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Downsizing, thats what they say
All my friends say ill be okay
That I'll find a job right away
If only they could see the pain

Downsizing, thats what they say
They lock the doors at close today
Now what am I supposed to do
Am I to old to start out new

Downsizing, thats what they say
No more work means no more pay
Twenty years at this job
They say the work now must stop

Downsizing, thats what they say
All for shareholders that must be please
Do they know the pain they've caused
So many families now feel lost

Downsizing, thats  what they say
We lost so many jobs today
Not just me but many friends
Today we know it all must end

Downsizing, thats what they say
Moved our jobs overseas
Chasing just the bottom line
All to make them one more dime


Carl Joseph Roberts
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
Who is amused?
there's primordial ivy clinging  on my brickwork
and an incident of blank verse at my poetry club,
possible unemployment rearing its head for moi.
Before my downsizing commences,
I've  been busy buying more CD's
but that's my contre jour
befittingly everybody else is into  iTunes,
I can only listen to myself,
even if music be the devils tune
I'll  soon be home for more,
burning fossil fuels willingly
of Mesohippus's and other three toes.
Big Virge Apr 2017
This ... Disrespect thing ...
is ... OUT OF CONTROL ... !!!

from work to ... Street Corners ...
to ... most peoples' ... " Homes " ... !!!

My Poetry .... Roams .............................
just like ... " Mobile Phones " ...

to send out ... " This Vibe " ...

Disrespect ... NEEDS TO ... die ... !!!!!

We NEED TO ... " Respect " ...
This Thing ... we call ... " Life " ...

LOVE ... One Another ... !!!

is what's ... Right ... !!!

Take things ... in your stride ...
DISMISS ...................................... foolish pride

cos' ... Pride like they say ...
comes before ... A Fall ... !!!

and next thing ...
You've guessed it ...
You're facing ... A WALL ...

A wall ... FILLED WITH ... Bullies ... !!!
just ready to .... BRAWL ... !!!!!

But bullies ... are Dummies ...
whose thought waves are ... "small" ...

Like those who believe ...
in avoiding ... School Halls ... ?!?

That line's ... for those kids ...
with ... SLEEPLESS ... Eyelids ... !!!

ALWAYS ... think of ... THIS

A Bully is .... weak ... !!!

So Don't ... lose your sleep ... !!!

cos' bullies ... DON'T THINK ...
of the ... " Sows " ... that they reap ... ?!?

OKAY ...
Yes I mean ...
They'll reap ... what they sow ... !!!

Well ... ?
Maybe I don't ... ???

But ...
One Thing ... I KNOW ... !!!

IS ... most bullies ... Don't See ...
that the ... Sickness ... they keep ...

is REALLY ... A Sickness ...
that slowly ...... just Creeps ...

A Sickness ...
That'll give em' ...

YES ...  
One ... " FINAL " ... Sleep.

and this may be ... " Why "... ?
Our Youth ......
Die on streets ..... !!!

The Cycle's ... Complete ...
from Rappers who talk ...
about ... Killing Emcees ... ?!?

to crimes some ... " Commit " ...
Against ... " Humanity " ...

I'm looking for ... " Peace " ...
in places ... I be ...

But let's get things ... STRAIGHT ...
Don't come ... Pushing Me ... !!!!!

Be ... Nice ...
and ... Believe Me ...
I'll be ... Nice to you ... !!!

I may ... turn my cheek ....
if you give me ... Abuse ... ?

But .... !!!!!

That's cos' I choose ...
NOT TO ... act the ... " Fool " ...

but .... Anything's Possible ...
I've got ... Two Hands Too ... !!!!!

I put that verse in ....

to PROVE ... Peace ...
Can Be ... COOL ... !!!

But everyone's temper ...
has Boundaries Too ... !!!!!

So ... what do you do ... ?
when THUGS ... approach you ... ?!?

Well this ...
I CAN'T ... tell you ...
cos' ... I am NOT ... You ... !!!

I'm simply ... Advising ...

Fighting NEEDS ...  " Downsizing " .... !!!!

But .....
This thing ... RESPECT ...

Really NEEDS ...
An ... UPRISING ... !!!!!

cos' Violence ... INFECTS ...
and ... CANNOT ... Protect ...

The world and ...
It's ... People ...

So take time and ... " Check " ...
The thoughts I ... " Collect " ...

and take time ... Before ...

Dishing out ....

" Disrespect " ....
This piece speaks for itself .... It's easy to Disrespect, however, sometimes what's harder to achieve, is better for Humanity
L B Aug 2016
She hushes me repeatedly
as if my voice could be– too loud
for these shrunken, elder walls
What voice can I revive to tell her
that this little place...reminds me...?

Ratchet up the memories  
the young mistakes
my welfare “townhouse”

as if my voice could be too loud?!

Where does anger go to say
These cheesy rugs remind me!
of the smoky halls, stoop-sittin’
head lice, **** roach
fumigated invasion
Music loud enough to blow pipes
induce trauma through the walls
Thud Crash
“Stupid ****!”
Knife-weildin’, drug-sellin’, boyfriend-of-a-future

A can of beer later...
with stress on hold
the smells of dinner, now—all fifteen of them!
Assault me through the front window
“Ya there yet? this “cute little apartment, I mean?"

So it’s sold…
Someone else will wash windows, rake the yard
Shovel Massachusetts snow

Christmas lights come down
in my mind—
Running toward them still
Toes numb
Skates bouncin on my back
Sled firing off sparks against the sidewalk in my wake
Running and as always late
Mittens soaked, heavy
Like my eyes—

Mom and I
looking out this window for the last time
Looking out toward the daughter of the woods I was
the bride sinks
to the bare mattress—
“Was it really 57 years?
How can it be?”

since...clutching can opener and Coke
He scooped her up and through that door....
“How can it be?   Oh my….”

"You can always keep the memories."
she chirps to check the tears
                                                           ­                                                                 ­But I can’t taste them!
…Mom baking cookies
stew and dumplings on the stove
Snitching chocolate bits
waiting for the bowl
Impatient little helpers at her side

Colors slipping…
A child husks corn in sunlight
A blue Huffy gleams behind birthday candles
Sheets billow from the line

Sounds fading...
A choir of music boxes
before the Christmas carnage
Doing dishes in three-part harmony

I can barely wrap my words around our voices!

“You can always keep the memories”

Preamble to the dutiful decision
Hypothermic excuse
to dump the place

Street sign shrinking in the rear-view
Because I have lived away from my hometown and away from my family, I had very little to say about the decisions my family made for Mom and Dad.
Brent Kincaid Sep 2015
I pity anyone visiting us with
A language besides English;
Who tries to understand the words
We like to use with relish.
We seem to say so many words
Just to keep our lips busy.
It occurs to me the so much of it
Has never graced a dictionary.

Upscaling, downsizing
Offloading the whole magilla
The whole nine yards, bottom liine
The big honcho, the whole enchilada
I was completely plussed and then
I had my self a hissy fit
I didn't know I had a flabber,
'Til someone went and gasted it.

