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Apr 2021 · 573
Evelyn Ann Apr 2021
Its is long overdue
We have already wasted enough time

We have carried this weight, these baggage and so much emotional turmoil, for too long, it blinds us and hinders us

Making us uncomfortable, unacceptable, unable to grow, unable to see what needs to be removed from our lives and unable to overcome obstacles

But I am too afraid....

No, we are afraid to remove such a blindfold and such a hindrance

It seem almost impossible
Because these are things that I....

No, these are the things we treasurer the most.
Evelyn Ann Feb 2021
Yes, I have been through hard times.

I have struggled to find myself.
To find who I really am.
Was it just I alone
or is there someone else
out there, who had a hard time finding who you are?

Who we are.

We may have some time in life struggle
to find peace,
and contentment.

Sleepless nights and ghosted days to answer the question,
Am I living someone’s Shadow?
What is life really about?

I believe that one way or another that we bought,
things, with hopes to make us happy.

And just like trying to reload the chrome page
without the Internet,
it failed to connect.

It failed to give us an answer to this empty feeling.
Feb 2021 · 448
Evelyn Ann Feb 2021
I hope that someday I don’t hesitate
Even if I say the truth
Even if it all ends in tears.
Evelyn Ann Feb 2021
Every day we face challenges or triumphs.
Like a game, we move on to the next level.
Retry the same level until we finally pass.

Living Day to Day or Day by Day,
we each overcome obstacles in our own way
and experience life in a different way.

Every decision I make, every decision you make,
every decision we make will take us down different roads.
We are human beings, we will never come to the same crossroad.
We each have an equal right to make mistakes.

Let us acknowledge that we, we are perfect.
Feb 2021 · 3.9k
Evelyn Ann Feb 2021
Like Mono to Stereo
that's how paths

And like the Ocean;
sometimes calm,
sometimes weak,
in the blink of an
eye, a tempest.

That's how Love is.

I cry.
You smile.
We each taste
Love in
different ways.

It is true that I
only lived for you.
I only thirsted for
your love.

In doing so, you got
the best of me.
And I lost myself.

I forgot that I

too, needed love.

I forgot how beautiful
I am.

I forgot me.

It’s so strange
that you can love
someone and lose
yourself at the same

Loose your singularity

It’s so strange
that we will change
and adjust, for that

For love?

But as I did
I couldn't bear it anymore,
I was becoming me.

Loving you I lacked
Loving me I lacked

Loving me, might be
harder than loving
someone else.

I’m the one I should love in this world
Me, who shines, my precious soul
Now I finally realize, so I love me
Though I may lack some things, I’m so beautiful.
I wrote this poem after listening to Epiphany by Jin from BTS a thousand times. Thanks to him I got a great poem. I also used a verse from the song so I give all rightful credits to Jin, BigHit, and to those whom the verse was created.
Evelyn Ann Feb 2020
My wildest fantasy is to cut my tongue out
Just to feel the pleasure that pain gives
And watch as my blood pour out of my mouth
As it runs down my neck and slips onto my tank-top to paint a perfect portrait

On regular days I wished
To lose a leg or two
Maybe break a few bones, throw in some toes
Just to see how I would look

Other days I wanted to go MIA
Leaving only bloodstains on my silk sheets
With an ax and suicide note, of course, to throw the Cops off
Just to write about it in my dairy

On sad days I wished I was robbed
Or attacked by a good looking stranger
Hit by a car, cow or something
Just to be notice

It's usually fun to have conversations with dead bodies
They listen well
It's even more fun turning them into antique furniture
Especially the teeth it gives zing to the ring

People say I’m crazy
Do you think I’m crazy?
No, I’m not

I’m a Sociopath there’s a difference!
Date Written: January 30, 2020
Note: This poem was written for a Career Day Presentation. I do not think or possess the above feelings or thought.
Evelyn Ann Feb 2020
I was standing there alone when I realized, summer has come to an end
I realized that my exhausted days which have been graced by half-naked bodies are long gone
I realized that there’s no need to be uncomfortable, no need to cringe
Summer has come to an end

I realized that the earth has turned a new leaf
I realized that the burning beauty of summer has faded
I realized that this yellow greenery, so unreal, will no longer be here
Summer has come to an end

I realized that I will no longer hear the sweet melody of the ice-cream trucks that steals the hearts of children like a first kiss.
I realized that summer has left me with a sad melody, Titled ‘Goodbye Ice-Cream Truck’ by Screaming Children featuring T.T.B*
Summer has come to an end

I realized that radio man will no longer pester me to stay hydrated
I realized that there will be no more news of sudden forest fires
I realized that there will be no more late-night hot flashes
Summer has come to an end

I realized that my days are becoming nights and my nights becoming days, a change that signifies, another season has come to an end
I realized that the sea breeze has changed, that I too have changed, I too have come to an end
I realized that I’ll have to say goodbye

I realized that in my sleep I’ll have to dream of you as if nothing happened, no matter when
I realized that I’ll have to say Goodbye
Summer has come to an end
I have to say Goodbye

Goodbye Summer
Until we meet again
Written on October 19th, 2019.
T.T.B means Tantrum Throwing Babies.
Dec 2019 · 251
Evelyn Ann Dec 2019
Descent Busan


Meaningful given

Through Cultural influences

He had a dream but

It was changed

His beginning contemporary

You can have your way

Call him an Idol

I call him Singularity in Busan

Possessed within him

Invaluable treasure

Pottery, paintings, and literature

Pieced together to form his ancestry lines

Born September 3

Descent Berbice


Meaningful given

Through Cultural influences

I had a dream but

It was changed

My beginnings poetry

You can have your way

Call me an outcast

I call me Serendipity in Berbice

Possessed within me

Invaluable treasure

Crafts, poetry, drum, paintings, and literature.

