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Stu Harley Nov 2013
we begin
the war of words
iron hammers
beat words
into swords
then we
mold the swords
into guns and cannons
that ignite
the earth
once more and
the words
shall florish
in the
battlefields of war
Mystic Ink Plus Apr 2020
"In a mad world, only the mad are sane"
Clearly stated by K. Akira.

What is freedom?
How close is it to insanity?

Is that a freedom when one has to lose peace of mind? Is that a freedom where finally one has to ask ownself, who am I? And may regret what I have become. Is that a freedom where you search for the thousand Suns when you know one is enough? Is that a freedom where you have to sell the soul to exist a new time? Freedom is questionable.

Never ask that freedom when you are not ready for. Never ask that freedom where you don't belong. Never ask that freedom where finally one has to shed tears. Never ask that freedom where foundation of life ends. Isn't it insanity, freedom beyond control? And you may have observed where weeds florish, lotus thrives.

Balanced freedom is conscious state of being where no outer stimuli distracts, and one could flourish. Freedom in any form is always neutal, but the person who execute it, could be wrong. And forgive me if it is illogical, Earth revolving around it's axis is universal example of how much freedom one needs.

What is freedom?
How close is it to insanity?
As the saying goes, your freedom to swing your fist ends just where my nose begins.
Yes, should I repeat that?
Reasonably never ask the insane, what freedom is. At that instant they will justify everything, where they are always right.
It will be scarier that time.
Thus freedom itself is never the issue, for what cause it is exercised, is.
Nothing more.
Genre: Observational
Theme: Better Human Project
Jolene Heather Jul 2015
I fell in love with you
the way i would
a book, a painting, a song

How upon first glance
one becomes flooded with fascination
by all the colors and complexities
each detail I fall on
blooms into more
so that my soul
feels like it is visiting
a well planned garden
where it is that:
something is always opening up
and revealing it's mysteries to me
Deneka Raquel Sep 2014
This is the highway of fallen kings.
The place where pharaohs go to rest.
The dungeon where crowns are thrown,
Because they no longer have value.
They mean nothing.
Everything you touch becomes nothing and,
Even the strongest fall under your scrutiny.

This is the wasteland of dreams.
The place where hopes go to rest.
For nothing conquers your unconquered heart.
Nothing will florish under your glory.
Every territory is under your dominance.
playing with my heart
toying with my mind and
Evidently pulling hard,
Ripping at my heart strings
I guess the mighty *****,
Isn't so mighty.

This is the epiphany of heartbreak.
The sudden realization that...
Pharaohs will fall.
Crowns will also fall.
Dreams are sometimes nightmares.
One can only hope.
Superiors remain supreme.

And of course...

The weak is forever at your disposal..
Dani Apr 2021
Obey, do not display
Stay, there is no time to play
Emotions are not for show
Just reap the crops you sow

**** it all
Do not fall
You cannot fail
For you must set sail

To the ends of success
No need for excess
Emotions are not for show
Just reap the crops you sow

Reap and reap, build and build
Do not let down your guild
Keep going, do not dwell
On the pains that swell

This is what we are taught
This is how we get caught
In the perpetual fire blazing
Judging eyes a-gazing

It burns you up
To be ****** up
It devours your life
Nothing left, bring on the scythe

Why love or live another day?
When I've already been murdered inside?
What really is there left to say?
How can I live when I've already died?

Let me tell you something neat
Its knowledge is power that cannot be beat
Ready? It's a hard pill to swallow for sure
It will allow life to florish, but it's not quite a cure
You see.... it takes a lot of work
I'll say again, it takes a lot of work!!
Listen carefully now, It's not just for tricks
Allow yourself to feel the pain, and you will die a Phoenix
You will be brought back to life
And oh, what a wonderful life
It is filled with joy and love
It takes a lot of work, most important though, LOVE
The kind that's raw and open deep
The kind that brings a melody and weeps
Love, it is the birth and death of all
So listen carefully my Phoenix, do you hear the call?
Bottling up your emotions is crippling. Allow yourself to feel again and joy will return.
Mystic Ink Plus Nov 2019
Weeds florish
Lotus thrives

And yet
We quietly believe
It's okay
Let it be

What is learned
Survial of fittest
Finding balance

Where weeds florish
Lotus thrives
Genre: Abstract
Theme: Ancient Wisdom
Tashea Young Feb 2017
I freestyled a poem yesterday
Here it goes.