Hanging out, kicking back
Into myself and whatever
***** it, man. I am like, wow.
And y'know, yodda yodda yodda.
Some mean kinda fudpucker
Betcher bippees, yabba dabba doo.
Mazoomas and headlights,
Totally hyped megabitch, too.

Talkin' about 'sup bro
Stufflike windas and winders.
Jammin and gittin widdit
And sumpinbout pillas and pillers.
So, I goes and he goes,
And I'm all jazzed and by golly.
It really rocks, rad to the max
Get down to some serious party.

Sixes an sevens, p's and q's
What's your point? Get real!
It's pretty much a ******
So, what's the big deal?
Too much, I mean it's tough,
And stuff, and really far out, man.
Twenty three skiddo old bean.
Just a flash in the pan.
It *****. It blows, It bites, big time
A wicked righteous mindfuck.
Get jiggy with it. Kiss my crank;
Slob my ****, Lord Love-a-duck.
Matthew A Cain Jul 2017
They say we’re crazy
Chasing stupid millennial dreams
Too far fetched they seem and sometimes we agree
But secretly we hope and pray they become reality

Excuse the interruption but does this sound familiar for anybody else?

“Big house on its second mortgage, and a camper for when we feel like downsizing prison.
Cars each on a different loan, manicured lawn because we must show status in everything we own.
Monday, he cheated with the bottle and she cheated in her heart
Tuesday, sister came home late, crying her eyes out because the arms of her last lover were just like her fathers.
Wednesday was surprisingly peaceful, but unnerving, as sunny days were far and few between and I was thinking this was just the calm before the storm.
Thursday I saw father sitting on the floor his last straw a piece of paper "final notice" printed in red
Friday mother sat in the car for an extra twenty minutes starring blankly at the door contemplating her life
Saturday was fight night
Sunday we went to church and pretended it was all alright”

I’m sorry if my pursuit in life is simply this: Happiness.
If it looks like a retrofitted van and I live like a *** because I never want to fight about little green men
Or, if it was a tiny home that her and I could reasonably afford on land far away from the city lights and temptations that come at night
You could say It’s something about the fights we could hear through thick walls that drove us mad inside
And now we chase peace and calm, love and happiness, through any means
Because that’s something that cannot be bought despite our parents thoughts.
I started out with a completely different poem but somehow it morphed into this as I delved into my thoughts. The more I think about my generation and our obsession with tiny homes and little joys in life I believe this is what drives us to this way of life.
jafarina May 2017
it takes awhile
but the carpet depressions
in your room, eventually fade
even gravity cannot hold forever
your markings
they reside in curtain folds
behind loose baseboards
evidence exists in photographs,
our shadows,
locked, in silvered paper
exhibits to what was
and what we were .
Jon Tobias Aug 2013
How it starts is there's an apartment your family lives in
You do not live there
but your stuff does
Then you find out your mom brought bed bugs home from the rehab center

They are downsizing everything now
You show up with 3 boxes
and tell yourself
these can hold more than enough

Mostly you fill them with your favorite books
and in the heat of it
even that feels trivial

But you look at the photos in the frames
The pictures of you at six flags on your last birthday
You let those go
The paper towel painting Monica did at the lake
It's all in a box marked trash now

You joke to yourself about how silly
they would look on the dashboard of your car

The old electronics
and journals
writing contest trophies

You take an inventory
of everything you've ever owned
all your clothes have been thrown away

and you leave with just three boxes
and you ask yourself

"If my life were on fire
what would I save?"

only you can't answer that question
because when the fire is burning
it's not that everything looks as important as everything else
so much as nothing does
not even you

So you smile
and say that you are happy to leave everything behind
because now you have the joy of the memory of having it

Only this time
there is a girl
and she is riding shotgun in your car as you drive away

And maybe she can see the mixed emotion on your face
like driving of a cliff in your boss's car
only he is in the trunk

And she scratches the back of your head
and says
"Tell me a story handsome"
Wk kortas Apr 2017
We’d known him, back in the day
At dear old Millard Fillmore Elementary,
As Three-Desks Tommy, highly imaginative monicker
Deriving from his decidedly unimaginative first name
And the fact that he, indeed, had three desks,
Each of them stuffed chock-full
With uncounted numbers of pencils and erasers,
Any number of homework papers
(Usually A’s and A-pluses,
Though there were the odd B’s and B-minuses as well,
As he was a bright, in fact inordinately bright, child,
But sometimes given to sloppiness and stray pencil marks
And a predilection for not reading the directions completely)
Eerily accurate renditions of dinosaurs,
Wildly inventive stories featuring rainbow-hued dragons,
Noble and voluble talking bovines,
And knights and knaves of every size, shape, and suzerain,
Stories which resided cheek-to-jowl with some bit of uneaten sandwich
Until such time it made its existence
Abundantly clear to the custodial staff.
We’d never stopped to think much about his miniature Maginot Line;
It was what Tommy did and had always done
For as long as we could remember,
Though there were some teachers and an assistant principal or two
Who thought the whole thing was permissive bordering on coddling
(His teacher was a veteran of the wars, and well-insulated by tenure,
But she had grown weary of over-glasses glares and snide asides
When Tommy’s name came up in the staff room,
A death by a thousand cuts and all that),
And one day, while moving one of his desks
To clear space for Simon Says,
It had caught on a sticky spot,
Overturning onto a soon-to-be-fractured toe.
When he came back to school, accompanied by an ungainly cast
And an equally ungainly pair of crutches, his teacher took him aside.
Tommy, she purred, Maybe someone is trying to tell you something.
The other kids all make due with one desk,
And I’m sure you can find a way to as well, don’t you, Tommy?

