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1.7k · Jul 2019
Monica Jul 2019
*** on the beach
Sand between our toes
Hearing the sound of the waves
As we both moan
Turned us on even more
Living out his fantasy near the Pacific Ocean
In this cold temperature our bodies bring warmth
Beach regulations doesn't prohibit this act
Placing kisses on my lips and around my neck
No lifeguard on duty
As he drowns inside me
Wetness of the ocean couldn't compare
We live for these moments for him and I to share
1.2k · Sep 2019
Monica Sep 2019
He eats me up like a dinner at a five star restaurant
Can’t deny that my taste is flavorful
No need to make reservations
When I’m all he’s craving for
Devouring this feast
Had to tell him to slow down
The plate in front of him wasn’t going anywhere
570 · Mar 2020
Unfaithful Thoughts
Monica Mar 2020
Guilt trip as his ***** slipped inside of me
Instant pleasure cause it's been so long
But somehow my conscious said it was wrong
If Adultery was a crime
I would serve a life sentence
As his lips touch my mouth, my breast, and my other set of lips
This rush
The excitement of it all
I took a pause and told him to stop
How could I do this to you
Silence as I drove home
When my car parked
I had to come to the realization that I'm not even your girl
558 · Apr 2020
Monica Apr 2020
He knows I'm ticklish
As he rub his hands up my legs
I giggle
In the back of my mind I know what's about to happen
I'm in a chair and he's on the floor
My pants will slide down along with my *******
His head then will proceed to go in the middle
In between these thick thighs
Come inside
Then I... come on the outside
547 · Jul 2019
Case Number 143
Monica Jul 2019
Murdered soul
Left behind evidence
Pled not guilty
Prosecuted by feelings
When defending the heart
Law of attraction
Judged by actions
Traumatic trial
Due to reasonable doubt
Emotional jury
Based on facts
Imprisoned by love
Served a life sentence
Another random write. Enjoy
517 · Jul 2019
Monica Jul 2019
i can write a poem just the way you look
Ripped jeans symbolize your ripped soul
Tattoos to band aid a broken-heart
Red lips, thick hips
Hidden damaged relationships
Taking strolls with views of the ocean helps visualize your dreams
Hand to cover the sun
That's how bright you'll be
Young, beautiful , talented
The scars in between
Created multiple personalities
random writing wile sitting on the beach
340 · Apr 2019
Monica Apr 2019
His light shines bright
Reminds me of a street light
So bright
Like the sun
The color yellow
To be cautious
Trying not to look directly into you
For I know there are warning signs
That I'm not paying close attention to
A star that twinkles
Only to find out you're fire
You're a danger
That my heart simply desires
A street light inspired this poem
294 · Mar 2021
Monica Mar 2021
Thoughts of him gets me in the zone
Ink drips from my pen
Between my legs he can swim
Deep diving
Stimulates my mental , my physical
I lose control
There’s no stopping
My flow mirrors the image of his strokes
Its exciting
Satisfaction guaranteed
He came inside me
288 · May 2019
Just Imagine
Monica May 2019
The feel of moisture
the simple thought has me soaked
like a wet rag
A drenching cloth
wanting to be dried
Drain me out
supply the pipe
pain with pleasure
tears dripping
the magnitude of
this magnificent moment is magical
thoughts of riding like a wild horse
slow but steady
bouncing up and down.
holding on tight
seeing the peak approaching in your eyes.
this new found experience
have you coming back for more
269 · Apr 2019
Joy Ride
Monica Apr 2019
You penetrate my mind
Opening me up
Stroking my brain
Your words are divine
So much wisdom and knowledge
You come inside me
Explore the depths of my sea
You're a true visionary
Refusing to let go
As you dive within me
Thrusting those words
When I'm fully absorbed
You kiss me softly.
254 · Sep 2019
Monica Sep 2019
Thousands of feet high
Mind racing
Views of the cloudy skies
Reminds me of my judgement
Connection resembles turbulence,
Things have been so shaky
Rows with three seats
Seems like something has come between us
There’s a limit to the weight we can carry
Too much may result in our plane crashing down
Slowly descending
We’ve reached our destination
Realizing two cannot become one
No tears or sadness
Just a sigh of relief
Was taking a flight to New Orleans that inspired this poem. Views of the clouds so beautiful. Enjoy:)
243 · Apr 2019
Monica Apr 2019
L for lust I thought was love now I'm lost

O for off-guard now I'm offended 'cause my eyes were blind

Y for yes when I forgot to yield to those warning signs

A for all I have allowed those walls to come down

L for longing the limit of our time

T for test on what we think is the truth

Y for yearning your attention that was never mine

Loyalty is hard to find. But with patience it will come. Just wait.

