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Ivan Brooks Sr Aug 2018
African woman
Mother of civilization.
Oh beautiful woman,
Thou are beyond description.

African woman
Queen of the people of Mamba.
Jambo to all those in heaven
Bless you too my dear mama.

African woman
Royal Nubian Queen.
The backbone of her man
You'll do anything to help him win.

Single Black woman
Made of broken pieces
You're the breadwinner,Superwoman.
You're the symbol of strength in all places.

African woman
Daughter of Eve's.
Thou are God's true specimen,
And the apple of his eyes.

Black woman
Daughter of Africa.
Blueprint of a **** woman,
Dark hue of coffee arabica.

African woman
Mother of humanity
Chieftess of ancient Nyngoman,
Mama Africa's bounty.

African woman
My Mandingo bride.
First woman of Africa's Eden
Center of God's black tribe.

Nigerian woman
My Yoruba Queen.
Envied by the women of Oman,
Cafe ou lair, cream of Africa's cream!

Warrior woman,
Queen of Wakanda.
Come and flip your wand,
Find the soul of Sarafina.

Curvy woman
In your womb lies Africa's future.
My Lormah woman
Oyobuays marvels at your structure.

Beautiful woman,
Perpetual envy of the silicon woman.
Pride of the Black man,
The essence of a real woman.

Indigo Woman
Lillies of the African plains.
Thou are Eve of the African Eden,
Best of the portraits that nature paints.

Voluptous woman,
Full, thick natural lips.
Real assert of the Black woman,
Nature gets aroused by your hips.

Ellen Sirleaf, today's woman,
Africa's first female president.
A Liberian woman,
Loved and revered wherever she went.

Smile ,Gambian woman,
You're daughter of Sarakunda.
Roots of the Black American woman,
Captives of the kanda Bolinga.

South African woman
Mariam Makeba
Sang for freedom and fought like a man
You were truly Soweto's finest Deva.

Dark ebony woman,
You are red, yellow and green.
Hanmatan wind stops at your command,
Born to slay and be seen.

African woman
Thou are the only reason
God put Adam in a coma.
Your perpetual beauty transcends time and Season.

African woman,
Under your cleavage, the Nile flows
And between your fingers, golden threads are woven,
You are the reason Beyonce glows.

Harriet Tubman, brave woman
Smuggled slaves underground.
She was a freed Black slave woman,
Who avowed to leave no soul behind.

Creative woman
Maya Angelou, gifted poetess.
Famous writer and a Black woman
Will be remembered for her poetic prowess.

Native African woman,
Africa's limestone and cement.
A mother, a wife, virtuous woman,
Lioness and the spine of the continent.

Liberian woman
Roots of my poetry, you gave me life
You are every woman.
Your edges are sharper than the Sumarais knife.

For mama and all the black Queens.
Cross Boundry Feb 2021
Walk along the riverbed.
You will come upon a nymph,
Aged and smooth
As a riverstone
Sighing and singing with
The water’s flow
Ask her, “How are you, Nymph?”
And she will
Up at you and say
“I am but a tired soul
In a tired sea
Of tired souls.”
Her voice the soft bubbling of the river.

Walk among the trees.
You will come upon a dryad,
Ridged and furrowed
As the tree limb
Upon which she sat as she watched
The leaves fall with the autumn breeze
Ask her, “How long have you sat here, Dryad?”
And she will
Down at you and say
“I grow and grow old
With the tree.
And the tree has grown tired.”
Her voice the raspy crinkle of the fallen leaves.

Walk amidst the flowers.
You will come upon a deva,
Light and sweet
As the honeysuckle she sat amongst
Watching and humming with
The many bees
Ask her, “Who are you, Deva?”
And she will
Away from you and say
“We, those of us that
To this place,
We are Afraid.
And we wish to no longer be Afraid.”
Her voice the wavering stems of delicate flowers.

The nymph chokes on her sisters' remains as
the dryad is cut down and shredded and the deva is
forced into restrained clay pots.

They cannot be freed by one
but by the response
of all.
Megan Sherman Feb 2018
Could such a meditation capture and embrace,
Fine wrought beauty of thy grand, immortal face?
Time's architect of sublime grace,
In whom luscious light of love apace,
The liquor of the moment churn,
With magic, through whence the cosmos rage and burn,
Knowledge of which the sages earn,
For which the scholars learn, fierce yearn,
On my journey through aeons to you,
Through creation with a God I flew,
Saw blessed fires run through you.

Raw power of the sun in you,
Never seen bright soul so true,
Beatitude rare for which I grew,
Shed regrets, no shame, no rue,
Deva Kali I do not spurn
Our spirit, may fire of the deva burn,
A beacon to alight all space,
Glow benevolent on the cosmic race,
Meditation guides to thee,
On an endless cosmic, seismic sea.

A solar system is thy mind,
Whirls majestic and refined,
With mysteries and life embroiled,
For a glimpse of which the sages toiled,
A beauty which hath never paled,
Which the saints and bards regaled,
Her form is truth; not up for sale,
Suffice to adorn lore and fairytale,
Reflecting on her I duly find,
My form and hers coiled, intertwined.

O Kali of celestial power,
Bless my heart in immortal hour,
Impart gold virtues known to thee,
So I can rejoice in revelry,
Enamoured of the cosmic majesty,
Beknown to Gods and ones who see,
Ever frolic in enchantment free,
No you, no I, only one heart, we,
No lords who seize time, history,
Just blissful divinity in a cosmic sea.

Thou art avatar of all creation,
In incessant and perpetual motion,
Inspires mind to soar in elation,
And commit itself in deep devotion,
Deepest, sweet celestial commotion,
Assuages my heart's trepidation,
Here my fear is not a notion,
Soul free in immortal recreation,
Kali, Kali, spirit true,
Blessed fires run through you.

Your legs the roots on life's wizened tree,
Roots bubbling with time's energy,
Your arms the blossoming canopies,
Which scatter wisdom's flowers free,
That drink up lightning from the sun,
Inside your heart, as time begun,
See her conquer, see her run,
A goddess for all; let us be one,
In awe of you, I just a smote,
As I stand with you at end of time remote.

Beget thy purpose to create,
Plant seeds in which all time gestate,
She lives for life insatiate,
For which I am in joy, elate,
My atman, Kali, how lucky I,
Can dwell on Earth, yet soar in sky,
Beloved of the Buddha's cry,
As he sing soft under bough of the Bodhi:
Children, we are all light and love,
Reflect from Kali, our mother dove.

A truth on which the spirit rove,
Souls frolic in her Heart's treasure trove,
Walk softly to that golden grove,
A path for which the mind behove,
Kali, as I for life prepare,
Imbue me with your knowledge rare,
If you permit, and if I dare,
Could I see worlds dance through thine stare?
She dance with cosmic passion there,
A shimmering siren, beckons me to lair.
Prabhu Iyer Sep 2018
O Lord of the hosts!

Shine in radiance, his eyes -
in whose heart is your name;
Who fathoms your ends?
The earth, sky and stars
pay homage to him
and fear fears him,
whom your shadow protects:

O Lord of the hosts!

Wealth finds him in whatever he does
who earns the blessing of your love,
and a shoreless boat is he who
has not found you whose
benevolent eyes keep watch over all
shattering the storms of sins,
whose glory never ebbs;
Becomes a master of destiny,
even forgetting the world, who has
found your grace,
come riding the mouse -

O Lord of the hosts!

Anointed of the dust of your foot
on his forehead, who lives mortal here,
immortal nectars cannot tempt him -
he can drink venom smiling;
Just by the shadow of your grace
the wheel of the chariot of time moves
and by a spark of your ire
abodes of demons burn;

The minions of enemies stand defeated,
miraculous, boon become into this world,
comes your name:

O Lord of the hosts!