So Tommy embarked on a great cleansing of his little fiefdom,
Filling several garbage cans with his collected works,
(Math papers and mastodons, bologna and Brobdingnagians)
And afterward he’d kept himself to one standard desk,
Duly filing, returning, and circular-filing his paperwork
As the occasion demanded
(Though one time Murph Dunkirk
Asked Three-Desks if he minded downsizing;
Tommy just shrugged, and said Well, it’s better than a broken foot)
And maybe in his dreams he had a thousand desks,
A thousand tops to fling open,
A thousand repositories for light and legend
Or perhaps he never gave it so much as a second thought,
No way to know now, one supposes,
Though if anything out of the ordinary had come his way,
We would’ve probably heard.
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2016
man, a shattering of woe against the shoreline of synonymous
due applause - or kindred with the devil,
burrowing to circumstance the saharan shadow,
tipped shortest via noon,
                    how experience
    humanity without a language,
that god brokered, and not sanctify
Pontius Pilate as the saving grace?
  lava mea mani mundi -
wash my (mandi(ble)) hands clean (purus) -
aristocrats of Pompeii... ugly *******;
       differed - as was the price
of entering Oxbridge.
                 which is why the content
of dreams was questioned, rather the context...
because who was the narrator, after all?
                  why didn't Freudian theory
question the narrator, but instead superimposed
itself as the gravitas narrator: combining both
content and context of dreams?
                   i find it scary that Freud
managed to toy around until the point where
he found a dysfunctional dummy staging horror
that lacked all necessities of a ventriloquist
       framed toward a subplot: embedded in needing one.
  is Freud the only person to provide narration
for the phenomenon of dreaming?
                i still find dreams caged in Kantian noumena...
i.e., why do they happen in the first place?
        i think it's strange that dreams occur in the first place,
that's the context question,
  Freud already answered the content question:
****** Pythagorean truce: it's called all geometric shaping
fits the answer: *******.
      yes, that's me done & dusted...
                           i'm just wondering about what need
we have within Darwinism to dream... what are
the evolutionary downsizing benefits?
isn't dreaming a delusional cauldron that disturbs
our will... or is Hollywood dead and our fancies
are no longer fanciful... what would a history
of dreams reveal, merely Joseph as the sole
dream architect?
                     Freud was but a man,
he said something about the content of dreams,
he didn't say anything about the context of dreams,
i can't find anyone to explain to me
                a need for a context and a need to dream...
i guess the people who dream are as easily
impregnated with a summary of Voltaire's Candide...
that this is: the best of all possible worlds...
          sure, but inscribe upon this world
a concentrated censorship of dreams...
       let me dream the last thing i might see
and give it all the mechanics of what others dream of
to the tilt of fully-embraced enhancement fakery...
             i will still not understand how you managed
to lodge a photon inside my cranium, or why there's
a need for me to dream, that's Freud point + on the content,
but that's also Freud point minus given the context...
    not if i have to hammer a thousand nails into
planks of wood will a dream matter to me....
             by god, make your money from analysis
dream content, but you'll end up a pauper analysis
dream context... are our lives so dandy and simple
that we retreat from political hierarchies
                            and what needs to be addressed
and with tails dragged between our hinds
                  we create foci for translating dreams into
a realism that can never be realised, because being
a realism, it's only a superficial version of
the pain that reality is?
                  yep, so much "wording",
and how many breaths did you inhale and exhale
while i said that? me too, on words: too many.
             Freud can have his content-invoking
affirmation of life and the subsequent prejudices...
but Freud cannot have a context-angling depravity
     to forward life, and consequent pejoratives
being suitor:
             for those who dare not think
                    are easily converted to dreaming...
and those who care to not dream,
   are ushered into the most obscure thinking
   that has not parallel with celebrated thought
akin to Einstein or Newton... but then again,
the celebration of dreams have only one representative,
and he's biblical... oh sorry: mythical.
yet that's where it all begins,
and it is a great sacrifice... to abandon the comforts
of dreams, in order to think uncustomary
   or even murky, uncelebrated thoughts...
                         to think the mundane and non-applicable
insistences... and then dream nothing,
and then see humanity's impecible practibility
  in the do rather then the lost assertive of be,
for humanity does the most, and is the least...
  for every hundred of do instances,
there's but a hundreth of a be instance worthy a mention;
meaning? do the plumbing...
       chop the timber, fix the electric...
                    no one tells people to reach a frantic embodiment,
or calls for an impersonal god that might leave them
   personal & authentic... everyone always asks for a personal
god that leaves them impersonal... robo-tectonic akin
  to Islam... thus ascribing: quantifiably nihilistic...
                   is my life too unbearable to continue or
unbearable to convene such a life, and quote:
  "simply nodded" on my Christmas greeting card...
******* cha cha cha...
                             i ain't a trebuchet,
but i'll swing a plum with a pair of knuckles
should you need more lip-balm for a smooch;
i'm just jittery about the date you'll test me.;
because the other-half-of-me was particular
about that dietary schematic of anorexia;
some said it was cool amphibian akin to ambiance
and hence the strobe light and break-dancing epileptic:
                       coffers full of chuff!
o lookie lookie, who the ****** unit of the
daffy bunch: quack squint-mc-dire...
no wonder she says her name's Chelsea postscriptum.
Kida Price Jul 2014
Tangled up again...I couldn't keep myself from the haze and lift that it brings me. I channel thoughts. Giving my addiction excuse to focus on one thing or nothing at all. I could do both. The bowl in my hand is fading. Knuckles bleeding. Stomach wrenching. A life left me. Expecting it to leave maybe 8 months from now but things change. So do people. Let the smoke fill the space between my ears...take me to my little boy. Let me see his smile in my mind. I need it after tonight.

Losing sight of love and this was one I crippled myself for. I loved him for 7 years of my youth. My sparring partner and greatest obsession of the opposite ***. He taught me how to take and give a hit. In more ways than one. Denounced Mormonism and traded it in for something that I thought would last longer than faith. Futile love is always the craze in any generation. Who was I to deny that right of passage? See where I'm getting at?

First to fall for and first to chase. This boy and I took refuge in each other's warped sense of affection. He loved others, of course, while keeping a watchful eye on those I would converse with. They could look but not touch what he had claimed as his. And I was, for all intents and purposes. He was my first for it all. His eyes were the first to glance past the baby fat and crooked teeth. His voice was the first to laugh at the awkward things I'd mumble out. He'd tell me that he loved me before I was pretty.

I became pretty? In the mind of who I imagined to be flawless. Even in the spiraled trap of puberty, he was coveted by the raging hormones of all teenage girls. I wasn't spared. Yet, grateful that I eventually could contest with the face I was consistently in awe with. I let him in me when I found myself to be worthy of his complete touch. He waited 6 years so the boy had been through enough to be rewarded by my maiden's head breach.

God, it wasn't what I expected. I ached and squirmed but not out of pleasure. It hurt worse than getting kicked in the face. I struggled, asked for patience and found that he could choose not to hear me. And out of love, I bit my tongue and closed my eyes. Find a happy place. Find a happy place. Turns out the things I tried to forget from childhood resurface in the most familiar ways. Felt the same but different face. Smell of sweat and iron grip. I braced myself to keep the memory in and I managed.

After that it was no more than just a rip. Healing took faster with each ****** of desire he blessed me with. I know I sound like an idiot. Only because I was back then. I also cringe at who I was. Thinking of forever and the like. Blah blah blah. He filled me with more than just his light. Unknowingly accepting it. How could something as sturdy as latex tear? The mystery of the century.

Right around the time he lit up my first joint was about the time I came down with an illness...of sorts. His magic cure was herb. Helps with the nausea. I puffed and held like a champ. Never coughing and receiving the initiative background laugh. I was apart of his pack now. Who needs family anymore when you surround yourself with strangers with an itch and a twitch that can only subside with powders and pills? I could be one of them. Scars and bruises already proved me in.

They never saw a chick hit the way I did. I had the humor of a brother and the swing of a boxer. Perfect combination of a couple. He would show me like a bleeding trophy and I stood proud to be his. Until the sickness got worse. You could guess why. Took me by surprise when the *** stick sentenced me to impregnation. I remember being in shock but smiling none the less. Not even 18 yet and was going to have his namesake in my belly.

