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-df Jul 2020
i'm sorry i broke your heart
before you could b r e a k mine.
-df Jul 2020
with you,
i was constantly looking over my shoulder,
waiting for you
to catch up on our love.
my neck hurts, jk, it's a metaphor.
-df Jul 2020
when i said, “leave me breathless”
i didn’t mean for you to unplug my oxygen.
-df Jul 2020
i still remember how stupid i was when i was with you.

frozen in place, i
watched you sharpen the knife
that you used to tear me apart.
nothing could have made me move.

i thought that was love.
giving up pieces of yourself.
fall in love they say, it'll be fun they say.
-df Jul 2020
in case i didn’t make it clear enough when i died for you.

i love you.

and that right there.
your ignorance,
nailed my c o f f i n.
why i don't believe in romantic love prt i
-df Jul 2020
i didn't love you.
not then and not now.

i loved the idea of what we could be, together.
somehow we'd be the ones to defy the odds.

but now? what i wish the most is to free myself from the illusion that we could ever work.

this is the end of the impossibility of us that lingers.
in despair. i don't believe in romantic love... hahaha.
-df Apr 2020
i don’t care to find love.
not in this world.
not where promises are b o r n to die.
guess who's back? jk, i don't know what's going on upstairs (my brain). this site seems different? my buddies are also not active anymore so... hope you're staying safe, staying home, staying hydrated. go on over to and tell me you came from hellopoetry!
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