Glory, glory to the dear one adorned of peacock-feathers!
mannley collins May 2015
Beyond a beginingless beginning.
It was but was not any "god" or "goddess".
It was but was not "deva" or "devi".
It was but was not "angel" or "demon".
It was but was not a metaphysical being of any kind.
It was but had not any name nor could it be named.
It was but had not any face nor likeness.
It was but had not any body not corporeal form.
It was but had not gender nor ***.
It was but was not incarnate or disincarnate.
It was but was not existent nor non existent.
It was but could not be described by any words in any way.
It was but had not depth nor height nor breadth nor volume.
It was but could not be measured in any way.
It was but could not be imagined.
It was but had not materiality of any kind.
It was but had not immateriality in any way.
It was but had not space nor lack of space.
It was but had not direction nor lack of direction.
It was but had not nothingness.
It was but had not somethingness.
It was but had not anythingness.
It was but had not beingness.
It was but had not light nor dark.
It was but had not wetness or dryness.
It was but was not nowhere.
It was but had not somewhere.
It was but had not anywhere.
It was and then it manifested the nature of its essence
and became the endless Universe and all that was in the Universe.
All that was incarnate.
All that was disincarnate.
All that was physical and metaphysical.
All that was existing and non existing.
And still it was.
It manifested itself in ignorance of its own nature as the Isness of the Universe,in order to participate in the existence it had created from its own nature on an equal and fair level with humanity.
It gave of itself by incarnating a small piece of its own nature into all human bodies,both male and female ,equally but different,at conception and then it made them all ignorant of their beginings as it made itself ignorant of its own beginings.
And then it set these Isness incarnated in human bodies the riddle of the existence that had arisen from its manifestation as the Universe and all that was in it.
It posed these three questions to Humanity and itself.
1--What am I?.
2--Why am I here?.
3--When I know what I am then what is my purpose.
The Isness of the Universe set each individual Isness incarnated in a human body the task of realising its own nature,which was a part of the nature of the Isness of the Universe, so that each individual Isness could then show the Isness of the Universe its own nature incarnated in a human body,female or male equally of any skin colour,dancing the dance of life,singing the song of life..
The principle governing our joint action on creating the Universe and all it contains,especially Humanity,was that before you can reach the heights of Existence you must  go through the depths of Existence.
And oh boy are we going through the depths playing these Mind games?.
mannley collins Aug 2014
It was but was not god nor  goddess.
It was but was not deva nor devi.
It was but was not angel nor demon.
It was but was not metaphysical being of any kind.
It was but had not any name nor could it be named.
It was but had not any  face nor likeness.
It was but had not any body or corporeal state.
It was but had not any form nor lack of form.
It was but not incarnate nor disincarnate.
It was but was not existent nor non-existent.
It was but could be described in words in any way.
It was but had not depth nor height nor breadth nor volume.
It was  but could not be measured in any way.
It was but had not materiality of any kind.
It was but had not immateriality of any kind.
It was but had not space nor lack  of space.
It was but had not direction nor lack  of direction.
It was but had not nothingness.
It was  but had not somethingness.
It was but had not anythingness.
It was but had not beingness.
It was but not Isness or non-Isness.
It was but had not light nor dark.
It was but had not wetness nor dryness.
It was but was not nowhere.
It was but was not nowhere.
It was but was not somewhere.
It was but was not anywhere.
It was and then It manifested the nature of Its essence
and became the universe and all that was in the universe.
All that was incarnate and disincarnate.
All that was physical and metaphysical.
All that was existent and non-existent.
And still It was.
It manifested Itself in ignorance of Its own nature as the Isness of the Universe,
in order to participate in the existence It had created from Its own essence,on an equal and fair level with humanity.
It gave of its own essence by putting a small piece of its own essence--the individual Isness-which is equal and autonomous and individual and independent--into all human bodies,both female and male,at conception.
And It made humans ignorant of their nature--the  individual Isness--
as It  made itself ignorant of Its own nature.
And then It set humans and Itself the Riddle of the Existence
that had come from Its manifestation of its nature as the universe and all that was in it.
It posed these three questions to humanity and to Itself.
1--Who am I?.
2--Why am I here?.
3--When I knowhow I am then what is my purpose?.
Who am I?.
Like all humans,and for the sake of fairness,
It manifested Itself  into ignorance of its own nature also.
The Isness of the Universe set humans the task of realising their own nature--which is the individual Isness--as an equal individual autonomous and independent part of the essence of the Isness of the Universe,so that they could then show the Isness of the Universe Its own essence and then share existence together.
The principle governing Its action in creating the universe and all it contains, especially humanity,was that before you can reach the heights of existence you must go through the depths of existence.
Why am I here?.
Obviously I am here to answer the first question.
After answering the first question --which can only be done existentially and not intellectually--
there would then be the third question to be answered.
The answer to the first question lies in regaining your existential nature--the individual Isness--as a small but equal,independent, individual,nameless,formless,genderless and non-physical Isness formed from the Isness of the Universe which is free from Mind and Conditioned Identity.
The answer  does  NOT lie in amassing the false knowledge of all "religions" and "political systems  that the Mind and Conditioned Identity have created in order to mislead the individual Isness from realising ,existentially,its true nature.
The Isness of the Universe  did not want a world of maniputed puppets,as the Mind/Conditioned Identity,does but in order to achieve fairness in solving the Riddle of Existence,it gave humanity these attributes and the ability to live out their opposites.
Freedom of Will.
Freedom of Choice.
Freedom of speech.
Freedom of Truthfulness.
Freedom of Association.
Freedom of  Debate.
Freedom from Violence.
Agreement to Disagree.
Prabhu Iyer Jul 2015
O Lord of the hosts!

His eyes shine in radiance
in whose heart is your name
whence the origin and where the end
the earth, sky and stars
pay homage to him
and fear fears him
whom your shadow protects

O Lord of the hosts!

He who earns the blessing of your love
wealth finds him in whatever he does
and a shoreless boat is he who
has not found you whose
benevolent eyes keep watch over all
shattering the storms of sins,
whose glory never ebbs,
he becomes a master of his own destiny
even forgetting the world, who has
found your grace, come riding the mouse,

O Lord of the hosts!

Anointed of the dust of your foot
on his forehead, who lives mortal here,
the immortal nectars cannot tempt him
he can drink venom smiling
just by the shadow of your grace
the wheel of the chariot of time moves
and by a spark of your ire
abodes of demons burn

the minions of enemies stand defeated,
a particle is a mountain,
boon become into this world, comes your name,

O Lord of the hosts!

Glory, glory to the dear one adorned of peacocks!
This is the first in my forthcoming series of translations of lyrics from Indian Film Music. As is traditional, I've started with a song dedicated to Ganesha, the Lord of the Hosts and remover of obstacles in all Indian religious and spiritual traditions.

This scintillating song with an unbelievable rhythm, titled 'Shree Ganesha Deva' is from the 2012 Hindi language film 'Agneepath'. It's a fantastic song that captures so much of the devotional spirit that guides millions of ordinary Indians, has lyrics by Amitabh Bhattacharya, sung by Ajay Gogavale and set to music by Ajay-Atul. This particular song is also shot beautifully and captures the carnival spirit of the Ganesha festival in the city of Mumbai.