Still, I knew him well. Loved and accepted him all the same but...I knew how that game was played. I was pro choice, but loving the child too much to choose that alternative, I saved as much till as I could. I would make a break for it and tell no one. Nothing in my minor name so it'd be easy to leave without a trace. And telling him was already made clear as a bad decision. I would do what had to be to have a chance with my son. I always knew he'd be a boy. Overjoyed and I named him prior to him fully growing. Dillon Quinn Lane. It was perfect for who I'd guide him to be in my imagination.

A month passed without showing and my bank account looked less empty. Downsizing slowly the belongings I had to make the extra cents rise a little without doing the same with my parents suspicion. Or his. Kept my distance as much as I could considering the life I had been recently welcomed to. Confided in one should have been less than that. Word travels fast but I didn't give blunt details and I was safe in saying maybe and not definite. The one I loved wouldn't have any part of it and I would ask for nothing. Turned out his fear started to churn to reclaim his youth before I'd steal it away.

Confronted. Denying and screaming louder with each pulse of sound. He suspects my womb to have opened for vacancy and I show him my ******* in response. That's all the answer he needed without a solid statement from my end of things. A fist to the gut....
Hunched over, cradling who was too small to cradle. Too blind with tears to see the stairwell. He nudge and gravity did the rest. Classic miscarriage. I guess we went as far as we could go in this relationship. I thought quietly at the bottom of those steps.

Afterwards, I gave myself permission to lose my mind. Joined the **** life for fun but now I lived it to die. Tried anything I could get my hands on and grieved numb. Small stretch marks left behind from my little one...he left a small part of himself on me to love. Dillon Quinn. His conception was wanted by only one and I would loved him enough for 100 or more.

Every year around this time I think of him still. Curly hair? Crooked teeth or straight. Would have just turned 6. I now realize the life I wouldn't have been able to give and still I'm wishing and willing him to at least live. Reincarnate to others. Both a mother and father who loved him like no other child could fathom love. He would deserve it after what his previous parents had done. And now I'm too scared to even try again even on purpose. Feeling like I betray him when I don't speak his name aloud.

Clearly, I have some issues to steady out and stabilize. I'm a cynic now and most things I've done and seen no longer phase me to drama. I know who I am and I don't plan on becoming anyone different. Still, if you see a little boy like mine, tell him mommy says hi.
I use this site as a diary of sorts. Clears my head and keeps me from other things I could be doing. 7 years past a memory. Reoccurring but long gone. Sleepy phantom thoughts rise and I write. It's not going to change anything but if it's out of me maybe I'll sleep.
Odd Odyssey Poet Jun 2024
Your eyes so sharp; hint at a piercing yellow in the air-
beyond measure beyond what we lose reasons to care for.
Therefore, you shall find me down a path to the honeyed
days, when all we try to hold on to, tilts and drifts away.
While my feelings for you left me all sun-washed and
golden, now downsizing myself, inches into days.

Forever being the promise of a storm; a cause of havoc in my
heart- we meet, we fall in, fall out of love and finally depart.
Still, I’ll remain searching for the sweetness of your yellow
nectar- the tenderness we both shared. Still steeped in your
honey comb lips; as every kiss was a promise, dripping with
sweet promises, and its amber glow.

                I… remain as the one still chasing after you
                                                   -an eternal hunter bee.
Lucrezia M N Mar 2016
Curious and uncomfortable
here is the tidiness, a lack of nostalgia,
a mutual waiting, spacing out,
reckoning a future past
that naturally would run its course.

All around still green and too gray
ruling a no man’s land
where to stand on toes,
holding my breath over the level
of time, when coming to a standstill
it always leaves his deepest mark.

Downsizing, justifying
what I have and what I have not.
Never I was left without my only gift
the carefulness of the loving sun,
that hint to refract inertia and will
for I live the light across.

If through one rainy night
It sounded like you changed it all.
Nat Lipstadt Oct 2015
measuring the small pieces of daily endeavor,
the small bites of how I stay a survivor,
taking each moment and weighing its value,
upon the scale of my cupped hands,
living in ounce and grams,
deferring the pounding poundage of
what ails, haunts, curses us to an
existence of forever indebted dementia

in downsizing life to first cup morning coffee,
a passing sensation of another's hand grazing,
a message from a friend that brings tears and joy
so much that there is no distinguishing either,
this is is how I get thru the onerous calculations
of all that I fear.

in a small fist of
firsts and seconds,
I grasp and hold on
till the next one comes along,
my next handhold on the sheer cliff with no top,
that we are forced to conquer with our first waking breath

and I thank anyone who cares,
anyone who understands simply
these words, the small comfort therein,
when we acknowledge as we are loath to do,
that the permanent curses of our lives,
cannot ever be erased, nor put or washed away

but from a new flowering, a ciel blue
tapestry colored, happy tainted
withe pure white cumulus,
in the photo of my grandchildren entwining,
in my backyard garden in a city of concrete lines,
in overlooked surprises under the bed,
these are the amuse bouche, the little tastes,
the amusements upon our tongues
that give me just enough to hold on and wait,
welcoming the next one with even slower measuring
so that I can log just one more stitch of hope upon my skin,
a teaspoon of, an eighth of a cup extra,
of comfort, of the pleasures of existence

I think of long ago captures, old poems,
and write this and them down
free formed
as they come,
waiting not for any editor of life
to improve. upon them,
from and in their own cracked shell
I see and share,
the nut of value within

sometime I guess but do not upon it dwell,
that we will see each other once again,
and when in taking each other's current measurements,
measure ourselves not
against each other
but our growth within and
for each other

and now I sip my coffee and weep,
a grown man,
writing in the dark,
of loss, of love,
of lost sons,
of the
colors that demarcate dawn
as the time between,
between black nighttime bitterness
and the fresh yet to arrive, works in process
that will uncover and soon tremble in their delight,
and say another day to come, another
to measure and savor,
one more instant
in your mind that proved
can measure