What is truly yours will not be difficult to find.
234 · Apr 2019
Why We Met
Monica Apr 2019
His purpose was to reintroduce me to....poetry
When good things come to an end
232 · May 2019
Full Circle
Monica May 2019
Have you ever
found yourself
hiding from
the truth?
**** creeps up on you
like a monster
Without the boo
Finds you in the closet
Curled like an embryo
A divine intervention
no physical presence
this encounter was inevitable
feeling shook
no book could prepare you for
Past meeting with the present
For a conversation you wasnt ready for
Reflection caused a reaction of rage
Reminiscing on the road down this path
Smiling now, cause all you can do is laugh
Life Lessons.
215 · May 2019
The person within
Monica May 2019
when you said you didn't care
It crushed me
I crumbled into pieces.
Shattered like broken glass
sadness devoured me.
The harshness in your tone
the cruelty in your voice.
hidden evils suddenly exposed
showed no compassion
nor sympathy

Empty truths now filled with lies
puzzled thoughts
As I put the pieces together
Realizing I've been mind trapped
like walking through a haunted house
escaping to the door
I must get out!
209 · Sep 2019
Monica Sep 2019
I got acquainted with a lost soul but he didn’t know it
My purpose was to guide him
Exposed himself to his self
Now all the looks in the mirror confuses him day by day
I reeled him in grabbed his chest
Now his heart is in my hand
Not only talks of reassurance
I had to show him
What it meant to be loved with no strings attached
What it felt like to be cared for
Honesty and truth was nothing to be afraid of
Just like an angel
I was sent from above
We smiled, laughed and had deep conversations
All this came about with no *******
Living in a generation that’s unable to separate reality from fantasy
This strange encounter was meant to be
I opened him from the inside out
Now when he looks at his reflection
He smiles
208 · Apr 2019
Inspiration in disguise
Monica Apr 2019
our disconnect caused me not to write for awhile
I wonder if I had more feelings for you then I intended to
pretending that everything was cool
When deep inside I really wanted you
one day without talking seemed like an eternity
but soon those days turned into weeks, now it's been months.
What did I miss?
what did I not see?
the title waves
sent you on your way
now Im lost at sea.
you knew what it was from the beginning but I didn't
finding myself researching our Zodiac signs said it would be different.
Ignored the Red Flags
only because I thought you and I were more.
Action speak louder than words
I NEEDED those words
those words flowing from your lips, that I once kissed then tell you I wanted more.
Never been the one to hold back my emotions
Ive done that before , that **** ended in commotion
Reminding myself its okay to be vulnerable
What is there to lose?
now this writing is more comfortable.
202 · Oct 2019
Monica Oct 2019
Let’s do happy hour and discuss living happily ever after
For you are the one I chose
To be with at this time
Like fine wine
Going down so smoothly
No bitterness
Just sweet
Let’s meet
Travel the world
Don’t withhold
This dream
It’s just you and me
200 · Apr 2019
Monica Apr 2019
You brought out the best of me without even knowing
Brought out the confidence that was buried within
You watered my grass
Gave oxygen to my body
Provided mouth to mouth, CPR to my life
You encouraged me to be fearless
You helped me end my personal drought
Personality of the bull, who helped break this doubt
187 · Apr 2019
Monica Apr 2019
You sound so peaceful and look so beautiful
Your distance seems endless
You fight like a warrior
As I look at you, I begin to look into you
The countless lives living within you
To dive into your beauty
And have you swim in my thoughts
To have you cover me.
150 · Jan 2020
Monica Jan 2020
He created a secret profile
and admired her from a distance
Although he lived next door
Afraid to approach her scared of what she might say
Peeks out the window
To watch her hips sway from side to side
Then places his hand in his pants
Imagining the motion
In his head she created this love potion formulated only for him
Eyes stuck to her like gorilla glue
126 · Feb 2020
Grave Site
Monica Feb 2020
Dig deep he said
But I couldnt
This feeling cant be forced
Grab a shovel he said
My emotions are 6 feet under
To complex to understand
Each dig in the dirt
Is peeling back a layer of my skin
Its hurts
These feelings that are buried inside
But not by choice
My inspiration and I use to breathe in the same air
Since he's been gone
Not dead..he just moved on
It's been difficult to harvest words
To make it make sense
Now standing in front of this grave
With a pile of words fitting my emotional description to the right side
Not now
I'll get back to this later

— The End —