Enjoy watching it at:

Original Hindi language song lyrics were taken from

In this series, my translations will not be literal, but rather seek to catch the essence of the songs, with an eye to English language poetry. The songs will be selected in no particular order, but will seek to convey the beauty, depth and breadth of Indian film music lyrics, and capturing the amazing diversity of everyday Indian culture. Initially, I will select songs from films in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu languages - where films and songs are known well to me.
Ayaba Babe May 2013
I love my curly hair just-out-the-shower wet.
I love being in my naturalness.
Donning nothing
But a frenzy sea of dripping swirling curls
Whirling around in ripples,
Curling around my naturalness
Flipping and twirling around my *******.
Tilly Nov 2013
coloured flames and fireflies dance mischievously around our heads

to the tiny trumpetsong of bees Joyous songs of love lulling all in revery yet silent to

mere mortals as We only hear the hush of whispered sighs stood beneath the dappled canopy of  

ancient fair oak spread As sweet twilight greets us again swathing our Ianthe in milky moonlight

as she rests upon a dew jewelled knoll still dreaming of fae Unaware of the cold (or the warmth

you hold in your heart for her) She smiles as you cover her shoulders with a elven~made

blanket of gossamer wisp whilst estivating toads blink wide in the coolness of hidden
mossy beds                         Gently,
sweep the                 droplet
                         of Au            from her eye, Deva,
  as we cough etheric      dust from our lungs,
sparkles    floating
in the paper-
            lantern light              
scattering across
the midnight sky,
illuminating fates,
as those fire-flies hearts
twinkle like falling stars unseen
When the veil thins, and jack o'lanterns protect,listen
to the wise ones with Samhain blessings.
Happy Autumn x
In this Monody the author bewails a learned Friend, unfortunately
drowned  in his passage from Chester on the Irish Seas, 1637;
and, by occasion, foretells the ruin of our corrupted Clergy,
then in their height.

Yet once more, O ye laurels, and once more,
Ye myrtles brown, with ivy never sere,
I come to pluck your berries harsh and crude,
And with forced fingers rude
Shatter your leaves before the mellowing year.
Bitter constraint and sad occasion dear
Compels me to disturb your season due;
For Lycidas is dead, dead ere his prime,
Young Lycidas, and hath not left his peer.
Who would not sing for Lycidas? he knew
Himself to sing, and build the lofty rhyme.
He must not float upon his watery bier
Unwept, and welter to the parching wind,
Without the meed of some melodious tear.
         Begin, then, Sisters of the sacred well
That from beneath the seat of Jove doth spring;
Begin, and somewhat loudly sweep the string.
Hence with denial vain and coy excuse:
So may some gentle Muse
With lucky words favour my destined urn,
And as he passes turn,
And bid fair peace be to my sable shroud!
         For we were nursed upon the self-same hill,
Fed the same flock, by fountain, shade, and rill;
Together both, ere the high lawns appeared
Under the opening eyelids of the Morn,
We drove a-field, and both together heard
What time the grey-fly winds her sultry horn,
Battening our flocks with the fresh dews of night,
Oft till the star that rose at evening bright
Toward heaven’s descent had sloped his westering wheel.
Meanwhile the rural ditties were not mute;
Tempered to the oaten flute,
Rough Satyrs danced, and Fauns with cloven heel
From the glad sound would not be absent long;
And old Damoetas loved to hear our song.
         But, oh! the heavy change, now thou art gone,
Now thou art gone and never must return!
Thee, Shepherd, thee the woods and desert caves,
With wild thyme and the gadding vine o’ergrown,
And all their echoes, mourn.
The willows, and the hazel copses green,
Shall now no more be seen
Fanning their joyous leaves to thy soft lays.
As killing as the canker to the rose,
Or taint-worm to the weanling herds that graze,
Or frost to flowers, that their gay wardrobe wear,
When first the white-thorn blows;
Such, Lycidas, thy loss to shepherd’s ear.
         Where were ye, Nymphs, when the remorseless deep
Closed o’er the head of your loved Lycidas?
For neither were ye playing on the steep
Where your old bards, the famous Druids, lie,
Nor on the shaggy top of Mona high,
Nor yet where Deva spreads her wizard stream.
Ay me! I fondly dream
RHad ye been there,S . . . for what could that have done?
What could the Muse herself that Orpheus bore,
The Muse herself, for her enchanting son,
Whom universal nature did lament,
When, by the rout that made the hideous roar,
His gory visage down the stream was sent,
Down the swift Hebrus to the Lesbian shore?
         Alas! what boots it with uncessant care
To tend the homely, slighted, shepherd’s trade,
And strictly meditate the thankless Muse?
Were it not better done, as others use,
To sport with Amaryllis in the shade,
Or with the tangles of Neaera’s hair?
Fame is the spur that the clear spirit doth raise
(That last infirmity of noble mind)
To scorn delights and live laborious days;
But, the fair guerdon when we hope to find,
And think to burst out into sudden blaze,
Comes the blind Fury with the abhorred shears,
And slits the thin-spun life. RBut not the praise,”
Phoebus replied, and touched my trembling ears:
RFame is no plant that grows on mortal soil,
Nor in the glistering foil
Set off to the world, nor in broad rumour lies,
But lives and spreads aloft by those pure eyes
And perfect witness of all-judging Jove;
As he pronounces lastly on each deed,
Of so much fame in heaven expect thy meed.”
         O fountain Arethuse, and thou honoured flood,
Smooth-sliding Mincius, crowned with vocal reeds,
That strain I heard was of a higher mood.
But now my oat proceeds,
And listens to the Herald of the Sea,
That came in Neptune’s plea.
He asked the waves, and asked the felon winds,
What hard mishap hath doomed this gentle swain?
And questioned every gust of rugged wings
That blows from off each beaked promontory.
They knew not of his story;
And sage Hippotades their answer brings,
That not a blast was from his dungeon strayed:
The air was calm, and on the level brine
Sleek Panope with all her sisters played.
It was that fatal and perfidious bark,
Built in the eclipse, and rigged with curses dark,
That sunk so low that sacred head of thine.
         Next, Camus, reverend sire, went footing slow,
His mantle hairy, and his bonnet sedge,
Inwrought with figures dim, and on the edge
Like to that sanguine flower inscribed with woe.
Ah! who hath reft,” quoth he, Rmy dearest pledge?”
Last came, and last did go,
The Pilot of the Galilean Lake;
Two massy keys he bore of metals twain.
(The golden opes, the iron shuts amain).
He shook his mitred locks, and stern bespake:—
RHow well could I have spared for thee, young swain,
Enow of such as, for their bellies’ sake,
Creep, and intrude, and climb into the fold!
Of other care they little reckoning make
Than how to scramble at the shearers’ feast,
And shove away the worthy bidden guest.
Blind mouths! that scarce themselves know how to hold
A sheep-hook, or have learnt aught else the least
That to the faithful herdman’s art belongs!
What recks it them? What need they? They are sped:
And, when they list, their lean and flashy songs
Grate on their scrannel pipes of wretched straw;
The hungry sheep look up, and are not fed,
But, swoln with wind and the rank mist they draw,
Rot inwardly, and foul contagion spread;
Besides what the grim wolf with privy paw
Daily devours apace, and nothing said.
But that two-handed engine at the door
Stands ready to smite once, and smite no more.”
         Return, Alpheus; the dread voice is past
That shrunk thy streams; return Sicilian Muse,
And call the vales, and bid them hither cast
Their bells and flowerets of a thousand hues.
Ye valleys low, where the mild whispers use
Of shades, and wanton winds, and gushing brooks,
On whose fresh lap the swart star sparely looks,
Throw hither all your quaint enamelled eyes,
That on the green turf **** the honeyed showers,
And purple all the ground with vernal flowers.
Bring the rathe primrose that forsaken dies,
The tufted crow-toe, and pale jessamine,
The white pink, and the ***** freaked with jet,
The glowing violet,
The musk-rose, and the well-attired woodbine,
With cowslips wan that hang the pensive head,
And every flower that sad embroidery wears;
Bid amaranthus all his beauty shed,
And daffadillies fill their cups with tears,
To strew the laureate hearse where Lycid lies.
For so, to interpose a little ease,
Let our frail thoughts dally with false surmise,
Ay me! whilst thee the shores and sounding seas
Wash far away, where’er thy bones are hurled;
Whether beyond the stormy Hebrides,
Where thou perhaps under the whelming tide
Visit’st the bottom of the monstrous world;
Or whether thou, to our moist vows denied,
Sleep’st by the fable of Bellerus old,
Where the great Vision of the guarded mount
Looks toward Namancos and Bayona’s hold.
Look homeward, Angel, now, and melt with ruth:
And, O ye dolphins, waft the hapless youth.
         Weep no more, woeful shepherds, weep no more,
For Lycidas, your sorrow, is not dead,
Sunk though he be beneath the watery floor.
So sinks the day-star in the ocean bed,
And yet anon repairs his drooping head,
And tricks his beams, and with new-spangled ore
Flames in the forehead of the morning sky:
So Lycidas sunk low, but mounted high,
Through the dear might of Him that walked the waves,
Where, other groves and other streams along,
With nectar pure his oozy locks he laves,
And hears the unexpressive nuptial song,
In the blest kingdoms meek of joy and love.
There entertain him all the Saints above,
In solemn troops, and sweet societies,
That Sing, and singing in their glory move,
And wipe the tears for ever from his eyes.
Now, Lycidas, the shepherds weep no more;
Henceforth thou art the Genius of the shore,
In thy large recompense, and shalt be good
To all that wander in that perilous flood.
         Thus sang the uncouth swain to the oaks and rills,
While the still morn went out with sandals grey:
He touched the tender stops of various quills,
With eager thought warbling his Doric lay:
And now the sun had stretched out all the hills,
And now was dropt into the western bay.
At last he rose, and twitched his mantle blue:
Tomorrow to fresh woods, and pastures new.
Megan Sherman Oct 2020
Could such a meditation capture and embrace,
Fine wrought beauty of thy grand, immortal face?
Time's architect of sublime grace,
In whom luscious light of love apace,
The liquor of the moment churn, With magic, through whence the cosmos rage and burn,
Knowledge of which the sages earn,
For which the scholars learn, fierce yearn,
On my journey through aeons to you,
Through creation with a God I flew,
Saw blessed fires run through you.

