets
Begin to stir as a powder keg
Any kind of love you've had
Is always far sweeter as a memory

A memory, angel
Inspired by Madilyn Cook's poem with the same title.
Rina Vana May 2016
Eleven days into April I threw on an emerald vest with the warm woolen center. I don’t have gloves on my body. I don’t even own those hip knit gloves with the finger holes. What happened to the spring we once knew? Lavender and full of flowers. Two days into May a year ago the New Whitney opened up to the paparazzi of opaque robin and I got drunk from a clear plastic bottle clearly full of ***** at their kickoff public block party. Nobody tried to stop me. Probably because I’m pretty. A DJ played techno beats thick enough to indulge the vast street. I danced alone on steal blue cobblestone with red-pigmented toes. My flushed eye caught colors of something that made me imagine van Gogh and did it hurt? To chop off his ear? Where would he put the fallen flowers if he picked them up?

Free drinks?
Yes, please

Passed out in the grass on the backbone of noon, I swallowed his tongue and tasted every forsythia he’s ever eaten. Maybe I was just dreaming. I recall catching a cab with my best friend because we were too wasted to make it on foot. Taxi wind whipping our hair into a tunnel. Heavy letters unopened on the kitchen table. Cherry blossoms covered the cracked leather and they smelled so much like your backyard. I’m probably dozing off to sleep.
How is it I can only see you when my concrete lids finally meet?
Whats going through your mind when your running up the side, only 1 man to beat?
When he runs fast you'll run faster, can he take the heat?
Whats going through your mind when the X is open for the 40 yrd touchdown pass?
He catches the ball and you hope this moment will always last.

What are you thinking about when there is a hole the size of Texas on the 28 toss?
What are you thinking about when you sack the QB for an 18 yrd loss?

Whats going through your mind when coach is yelling at you for dropping the ball?
Why is it that on kickoff you got stopped at the first wall?
Coach told your parents before the season that you would most definitely letter.
You gotta learn from your mistakes, always making yourself better.

Your a good player, but you got a big head, you think your the best.
You don't listen during practice or do the drills, why you so different from all the rest?

Whats going through your mind when everything starts to go bad?
What are you thinking about when you miss what you once had?
Your gettin buried in the depth chart, grades slippin, where'd it all go?
You start to drink, thinking, who's gonna know?

You weren't a team player, you were only out there for yourself.
What was going through your mind when you saw there were no trophies on the shelf?
emzee Jun 2022
Is it the same ?
The same dream you had before.
The one which you wanted more likely to happen,
Being a proud kid.

You tried?
Let me help you.
Have you tried your best ? ,
As best ,so there is nothing to do more.

You failed ?
Did you failed alone ?
Nah, there are more who failed far better.
You aint failed “good”.

You tired ..?
See.. you Didnt even begin your journey.
Lets look back kid.
See, you can still see your kickoff..

Do one thing,
Start from where you stopped.
You will stop again,
Start again, again, again, again, again.

What !!!?
Dont you dare to stop until you fail better.
As better, so you will not stop again.
As better, that you will not see your kickoff.
As better, that you become “The proud kid”.
Kaley Dec 2016
kickbox, kickoff, kebbock, kibbutz, kolkhoz, kebbuck, kajeput, kwanzas,
killjoy, klezmer, khazens, kickups, knuckly, kleenex, knobbly, kingcup, kunzite,
koji, kyak, konk, kep, kip
Shelby Mccrary Apr 2017
Kindhearted and Sweet To The Bone but full of mysteries and sorrow.

Kickoff the monkey on your back and discover inner peace. Poem by Shelby Kathleen Nightingale
I actually played a rocker of a game of rugby league

You see I was on my way
To play with the raiders
I wasn’t sure how I will play
But I was very unsure
I was listening to YouTube playlist
On my iPhone
The song was bad bad Leroy brown
Making me think of a song I wrote
Called big bad Brian Allan
I ran into the field
To the bad and mean green machine
Fearsome men from the ACT
Don’t try and stop
The men in green
Because we will hit ya hit ha hit ya
Till you see green
The kickoff happened
Brian was tough
At present there was no ball
But a storm was erupting
Then the opposition kicked the ball toward Brian
The lightning hit him forcing him to tackle the opposition player
But after that Brian couldn’t control his actions
Running into the fence
But still Brian was a try saving hero
But the storm was an electrical storm
And the match was postponed
But nobody could stop Brian’s
Try saving tackle
Saying that will give them the 2
Brian was walking around the ground
Trying for people to congratulate him
You MR was there saying why did the raiders win
Brian couldn’t control the lightning
Then the game report was being written
And Brian went to have a look
The coach said Brian don’t look at this
They are very hurtful
Just go home and train
You couldn’t help what happened tonight
You can’t control the storm
So JW and JP took Brian home
Offering if Brian wants to train
But Brian was worried and decided
He wanted to go straight home
So Brian got home at 8-00
And had a nice lesagne
And as he cooked Brian turned on the radio
And then he found out they wanted
Their listeners to know my view of the
Try saving tackle I did
But they didn’t know my number
So they looked for all my namesake
On the internet and went through everyone
But still not me
I cracked open a can of coke
And went to bed
Then they finally got through
And I woke up in the real world
Realising the whole thing was a dream
When I saw 10 shake
Of people ringing their girlfriends
Milano Apr 29
Counting down the days until graduation. Nobody prepares you for how quickly one last year turns into 14 more days.  Senior sunrise was the kickoff to this year and although sunrise is coming so much faster than I ever expected I'm excited and scared. I've wanted to get away from them as far back as I can remember but was it them or was everything my fault? Did they try everything to help me I was always ungrateful or too emotional. Was my mom really abusive or was I too sensitive? Was my dad violent or was I overdramatic? Were they bad parents or were they just struggling with their own traumas? To the people we all could been if this cycle had ended.

— The End —