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Nicole Bataclan Aug 2016
What happens
When you are silenced
Ideas fight
Thoughts escape
Words stranded --
A broken one
On the tip of the tongue.
Only an opinion counts --
Not your own
Others, others talk
And you listen
Others, others argue
And you stiffen
What happens
When you are silenced
You hear everything
Your voice, stolen
All the questions
You cannot answer
Directed to you
But they will do it for you.

Whatever I choose to say
It would not have come out right anyway
I will make it worse
I will make it better
The words stuck --
A broken one
On the tip of the tongue.

What happens
When a writer is silenced
It is the best thing that can happen
I will not say a word
Because you listen to your own.
Words are my forte
My weapon of love
Of mass destruction
I will let the truth
That words cannot translate
Speak for me instead.
Amy H Aug 2016
a poem wrote me
almost before I knew.
my hand my mind my pen
just a muse
for sentiment that oozes
like sap from a tree
after Winter harsh and cold
has just released the grip
of icy fingers
melting into Spring.
a poem wrote me
while hungry earth
beneath my feet
waited for the sugar
nourishing seeds
growing the flowers
to prove that life goes on.
my life goes on
because a poem writes me
What just happened?!  The curse of random poetry.
Kath Aug 2016
And when I looked around the room, the room that was holding only my best pals I drowned out every uproar, every babel and every whisper. My vision went into slow motion as if I was part of a cliche romantic comedy. That's when it hit me. This idea of "love" everyone talks about isn't real. Love isn't crazy, it's not a movie scene, it's not selfish, and it's not complicated. Love isn't violently crying at 4 am over a boy thinking "he's my whole world" and "I can't live without him." Love is hanging out anywhere with your best friends, the friends that genuinely care for your well being. Love is laughing with them until your stomach hurts, laughing until it's almost morning and not giving a single **** that you didn't get any sleep. At the end of the day, that's the love I live for.

Kath Aug 2016
I've always had quite a wild imagination. Constantly day dreaming instead of facing the reality that surrounded my every move. My whole life I've been stuck inside my own mind, but maybe that'll never change. Growing up my dreams got bigger and bigger to the point where they became too strong for my own good. The battle I was fighting inside me turned into a war between wanting to follow the hopes, the dreams, the aspirations inside of me or conforming to a realistic future where you go to school, find a job, get married, have kids, and die. I didn't want that for myself. That's why my mind was filled with fields of flowers instead of a closed, gated cemetery. It was meant for me to explore, to take risks, to give too many chances, and to learn. But no one could ever understand that I will never be like everyone else. I tried my hardest to become the people I came across but I just couldnt do it. It was as if my mind was finally unlocked and it couldn't be closed back up. I never want it closed back up, I just want more and more and more. I want more for myself. I want a life filled with laughs, with passionate feelings of joy, love, and the occasional sorrow. I want a life filled with art, with ideas, dementions, galaxies far far away from earth. I want friendships with ones who share the same free mind, where we can unite and learn whilst enjoying the wild adventures and shenanigans we experience together. I want to travel to the absolute ends of the earth, drink coffee with a new person each morning, dive into a new culture each day, and discover something blissful in my journey at the end of each night. I want it all. My mind was once tamed and it will never be caged up again.

Stephanie Grace Aug 2016
I don’t think I can write anymore
because I’m too sad to even explore
different options and alternate endings
they all result in the same evening.
Stephanie Grace Aug 2016
She was really creative

just like me

But the sparkle in her eyes was hard to see

It was obvious she wanted to follow her dreams

But she told me, dear life is not what it seems

How am I supposed to become this star?

I am not you, I can only go so far.

I put my head in my hands because I felt her despair

as an afterthought I didn’t want my actions to give her a scare

I changed my stance,

I gave her a glass and I told her

LOOK, this is as FULL as YOU

You are filled with a vital substance too!

I came from nothing, did you know that?

No you didn’t because I do not disclose the facts.

The BIGGEST fact is what I will tell you now,

is that YOU are ME,

we are one somehow.

You are the voice that told me no

but something stronger told me


You are right this life is not always what it seems

which is what propelled me to chase and capture my dreams!
Kath Aug 2016
My heart is blue.
I miss you.

Kath Aug 2016
Stop acting like people who chose different paths than you are doing life wrong? There is absolutely no right way to live life. When we were created we didn't get handed some kind of rule book? So shut up and don't speak about what you don't know because I'm 100% positive you don't know anything, we all don't know anything and not a single person on this earth can tell you what is going on here. Each and every one of us evolves at different rates in different ways, hence, why there is never a copy of the same human. Every individual is living their story, so don't you dare judge them if they aren't done writing it.
Phillip Knight Aug 2016
The lighter breath of air
Sends shivers through the spine of weeping willows
As dragonflies flirt with kindle crackle
I sit somewhere under the arch of Orion
Surveying all that is mine
Blink one, on
Blink one, off.
It is lonely in the dark
Yet, here in the solitary freedom
I freely think of her
So I may be lonely;
Though I am not alone

There is a civilised glow to the horizon
As I shrink with the Jetstream of those little lights
Blink one on, blink one off
Blink two on, blink two off
I am my own trail of smoke
En route from the burning tip of a slowly decaying cigarette
How the paper wrap burns under a heavy breath
Conceding to my need of escape
Dancing in rings around the wisp of haunted words and subtle strings

I find hope in the sky that looks upon us both
Lowering clouding allowing me inside its gentle comfort
Carrying me north,
With the distant sound of memories converging as a guidance runway,
Blink one on, Blink one off
Blink two on, Blink two off

Home, within sleep, within the air
You draw breath and take me in
The seagulls are silent in honour of your first sleep
As life assimilates dream
The brain picks into memory
Extracting the clouds, leaving stars
The belt of the archer as secret camouflage of the world around.
We are dandelions, free from anchors
Sailing through the tips of reeds and listening to their silent hum in the breeze
We sail on swan back and climb interconnecting necks
They shadow a symbol of love upon the rippling stream

in moment of lift
Together into air
Over bramble and bush, teasing with the bark of trees,
Escaping greedy fingers that wish to pull us apart
Balance on branches and rest
Somewhere in the sky.

There we stay
Between the moon beams and starlight twinkle
Sleeping softly together in the arms of an archer
Blink one on, Blink two on
Here we fail to fade
Our own pollen rejuvenating us into a million lifetimes
Forever starting and ending with each other
We are the centre of calm
Sleeping softly together
Under the same sky
Above the same earth
In the blink of an eye
Blink one, blink two
You and I
Anshita Mehrotra Aug 2016
Listen to me
I am not writing to be read
I am writing to cleanse you of me

and the dirt
has shaped into letters as ink all over these pages
our love has its own mind..

Let it write
let it scribble what i could not say

you did not love to be left
and i do not write to be read
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