Raw power of the sun in you,
Never seen bright soul so true,
Beatitude rare for which I grew,
Shed regrets, no shame, no rue,
Deva Kali I do not spurn
Our spirit, may fire of the deva burn,
A beacon to alight all space,
Glow benevolent on the cosmic race,
Meditation guides to thee,
On an endless cosmic, seismic sea.

A solar system is thy mind,
Whirls majestic and refined,
With mysteries and life embroiled,
For a glimpse of which the sages toiled,
A beauty which hath never paled,
Which the saints and bards regaled,
Her form is truth; not up for sale,
Suffice to adorn lore and fairytale,
Reflecting on her I duly find,
My form and hers coiled, intertwined.

O Kali of celestial power,
Bless my heart in immortal hour,
Impart gold virtues known to thee,
So I can rejoice in revelry,
Enamoured of the cosmic majesty,
Beknown to Gods and ones who see,
Ever frolic in enchantment free,
No you, no I, only one heart, we,
No lords who seize time, history,
Just blissful divinity in a cosmic sea.

Thou art avatar of all creation,
In incessant and perpetual motion,
Inspires mind to soar in elation,
And commit itself in deep devotion,
Deepest, sweet celestial commotion,
Assuages my heart's trepidation,
Here my fear is not a notion,
Soul free in immortal recreation,
Kali, Kali, spirit true,
Blessed fires run through you.

Your legs the roots on life's wizened tree,
Roots bubbling with time's energy,
Your arms the blossoming canopies,
Which scatter wisdom's flowers free,
That drink up lightning from the sun,
Inside your heart, as time begun,
See her conquer, see her run,
A goddess for all; let us be one,
In awe of you, I just a smote,
As I stand with you at end of time remote.

Beget thy purpose to create,
Plant seeds in which all time gestate,
She lives for life insatiate,
For which I am in joy, elate,
My atman, Kali, how lucky I,
Can dwell on Earth, yet soar in sky,
Beloved of the Buddha's cry,
As he sing soft under bough of the Bodhi:
Children, we are all light and love,
Reflect from Kali, our mother dove.

A truth on which the spirit rove,
Souls frolic in her Heart's treasure trove,
Walk softly to that golden grove,
A path for which the mind behove,
Kali, as I for life prepare,
Imbue me with your knowledge rare,
If you permit, and if I dare,
Could I see worlds dance through thine stare?
She dance with cosmic passion there,
A shimmering siren, beckons me to lair.
"If we go to war with Syria;
I ******* hope we get attacked by Russia or China:
no one should stand for that wont of Aggression.

It's a ******* shame
anyone has
at all
so far.

War is a disgrace
to Humanity as a whole,
much less our particular
dis-edified Nation.

World War Three will begin
as a False Flag attack.

We need external regulation;
we fail as regulators.

Minimizing Human loss
by replacing Humans on our aggressive side
with Drones and Electromagnetic Radiation
striking the "defensive"
(read: sometimes arguably innocent)
combine this with:
Critical Thinking,
and History,
and I reach one resoundingly solid conclusion:

use the tools we still have:
Impeachment is our DUTY as CITIZENS of a "DEMOCRACY"
-Jai guru deva, Om-

-John Lennon
**** Obama;
the warmongering, subversive neo-******
who strikes through Drones
rather than Gas and Infantry
and detains Citizens
despite hunger strikes.

I fear not to say it online. The parallels exist, at least in policy.
He is not solely guilty; Diffusion of Blame is totally a thing;
though he is the current figurehead of the beast, as it were.

This is an outrage of momentous proportions;
that such a smooth talker broke all of his own promises
thus perpetuating the Great Mechanical War Machine of Corporate Amerika.
Surya Lights the blazing candle in the sky
and our day begins
on a pillow of clouds my spirit
bows at His vast blue altar

In fact, gods, goddesses, earthlings
and all the inhabitants of the Cosmos
kneel and prostrate at His glorious, life giving Feet

Today Lord Surya ascends to His northernmost
temple in the heavens
Courtly tablas boom, traditional Indian trumpets blare

Sweet sticky aroma and flavors of
sesame and jaggery confection
overflow in banquet halls on earth and in Kailasa

Colorful kites, bits of starry confetti
drift downward from the celestial celebration

David and I, our hands folded in prayer
stand on the front lawn offering our salutations
to the Golden Lord

By Serendipitous good fortune, my brother Chris just happens
to pass by at this moment and stops to join
us in our Sun worship

Happy Makar Sankranti
May Surya Deva's auspicious saffron rays
bless you with Peace, Love and Prosperity
moon child Oct 2018
Jai guru deva om

The Universe
Has a funny way
Of bringing things
Expo 86' Nov 2015
Tire minha sobriedade com seus abraços
Deixe-me alucinado com o sabor de seus lábios
Permita-me respirar um pouco mais do ar que circunda o seu quarto
E perdoe-me pelos equívocos que cometo

Espero que entenda, que eles são causados
Pelas inseguranças e medos
Que são obras mal acabadas geradas pelo teu afeto

Mas o que dizer? ou o que falar?
Para mim sempre só me restou me desesperar
E o medo de tu, não consigo superar
Ahh maldita cabeça
Para ser um animal
Quatro patas é o que falta
Pois como as bestas
Parece que ele não consegue raciocinar

Mas ao menos tenho que agradecer
Ela me fez aproveitar todo os segundos
Dos abraços e beijos
Que aconteceram ou acontecerão
E acima de tudo dos que não existirão

E no final, tudo isso era para ser sobre algo bom?
Talvez eu deva aprender que admitir que errei não seja o fim do jogo
E que devia aproveitar muito mais nosso turno
Porque se for para dar errado que de
Mas nunca vou me distanciar de ti de novo

Por isso dessa vez só quero saber de você
Mas peço que me diga
Me diga, me explica
Por que está aqui ou se realmente é feliz
E quero que saiba que toda minha dor e insegurança começa aí
Gerando angustia e sofrimento que faz-me sentir tão egoísta que perco toda a motivação e coragem de ficar perto de ti
Just the way
the leaves fell
at that moment...