6:42 am
Oct. 23, 2015,
by the early morning light
of a New York City palette
I write this for the poets and friends here who have
welcome trespassed upon my heart with
their sadnesses, joys,  losses
and in  their sharing,
make me measure better and desirous of
Elizabeth Jane Dec 2012
Every year at Christmas time in the room by the door
Stood a tree that reached from ceiling to floor
With neon colored lights and presents and joy
Though that room meant more then the presents and toys
The room where our tree stood fluorescent  and bright
That filled up my winters with joyful new light
But this year is different that room that I love
The one with the tree light looming above
Belongs to someone who loves it less than I
Who's tree lights are white and pine needles dry
They don't have the memories that my family shared
back when they actually pretended to care
Then dad moved elsewhere and mom wanted the same
So the room became filled with boxes of blame
Then we took those lights and threw them away
Downsizing she called it to try and make it okay
Then we moved here, though I thought she was bluffing
See that room meant Christmas and this room means nothing.
Janet Aitch Jun 2018
How come
I'm surprised
at the treasures
I've squirreled around
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2016
and suddenly my **** was a brussel sprout
in a pickle jar? fine, fine... leave the ******* to the
Indians and the Chinese; because a second Japan is
coming - all because you're an educated hoo-ha lady
making me want to cut  my **** off and powder
my cheeks rather than roll in the hay with you...
you used to be so much fun when you weren't educated
by that ****** spearhead  of feminism directing you in
only one direction... listen... it won't revise and accumulate
all the areas of interest that men had into one coherent
seagull gobble... you can't just walk in with feminism
and revise everything with it alone...
oddly enough, i don't even want to touch you -
the implementation of sterilisation  was best designed
by feminism, while all the old farts and Vatican
gypsies had all the fun, we were downsizing
our erections and ***** juices; will make the bedroom scene
look like a democracy for sure - one way or another
the Chinese ****** to a billion, the **** ****** to
over a hundred, the Indian a billion to add -
we decided on a Scandinavian model -
which means, in our multicultural society
one bus every hour... imagine! one bus an hour...
the stupendous recollection of what if Saturday night
didn't finish with an angry man walking home
in the fidgety night of kicking things around -
and the jealousy ticket goes to?
you know who i have been glorifying like
a Jew.
Big Virge Sep 2021
So What’s The Real Deal...
In This World Nowadays... ?!?

Because People For Real...
Are Getting... IRATE... !!!

Due To Vaccine Mandates...
And Government Claims...
That Corona Has Made...
Us All Have To Change...
The Way We Behave...

And Of Course VACCINATE...
So That We Can Stay Safe... !!!

But Protests Are RISING...
Due To The Downsizing...
of Wages And Payments...
As If They’re In STASIS... !!!

But What Is The Basis...
For Claims That Their Making...
In All of Their Statements... ?!?

Because... Depopulation...
Is What... Some Are Saying...
Is Why This Reset’s...
Setting New Precedents... ?!?

And Now The U.S....
Has A New President...
Who Wants To Progress...
To Seeing Vaccines...
Become Mandatory...
For... FED Employees...
To Stop This Disease...
From Spreading Quickly... !!!

So What’s The Real Deal... ?!?

Do We Really All Need...
Because It’s MANDATED... ?!?

Or Because of The THREAT...
of More... CORONA DEATHS... !!!

Because of This Virus...
That’s Killing In Silence... !!!

And What’s The Real Deal...
With This Track And Trace Tech... ?!?

Does It Really Reveal...
And In Turn Then Protect... ???

Virus Infected Heads... !?!

Instead of Cause STRESS...
Due To Pings That Direct...

People To Stay Home...
Or In Quarantine Zones...

Is This Tech What Is Best...
To Help Hinder The Spread...
of This... DEADLY Virus... ?!?

Is The Info CORRECT...
In The Messages Sent... ?!?

Or Does It Have DEFECTS...
That Need To Be CHECKED... ?!?

Because What Is REAL...
Is That World Governments...
And Pharma Companies...
Are Known To Conceal...
And Keep ***** Secrets... !!!

That Generally Tend...
To Embrace The PRETENCE...
of Doing What’s Best...
For Peoples’ Progress...

But Are We Progressing...
Or Are We Regressing... ?!?

What Is The REAL DEAL...
With Where We Are Heading... ?

Because I Now Feel...
That Big Tech Investment...

Will Cause A Recession...
GREATER Than Depressions...
That Have Come Before...
When Inflation SOARS...
And Causes The Poor...
To Want To Start Wars...
That Will Cause An UPROAR...
That Hurt People For Sure... !!!

While Actors Tread Boards...
And Promote The New Cause...

In Ways That Are BLATANT...
Because of The Payments...
That Keep Them Located...
In... FANCY Locations... !!!

Because of The Deals...
That Keep Their Lips SEALED...
When It Comes To What’s REAL... !!!

Because They Now Seem...
To Mostly Join Teams...
of Heads Who Mistake...
What’s Real For What’s Fake... !!!

So What’s The Real Deal...
With All These Famous Names... ?!?

Are They Just Slaves With Chains...
Who’d Rather NOT Play...
... The REALITY Game... !?!

Because What They Lack...
Is The Strength To Make Stands...
That Deal In What’s REAL...
Instead of Fake Tans...

And Claims That AREN'T FACT...
When It Comes To Attacks...
And The Usage of Blacks...
To Act Like The Man...
Who Was Played By Sam Jack... !!!

In... Django Unchained...

Showing TRAITOROUS Ways...
Like A Snitching Inmate... !!!

The Real Deal Is What’s Fake...
So Has Imprisoned Brains...
To Believe What Is Said...
By Those In Governments...
And Our Employment Heads...

As Well As Their Friends...
Who Set Financial Trends... !!!

It’s Time For MORE TRUTH...
And LESS Evidence...
That We Have Been Fooled...
By Lies And Pretence... !!!

That Have Now Reduced...
... Rebellious Heads...
When Laws Are Now Set...
That Will Clearly PROTECT...

Heads In Law Enforcement...
From Facing Judgement...
For Acts of... Violence...
Against Those Who Protest...

Which Is Why Some Now Feel...
That This New Age RESET...

Will Just Create STRESS...
And A World of PROBLEMS... !!!

While The Sheeple Consent...
To... WHATEVER Is Said...
By Groups Like The... UN... !!!

Well This Little Poem...
Has A Question For Them...

That For Once Needs An Answer...
That DOES Keep It Real... !!!

When It Comes To The DRAMA...
That’s Now Part of Life’s Meal...

“ What Is The Real Deal ? “
A reasonable question for these days and times....
bleh Sep 2016
hi my name is and I believe in                   expand out
myself as community together                  remain seated
small businesses and growth                     rend your vision with lens
finance and restructuring                           of sedatives and phlegm
downsizing and expansion                  
small businesses and growth                     the cannibal chair of a limbless corpse
small businesses and growth                     the social vision of
small businesses and growth                     erected stone and allotted plots

                                 look away
                                                            ­             where?
                             To the future
                                                          ­               how?
                       Remain positive
                                                        ­                 with respect to what-
                                                           ­                                       -Don't ask that
                                                            ­             but
                                                                ­                                  -shh

neoliberalism is hella ****
Dev Oct 2018
Who is to say
that I will ever be happy
Like shedding pounds
and downsizing gowns
is the secret thats been kept from me all along.
Like eating air
and taking care
of my hair
is important.

And yeah, I know I'm destroying myself.
And I know that if I get where i wanna be,
I probably still won't be happy.

