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 Oct 2019 Suicide kinG
 Oct 2019 Suicide kinG
i want to delete all the memories
just like i did with all our pictures
i want to forget our history
and act like we're strangers
i don't want to miss you anymore
i want to get over you and close the door
i know you're not missing me
i know this is how it's meant to be
#forget #memories #relationship #missyou #strangers
 Oct 2019 Suicide kinG
Whether a comma, or colon:
Punctuation slows my rolling
I need no period. When I end
no Capitalization when I begin
Rulelessly I flow my art
  Not a single!
Exclamation mark
Are you not the one
Who'll know?
Where a question mark
No longer goes

Warp the structure
Bend the lines
Put in repeat
Let emotion unwind
Make yourself
Your poetry's the best
Be your own ruler
Pass your own test

Take your own road
Where ever it leads
Lover or hater
It's all poetry!
Traveler Tim

No matter who you are
You have my deepest respect!

All is vanity
The meanings of passion
The aesthetic expression
The lines we draw and stay within
Even love is beyond intent
Vanity transcends
Flowing from our pens
And so we breathe again
This is BELOVEDz's serenade
A ballad of sorts for LOVERz


Sing everywhere
Tell everyone our LOVE
This is our story of LOVE
Heer's search for Ranjhaa


YOU met me once
And touched me with your LOVE
YOU left your LOVE in my SOUL
And when we left each other
I left a cut-scar of LOVE-mark
On your left fore-arm

Every night in darkness
You come and kiss my fore-head
You come and kiss my toes
You surrender to me and
Melt me to dissolve in YOU

I've been wailing for YOU
I've been lamenting for you
Where are you gone
Leaving me like this in
Pain of your LOVE?

Come and see me....
What all I do to search YOU
To bring YOU back to me...

Like I left a LOVE-scar on your body
Why didn't you leave one on my body?

Why can't I rub the blood on my face
That oozed out of your scars?

I want to make a permanent mark
Of your LOVE on my SOUL
On my heart, chest and breast
As a sign and symbol of
Your LOVE's accession over me

Why can't I carry your LOVE
In my motherly womb?

I dreamZ of you a lot
Because you are not with me physically
Still every night I find
Your LOVE spirit within / besides me

I am letting you know
That this is my LOVE for YOU

No one in the world knows that
I've not allowed the world
To even sense my deep LOVE for YOU
Why we should unnecessary invite and
Influence jealous people's
Evil eye on our PURE TRUE LOVE?

You come and kiss my fore-head
You come and kiss my toes
You surrender to me and
Melt me to dissolve in YOU

Sing everywhere
Tell everyone our LOVE
This is our story of LOVE
Heer's search for Ranjhaa*

(Read the Notes)
At this moment
Ranjhaa's baritone cuts Heer's soprano


"Feel my LOVE Heer
I do not have materialistic wealth
I only carry the worth of your LOVE in me
There is only one person who
Writes LOVE poems for ZheerR...

If we can't meet now to be ONE
I will meet death in your LOVE"
O' heart, I wonder how
you can store
so many different
emotions of ours
in just thy four puny
while pumping away the
liquid of life

O' heart in you we
discover love
but side by side you can
harbour hate
In you we find the
emotion of happiness
but side by side you
simmer rage!

When you cease to beat
many plans you thwart
May God protect the
young human heart.

And while some O' heart
you hold dear
some make you skip a
beat in fear!

O' heart but we find in
you as well
the vile emotion of
Such a potpourri of
emotions in you dwell
Help filter out any wrong
ones for you and me!

A mere four chambers
indeed, but spacious are
Invite therein
whomsoever in the
world you may

But in the end forget not
to reserve
atleast a single chamber
for its Creator, to
The creator of hearts
More than that deserves.
Before a split second
that shows up.
And gone before
the blink of an eye!
So what if the sky
won't let you walk away
with a patch of the blue sky.
Catch that slip through
the fingers close by
'a pair of butterflies'.
It does a matter whether
you say there is or there is none
truth is a piece of heaven is on earth!
God is the beauty the eyes crave to see
Full of the heart ravishing qualities
The reason the mind would agree
The one pure purpose to live
The ears love to hear that melody
The perfection sought after for eternity
And the best of the thing is
We are no strangers the reason being
out of His love we came to be!
The night never runs dry
the full moon is super cool
so are the bubbling stars
on the banks of the sea rivers!
The next stop is starry fair
but there is a catch to hop up there.

You got to do that
meet the condition of the night:
Ambling like it down the full moon
with blindfolded eyes!

You can ask how long
but ask not why.
For the length of time
think of walking it away
until the nightingale chimes out
upon the rose bottoming out of the night.
And for not asking why
because the Moon in the dark
never loses its sway!

— The End —