Divine cascade from heaven
golden chimes sprinkle
across the summer wind

A gentle gust lifts my
straw hat with the
origami pink, yellow and orange blossoms

Barely clutching the tassel brim
I look towards Your Invisible Presence
shimmering beneath that lucky tree

O Bhagavan!
"Not a leaf a falls without it being the Will of God"
Se eu fosse pintor o amor queria pintar
O pintaria com as cores de verde e azul
Azul seria representaria liberdade que dá o mar,
E no verde estaria o amor que ninguém calcule!

Se fosse matemático o amor seriam somas,
Seriam somas de sentimentos sempre bons,
E se a arte fosse a musica imitaria seus sons,
Entregar os sentimentos sem quaisquer retomas!

Como seria bom encarar todas as profissões,
Dedica-las ao amor e viver todas as emoções,
Construindo em cada dia coisas das boas vibrações,
Sentir cá dentro o carinho nos nossos corações!

Mas o que é isto que é o amor?
Qual a cor e qual o som que tem esse calor?
O amor é a dissolução de qualquer dor,
São cores e sons que se apresentem com glamour!

E assim, que em todos os corações haja um ninho,
Como o deva haver também dentro de qualquer lar,
Porque o ninho é pequenino e há grande bem-estar
Que o amor nos siga sempre por qualquer caminho!

Autor: António Benigno
Código de Autor: 2014.
Megan Sherman Jun 2018
On golden wings of blazing fire
Burnished with colours of desire
The angel Lennon grafts, aspires
With beauty suffice to be sung to lyres
I let my mind swim with golden sight
Climbed his wings, took nascent flight
Skies burnished with colours of delight
Aura in the sparkling night
To stratosphere I swooped, sweet soar
With that boy irresistible to adore
Ferried to seismic heavenly shores
As inspiration from the ether pours
We twisted, twirled beyond stratosphere
Where earthen angels rain their tears
Untainted by bludgeon of times years
Immortal dears soothe mortal fears
All four John Blake Buddha and Ganesh
Hearts with luscious light enmeshed
To them all pray in their distress
For mercy, pity, peace and bless
Upon a light beam we met angels of the sky
Chasing light that follows where those bonny angels fly
Mesmerised as they pirouette resplendently
Sirens snaring mortals to hear sweet eternity
Trumpet my arrival as I stand with Shiva, God
Pensive at the font of time, his wisdom I applaud
The true divine creator hidden behind religious fraud
Of his sublime divinity I, pilgrim, am assured
Then to cosmic churning to hear divinely truth
The music madly burning with its beauty rare forsooth
Transcendent destination borne of sultry spiritual path
And now the wisdom of heaven I in earnest surely hath
The churning music sang to me:
Embroils with my mind seismically
As truth knell out resplendently
Ascended from that churning ocean
In all its glorious commotion
To Kali dance in incessant motion
Ending my hearts trepidation
Vesuvian woman in golden O
Hath me mesmerised rapt in throe
She the deva see how she go
A heavenly rainbow to and fro
The golden O the Buddhist crown
Of enlightenment in which I drown
The snub of which the sages frown
A knowledge heart not head to own
Zoomed back to earth to take my place
As ambassador for angelic race
In us the light of love apace
A force to vanquish evil disgrace
Nirvana came a state of mind
Lucid gorgeous and refined
Time and love both intertwined
As in its clime I to the Bodhi tree bind
This my tale of an eternal door
Shown by boy irresistible to adore
He is a legend in modern lore
Sang end of war, could love no more
Saved me from a devils hand
On oppressed shore and oppressed sand
Helped a fallen spirit stand
Fixed her with his wanton wand
Lennon is the friend of sages
With wisdom felt not read from pages
Vanquish hell transcend the ages
Unlock the dark satanic cages
Emily Anne Jun 2011
She's sitting on the moon, looking down on the earth.
She's got the perfect view to watch the whole globe burn.
She says to herself, "I don't belong anymore."
As the earth is slowly consumed by the flames of its core.

She looks in the stars and sees the eyes of her mother,
Her pools of regret say, "they'll only send you another."
Her family tree takes a nebula's shape,
As ancient voices gently whisper four letters called 'fate'.

She screams, "can you hear me, God? This is your cue."
Somewhere in her prayers echo, God forgot to follow through.
Her broken voice sings "J'ai guru deva omm,"
Until she gets the impression that she's sitting alone.

Her life is inspired by a nightmare with a twist,
The glass walls of her soul have been painted with mist.
Her eyes are lined with a melancholy glaze,
While the tears of their reflection bring rain into space.

She's recovered from blindness, now everything's clear.
She thinks, "there is no place for me in earth's atmosphere."
The lack of oxygen in her blood causes her veins to burst,
Forever will her broken bones haunt the empty universe.
she's no deva of mine
no caterpillar concubine
no cocoon consort
no butterfly  courtesan
she's four tigresses in one
suckling, wandering, denned and leashed
And I'm following the track of them all
She's my white tigress of Nanjing
and though I haven't ever practiced kungfu nor qigong
I have applied to be her jade dragon
Or at least one of her green dragons
In order to help her to reach one of her nine illuminations.
So I fused my qi and ching and  shen
and turned myself into a Knight of the Order of the Porcupine
and offered to gently tatoo with my quills
Her *******
with a motto of invisible yet immortal ink saying :
"Qui s'y frotte s'y pique"
Written phonetically [kisifrotsipik].
I thought because I sat just like a buddha
I was at that moment a buddha
I thought that if I breathed like a green or jade dragon
She'd let me have a bite at her immortality.
No way, my tigress said :
You just can't be and have been
Teneva diciott'anne Sarchiapone,
era stato cavallo ammartenato,
ma... ogne bella scarpa nu scarpone
addeventa c' 'o tiempo e cu ll'età.
Giuvinotto pareva n'inglesino,
uno 'e chilli cavalle arritrattate
ca portano a cavallo p' 'o ciardino
na signorina della nobiltà.

Pronto p'asc'i sbatteva 'e ccianfe 'nterra,
frieva, asceva 'o fummo 'a dint' 'o naso,
faville 'a sotto 'e piere, 'o ffuoco! 'A guerra!
S'arrevutava tutt' 'a Sanità.

Ma... ogni bella scarpa nu scarpone
c' 'o tiempo addeventammo tutte quante;
venette pure 'o turno 'e Sarchiapone.
Chesta è la vita! Nun ce sta che ffà.

Trista vicchiaja. Che brutto destino!
Tutt' 'a jurnata sotto a na carretta
a carrià lignammo, prete, vino.
"Cammina, Sarchiapò! Cammina, aah!".

'O carrettiere, 'nfamo e disgraziato,
cu 'a peroccola 'nmano, e 'a part' 'o gruosso,
cu tutt' 'e fforze 'e ddà sotto 'o custato
'nfaccia 'a sagliuta p' 'o fà cammenà.

A stalla ll'aspettava Ludovico,
nu ciucciariello viecchio comm' a isso:
pe Sarchiapone chisto era n'amico,
cumpagne sotto 'a stessa 'nfamità.

Vicino tutt' 'e ddute: ciuccio e cavallo
se facevano 'o lagno d' 'a jurnata.
Diceva 'o ciuccio: "I' nce aggio fatto 'o callo,
mio caro Sarchiapone. Che bbuò fà?

lo te capisco, tu te si abbeluto.
Sò tutte na maniata 'e carrettiere,
e, specialmente, 'o nuosto,è 'o cchiù cornuto
ca maie nce puteva capità.

Sienteme bbuono e vide che te dico:
la bestia umana è un animale ingrato.
Mm' he a credere... parola 'e Ludovico,
ca mm' è venuto 'o schifo d' 'o ccampà.

Nuie simmo meglio 'e lloro, t' 'o ddico io:
tenimmo core 'mpietto e sentimento.
Chello ca fanno lloro? Ah, no, pe ddio!
Nisciuno 'e nuie s' 'o ssonna maie d' 'o ffà.

E quanta vote 'e dicere aggio 'ntiso:
"'A tale ha parturito int' 'a nuttata
na criatura viva e po' ll'ha accisa.
Chesto na mamma ciuccia nun 'o ffà!".