But at least let me deceive you into thinking
that I actually believe the opposite,
cos it's easy to lie to myself
It's harder to lie to you.
Wk kortas Aug 2017
She brushed her veil aside and tilted her head upward,
Not seeking comfort or benediction,
Only to confirm what she **** well knew was happening,
That the skies, full of gray and grim portent if not outright malice,
Had picked this very time to begin steadily dripping,
Signaling what was sure to be a sodden downpour
(The weekend already chock-a-block with disasters:
The chocolate fountain a testament to dysfunction,
The rehearsal dinner poached salmon overdone and dry
The limousine company downsizing them at the last minute,
Having realized their top-line models
Could never handle the grade or narrow figure-eight drive
Up to the mansion’s precarious hilltop locale.)
The photographer, who’d lived around here all his days
And had developed a sixth sense
Concerning the vagaries of the weather
As well as those of combustible brides,
Had done his best to border-collie the proceedings along,
But as the droplets increased in size and intensity
Recriminations were hurled and doors slammed
As the bridal party sulked off
Toward what promised to be a most interesting reception.

We’d witnessed the goings on,
(Bride fulminating, groom supplicating
The location for the pictures apparently his idea,
Thus proving there are places
Where angels and husbands should fear to tread)
From a safe distance, under the overhang of the great porch
Overlooking the broad, ostensibly placid Hudson below,
Having come here in spite of the clouds,
As the odd rumble of thunder,
And occasional spate of rain being part and parcel of things,
As we’d mucked through these parts long enough to know
That they were fleeting,
And not without compensations of their own
If one was of a mind to seek them out
(We knew full well of the bewitchment
Of seeing the clouds descend slowly,
Covering the sleeping silhouette of old Rip Van Winkle
Slumbering in the knobby Catskill foothills just to the southeast)
And no more than fifteen minutes
After the newly minted man and wife left,
The sun broke through, glorious and unfiltered,
And we ducked into the great room of the house,
Reveling in the magic of unaugmented light.
Olana is the former home/estate/studio of Frederic Church, one of the significant figures in the Hudson River School of painting; it is now a New York State historical site, and a **** breathtaking one at that
Wk kortas Jul 2019
There is no question of her cycling up the hill;
She has no upscale concoction
Of carbon-fiber frame and painstakingly engineered gear-ratios.
Her bike is a single-speed Schwinn
Of as uncertain vintage
As the woman herself,
And she walks it,
An occasional spoke missing,
The paint chipped here and there,
Up where she once climbed
In a ’54 Chrysler convertible
Next to the man
She later visited at the TB sanitorium
Which once sat at the top of the street,
Two sons giggling and bickering
In the back seat
(The boys long since gone,
Having fled the snow and the downsizing
For other climes)
But now she peddles her bike
Around Massey and State Streets for a bit
Before she coasts back downhill,
And sometimes drivers glare
At her (she is, to be fair
Something of an impediment to traffic)
And carfuls of kids or soldiers in convoys
Headed up to Fort Drum
Will heckle her--Hey, lady!
The Tour De France was last month
She no longer has any interest in
The stares or commentary;
She is focused on the bottom of the hill.
Throw a final dart
place to live to die.
Final beat of heart,
final kiss goodbye.
Cremate me I learn
be happy in an urn.
Irina BBota May 2019
Why on earth didn’t you tell me
That the entire world is getting so ill?
I wouldn’t have thrown away the golden key,
I wouldn’t have taken that sleeping pill.

Why on earth didn’t you tell me
That he’s craving for a life that’s fair?
I would have brought a wave from the sea,
I would have helped him in his despair.

Why on earth didn’t you tell me
That he had enough of conspiracy and denial?
All he wants is just to be happy and free,
Not to be condemned without any trial.

Increased temperatures, sea levels rising,
Severe weathers bringing furious flood,
Antarctica’s ice is now downsizing,
In a few years all you will see, will be blood.

Now you all have to burn in the flame of the truth,
You think you’re honourable thieves by wearing a glove,
No one will be saved by the fountain of youth.
You just pay for the departure to the sky and above.
Ranita May 2017
When I sit down to write
500285 thoughts roll through my head
The decision of what topic to write on
Is the most difficult to make
I find myself downsizing on each "poem"
Trying to get to the core of what I'm trying to say
But I find that I miss saying other things I want to say
A series
Called Specifics
I want to describe more things in greater detail
So as to get the emotions out as clean as possible
Thank you for your time
Flower in my mind and you
where are you
I am driving the ocean tossed, but where  will I go without you,
down in my mind downsizing me interrupted flow
I  purely need you, I need you
May be I will fall in love with you
Arlene Corwin Apr 2019
The Clock Tick-Tocks Your Socks Away⏳
                      (quirky but not funny)

The clock ticks like a wick downsizing in the dying:
Temporary, transient, here today and gone tomorrow.
Pastimes burrowed into passed times past,
One thinks of famous men and women, fired, admired.  
Mind gets tired, for they’re gone,
Their traces ploughed into the fertile, furrowed place beyond.
Cassavetes* and Columbo*; cancer and dementia.
Legacies of wizardry and yet, their own and grievous ends.
Death leaves a black hole - pointless, endless,
Llfe a mole (in every sense):  secret agent, blotch and spy.…
Gulf between ability and what is real:
The real causes in this wheel of cause/effect, effects so spread
It breaks one’s head to think about.
Life and end:
Serene or more than flesh can stand.
What’s left of name, what’s left of fame?
In a wink consigned to limbo.
What is left for one to do?
Desiring nothing, seeing through the great illusion:
Corwin’s view: nothingness of/ in the all.  
So do not cry but live the by and by with joy;
Pain of any sort’s a sore-ful, wearying and taxing bore.
Know yourself, and carry on, not with tons of worried hurry, but with kindly moderation.
Suns and stars - the galaxies are growing out, then easing off.
Continue pleasing you yourself
With coffee, for all coffers are but coffins — truth you cannot slough.
Habits sound, so as to lengthen years with scarce few tears and fears;
Apostle of benevolence to one and all in the small, small spheres of sway;
Continuing in doings that belong to each propensity,
Refining all the while, smile!
Let me sleep
Sun smile
Fever of possibility
Downsizing walks
In reverse...
Melted in the cages of emotions
Blocking ownself
With possible restrictions

Now building
Mending walls...
All around reality
Realizing a sense
Alienation deeply inside cobwebs of own construction...
Or rather a destruction
Running time in different quadrant of time n spaces....

One thing is clear...
Time runs in straightforward
So let me sleep
For next
Reverse tracing
Well that works, don't know...


Life revolves...
In possibility of time n space quadrant
Elements of nature
Isn't it ?

Not sure that Halloween is a good idea this year,
there's more than enough masks being worn,
and are we being worn away, eroded, railroaded?

