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 May 2014 Turquoise Mist
the basement is full of smoke.
i'm hiding from my mother,
clutching a half-full pack a girl gave me before i left.
you are here like vapor.
like displaced sound, a crash from behind while i watch fireworks,
unnoticed sensation,
a spider on the neck while i brush my are always here,
the smell of nail polish after the red has dried.i can hardly remember how you
really were, how i really felt - you're a strange reaction,
waking up crying and feeling were not true to me;
true to yourself but never me {or maybe i never noticed,
angry that you changed.}
your memory lives in the nape of my neck,
pained and sore,
stiff after sleeping with my head bent in are perfume,
thirty bottles, thirty people you wanted to be,
thirty scents mixing and souring in my own blood before i met you,
dry rust on paper, a spell i stopped believing in
before i could finish.
the stars undid themselves when i struck a match.
the moon embraced me when i prayed, and now
i burn my fingers on lighters
and try not to cry over
cold moons.
rituals were comfort.incense smoke,
quartz in the mouth.maybe i never truly believed but
meaning is appealing, solid,
warm weight to fill uncertainty's pit.maybe you were the filled me,
made me feel meaningful, needed me.
sobbed as you tried to eat me alive, i cant blame you.
we all need something -
you need to be need a thousand mothers
taking every blow for you.
i need to be idolized, worshiped, constantly assured that i am wanted
but not needed.
we're both selfish, we're both jealous.
monsters in human skins,
using each other and killing ourselves.
green-eyed and growling.
 May 2014 Turquoise Mist
Breaking my heart,
One hundred eighty degrees.
Pain is a love,
That spreads disease.
All these people,
With all their needs.
Their only way to love,
Is what fits their needs,
It has nothing to do with you, or me.
Alone in their hell, why I'm a your invitee?
Intentions is to invite you too;
Weight and sea; it will be the death of me.
I guess I pain you, is the new I love you.
So it’s hard not to confuse the two.
Especially when their is no limit too,
what they won’t do; the complete
Opposite of what they expect from you.
Love is a pain; we all go through;
Some of us actually get through,
Some of us just pretend we do,
Some of us actually do,
While some of us don't even have a clue.
Sometimes, it’s too good to be true
Most of the time, it has nothing to do with me or you.
Other times, you wish it didn’t involve you.

Sweet dreams are made of thieves;
Lairs that love you; but don’t know what truth means.
They just show up, act the part, steal your heart and leave
Some say they love you, but their actions make you grieve.
Say they love you, but the scars disagree,
Wear my broken heart on my sleeve,
wasn’t put there by me.
Love yourself way more than you love me,
Believe half of what I see, and all I feel, believe me.
You keep breaking my heart and blaming me, evidently,
Such clever ways to use my words against me.
These are the things lovers do,
Some of you don’t even know,
Some of you only wish you knew.
Pain is love, a pain you wish you never knew.
Where a darkness grows, and consumes you.
Your weakness grows, and over powers you,
Before you know,
How another person feels,
Empowers you,
Before you know,
Their hidden power devours you.
And off you go, seeking their love blinds you
And their love is the only thing that guides you
Working on a song, I'll pick 16 bars from this for the final verse. Just ideas so far.
They sat by the river
On a perfect spring day,
She danced about him
In the middle of May.

Her arms above her head
Her little white dress

A crown of wildflowers
Atop her light main
Couldn't be held down
Not even in chains.

Biting his lip
He couldn't take it anymore.
And pulling her down
To the carpet of green
Her rainbow crown fell
And they made love with the trees.
How many times have we wondered
What's waiting for us
Right around the next corner?
How many stories have we imagined
Scene after scene after tired scene,
Wishing for what will never be?

Yet still with this unknown comes a journey--
One we cannot but desire to take.
The good, the bad, and the ugly lie ahead.
But for now, whatever awaits round the bend
Will just have to wait.

These leaves are so green.
These lights so warm.
Let's take a slower step
As we move forward round this corner.
Let's enjoy this.
And wish nothing else would come
To break our fragile hearts again
In this long never ending journey.
Darkness shrouds
The four corners
Of my tiny room
And I don't move
To flick on the lights
Because I like
Sitting in the dark.
And with a tear streaked face
and a pain plagued heart,
she got up
and carried on.
 May 2014 Turquoise Mist
 May 2014 Turquoise Mist
I feel a presence nagging at me,
like a dull, constant ache,
only more.
Its almost as if there is a scared little child,
deep down, begging to escape the dark.
While this passenger tugs at my heartstrings,
everything blurs out of focus.
Struggling with keeping order,
my thoughts jumble chaotically.
Every once and awhile, though,
I find moments of clarity,
and those are the most precious moments of all.
The end is ending, so is the beginning, the tail of the serpent is the head as well. Rise and fall, will be the fate of every wall...

Restful spirit is being stirred again in the hushed den of Autumn night to flourish every drop of rain until it stops. Your tree branching arms creek heavily and seek to intertwine with every warm heart beating in the chest of star crossed lovers, flowing into the

river of the deep, plunging with every sharp cold sound it bounces off of...

It's started to snow, and beneath the forest streets of decaying leaves lives the dormant spring lush with child ready to fly to mountainous sky land in feral and wild articles...

Wings of a feather flurry in tether, to dank reaches under the sea, for the sea reaches to me. Sprightly hither to cloud shores elsewhere, beyond the floor of your melting bathroom floor.
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