"I, frequently, find myself ponder-
ing: what it is other people are wonder-
ing, or if they have began wander-
ing from their, once, true path in life,"
he laughed, while taking a bath,
down by the Boulder.
"&: when, precisely, did it happen?!
Yes! It is true that I have spent
many, magnificent, moons squander-
ing the wealth of my place in this space..
I consume certain substances that others
find distasteful. Yet: within the maunder-
ing, I find a very subtle peace; know-
ing that we will all, inevitably, be go-
ing to find solace in the final slumber.
Nothing we do is flawless.
Maybe once we're all gone:
may the 'livestock, produce, and lumber'
florish, fully, once again."
he was bowed next to the Boulder,
coughing on a cigarette of cannabis,
when he caught the crouched cougars eye.
As the joint, jittery, smolder -ed,
his mind was left in blurred bliss.
Just then: began to fly, forward -
the chiseled cougar.
April 4th, 2016