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Jul 2020 · 115
pls call me
Emma Jul 2020
Im waiting
i'm waiting for even just one word
from you

continuing to drink
just hoping to hear from you
in a world where one click of a button can bring your face to mine

i love you
i miss you
where are you
Apr 2020 · 121
Emma Apr 2020
I feel unsafe alone at night,
and when I am the only woman a room of men.
It's a creeping fear that may not always be right,
but its instilled in womankind again and again.

When can we teach our daughters to live carefree?
To not be afraid of simply being born
into a world where a woman is a dangerous thing to be?
Apr 2020 · 143
Emma Apr 2020
i love you when i cry
i cry because i love you

i hold you when i am happy
i am happy because im holding you

i need you near when i despair
i despair because you are not near

i am overwhelmed by everything about you
i am overwhelmed because you are everything
Apr 2020 · 137
Emma Apr 2020
when the world looks at her, it smiles
everything comes a little easier
doors flying open.

Golden hair and long tan legs
white smile and graceful movements
people ache to show her kindness.

The world does not treat me the same as her
she is beautiful, I am not.
I wonder what piece of myself I would sacrifice
for an ounce of that beauty.
Dec 2019 · 130
Emma Dec 2019
she falls into his arms
longing for connection
she doesn't listen to a word he says
absorbing the attention
she's beautiful but does not believe it
she needs him to prove it

he leaves her flowers at the door
while she makes love to another
a different man for every meal to eat
but it never goes much further

I could save her the time and tell her the truth
that no matter who she is with
they will never make her feel whole
whatever she's missing comes from within
Nov 2019 · 154
i love you
Emma Nov 2019
i love you
and i can't stop telling you
i love you
and it's never felt more true
i love you
and its all so special and new
i love you
and i know that you love me too.
Oct 2019 · 237
where our souls go
Emma Oct 2019
Wherever our souls go
when we leave this green earth,
wherever our spirits flow
through the water and turf,

when one day from our bodies we soar,
i think my soul would like to go with yours.
Oct 2019 · 153
Emma Oct 2019
blue is the color of you

the color of sparkling eyes
looking down at me,
the color of every heart we send
smiling down at the screen,
the color of your shirt that i sleep in
just so i can smell you around me.
the color of endless laughing,
the sleepless nights where my lips won't leave yours,
your cold feet brushing against my leg.

blue is my favorite color
Oct 2019 · 616
Emma Oct 2019
in the morning light
your arms are warm
breath is soft
face is calm
oh, how lucky
to wake next to an angel
Sep 2019 · 199
Emma Sep 2019
He looks at me, with eyes bluer than the waves frothing over our heads.
He smiles at me, more radiant than the sun that shines down on us.
He holds me, tighter than the wind the encases our bodies as we walk along the shore.

I fall asleep to the sound of crashing waves and a clear steady heartbeat.
I fall asleep to the smell of brine and sunscreen slathered skin.
I fall asleep to the overwhelming feeling of happy.
Aug 2019 · 191
long day
Emma Aug 2019
I am tired.
Being the person I've created for myself is overwhelming.
I am tired.
Every day I give every interesting piece of myself to others.
There is nothing left for me when I get home.
Feb 2019 · 326
malleable minds
Emma Feb 2019
Do you ever wonder what a child thinks,
when they meet every new face,
of all different sizes and race?

I don't think there is a child you would find,
whose immediate reaction would be hateful or unkind.

Children learn from everything they see,
so lets teach love, not animosity.
Nov 2018 · 156
Christmas Eve
Emma Nov 2018
the light of a hundred candles
casting shadows across the wooden pews
the sound of a hundred voices
all worshipping you

the love and faith of a hundred hearts
fill the empty spaces in the air
the concentration of a hundred minds
heads bent in reverent prayer

the strength of one community
brought together on this special night
the glory of one eternal God
holding us in his holy light
Jul 2018 · 7.1k
Emma Jul 2018
She was never sure it was what she wanted,
arguing with a man who wanted her to carry a piece of them both.
But sure enough a small bump formed,
and from the first heartbeat she fell in love.

Everything from then on was tiny socks in tiny shoes,
fluffy cribs in shades of pink and blue.
Excitement and worry and fierce protection,
arms curling on top of her belly in intense affection.

But when the time came, something went horribly wrong,
when there was no screeching and crying to break the calm.
A child, still, unusually peaceful and serene,
she held the tiny shell where her baby should have been.

Everything in her life reminded her of her pain,
and nothing inside her could ever be the same.
Not even he could understand,
how she was stranded in her ****** wasteland.

