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el Apr 2020
it's our laughter that
bound us;
the moment of camaraderie
new friendship being born
unsure whether this'll be thorn
or storm
and i sat there, torn
unsure where to go from here
a welcoming clasp
palm on palm, fingers
coiled around one another
a peace treaty, a clap of agreement
a silent pact between us
" i gotchu"
a " thank you"
a smile here
a couple more there
am offer for selfless help
and pride in me
pride in you
that forged out friendship
and i thank you
for all your help
all of it.
(C) Elissar Mustapha, 4 Feb- 5 Feb 2019
Rj Sep 2014
I realized, even though I had always had a feeling
I am completely asexual, with physical ****** things
And surprisingly, relationships and love
I'm sorry im not who  you wanted me to be
But I can't do it, because everytime we do something
I have this heart flutter, but I can't ignore
The sick feeling in the pit of my stomach
I'm not cut out to be in a relationship,
I'm too messed up to tell the difference
Between love and a frienship
I'm sorry that this isn't even a poem anymore
I'm sorry I can't go on dreaming about relationships and love
When I'll honestly never be in any of them
I'll always be there for you, and every thing I've told you is true
But I can't do it,
I'm too asexual
I'm sorry. I couldn't stop thinking about this. I feel horrible
m4tt Feb 2015
Hide with me brother though not out of fear.
-We went for coffee-beer, the informal kinda beer-
Come with me brother come and hold me dear.
-We become good friends, we rediscover the world-
Look friend how shiny its all when you are near.
-**** goes on-
This poem is not about friendship, failure is here.
Friendship poem fail fun -
Emily Oquendo Sep 2014
I care for you now as I cared for you then
even when I said I just wanted to be friends,
it seemed like you understood but now it's
not that way, whenever we talk you don't
have much to say,
I didn't want to lose what we shared,
I didn't want us to grow apart,
but you didn't take a chance with me
you just left me in the dark.
Today I tried to talk to you and you just passed me by
didn't say Hi didn't say anything just left without a thought or a goodbye.
Mary-Elizabeth Mar 2014
A sigh of relief,
As I watch you walk through the door,
Knowing that the day will be great,
Me and you
You and me, us!

Friends walking side by side,
Being us. Two friends just you and me.

A frienship strong,
You never fail to amaze me.
A frienship that will last so long,
Together we should be.

Is it really just a frienship,
I just wish it wasn't
Why can't we be more than this
Together, us, forever?!
Just for fun whilsts on my break
Please enjoy :) x
Joseph Zenieh Feb 2020
I'm in need for someone as a friend
who can listen to my words and sighs.
When the world gets dark to me, l go
and tell him about what l go through.

Why don't You, my Lord, accept my link?
I confide in You and Your deep thoughts.
I can't trust in omens and portents,
but in you, l have all my heart's trust.

Give me tokens, my great Lord, to know
that acceptance is endowed by you.
I will be so happy if you do,
and l'll never leave Your precious hand.
Meenakshi Iyer Dec 2012
I chased down the bustling road
when I caught a glimpse of her walking down.
Today I stand, impatient;
my finger thumping a pithy tune,
as she climbs down the stairway,
one step at a time.

Time capsules are concealed
in objects that we rarely see,
and only notice when silence visits
and sits in the middle of the room,

Today was on such day,
when my foot accidentally brushed
a tea cup that had bravely withstood,
the anomalies of my childhood,
and leaning back on its broken handle
took delight,
on my sudden emotional plight.

After years of unrelenting boundaries
the yearning to jump over,
turns into the ultimate goal.
Definace, with a vengence,
and fury so grave,
mars conscience by its senstaions,
makes it depraved.

Forgone was the leap
that bound my heart with rules
of love, loyatly and frienship,
for it now only understood,
the twinge of ache it gained
whenever it recognized,
a then familar face.

In a world fantastical,
there is order and right.
And mistakes are begotten
to only be forgotten
and set some memories aside.

I held my hand out,
on the last stair, she looked up,
and in brown eyes, just like mine,
I saw days that now defined,
our relationship,
as mother and daughter.

We talk of  far shores and setting sail,
with our two feet firmly rooted in the bay.
The anchors aren't pulled, the rigs aren't checked,
we are rarely ready, if ever,
at our fancy's behest.