I'm downsizing, saying my byes in one letter or less
someone has to try it if only to see if it's possible.
A Love cubes ...
And dancing ...
A walk

A way of forever... downsizing narrow walk...
In the cabin of new possibilities...
Blueberries smiling

A singing...
shall  I enter in the dreams of yours...?
If you wish..
Makayla Oct 2018
I was always against my mother when she talked about moving
But today I told her she can do whatever she wanted
Because I don't think I have anything here anymore
Nobody likes me anymore
And I'm just a joke to some people around the school now
I just wish I could rewind everything
If only I just showed more support
When you told me you two are a thing again
I wouldn't be heartbroken and have you hating me right now
Nor would I be downsizing,
Preparing myself to move here in the near future...
nivek Nov 2018
we make the mistake of downsizing love to our puny human understanding of our own failing at it
thereby we do not believe in a God who is love, and being love can be absolutely nothing else.
Alexander Smith Jun 2011
Slick, it slithers, slyly slitting a slender
wrist (wrenching and writhing) and constantly controlling a
newcomer, now not neglecting noting,
he helplessly harms here and
there, though thoughtlessly thorough
anytime, anywhere (like an animal)
deeply depressing, downsizing, destroying,
working our wared-out worries, wondering wye flays flesh, frequently forgetting

that we care.
Say it as one full sentence. It does not make much sense, but it's a tongue twister poem.
sandra wyllie Nov 2019
from the moment
we’re born. The doctors
perform the ritual of cutting
us off from our mothers when
they sever the umbilical

We get cut
again, if we are boys and our
parents circumcise us
by choice.

We get cut
out of people’s lives
as we get older. Some
relationships don’t last

We get cut
on the job
when the company
is downsizing. Only to
learn no one else is now

We get cut
from the team
from our partner’s wills
in essential –
we can’t get through life
without undergoing the knife
Mateuš Conrad Jul 2024
van Gogh! van Gogh! achtung achtung!
sir, did you take time
to reflect
upon being hit in the reflexive dimension
of reality:
yes: there's the definite article that's the reflexive
and there's the indefinite article that's
                    if there emerges a refractive article
i will let you know:
bodies! bodies! summon more bodies!
non-responsive for the demands of oratory
self-serving pleasures:
did i? mention that emoticons don't appear
to have ears? i must have...
which poem? sieve through over 7 ******* thousand?
i find myself giggling at the idea
that: well: who could, possibly: remember?!
by the book and the glitches of: future noir
or: as in passing:
to leech off time is the only measure
of being confined to this citadel of space...
this: corrupt atmospheric stench whereby otherwise
a surgical vacuum of cold beyond ice
beyond measure of ordeal: where only pockets
of composite parts: mostly geology and gas exist
spinning on a whirlwind of re- re- repeat "no rhythm"
strangely engineered: simply to have found
orbits rather than having settled for a rising sun
and a tiding moon...
but... never mind:
                      van Gogh oh: why don't emoticons
have ears?
mind you: is that such a nuisance in the abstract
of a toddler that
we sometimes don't pull at stupid and face
puffing up our cheeks: squirming our eyes or
ogling them prodding out almost
at the promise of an escapade from
the tortures of being symbiotic with the mind...

well well: i did leave a kind: suggestion:

                   ?               !
                           . .

  all that's missing is, a replica:

                   ?               !
                           . .            (

and that's: an ear          (
shoeshine shy:
moonshine bliss...
                      i am on the verge of expanding
my confined space to
alternative timings:
given that i write so vehemently and at every
willynilly opportunity:
and that i can bypass the editorial constipation
of: *** see *** ça:

conflations of rhetoric:
biodiversity is a prerequisite of nature per se:
spiders flies sunflowers...
by Jove and the jovial
monstrous motto:
i too dream about flying to Kenya or Nigeria
and becoming a hand model
or at least advertising: soap...
                      "diversity is our strength":
who's... this "our" without a "we"?

                   but sir sir! did you take time
to make the most of the opportunity to ensure
the sandbag brigade slowed down your
exit from stage so that
a fist pump could be adequately measured
and the coffin might be brought to
confiscate the Dementia Tor?

                  evil Rasp u Tin with that devilish
smile i do wonder why some
cagey democratically journalistic
phobia / aversion to will
                                        some ditto X monstrosity
of welcome opinion
or satisfying neutrality like one cannot
somehow clarify: collateral...

                  evil: well: at least it's not naive...
opportunistic: but certainly not naive
and asleep: evil: vilification of edible part
and some body...
       not this daydreaming ooh ah:
this insomniac crux
  that sometimes brings about "abuse" of sedatives
but in the meantime
a spontaneous gesture galore...

as predictable as any kind of weather:
being, unpredictable...
Oonglaand so ooh: the last prized asset
of this:
            but if you're going to be a sports fan
proper you won't be a football fan
and you certainly will not adhere
to watching football drunk:

by the time the 5th pint get's the kosher glug
of slit the throat by ice and carbon dioxide
fizz... from 11 v 11 idiots running on the pitch
you end up with 22 v 22 on the pitch...
how can anyone give me the fathomable
argument that sport can be enjoyed with
                         maybe not enough blood in
the sport(s)...


it's raining... such bliss cannot come
as readily: there was no planning involved:
July's rains in England:
i will miss them dearly...
one hurdle...

this i've seen in a dream: vaguely...
it's coming back to haunt me:

Game of Thrones: obviously i watched it
today i refreshed the paint in the living room
can't remember the color...
that same old, Faustian quote of a nugget
of gold in my pocket: i'm sinking..
the theme for the Night King...
haunting yet abbreviated to:
ears to a face:

   ()          no... not zodiac with cancer
walking sideways
instead Pisces afraid of the outer-world:
                 immortal hands do not cite
Shakespeare: shaking the pear tree
a new serpent a Newton
sat beneath
and before the quadratic disparity
came gravity
and angels fallen
and gods as demigods fallen...

a year 0 with the advent of a Neu Demokratie...
the calendar year of celebrity culture:
best believe
to think of the dead and their unsolved
or pedagogic achievements:
i still think the curriculum could be change...
notably by the basics of
a study of biology:
how is one to: start calling NOUNS RZECZOWNIK
mianownik... etc.

          BiG TiMe...

            if not under the guise of the Niqqab...
or perhaps the Abjad...#de profundis in excelsior...
from the depths oh Lord...
make the vowels small...
keep the consonants CaPiTaL... imitation...

'WNIK... borrowed from wnikać: but there is a
unit of WNIK: inquiry point...
            inquiry into time: using verbs...
Polish grammar:
time-O-O-time: eternity standing like
a man and not lying like a monkey: i.e. 8...
and B that gave birth to it...

i feel sorry for the people in my life
that cared to love me:
i've written their state of being forgotten...
while i drag these rags of
the philosopher who saw the Gorgon
Medusa and plunged himself into the mouth
of the spirit Baron of Etna...
where fire and earth meet to make meat:
which is why: origins of us:
the air we to breathe: among trees...

seeing faces in things...
sclera onomatopoeia myopia...

there's no ego in the divination of consciousness:
there's no i in consciousness:
there's only the satan i...
that one that needs to get behind you
that needs to un-muddle your screaming
a pain and a scratch not really there:
ghost limb and with that:
madness and the ghost ego
ego can become fathomable from the madman's
perspective of the amputee:
ghost limb... ghost ego...
hence: shrapnel and schizophrenic voices...
whoever taught you that electron
make orbit?
aren't they quantum... quantum...
metaphysics is... or rather was...
metaphysics became conquered by the discovery
of quantum: physics...
i punctuated for a ******* reason!