Clothes and toys quickly packed in a box,
her body still creating milk for a being that would never grow.
she'd have to find a way to move on, living with the constant ache,
of the loss of a person she would never know.
May 2018 · 471
an introduction to death
Emma May 2018
I remember it like it was yesterday
even though it happened in a time before memory
the mall was full of people
and they all crowded in a circle
the police broke through and I glimpsed her
laying, head cracked
the white tiles covered in thick crimson
she jumped, they whispered
and I wondered if she thought she could fly
instead she hit the ground, eyes open
hair stringy with already drying redness
she was young, fairly young
how young is young enough for it to be a tragedy?  
my aunts pulled at my shoulder
my older sister wrapping her hand in mine
we took refuge in a Hallmark
and now, so many years later
I still think about it
I can still see her in my mind
May 2018 · 311
an ending
Emma May 2018
you know its for the best
but you can stop the tears sliding down your cheeks
you know it's time to let go
but your heart aches inside your chest
a choked sob escapes your lips
because you thought, perhaps, it would not end like this
May 2018 · 374
Moved On
Emma May 2018
I wish I could hate you like I used to,
the ferocious hate that came after the betrayal.
I remember when I still loved you,
my endless devotion that ended up being fatal.

After it happened, you made my blood boil.
I could barely look at your face without wanting to shout.
It made me sick, my stomach would turn and roil,
how you still were able to fill me with self-doubt.

But now, I don't ever see you.
I don't ever think about you.
And on the rare occasion I do,
I feel nothing for you.

And that, for some reason makes me feel sad.
All my passion for you, just gone.
It's too hollow, and even if this sounds bad,
I wish I still hated you, at least that's a feeling I could count on.
May 2018 · 548
A Kind of Love
Emma May 2018
hearts beat, faster, faster
thighs bracketed around his waist
kisses clipped short because you just can't breathe enough air
he's holding you with his arms
But you're holding him with everything you are
Apr 2018 · 313
Yankee Candle Clerk
Emma Apr 2018
I imagine her name is Lavender,
the woman behind the counter of the Yankee Candle.
Her face is creased with the years she's lived,
her hair but desperately dyed blonde tendrils.

She's not an ugly woman,
in fact, I'm sure she was once beautiful,
the kind of beautiful that men clawed each other's eyes out for.
She probably gave them a red-lipped smirk,
complained about their advances, but secretly loved it.
She probably had trouble holding on to female friends.

Now, she is an echo of that woman.
Still beautiful, but existing in her fading forties.
Small frame, careful makeup.
I wonder why it makes me so sad to look at her.
Apr 2018 · 298
times like this
Emma Apr 2018
i'm sitting
listening to the soundtrack of my childhood
next to the people of my adulthood
it's times like this I never feel alone
i feel loved
my body to be lived in
rather than inhabited in
the boys look at the game
the girls chase the embrace
gentle and oddly honest
how their love is expressed in it's varying forms
youth is freedom
Nov 2017 · 211
Emma Nov 2017
The goal has always been skinny.
I thought fat was the only thing wrong with me.
There's so many people I told myself I'd lose weight for,
because in my mind, skinny makes them like you more.

Every time I wanted to cry at the dressing room reflection,
I felt that thigh chafing, muffin-topped imperfection.
I'd like to think I'm different, stronger now.
But I'm not. I'd like to stop caring, I don't know how.

At least I've learned if I do lose weight it shouldn't be for them, he, she
It should be for a happier and healthier me.
Nov 2017 · 402
the woman you love
Emma Nov 2017
She is beautiful
And yet she is cruel
She smiles
And yet there is no emotion in her eyes
She has been hurt
And yet she is strong
She lifts her head high
And yet she is breaking within
She is rage and anger
And yet perhaps she is vulnerable
She is infuriating to interact with
And yet she is like no other
She looks at everyone with hate
And yet she is not dead inside
She is alone
And yet she does not accept love
She has the power to break your heart
And yet she does not
Nov 2017 · 340
The Golden King
Emma Nov 2017
We were blissfully unaware that it was a beginning,
I could see the stars reflected in your blazing blue eyes.
You turned and smiled and I swear my heart started singing,
you became my destiny, the sun in my sky.

I could see the man you would become and the world you would build,
and I knew I would do anything to live in that world with that man.
I fought beside you, you left me thrilled,
you were justice, you were morality, you had a plan.

You dreamed of equality and peace, something I defended ardently.
I did what I could, I may have even saved your life.
But I was only a mirror of your greatness, a shadow made to play my part silently.
You trusted me, I was your best friend, but I hid my hearts inner strife.

I loved you, I still love you, I will always love you.
But I couldn’t seem to say it, to let you see the truth in me.
In my eyes you were golden, I fell to my knees before you.
You were my king and by your side my heart was free.

But now, your gold has faded to white. Your stillness is so startlingly new.
I see no stars reflected for your eyes are eternally closed.
I feel no warmth when I press my forehead to yours, my dearest friend.
You asked me to hold you close in my arms, and you left this world.
And I am painfully aware that this is an end.
Nov 2017 · 546
Emma Nov 2017
Sometimes I feel like its written on my face
Every staring eye gives me a jolt
Worry and panic fill every empty space
And I wonder if its all my fault

Sometimes surrounded by people I feel very alone
Why do they look at me?
One moment I’m content, the next I’m thrown
Its like this stranger can see all the insecurity

Sometimes even when I’m happy, I’m sad
I love myself and my life and yet
Something creeps in, something slightly bad
I need the time to breathe, the time to reset

Sometimes I’m sure all eyes are on me
And everyone is thinking something lowly
But I remind myself the outside is all they can see
And I keep these feeling to “sometimes” only
#sometimes #insecure #emotion

— The End —