I am The universe and the universe is me
I am not of the natural I was birthed from the womb of the divinity
Descended from the realm of the heavenly
From The very Essence of me
I am as a seed in the ground full of soil producing massive amounts of engery
In my presences is where you can feel the warmth of my vibes and flowing waves of my frequency
My Hair, my mind, and my soul's density are the only things that defy the laws of gravity.
Outside in the sun is where nature and I become as 1.
Its my secret place of serenity
Where my peace last for infinity
A space where I am as A bird flying; I let go to be free
A place where I hold the key to unlock the door to my Authenticity
And like a deeply rooted tree I florish spiritually
Awakening my conscious and do away with the old mentality.
Dressing modestly wearing my Intelligence like its the new ****
And embracing my melaninted Shimmery skin in all its glory confidently.
That when I had come to face reality That I am the universe and the Universe is me.
There are 2 big eyes looking at back at me
they are deep and dark yet shine like the brightest stars in the galaxy.
This nose must be The scented flowers as it gives off the fragrances of me.
These soft luscious lips are speaking words to me Fervently
This heart is the producer of life working So powerfully
These mamory gland produces milk to quench the thirst of a baby
This body must be a living valley as my stretch marks are The road maps with a special route that leads to the deepest ocean of The sea.
My love is like honey with each gentle touch it heals thee.
Because I am universe and the universe is me.
"I, frequently, find myself ponder-
ing: what it is other people are wonder-
ing, or if they have began wander-
ing from their, once, true path in life,"

he laughed, while taking a bath,
down by the Boulder.

"&: when, precisely, did it happen?!
Yes! It is true that I have spent 
many, magnificent, moons squander-
ing the wealth of my place in this space..
I consume certain substances that others
find distasteful. Yet: within the maunder-
ing, I find a very subtle peace; know-
ing that we will all, inevitably, be go-
ing to find solace in the final slumber.

Nothing we do is flawless.


Maybe once we're all gone:
may the 'livestock, produce, and lumber'
florish, fully, once again."

he was bowed next to the Boulder,
coughing on a cigarette of cannabis,
when he caught the crouched cougars eye.

As the joint, jittery, smolder -ed,
his mind was left in blurred bliss.

Just then: began to fly, forward - 
the chiseled cougar.
April 4th, 2016
Earthchild Apr 2014
Swaying with the wind
Caressing my frail winter bones
Sinking into the deep roots of my lungs

Deep breaths

Drinking the honey of the sun
Sweet taste of heat
The sun has finally come out to dance
To dance along the cliffs edge with me
Will you not dance?
Dance as If you were a bird
Free to kiss the sky

Let the spring ecstasy fill you
Let it drain into every empty ocean of your body
Let the flowers arise from the darkness
Let them grow in your corrupt heart

Let spring florish
Kaila George Oct 2016
Where are all the flowers gone
those whom petals drifted
in the wind where did they go
I'm referring to the poet's
I knew so well .... where
have you all gone ....
each one of them brought
To this site a florish of life
in there own words
in their own ways
I have yet to read the new
poets I see posting
look forward to doing so
with delight. ... smiles
This site started it all for me
feels good to be home
till the next post ... smiles
A poem about Poetfreak poets it closes in December....a repost
Amanda Francis Feb 2017
Dear ex, you used to tell me I was a liar.
The truth hit stop signs on the tip of my tounge.

Dear ex, i found someone who took my seeds that you starved.
And within the technicolour blooms that now florish.

I found truth.

The Only lie I ever told, was I love you!
Robert Gretczko Oct 2016
can we humans be more like weeds
grow abundantly... with little needs
sprout boldly from the smallest crack
reach skyward always... never looking back
thrive miraculously where well cared friends wither
yet florish side by side with a hint to come hither
stand ruthlessly against mans' herbicides
or chopped to the root and cast aside

our petals and leaves we open wide to all
though not invited ours is... a grand sprawl
with fine frons and feathery wisps
our sturdyness does not engender idle quips
we bend and sway in the mightiest torrent
with roots so deep... some find us abhorrent
but all and all... in all of our landscapes
there is a just place for man, plants and apes
Matthew A Dumas Dec 2014
Love is like a tree, from begining to end
When given the chance to grow and florish, it will reach for to the sky
It will scar and heal, those wounds will always be seen
Never ceasing to grow until slowly, they die.