In the seconds that she took to step down;
seconds in which I re-lived a lifetime,
I ran down the same road,
the bustling street with the same goal.
I held my mother's hand
and let go.
could I compare you to my diary?
Sculpted to be just like me:
When i look into your eyes
I justs see a mirrored disgise,
for you and i compare so well our frienship
we'll never tell, you shall not fade,
from memory or the light of day,
because your my shadow your my friend
and i hope till death we end
Chuck Aug 2013
Love envelops my languid soul
I lounge in its warm embrace
A content poet is a dry inkwell
Yet the ink is congealed with satisfaction
I refuse to allow joy to slow my quill
Too many poets quest for love through language
Many drown in the bliss of El Dorado
Lost forever, bathing in golden love
I will drink golden cups of passion
Play in priceless fieds of frienship
But I will pause to respect it's fragility
And to be a beacon for those lost in windless seas
For I once wore the albatross around my neck
My thirst is now quenched in golden oceans
I wish to be a gentle wind in the sails of the castaways
For love envelops my languid soul
And so it can and must for all
I just want to say that the love I receive from you, my friends on HP is a large part of my El Dorado.
S Smoothie Jan 2014
feeling wise and centred.

should I share it or keep it close lest it bedestroyed

I am one to impart and share

but there are some who do not care

they tear apart your words for fear

that thier ideals should shatter and thier

true happiness may be visible and require of them much change

I am not a mirror.

I am a window.

I can show you a view  but your reflection can still in it be seen;

and thus, you may see yourself fit well in the scape I am offering.

if you trust me to be wise I may fail you

if you trust me to love you it would be wise of you.

come to my window open the pane and let the breeze of truth wash through you

breathe this space. come out side legs first into my wisdom

and behold what ever you see is yours to take with you

a seed to plant in your own garden. may the view extend you far beyond the horizon and stars

let there be meaing in your life with out going to far and with out staying so close.

let me touch you with what I know.

let me listen to your excuses and smile.

let me show you the way

you may drop bright pebbles along the way

and come back anyway.

let me be your friend,

I will show you the ways of wise

this is my frienship creed loyal and true

Change is the enemy of identity.

Stagnation is the enemy of growth.

Discernment of what is necessary to change and what should not change

is the friend of wiseness.

But love is the only precursor to all these.

yours sincerely,

adele horn May 2010
I would never have imagined
That such an unassuming affection
Could become something
I can treasure deeply

I would never have thought
That a shattered heart
Could turn towards you
And find solace there

I would never have assumed
Safety within your arms
And a quiet place
To rest my soul

I would never have expected
Anything more than frienship
But my heart wanted more
And you allowed me in.

Thank you
For casting light upon my abyss
For lending me warmth
And a place where my hands fit into yours.

I am swayed by uncertainty every day.
In myself
In you
In the world that surrounds us.
But i am certain
That your smile is a constant within the choas.

I dare say
That i love you
Because my heart is filled with it.
And i cannot lie to myself.
TheDaisyDancer Feb 2017
I see a memory pop up on my feed:

                 "January 16, 2016- 1 year ago"

It's a quote. It reads:
                 "Lonely. I'm lonely in the frienship way and boyfriend way. I pray every day for something, anything to make this dreaded disease go away."

One year later. Which is today. I am alone in my room on a Saturday night. I remember telling myself that things will get better. But I'm just as sad. Just as lonely.
Claire Ellen Jul 2019
She asked me, Who are you?
I responded, What do you mean?
My headed and thoughts thickened and clouded over;
Who am I?
Have I lost touch of all the wonderful blocks that build me
    to me?
Have I lost the emotions and roots that created me
    to be me?
I know I have found her before,
once or  twice when alone and happy and free,
but now I've morphed into, just me.
Then I think, all these things I think are me,
are they me?
Or are they what others see in me?
Have I morphed into a "What you see me"?
People say I am warm and bright,
but all I can ask is who are you?
Are you changing? Are you sliding by?
Who do you want to be vs. who were you?
I'm Claire.
I'm unfiltered,
I'm easy going,
I'm nervous but adventurous,
I'm authentic and open with everyone,
When I love you, I LOVE you
    and when I hate you, I just don't care about you anymore.
I'm so open I hurt deeply,
I'm selfish
   but I think everyone should be in some ways.
I always see another side,
I'm dramatic but I shy from frienship and relationship drama
I don't belong to one mold, I'm always changing and shifting
I'm an imaginer and not much of a do-er,
I'm a listener,
God respecter.
I find it funny, my whole life my parents said,
"You're unique", but never said why or how to use this "uniqueness".
I just grew up thinking, "I'm unique" but I still don't know why.
I'm pretty much like everyone else I think,
I feel, I love, I see, I react.
I change so much in a day its hard to focus on who I'm being in one moment.
I don't know who I am,
I really don't even know who I want to be,
I just want to be better than I am now.
jeffrey conyers Oct 2012
If you can be hurt.
You can forgive.
Just being willing to do it

Many times in life.
You will be tested.
Whether it's frienship.
Love relationships.
But you accept the force before you.
To showcase the real you.