god is not dead:
what is dead is metaphysics:
i give no platitude of authority
there's no governing that statement with authority:
metaphysics died because:
because Quantum Physics was discovered
and that was the death of "god" or rather ego:
the veneer of the secular trinity of
ego superego and id
without the mother-construct:
some bogus: some Chimera monstrosity
of averting our eyes from truth
a sacrele-gous: forget the spelling
i'll play dyslexic i know what i want to say!

solo piano soothing:
solo biolin? that's B in Spanish also a V
           quest for a despotic cure for all,
the evils of this world:
that there be a worthless priestly caste...
i thought that status in society was
non-existent: i did see through Darwinism
to the extent of deeming what
is question-worthy and what is self-answerable
and therefore defunct: swappy:
not in dire need...
not priest not churches no affiliations:
even if the Islamic Pakis think that
they are conquering anything in England:
what? the bad weather:
you have no stomach:
no matter the amount of dyslexic barrage

on Kauai: i will not listen to an ex-drug blah blah
DYSLEXIC pseudo-
let's all ******* congregate you
******* mongrel of a half pass as a Mongel:
you think?! think or "think":
Weimar will burn and give girth
to a birth of a superstar
and he'll be a failed artist and he'll be
my precursor:
my John the Baptist: ******...
and i will make this world a toy in an ear...
beside the hands...

the next ******* dyslexic **** wills
you... what?
there's an i in consciousness
ego: e.g. O...
who says that i have to begin to think with
iota and not alpha?
who says "identity crisis": best
i begin with omega? like upsilon is to omicron
hyperscript or downsizing in chemicals?

i spared myself jerking off for the day...
******* has become so bland...
so bland with her in my life:
i might be living in L'nd'n
another way to disguise the vowels...
imitation Hebrew:

      it will take time: the Holocaust:
made to adapt...
apparently the Jesus was not the Christ...
and my idle hands have been summoned...
to clarify: caressing...
three flicking switches
and her **** juices are running: sweet...

there's no "i" in consciousness...
there's an i... but there's no: "i"...
eye: "i think":
aye: i think:
aye? aye?!
            faking a secular: religiosity:
where once stood: a people:
       their supposed conquest
comes with the same distopian
fervor of the Ancient Romans:
this Islamic quest to expand west...

  what idle ******* sand *******!
i call them by their best exclaimed
in Mongol territory:
idle sun-worshiping
sand-                             -*******!

                           no ice blue devestation
of envy: peering envy....
just the clarifying junction:
of: what wilt?!

      so much of history:
yet we have the Yeti and the botox ***
celebrity culture demands:
i did say:
is the t.v. our former self
of conversation:
akin to the fireplace?

   consciousness implies: but doesn't stress:
           the fire is now the insomnia
and people have lost or rather
frail: be:
noun struct: some nouns
leaving un-availability of use...
to the t.v.

the moon shone: one day...
before it was conquered...
by bad reality day fathoms:
of this stupid everyday...

i see ice in water...
i see coal in fire...
i see air in abundance:
an absentee tree without a body...
i see faces in trees
like i don't want to see
faces in bodies...
with bodies...

              German intellect: surpassed:
but then it passed:
passed far far away...
and no revival came
and no hope, came,
and no faith: came...

came the Jew with Germanic
apologetic demands:
and that came... and... died...
and who knows...
who are the Slavic people
and why Moscow is paranoid
but it's a sign of health
to be: diligent and not so much:
a loud-mouth...
came the German with:
but we only allowed the middle-class
who am i: are you? the pardonable
enlisted: choir?!

at least on Kauai i will not have to live with:
Jews, Muslims...
whatever the **** SPRouTS... blah...
they ******* Northern Irish Accents
of Activism:
their ******* murk of m'eh:
i don't want to be living among
people who adore PAJAMAS
in transit and fried chicken for closure...
i just: don't!

        these sectarian half Irish:
waiting to be more ******: distractions...
but i don't want to live among
do i: have to?
do i: have to?
           is this brain-worm of anti-racism
an escapist path do
i really have to? "you":

like the idea of a gorilla...
breeding with chimpanzees...
so advertise this: left-oid:
******* mess: less weaning: to not leaning?
i love races:
i abhor interracial breeding:
with: exceptions...
but to make an example:
to make a societal claim for progress?
for white girls to be given black husbands:
but at least no PAJAMA party
what the **** are we remedying by not

so now, what am i? ******* PANAMA?
tough mess to fizz...
i'm just not that much hyped about
living with Muslims...
i just want to get away from that Turban Party...
if you think you can conquer the world:
believe me:
some of us would rather prescribe ourselves
the medical zenith of death
living, with, you, half-baked,
stinking, camel-jockeys...
is... a *******: INSULT...
it's an INSULT to exist: per se...

                      i don't want to live in a world
of Islam, Christianity, Judaism... regardless...
there's no i to be invoked:
it passes: it comes and goes...
but as an "i" for quest of "identity":
and with all the glorification of the art of acting
is somehow: a mirage?

there's the sky...
the earth...
the sun and the moon...
there are tides
and there are sinking islands...
there's the Polynesia and
there's a Lost Europe
of looking beside the horizon: of:
the dictates of the Steppes
toward Asia and beyond...

i really don't want to have these sort
of neighbors who... are not even the who i ask of:
but some: mirage...
of faking: symbiotic endeavors...
clone closest...
i'd best be:
a hybrid of you-and-me...
but only you: but only me...
and that's the closest i felt:
this far apart...

           so the boa feeds: by a claustrophobic
stand on your head
and count to 10 mummification...
if i were to simply die: the sudden: die:
without the morphing into death: a lessened
noun associating:
the only: by verb: spontaneity:
to die                           not dead:
to die: indefinitely...
not dead: not definitely:   unto the cursor of A...
without a definite to define definition of THE...
Michael Marchese Mar 2020
2 years elapses
Right back to the
Lapse in
The facts
In this Pax
Reacting en masse
To the mass
Like fires
As wild
As isis kids’
Detention centers
And forgetting
The criminal record
Of liberty’s
In floodwaters rising
Too toxic to drink
And the carbon downsizing
Too noxious to think
So don’t blink
Or you’ll miss
The disguising
The virus,
The climate crisis
Bill becomes law
So you don’t see
The fatal,
Just a stimulus package
Diverting the crashing
And backtracking
Like trickle down
Branden May 2020
Never thought I'd feel this,
I'd thought I'd be dead,
Thought I'd be slitting my wrists,
Saved me with one little kiss,
How can I write what I feel,
How can I say it's surreal,
How much I'm glad you exist,
I'd die for you I'm not scared to admit,
Loved you from the first time you smiled,
Still remember the feel of your lips,
Used to shaping my words,
Avoiding a trial,
Downsizing the way that I feel,
But you see right through the lies,
What a surprise,
Love you to death,
I swear you're the one,
Haven't felt dead in a mile,
Maybe you can stay for a while,


— The End —