Looking upward for nourishment, and reaching down for the same
If it shoots to fast for the heavens, without digging its roots in deep
The first winds of turmoil will blow it crashing down
and time will call it back, forever to keep.
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Blessed be your name
All my prayers are answered by you
Every song I hear makes me want you more
All this slepless nights
All that light wasted
If I could traded my anger for peace
If I can sort out all my troubles
I love you this much
I have no other words to discribe you
Your lights shine in me
Despite all my troubles
Every day I will put my faith in you
I will let my love grow for you
Lord I believe that you can take my anger away
And my word will change
I am waiting for this to happen
Can you give me a chance?
There is no other place I would rather be
watching the world spinning around in circles
If I lay here would you fly with me over the sky in a space shuttle
Lets not waste time
If this doesn't happen
This means that this wasn't the right thing for us to do or the right place for us to be
Blessed be your name
I just want you closser to me
I am looking in the mirror
That mirror image
That I see
I don't like
I will give Lord a chance
I will give Lord a change
One more time
If I take my time
I will have the chance to start over
And have a chance to make it perfect again
One thing that I need to learn to have is patience
Because patience is a virtue
I am not gone from this place
To tell you the truth Lord this is the place I love
Lord I am addicted to your love and kind words
Blessed be your name
Where is my heart?
Is it in the right place?
Because my mind is not clear
It is full of worries
I am thankful for your blessings
Because many times
I just feel like walk away
And let every thing fall a part
But you give me courage, hope, and understanding
That I can't just walk away and let things fall a part
Why it is so hard for others to see me the way you see me Lord?
Lord blessed be your name
Why is it so hard for me to make right the first time?
Yesterday the clock moved fast during the day
But at night it slowed down like an old man
When you tell me that you loved me
It brings me a little comfort and joy to my life
Against all my odds
I played all the cards
Not much luck in card games, and in life
Every now and then I dream about something
Blessed be your name
I am amazed by you Lord
By your touch
By the love you have shown me
Blessed be your name
I walk down this road
were there is the train truck
When that train goes through
I can hear the sound of the engines
And the sound of the brakes
Blessed be your name
Can I gain peace
Is that too folish of me to ask you that?
Obviously I am waiting for that
What more can I hope for Lord?
I have no blue eyes
No blond hair that I love so much
I guess I created that hate for myself
Do I have love for you Lord?
I have plenty
Is there any thing I can give you in return?
My sorrows, my guilt, and my pain
It still have that bag full of old coins loclked in a ziplock bag
It is all my savings
Some day I will sell than when I will be broke
This will come nice and handy
Bring me alive to all my favorite colors
Because the hardest thing is not having you near me Lord
I know Lord that I will get through this
I just need some time
I must have a different out look in life
Blessed be your name
I sometimes thing about things
And sometimes thoughts come to me
And it makes me wonder
Where that thought came from
I could see a new beginning coming to me
I know that I will florish some day
And I will be feeling like I am on top of the word again
What is life with out the sun, the Lord, and the moon shining above the lake shore
Lord for now on I will live for you
Blessed be your name
I have to be strong and face my pain, my sorrow, my guilt, and my pain
I have to show respect for others and myself
I have my mind set on you
How many more years of struggle do I have?
How many more years of suffering must I go through?
Don't you think I had so much already
Some times when I just think about it it makes me want to scream loud as I can
Yes Lord I need your help every day and I am not ashamed to ask for it
because I am asking for it right now
And I know you are going to give me
I will be aware of darkness
And walk on the right side of the street at night when there is dark
Because the right side of the street there is always bright
Lord I am not living in the material world
I want to share my wishes with you Lord
Blessed be your name
PatrickHertveld Dec 2018
A summer is always forgotten
as our thoughts rotten,
of lights and light thoughts.
A flower much sought,
florish a lapse of time.
I can only call mine,
thoughts that were,
once all over.
Stu Harley Nov 2013
hands of heaven
florish and
blessed be
the light and
the dawn but
let it not vanish nor
slip through
our fingers

— The End —