Why should I?
Is the voice you'll hear within.

When something you never expected happens to you.

Why should I?
Will tear at your mind and heart.
Until you surrender in kindness.

A grudge only eats you up.
While only creating you future trouble.

So forgiveness.
Why should I?
Will place you at the top of the line.
When you release the hurt within side.

Trust might not be easily given.
But with grace you prove you're a living testimony.
Priya Oct 2021
I see him & I see you
I see the way he stands with the eager eyes.
The way his actions speak like your unsaid words.
I always listen to you asking me to take you out.
Eventually I do what you ask for.
The way you handle your frienship
The time that I spent with you,
I see that all in glimpses when I see him.
The voice that is cheerful & energetic
Your anger and the consequent actions.
You alwasy take my clothes to terrace to tear.
Well! Least should I know that I should keep my promises.
The way you move your head on seeing new things.
Like a sincere student who learns from scratch.
Training you was easy, but me training for it was hard.
The same care, affection and loyalty.
Except for the fact you wag your tail
Yes, You! My little brother with tail.
I always pictured you as human.
What will you talk and how will you behave.
And now I found a human just like you
As I see him a pure warmth fills my heart.
Though far away, you are here with me in memories.
A dog compared to a human. :) Have you ever felt this  way about your dog?
Ally Jul 2015
To the people who used to be her best friend

but now their frienship is gonna be end,

Do you even remember her

after you met a new one?

Do you even remember

When she's the one

who's always there

when your new friend isn't here?

A big shoutout for some of her classmate

who did nothing but to hate,

for saying she doesn't deserve to be on the top

while now her rank is just going up.

"Talent? she doesn't have. even singing nor dancing"

But hey, she's good at drawing, acting, designing,

lettering and even at writing!

To those who treat her as an option,

she'll stay away from you, from now on.

To those who knows nothing but to ignore,

She'll no longer bother or talk to you, anymore.

To those who say she can't do it,

Oh, she's so sorry for disappointing you.

Thank you for underestimating,

Thank you for not believing,

Thank you for not listening,

Thank you for not supporting.

Because there would be more poems to come

and more ideas to come.

For every moment you hurt her,

The more she find strength to write more.


Spread love, not hate.
Arfah Afaqi Zia Apr 2016
Verse :-

The cloudy nights of December,
I write an ode on you,
But not a very good one,
Heart break,
I can't get over you,
The first time we met,
Is this how you treat me,
After all these years,
This solid, unbreakable friendship,
Guess that's what people do in the end.

Chorus :-

Revenge ?
Cuz that's what friends do,
Cry when one cries,
Die for the other half but not say why.

Verse :-

Deceived and hurt by your words,
Cutting deep through my skin,
Rupturing my veins,
Anger fumes that i break all connection,
Forbidding myself from anything connected to you,
You break this frienship for someone who will leave soon,
For that witch,
no i can't feel this pain,
I'm cold and numb,
My heart may not converse and will cut you off completely,
but my brain will always regret our encounter.

Chorus :-

Revenge ?
Cuz that's what friends do,
Cry when one cries,
Die for the other half but not say why.
Showing a thing of gratitude is never easy.
Even if the wind blows the tide ashore and our lives gets breezy.
People come as they slowly go.
Truth is Im grateful that it is you I came to know.
Endowed by you is a frienship that god has bestowed.
Much meaning, a gift you showed.
Best as a companion and youre greater as a friend.
Entangled in a friendship that with hopes shall not end.
Rejoicing with gleeful laughters and a forever gladness that our hearts are mend.
when a heart has frienship it is there to stay
something there inside that you can give away
that very special thing something that you share
when frienship it is needed  you are always there

there for you to give that is there for free
there inside your heart.  friendship will alway be
a very special thing that is always there
there inside of  you to show that you care
people they need friends  that are there for you
a friendship that is real a frienship that is true
someone you can turn to.  who can understand
right there by side with there helping hand

someone to rely on whenever things go wrong
always there for you.  help to keep you strong
they will sit and listen to what you have to say
with a friedship that is real that will never go away
epifexl Dec 2020
a true friend is the one for me
will always be kind and entertaning
hes/shes strength for our frienship will
always stay strong when everythings wrong like i knew from the day we met  she/he will be a loyal friend
this poem is about our true friends
if you have a dog you always have a friend
with a frienship that is real that will never end
he is there for you anytime of day
and his love for you will never fade away