"Tu che mme dice Ludovico bello?!
Overo 'o munno è accussi malamente?".
"E che nne vuo sapè, caro fratello,
nun t'aggio ditto tutta 'a verità.

Tu si cavallo, nobile animale,
e cierti ccose nun 'e concepisce.
I' so plebbeo e saccio tutt' 'o mmale
ca te cumbina chesta umanità".

A sti parole 'o ricco Sarchiapone
dicette: "Ludovì, io nun ce credo!
I' mo nce vò, tenevo nu padrone
ch'era na dama, n'angelo 'e buntà.

Mm'accarezzava comm'a nu guaglione,
mme deva 'a preta 'e zucchero a quadrette;
spisse se cunzigliava c' 'o garzone
(s'io stevo poco bbuono) ch' eva fà".

"Embè! - dicette 'o ciuccio - Mme faie pena.
Ma comme, tu nun l'he capito ancora?
Si, ll'ommo fa vedè ca te vò bbene
è pe nu scopo... na fatalità.

Chi pe na mano, chi pe n'ata mano,
ognuno tira ll'acqua al suo mulino.
So chiste tutte 'e sentimente umane:
'a mmiria, ll'egoismo, 'a falsità.

'A prova è chesta, caro Sarchiapone:
appena si trasuto int' 'a vicchiaia,
pe poche sorde, comme a nu scarpone,
t'hanno vennuto e si caduto ccà.

Pe sotto a chillu stesso carruzzino
'o patruncino tuio n'atu cavallo
se ll' è accattato proprio stammatina
pe ghi currenno 'e pprete d' 'a città".

'O nobbile animale nun durmette
tutt' 'a nuttata, triste e ll'uocchie 'nfuse,
e quanno avette ascì sott' 'a carretta
lle mancavano 'e fforze pe tirà.

"Gesù, che delusione ch'aggio avuto!"-
penzava Sarchiapone cu amarezza.
"Sai che ti dico? Ll'aggia fa fernuta,
mmiezo a sta gente che nce campo a ffà?"

E camminanno a ttaglio e nu burrone,
nchiurette ll'uocchie e se menaie abbascio.
Vulette 'nzerrà 'o libbro Sarchiapone,
e se ne jette a 'o munno 'a verità.
"E in questo triste sguardo d'intesa,
per la prima volta, dall'inverno
in cui la sua ventura fu appresa,
e mai creduta, mio fratello mi sorride,
mi è vicino. Ha dolorosa accesa,

nel sorriso, la luce con cui vide,
oscuro partigiano, non ventenne
ancora, come era da decidere

con vera dignità, con furia indenne
d'odio, la nuova storia: e un'ombra,
in quei poveri occhi, umiliante e solenne...

Egli chiede pietà, con quel suo modesto,
tremendo sguardo, non per il suo destino,
ma per il nostro... Ed è lui, il troppo onesto,

il troppo puro, che deva andare a capo chino?
Mendicare un po' di luce per questo
mondo rinato in un oscuro mattino? "
The angel stood on bowed knee
Waist deep in the shallows
His right hand cast miracles into waves of water
Threw ripples imbued with magis
Stirred and splashed until healing came upon it
Until the entire pool of Bethesda shimmered like glitter on the wet heat waves of the sun
That's when they all began to jump in
But could not linger long
The moment healing settled in
It's out of the pool, to the Temple song

But you stood still for so long
Watching the wretched washed
Cleansed of their sins
Whole of body, whole of mind
You never knew what that was like
You didn't know what that could be like

You would have stood there until the bubbling waters stilled
Cheated out of your mindful abundance
Had I not an incantation of my own
So I chanted "Pura Deva Honey Madme Plath "
Words of pure nonsense I knew
You'd take them as a cryptic challenge
Meaningless but they sounded right
The sheer repetition hypnotized you
And back, back, walking back slowly
Walking backwards towards the pull that still seemed affluent & fecund
You walked
In silence
Until your foot touched the water and you had to stop to absorb what felt like several hundred volts of lightning streaming up from your Achilles Heel to your Freud-ball skull and immediately you realized
Something big was happening
Lowering your waist the pain was transmuted
As clarity wiped the fog from the window of your perception
The songs that came unbidden
Overflowed your stained glass imagination
Forcing out demons and dumb ideas
Death and delusions and bad desires
Running like demons to the sow
Having asked permission
Your music-stuffed head went underwater
A practical baptism, a lesson in breathing liquid
When you were pulled out you had no use for what lay on the other side of the pool
The grassy meadow where I still stood
When the cancer was removed
I came to find what I always suspected
I'm a huge part of the tumor
Dug in on the other side of the pool
While your fool legs take you fast as you may run
To make an offering to the chief priest
Singing songs of praise and gratefulness

I find my own song to sing
The Angel says my burden
Must stick tight and bleed like leeches
Bad seed buried deep in the abyss of my being
An ugly man, face drawn from grimaces and frowns
Unloveable and beat to the bone
Without a single song of my own
Megan Sherman Aug 2017
Whilst I was sat, indifferent, no care,
A golden aura drenched, suffused the air,
Behind me, felt the aura manifest,
Distinguished by its golden colour blessed,
An angel who'd sung woe for me, alack,
With gentle pressure rapped upon my back,
Showed divinest beauty of my words,
Said my poetry admit me to God's herd,
In time the angel said My name is John,
My cheeks flushed rosy, killed the pallor wan,
I could tell from his enchanted drawl,
The angel John had come from Liverpool,
Then he invited me upon his wings,
To meet the angels, listen how they sing,
Grafting for Peace, a team aspiring,
Rushing round the earth in golden rings,
The earthen angels with loves light enmeshed,
Their names were blake and Buddha and ganesh,
Shooting angel message like gods darts,
In to sad, beleaguered human hearts,
Then to meet archangels of the sky,
Chasing light where bonny angels fly,
Then to shiva, beaming, proud, supreme,
Painted with a pallet got from dream,
Then to cosmic churning, tuneful truth,
Knelled out sure with beauty rare forsooth,
To most of us the blessed truth, aloof,
But I listened, and wisdom I sure hath,
Beyond seismic ocean, something more,
A goddess, deva, Kali, beauty sure,
Against the demons in incessant war,
A goddess irresistible to adore,
She, the truest vision of myself,
Tis good I strove to fly to spirits health,
And trusted John to climb upon his wings,
For he I sing, most cherishable of things
Megan Sherman Feb 2018
The Conflict

John booms and rides his chariot in the oppressed light,
Angel souls drink from the sun.

As babe, cried Love! First before else,
The lover dutiful to heart
Pursued its path.
Light roused a dark fogged town,
Neath treacherous seas
Were tides of harmony.

Then the odyssey steered to hell,
Adorned by angels and by saints
On every bloodied branch and wire,
Man atop their souls bones
Fires of heaven were seized:
Great knights rose from fire of that kingdom
To conquer, vanquish peril, redeem world
That drive man into torment's climes.

Yet the dubious demon stalks
In rank duplicity;
And heaven's knight drinks up lightning
To rebel raw.

John booms and rides his chariot in the oppressed light,
Angel souls drink from the sun.

As a new celestial democracy by love elect, and it is now a year of age since inception, the eternal Heaven redeemed. And yonder, Kali is the deva presiding over all: her wisdom, teachings are the fire yield by mind to mantras. Neigh is the aegis of the Godhead, and the return of Krishna to consciousness. Without divinity is no passion. Supreme being, effervescent energy, in incessant motion, eternal delight, are necessary to the flow of the cosmic plan.
From this incorruptible font what the churches call heathens. Heathen is surgeon of the spirit; Church is the stagnant cage of soul.
Saints are sinner. Darklings divine dwell.

