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 May 2014 Turquoise Mist
The sweet of your lips are my only delusion
the idea of love becomes just another illusion
fantasy at its best is pulling me through
insanity taking me near to our world so slow
drugs ,the poison blockin ur voices so clear
labels they printed still fresh on my head
outcasted I am but I still shine
in the etopian realm you are still mine
I am not sleeping with eyes open like you do
our song still pierces my ears through
the urge i control to question my god
coz idols of holy ghosts are just piles of mud
the chill runs down my spine in the road of rope
I deny burning in the warm fire of hope
the portal I have to the new sane world
the world of my thoughts the world in my head !
 May 2014 Turquoise Mist
I saw your picture today
realized that i  loved  the concept of loving you
my heart isn't broken
its the concept of sadness that  I'm addicted to !
 May 2014 Turquoise Mist
Roaring engine
The rain falls upon the hot metal roads
Vapors running to catch the clouds
Its a comfort when the highway leads you
Cold air past my ears
The sound of speed
My mind creates a paradise
Wish you were beside me !
I* wept,
till my eyes were dry,
and I could feel no more.

In a statment of ,
complete numbness,
I layed in bed,
in hours,
for days,
s a d.

I wiped,
away the tears.
And my feelings ,
wouldn't stop ,
reminding me.
And those memories,
wouldn't stop,
chasing me.
And I couldn't just,
let go.
Those days,
in the mornings,
I stay longer in bed.

Just gazing ,at the ceiling,
Trying to , forget
Those nights.
;I'm unable to dream.

Just over thinking,
to the point,  I fail to
silence my thoughts,
my eyelids are denying sleep.

Those times,
I feel
extraneously not exisiting,
I stand still , watching everything,
fall into place, nor fall apart
unaware* that time is still going,
and I'm just s t u c k.

in; This world,
I have gone underestimated.
Told I should go in others' path.

That my faith isn't good enough,
that I am too weak, too weak,                                                     @DemaaMu
that for my own sake,
I should listen, to their commands.

But I can never go any other way than the path I am destined to go on .

So I just lay in bed;
sick of pretending, someone I am not,
sick of people changing my identity,        

And in this life, in this world in those times in those days and nights,
I have gone, **unknown.
You said and you said,

   But you never did.
"Actions speak louder than words."
What lovely surprises life can bring us,
Watching through the dark sky
A shiny object appears....
A fallen star ....
I made a wish....that
I was still holding your hand
And you were as close as ever,

Tomorrow I'll watch the sky again
And forever ,.until that wish
Will finally come true.
Every night at exactly  the same time
I listen carefully
For your sweet innocent voice
To give me joy
And give me hope
To give me happiness
To give me strength
To never give up
....every morning
At exactly the same time
A little bird sings happily
In search for her love
And I smile a little
As I
want to shout
I'm here my love
I'm ready to fly.
I wish you were with me
The way we liked to be
Today I'm not alone
But then,you were never gone
No matter how much they tried
True love has never died
We are holding our hands so tight
.....our hopes ever so high,
My love do not despair,
You are not alone out there.
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