he will comfort you keep you company
best friend in the world there will ever be
he is always faithful a friendship that is true
always by your side always there for you.
aldo kraas Sep 2023
I want so badly to live
A peaceful life my God
Because I don’t have a peaceful life
My so called friend
Are very mean to me
I hate to be mistreated by my
So called friends
I have no Idea what did I do
To deserve it
Because that is something that
Makes me sad
Today I finally ended
The frienship with my so caled friends
I told then to go and live there lives
Also I told them that I no longer want
My so called friends in my life
And I also will live my life alone
With out any friends
I will not rush to make
New friends
I feel that I should take my time
Making new friends
And not rush in to it
I also hope that the people I choose
To be my friends accept me
The way I am
dogs can be your friend keep you company
best friend in the world there frienship it is free
never let you down they are the for you
stay for ever faithful and forever true

they do everything that you asked them to
they can make you smile when your feeling blue
always by your side they will always stay
giving you there love that will never go away
dogs have many breeds all a different name
the frienship that they give it is all the same
no matter what the size wether big or small
the friendship that they give is within them all

always there for you till the very end
there to comfort you there to be your friend
there friendships always there any time of day
if you need a friend there not far away.
a dog is mans best friend he will never stray
a friendship that will last and never go away
always there for you faithful till the end
till the day dies he will stay your friend

there to lift you up whenever you are down
there make you smile take away the frown
he will comfort you if you  begin to cry
sit down by your side till all the tears run dry

a very special friend with a love so true
a frienship for a lifetime he will share with you
aldo kraas Aug 2023
I want so badly to live
A peaceful life my God
Because I don’t have a peaceful life
My so called friend
Are very mean to me
I hate to be mistreated by my
So called friends
I have no Idea what did I do
To deserve it
Because that is something that
Makes me sad
Today I finally ended
The frienship with my so caled friends
I told then to go and live there lives
Also I told them that I no longer want
My so called friends in my life
And I also will live my life alone
With out any friends
I will not rush to make
New friends
I feel that I should take my time
Making new friends
And not rush in to it
I also hope that the people I choose
To be my friends accept me
The way I am
a dog can be your friend go everwhere with you
he will give his friendship that is real and true
always there for you he will always be
best friend in the world you will ever see

he knows when your sad he knows when your down
he will make you smile again take away your frown
faithful till the end he will always stay
with a love for ever that will never fade away

always there for you he will always be
a friendship that is real frienship that is free
it will last for ever till the very end
and forever more he will stay your friend
friends are there for ever no matter where they live
france or germany there friendship they will give
frienship it can travel many miles away
no matter where you live no matter where you stay

you can chat on facebook  you can share there post
chat to all your friends that you like the most
no matter where they are.   no matter where they live
they are there for you there friendship they will give
dogs they like a cuddle and attention to
love and affection just the same as you
makes them feel secure that your love is there
that they can trust in  you know you really care

knowing that your frienship will be for ever true
and for evermore will believe in you
they will be your friend and never ever stray
and give there love to you every single day
dogs can be a comfort when your feeling  blue
always by your side always there for you
they no when your down when there something wrong
lay down by your side help to keep you strong

take away your sadness till it all as gone
make you smile again help you carry on
faithful till the end.  a frienship that is true
the best friend you can have always there for you
aldo kraas Sep 2023
I want so badly to live
A peaceful life my God
Because I don’t have a peaceful life
My so called friend
Are very mean to me
I hate to be mistreated by my
So called friends
I have no Idea what did I do
To deserve it
Because that is something that
Makes me sad
Today I finally ended
The frienship with my so caled friends
I told then to go and live there lives
Also I told them that I no longer want
My so called friends in my life
And I also will live my life alone
With out any friends
I will not rush to make
New friends
I feel that I should take my time
Making new friends
And not rush in to it
I also hope that the people I choose
To be my friends accept me
The way I am
pets they are for life not just for a day
they rely on you for a place to stay
a friend that they can trust give them lots of care
someone who will love them and always will be there

they will keep you company give there love to you
with a frienship for a lifetime and for ever true
pets have feelings to   just like humans do
they are there for you for there whole life through

when you have a pet you always have a friend
who will give there love to you till the very end
all they need is someone that will love them to
pets they all have feelings just the same a you
pets they are for life not just for a day
they rely on you for a place to stay
a friend that they can trust give them lots of care
someone who will love them and always will be there

they will keep you company give there love to you
with a frienship for a lifetime and for ever true
pets have feelings to   just like humans do
they are there for you for there whole life through

when you have a pet you always have a friend
who will give there love. till the very end
all they need is someone that will love them to
pets they all have feelings just the same a you

— The End —