All domesticated divinity and captive creeds have been cause of our division from Heaven, not our union:—
1. Heaven and Hell are not located on opposite celestial poles
2. They are two real principles, that solitary Self, from the truth aloof, is hell; and that Heaven, in all holy life, is its dignification
3. God is not a vengeful sky Lord wont to torment their child but consists in a state of mind connect to the eternity of love and light.
These further principles function in the universe:—
1.Heaven is unity, our becoming one with the supreme being of cosmos. Hell is isolation, intensified by selfish acquisitiveness and the city wall mentality.
2. The problem of Self (hell) is surmountable; Heaven is the coming of age of consciousness.
3. God is the motion of creation

A spirited fancy:-

As I was climbing the wings of soft fire adorning John, awed by splendour of their enjoyments, which to Reason look like madness, my heart became drunk on beauteous visions, in streams of dreams and fires of gold, thinking that as all perception chances on elements of truth, so these dreams of Heaven showed the fabric of reality. When I came home to the prism of my five senses, consists in which a metaphysical arrogance, I returned as Angel of the South, an honorary pleasure to succeed Buddha, who ascend to faith defender, Jesus? To God. With love's light imbued I scribed for the tribe my perceptions easily accessed if you follow the direction of the melody of dreams:

"The majesty of multitudes,
Are embodied in the expanse,
Her bodies waltz and pirouette,
In celestial romance."

Mantras of Heaven:

There is nothing to fear we are all one God

All the world is love and light

There is nothing on earth as exquisite as you

The world is a myth, the cosmos our home

Be joyous in the music of the universal song

Don't ever give up the bounty of truth

The cosmic churning is magnificent music

There is nothing left to fear but truth

Imagine all the people living life in peace

Peace in life living people the all imagine
Just a couple weeks shy
and seven years ago to the day,
I still remember contractual obligations
our previous residential abode
724 West Railroad Avenue,
Bryn Mawr 19010 zip code
volatile relationship – poisonous
nasty hubris jump/kick started
with aforementioned videre licet, alte Frau
(quite similar to Hamburg

geschkult harsh taskmaster),
whose figurative and verbal drubbings
linkedin with angry bird disposition
twittering toward us
analogous as toxic soundcloud
ofttimes found her ready to explode
lingering hostility snapped,
popped, and crackled dark,
whereby sauerkraut ****
analogous to red hot poker face glowed
until that fateful late June
two thousand and seventeenth day.

Little did we known then,
where contractual obligations
to acquire municipal approval
to legally house borders for pay  
she got away without being penalized
nevertheless danger lurked
as well as mice and roaches skittered
like a bag of spilled skittles,
no idea where the little critters went
invariably they scattered

like pigs from a gun after war of words,
and near physical altercation
fisticuffs flew and mutual
(of Omaha) blood red rage
both parties did vent
the closest to homelessness
found Harris family
resigned to live in a tent
when lease would not be renewed
that she who charge sky high rent.

The heavy price to pay living social
along Hoity toity MainLine
Back a small number of years
thee diva of this domicile
exhibited an aura, charisma,
enigma…devoid of any guile
boot of late turned
a cold shoulder to me and I’ll
avoid denigrating, haranguing,
and lambasting said dell lisle

la, whose avoidance
behavior toward me –
who goes a mile
out of her way to ensure
our paths do not cross – noah din nile
per the above –
well, perhaps a slight bit of hyperbole
viz this, mine swift tailored, harried style
per potpourri of
puzzling perturbation evinced

by said olde world germane
German dame we lease this duplex
treating us, as if we committed
some egregious crime
subsequently forced to stand trial
viz aversion toward this convivial,
frivolous and introspective chap
methinks said realtor/renter
joined a coven den
where doe eyed zen of thieves

occupy teaching rubric
of mean-ness while
taking appropriate after paging thru
selective yellow pages
from play book of Sarah Palin
which tension unlikely to cease
for the next nine months till the deed
doth expire, where by this witch a  taw
hook cans *** (ours) will be freed
of renting a long and fostered,

roach and fox infested, century21
from once salient sympathetic ear
this now manifested Scrooge like greed
reminding us (essentially
via cessation of any interaction),
how she once did heed
to our various and sundry travails –
though neither myself nor spouse,
the latter whose vociferousness
regularly exudes loathsomeness  

toward key per, once a vouch saving
storied angel without fail and indeed
wife tis not shy to vent
where a plethora of expletives lead
rant and rave toward an impending crisis
that will me send out an SOS
ever felt compelled
to join Hemlock society
or drown sorrows in mead
yet disappointment arises,

when formerly positive
dynamic now im peed
did by reasons unbeknownst to me,
who feels grateful ye chanced to read
my babbling of poetically
irrational from a regular Trader Joe,
who doth not sport Harris Tweed
nor (despite any immediate intimations)
doth newt smoke ***** nor drink ****.
Teneva diciott'anne Sarchiapone,
era stato cavallo ammartenato,
ma... ogne bella scarpa nu scarpone
addeventa c' 'o tiempo e cu ll'età.
Giuvinotto pareva n'inglesino,
uno 'e chilli cavalle arritrattate
ca portano a cavallo p' 'o ciardino
na signorina della nobiltà.

Pronto p'asc'i sbatteva 'e ccianfe 'nterra,
frieva, asceva 'o fummo 'a dint' 'o naso,
faville 'a sotto 'e piere, 'o ffuoco! 'A guerra!
S'arrevutava tutt' 'a Sanità.

Ma... ogni bella scarpa nu scarpone
c' 'o tiempo addeventammo tutte quante;
venette pure 'o turno 'e Sarchiapone.
Chesta è la vita! Nun ce sta che ffà.

Trista vicchiaja. Che brutto destino!
Tutt' 'a jurnata sotto a na carretta
a carrià lignammo, prete, vino.
"Cammina, Sarchiapò! Cammina, aah!".

'O carrettiere, 'nfamo e disgraziato,
cu 'a peroccola 'nmano, e 'a part' 'o gruosso,
cu tutt' 'e fforze 'e ddà sotto 'o custato
'nfaccia 'a sagliuta p' 'o fà cammenà.

A stalla ll'aspettava Ludovico,
nu ciucciariello viecchio comm' a isso:
pe Sarchiapone chisto era n'amico,
cumpagne sotto 'a stessa 'nfamità.

Vicino tutt' 'e ddute: ciuccio e cavallo
se facevano 'o lagno d' 'a jurnata.
Diceva 'o ciuccio: "I' nce aggio fatto 'o callo,
mio caro Sarchiapone. Che bbuò fà?

lo te capisco, tu te si abbeluto.
Sò tutte na maniata 'e carrettiere,
e, specialmente, 'o nuosto,è 'o cchiù cornuto
ca maie nce puteva capità.

Sienteme bbuono e vide che te dico:
la bestia umana è un animale ingrato.
Mm' he a credere... parola 'e Ludovico,
ca mm' è venuto 'o schifo d' 'o ccampà.

Nuie simmo meglio 'e lloro, t' 'o ddico io:
tenimmo core 'mpietto e sentimento.
Chello ca fanno lloro? Ah, no, pe ddio!
Nisciuno 'e nuie s' 'o ssonna maie d' 'o ffà.

E quanta vote 'e dicere aggio 'ntiso:
"'A tale ha parturito int' 'a nuttata
na criatura viva e po' ll'ha accisa.
Chesto na mamma ciuccia nun 'o ffà!".

"Tu che mme dice Ludovico bello?!
Overo 'o munno è accussi malamente?".
"E che nne vuo sapè, caro fratello,
nun t'aggio ditto tutta 'a verità.

Tu si cavallo, nobile animale,
e cierti ccose nun 'e concepisce.
I' so plebbeo e saccio tutt' 'o mmale
ca te cumbina chesta umanità".

A sti parole 'o ricco Sarchiapone
dicette: "Ludovì, io nun ce credo!
I' mo nce vò, tenevo nu padrone
ch'era na dama, n'angelo 'e buntà.

Mm'accarezzava comm'a nu guaglione,
mme deva 'a preta 'e zucchero a quadrette;
spisse se cunzigliava c' 'o garzone
(s'io stevo poco bbuono) ch' eva fà".

