for my friend, the artist,
Ayesha Joy Burkey
the answer simplest,
is there any other way?
we paint, fashion jewelry,
even human beings,
for and from
wire, stone, DNA,
and paint
our harshest critics,
always we busy saying,
not good enough
so South Dakota,
breathe release,
let one whom,
you have never
in flesh seen,
see you through
the ten plagues,
to a promised
long have I searched for my
flawless poem,
knowing it my be
my next one,
each a doorway
to the next
this one,
and the
one before,
never good enough,
keep the essay going,
in fourth gear
so South Dakota,
in hot springs,
salve and be saved,
rapid city breaths exhaled,
in Jerusalem,
see the deal sealed
breathe release,
read out loud,
for hereby,
and nearby,
your voice must join me,
in this semi-silent
collaboration to make
this solo poem
into a
partnered painting
all yours,
your very own
can't you believe,
the mere question
you posing,
the answer,
The creation act,
frailties fraught,
what we design,
never good enough
but we paint on,
for the paint,
when eyes embraced,
a piece of my grief
herein encapsulated,
and so on and on,
to the next,
thus it's entirety
one step closer
to diminished
you, grief painter
right hand cunning,
me, grief writer,
lest we forget,
through our art,
that even if our
words fail
our tongue, the ears,
to comprehend,
to communicate,
to convey,
but the eyes
cannot be denied,
that have gazed upon your
painting prayer
Of course you heal,
tikun (repair) of your world,
in every brush stroke,
you answer,
and then you
Restless Painter,
ask again, and answer,
af p'aam lo maspiq,
never good enough,
and I say it once more:
can't you believe
the mere question
within, the answer,
"Two small paintings are part of a number
I did as an assignment
when I went to stay with my son.
One of his OCD symptoms
is seen in a difficulty to get through doorways.
When I showed the collection of work
to my teacher she said
"do you realize you are painting open doorways?"
And indeed, the motif was there
whether abstract or realist.
Can one heal a child through paintings?
Or one's grief at being helpless to change things?"
A.J. Burkey