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 Nov 2018 Marcie47
 Nov 2018 Marcie47
I want to disappear.
not physically, but mentally.
I don't want anyone to know me.
it would be so easy.
 Nov 2018 Marcie47
I jumped into a skin
and found old bones
a poets poetry
scattered across years.
 Nov 2018 Marcie47
Sea's End
 Nov 2018 Marcie47
Sea's End
When two poets love,
Words start to hang in the air
And lose their meaning.
Another haiku? Wow! I'm only so good with words until I actually need to use them. Just ask my girl. (Spoiler alert: I'm really bad at articulating my thoughts in the heat of the moment. That's why I'm here.)
 Nov 2018 Marcie47
 Nov 2018 Marcie47
even after you're gone
the sun still rises
new days don't stop
for heartbreaks that
tear lives apart.
Time waits for no man.
I loved to watch you as you sleep;
your breathing even deep and slow.
I loved to watch you as you dreamt
of places I can never go.
We read your stories, I heard your prayers
Then, touching the pillow, you drifted off
It seems like only yesterday,
but really it was long ago.
My daughter when she was three, remembered.Just 24 years ago
 Nov 2018 Marcie47
What I Feel
You're hurting. You're hurting bad.
I can see it in your bloodshot eyes
And how you shy away from smiles
Directed at you. Now your once-had
Gleaming spirit dwindles as it tries
To cut its pain with bleak exile.

But blood is pumping through your veins -
Don't change its course with nails or steel.
Our love for you will never fade, though
You ask me what I'd do if somone else took hold your reins
And replaced you, thinking that would make us feel
Happier - without you? Never. No.

I feel anger and frustration because I'm only human,
But nothing on this planet makes me happy like you can.
I love you, you know that. Believe that in yourself.
So stay with me - you'll be with me,
a heart within myself.
I love you. We all love you. Don't beat yourself up so much, or guess what we are thinking. We don't know what we'd do without you.
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