"Embè! - dicette 'o ciuccio - Mme faie pena.
Ma comme, tu nun l'he capito ancora?
Si, ll'ommo fa vedè ca te vò bbene
è pe nu scopo... na fatalità.

Chi pe na mano, chi pe n'ata mano,
ognuno tira ll'acqua al suo mulino.
So chiste tutte 'e sentimente umane:
'a mmiria, ll'egoismo, 'a falsità.

'A prova è chesta, caro Sarchiapone:
appena si trasuto int' 'a vicchiaia,
pe poche sorde, comme a nu scarpone,
t'hanno vennuto e si caduto ccà.

Pe sotto a chillu stesso carruzzino
'o patruncino tuio n'atu cavallo
se ll' è accattato proprio stammatina
pe ghi currenno 'e pprete d' 'a città".

'O nobbile animale nun durmette
tutt' 'a nuttata, triste e ll'uocchie 'nfuse,
e quanno avette ascì sott' 'a carretta
lle mancavano 'e fforze pe tirà.

"Gesù, che delusione ch'aggio avuto!"-
penzava Sarchiapone cu amarezza.
"Sai che ti dico? Ll'aggia fa fernuta,
mmiezo a sta gente che nce campo a ffà?"

E camminanno a ttaglio e nu burrone,
nchiurette ll'uocchie e se menaie abbascio.
Vulette 'nzerrà 'o libbro Sarchiapone,
e se ne jette a 'o munno 'a verità.
Teneva diciott'anne Sarchiapone,
era stato cavallo ammartenato,
ma... ogne bella scarpa nu scarpone
addeventa c' 'o tiempo e cu ll'età.
Giuvinotto pareva n'inglesino,
uno 'e chilli cavalle arritrattate
ca portano a cavallo p' 'o ciardino
na signorina della nobiltà.

Pronto p'asc'i sbatteva 'e ccianfe 'nterra,
frieva, asceva 'o fummo 'a dint' 'o naso,
faville 'a sotto 'e piere, 'o ffuoco! 'A guerra!
S'arrevutava tutt' 'a Sanità.

Ma... ogni bella scarpa nu scarpone
c' 'o tiempo addeventammo tutte quante;
venette pure 'o turno 'e Sarchiapone.
Chesta è la vita! Nun ce sta che ffà.

Trista vicchiaja. Che brutto destino!
Tutt' 'a jurnata sotto a na carretta
a carrià lignammo, prete, vino.
"Cammina, Sarchiapò! Cammina, aah!".

'O carrettiere, 'nfamo e disgraziato,
cu 'a peroccola 'nmano, e 'a part' 'o gruosso,
cu tutt' 'e fforze 'e ddà sotto 'o custato
'nfaccia 'a sagliuta p' 'o fà cammenà.

A stalla ll'aspettava Ludovico,
nu ciucciariello viecchio comm' a isso:
pe Sarchiapone chisto era n'amico,
cumpagne sotto 'a stessa 'nfamità.

Vicino tutt' 'e ddute: ciuccio e cavallo
se facevano 'o lagno d' 'a jurnata.
Diceva 'o ciuccio: "I' nce aggio fatto 'o callo,
mio caro Sarchiapone. Che bbuò fà?

lo te capisco, tu te si abbeluto.
Sò tutte na maniata 'e carrettiere,
e, specialmente, 'o nuosto,è 'o cchiù cornuto
ca maie nce puteva capità.

Sienteme bbuono e vide che te dico:
la bestia umana è un animale ingrato.
Mm' he a credere... parola 'e Ludovico,
ca mm' è venuto 'o schifo d' 'o ccampà.

Nuie simmo meglio 'e lloro, t' 'o ddico io:
tenimmo core 'mpietto e sentimento.
Chello ca fanno lloro? Ah, no, pe ddio!
Nisciuno 'e nuie s' 'o ssonna maie d' 'o ffà.

E quanta vote 'e dicere aggio 'ntiso:
"'A tale ha parturito int' 'a nuttata
na criatura viva e po' ll'ha accisa.
Chesto na mamma ciuccia nun 'o ffà!".

"Tu che mme dice Ludovico bello?!
Overo 'o munno è accussi malamente?".
"E che nne vuo sapè, caro fratello,
nun t'aggio ditto tutta 'a verità.

Tu si cavallo, nobile animale,
e cierti ccose nun 'e concepisce.
I' so plebbeo e saccio tutt' 'o mmale
ca te cumbina chesta umanità".

A sti parole 'o ricco Sarchiapone
dicette: "Ludovì, io nun ce credo!
I' mo nce vò, tenevo nu padrone
ch'era na dama, n'angelo 'e buntà.

Mm'accarezzava comm'a nu guaglione,
mme deva 'a preta 'e zucchero a quadrette;
spisse se cunzigliava c' 'o garzone
(s'io stevo poco bbuono) ch' eva fà".

"Embè! - dicette 'o ciuccio - Mme faie pena.
Ma comme, tu nun l'he capito ancora?
Si, ll'ommo fa vedè ca te vò bbene
è pe nu scopo... na fatalità.

Chi pe na mano, chi pe n'ata mano,
ognuno tira ll'acqua al suo mulino.
So chiste tutte 'e sentimente umane:
'a mmiria, ll'egoismo, 'a falsità.

'A prova è chesta, caro Sarchiapone:
appena si trasuto int' 'a vicchiaia,
pe poche sorde, comme a nu scarpone,
t'hanno vennuto e si caduto ccà.

Pe sotto a chillu stesso carruzzino
'o patruncino tuio n'atu cavallo
se ll' è accattato proprio stammatina
pe ghi currenno 'e pprete d' 'a città".

'O nobbile animale nun durmette
tutt' 'a nuttata, triste e ll'uocchie 'nfuse,
e quanno avette ascì sott' 'a carretta
lle mancavano 'e fforze pe tirà.

"Gesù, che delusione ch'aggio avuto!"-
penzava Sarchiapone cu amarezza.
"Sai che ti dico? Ll'aggia fa fernuta,
mmiezo a sta gente che nce campo a ffà?"

E camminanno a ttaglio e nu burrone,
nchiurette ll'uocchie e se menaie abbascio.
Vulette 'nzerrà 'o libbro Sarchiapone,
e se ne jette a 'o munno 'a verità.
A L Landers Aug 2019
Dear Professor Confessor
Articulated processor
Should i saddle my id
And rattle my lid
Reading tea, leaves
And quietly grieves
Carving stones
Rolling bones
Seer, fast is
Now unstuck
Text informed
And automatic
Dialectic didact
Providing what lacked
In my education
And now free of
A and B
I say to thee
Jai guru deva
Billie Marie Jan 2022
Anyway, all this is the Maya - the Lovely Deva. She’s having her play day. Urging us along. Sparing only lives as all our silly stuff gets tossed. It’s not about punishing, it’s all about waking up. Just like when your woman plays the ***** to shake things up. We’re really gonna figure it out eventually. Kind of the whole point of evolving. I’ve always been an early adapter. Follow The Mother’s lead. This one is the most organic you’ll find in all the universe. She’s the interior decorator and the architect. The whole thing is her big show of course. Of course.
"E in questo triste sguardo d'intesa,
per la prima volta, dall'inverno
in cui la sua ventura fu appresa,
e mai creduta, mio fratello mi sorride,
mi è vicino. Ha dolorosa accesa,

nel sorriso, la luce con cui vide,
oscuro partigiano, non ventenne
ancora, come era da decidere

con vera dignità, con furia indenne
d'odio, la nuova storia: e un'ombra,
in quei poveri occhi, umiliante e solenne...

Egli chiede pietà, con quel suo modesto,
tremendo sguardo, non per il suo destino,
ma per il nostro... Ed è lui, il troppo onesto,

il troppo puro, che deva andare a capo chino?
Mendicare un po' di luce per questo
mondo rinato in un oscuro mattino? "

— The End —