Pieced together to form my ancestry lines

Not different I guest

But they still Jude

They still point fingers

The thing is we don't care anymore

We have become proud of who we are

And they can't stop us loving ourselves

They can't stop me loving myself.
Nov 2018 · 1.3k
Sinful Blessing
Evelyn Ann Nov 2018
Formed out of anger and pain
You are my Sinful Blessing

You grew inside of me
and made us a collection
of recurring nightmares
You are my Sinful Blessing

You are my Blood, Sweat, and Tears
Both my Hate and my faith
You are my Sinful Blessing

Deeper and Deeper my Wounds get
And slowly the truth was no longer untold

I'm sorry
I'm Sorry

But how long do I have to wait?
How many sleepless nights do I have to spend?

The truth untold is no longer mask

Drink up

Will I see you tomorrow?

Will I miss you?
Nov 2018 · 1.7k
Winter Falls
Evelyn Ann Nov 2018
I have always hated falls
For it was the seasons where
All hell broke loose

The season where my cold winter nights began

Fall begins

Don't open your eyes
Don't move a muscle
Just pretend to be asleep

Your cold heart
Your frozen words

My father, my first lover
A sweet little secret to keep

What did I do wrong?
A Sweet little girl
A sweet little secret to keep

Mid falls begin

Don't worry about the pain inside

Forget about blood on the sheets
I'll get them washed

Don't worry about the blood on my legs
I'll take a shower

What did I do wrong?
A Sweet little girl
A sweet little secret to keep

My body tender and weak.
Closer to death it must be.

I looked into my broken reflection
For the last time

What did I do wrong?
A Sweet little girl
A sweet little secret to keep

Tears flow
The floor, Cracked

An old friend
Still wearing your mask
But have no scars to hide.

Fall Ends

A new season begins.
This did not happen. I was give a task and that's what I came up with.
Oct 2018 · 272
Evelyn Ann Oct 2018
These Christians started a fire
They threw gasoline on it

I tried stomping on this fire
I tried throwing water on it

But nothing seems to out it
Is what kind of fire is this

What fire is this
What fire when I throw water on it
It can't out
Eh eh is what kind of fire is this

The eternal fire
The God sent fire, the christian fire they say

Eh eh is what kind of fire is that

This is the fire that burns in every Christian

The fire that replenish us
But you just have to ignite it

Eh eh what kind of fire is this

This ain't no black smoke bringing fire
But pure burning fire

This fire ain't gon' **** you
But it will revive you
You just have to access it

Eh eh this fire nice

I want this fire
I don't want to get burnt anymore
I ain't want no fire that will burn me
But the fire that will heal me
I sick of taking in black smoke

I want this Christian fire
I need this Christian fire
I desire this Christian fire
I got to get me some Christian fire

I done with the black smoke thing.
I did this poem in coloberation with the Guyana Fire Service for fire prevention week in Guyana. It's was dramatically done.
Jul 2018 · 356
Evelyn Ann Jul 2018
I find it hard to believe,
I'm stuck in this situation
At first it was love?

Marriage something I thought I knew;
Yet I find it hard to believe,
I'm stuck in this situation,

Its hard for me
Having to raise a child all on my own;
It's like teenage pregnancy!
Is there an instruction book for being a single parent !
Hand it to me !

It hurts;
Not only me but her,

So  you think it's easy;
For me for us!
No it's not.

Is there an instruction book for being a single parent?
Hand it to me!
Jul 2018 · 507
Evelyn Ann Jul 2018
I see you around sometimes;
More than often not,

But they say you're formed,
By the utter action of my,
Imagination; as a faculty;
A notion;
A conception;

They say I'm sick,
They say you're not real!

How can that be?
When I see you!
I feel you!
I hear you!
And you comfort me.

They say for me to get better:
I need to let you go;

What should I do?
Tell me what to do!

They made me take pills!

Now I see you sometimes;
Not often as I use too,
I feel like you're fading away;
Were they telling the truth?

Now I see you sometimes;
Not like I use too,

Are you leaving me?
Is this the end of us?

You say meet someone good;

What do you mean?
Are you leaving?
Is this good bye?

We're splitting up like this!
Why are you leaving like this?

I guest you'll be leaving first;
I guest it was all a lie;

I guest our love was all a lie;
I guest this is good bye;

I'll forget you,
I'll earse you,
My love,
Nae Eoduun Salang.
Inspired by "A Lie" by 'B1A4'
Jul 2018 · 430
Why I Cry?
Evelyn Ann Jul 2018
She asked, "Why I cried?"

I just looked up at her and smiled.

She asked, "Why I cried?" a second time.

Still looking up at her I continued to smile.

She sat down beside me as I fixed my eyes upon the blue sea.

"The clouds looks quite grey today." she said to me

Yes indeed it is,  I think it's going to rain today.

"Let's get going before it does." she said.

I hope it does.

"Why?"she asked.

So I can sit here and cry.


It's better to cry in the rain.

No-one will know the difference from my tears to that of the rain.

"But why do you cry?"

The tears I cry are tears of joy, pain, sorrow, hate, love and fear.

Every tear drop is a part of me as I am apart of it.

With every drop of tear filter's me as I filter it.

I cry because tears are words the heart can't say.

I cry because my tears are words that my heart can't say.

— The End —