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Forever a war

Between two souls

Who never meant to hurt each other

Who lost their minds long ago

They yelled and screamed

And got lost in the fight

Their nations fell

and they came crashing down together

(Together they fall)

(Together they fall)

(Together they fall)
Took forever and i couldnt think of anymore so i guess this works
The sky above me

Exploding with colors

Eyes filled with awe

The ground shaking beneath my feet

But when you close your eyes

and hear the exploding bombs

it reminds me of

the war

they fought

for our country

A document signed

on the fourth of July

A pen gliding

across such

an important piece

of our history

our lives

A birthday celebrated

across the states

does anyone


to think

How did we get here?
The first poem I ever wrote. It truly was written on the 4th of july
Fuego, fuego, innumerables fuegos
Fuego de odio que nadie admira
Fuego que hiere, mutila y mata a víctimas inocentes
Fuego que quema, incinera y destruye muchos edificios
Fuego que se utiliza mal
Fuego que se dilata
Los países, con más potencia de fuego, dirigen los negocios
Un gánster con un fuego pesado es utilizado como una idiota
Como un instrumento mortal o herramienta para intimidar
Para asesinar y para eliminar enemigos potenciales
Fuegos de odio, fuegos del infierno que matan familias
Fuego, fuegos, incendios incontrolables en el mar
Fuego, incendios naturales en California
Fuego, incendios mortales en Gaza
Más fuego, más poder, más poder de fuego
Más poder, más fuego y más poder inusual
Fuego en la cocina para cocinar comida gourmet, cena deliciosa
A la hora del cóctel elegante
Ese es mi tipo de fuego, ese es buen fuego
¡Fuego, fuego y alto el fuego! Todos aborrecen la guerra
Porque la guerra es odio, la guerra es el infierno en el bar
La guerra no es más que un fuego maligno
La guerra no es un juego. La guerra no es natural
La guerra es un desastre. La guerra es un infierno creado por el hombre
La guerra es un desperdicio de vidas y recursos humanos
Más agua para matar todos los incendios y todas las fuentes
El mundo necesita fuego bueno para proteger el medio ambiente
El mundo quiere paz en todo el continente
Dios creó Un Mundo, Un Pueblo y Una Raza
Y el hombre inventó la división y muchas razas en este espacio
El hombre creó el nepotismo, el dinero, el odio, la envidia, la discriminación
El terrorismo, el color, la avaricia, la traición, el sufrimiento y la corrupción
¡Fuego, fuego, alto el fuego! Necesitamos lluvia, más agua para apagar el fuego
Necesitamos Amor para aniquilar el odio y más amor para descharchar
A los líderes malvados que están destruyendo nuestro Mundo, nuestro Universo
Queremos Paz y fuego bueno para nuestro Mundo, para Nuestro Universo.

Copyright © enero de 2025, Hébert Logerie, Todos los derechos reservados
Hébert Logerie es autor de varios libros de poesía.
Feu, feux, d'innombrables incendies
Feu de haine que personne n'admire
Feu qui blesse, mutile et tue des victimes innocentes
Feu qui brûle, incinère et détruit de nombreux bâtiments
Feu qui est mal utilisé
Feu qui est diffusé
Les pays avec plus de puissance de feu gouvernent
Un gangster avec un feu lourd est utilisé comme un ignorant
Comme un instrument ou un outil mortel pour intimider
Pour tuer, assassiner et éliminer des ennemis potentiels
Feux de haine, feux de l'enfer qui tuent des familles
Feu, feux, incendies incontrôlables sur l’océan
Feu, feux naturels en Californie
Feu, feux mortels à Gaza
Plus de feu, plus de puissance, plus de puissance de feu
Plus de puissance, plus de feu et plus de puissance en feu
Feu dans la cuisine pour cuisiner des plats gastronomiques
Des dîners délicieux, à l'heure du cocktail chic
C'est mon genre de feu, c'est du bon feu
Feu, feux et cessez-le-feu ! Tout le monde abhorre la guerre
Parce que la guerre est la haine, la guerre est l'enfer
La guerre n'est rien d'autre qu'un feu maléfique
La guerre n'est pas un jeu. La guerre n'est pas naturelle
La guerre est un désastre. La guerre est un enfer créé par l'homme
La guerre est un gaspillage de vies et de ressources humaines
Plus d'eau pour éteindre tous les incendies et toutes les sources
Le monde a besoin d'un bon feu pour protéger l'environnement
Le monde veut la paix sur tout le continent
Dieu a créé un monde, un peuple et une race
Et l'homme a inventé la division et de nombreuses races dans cet espace
L'homme a créé le népotisme, l'argent, la haine, l'envie, la discrimination
Le terrorisme, la couleur, la cupidité, la trahison, la souffrance et la corruption
Feu, feux! Nous avons besoin de pluie, de plus d'eau pour éteindre le feu
Nous avons besoin d'amour pour anéantir la haine et de plus d'amour pour sacquer
Les dirigeants maléfiques qui détruisent Notre Monde, Notre Univers
Nous voulons la paix et un bon feu pour Notre Monde, pour Notre Univers.

P.S. Traduction de : «  Fire, Fires, Ceasefire » par Hébert Logerie.

Copyright © Janvier 2025, Hébert Logerie, Tous droits réservés
Hébert Logerie est l'auteur de plusieurs recueils de poésie.
inkedsolace Jan 16
please - just let it be over,
so we can finally rebuild,
end this needless bloodshed,
and all be safe again.
universal truths must be acknowledged:
- civilians should never be targeted in war: targeting or use of civilians is abhorrent
- each side has their own VALID point of view
- war crimes have been committed on both sides: neither has justification
- people right now are acting out on their emotions - they cannot be rational when family, friends, acquaintances are at stake
- terrorist groups represent a minority population and oftentimes are reflective of outside powers imposition on a group
- you are allowed to be angry, mad, sad or disagree with other people's opinions - as long as these opinions do not condemn an entire community: remember individuals can have differing thoughts than the majority
this is more political than I usually would like but this is something I feel needs to be said.
somewhere out in the world, somebody’s child is dying –
we all should be crying, but being miles apart, you right
now could be smiling – knowing not a thing

life is often tragedy; in other times it’s the happier times
to make us smile. we are a billion diamonds reflecting
each other lights – we hope to live, we all know we’ll
die, some hope for peace, still we fight within this life
to try and survive  

we do our best to dream, even when sleep has other plans
so for some, they re-enact the scenes from dreams to make
them seem real. though the past is gone, some of the memories
of it don’t make a retreat; some hope for peace, still we fight
within this life to try and survive  
                seems we’ve always been bred to fight.
Fire, fire, countless fires
Fire of hate that nobody admires
Fire that hurts, maims and kills and innocent victims
Fire that burns, cremates and destroys many buildings
Fire that is misused
Fire that is diffused
Countries with more firepower rule
A gangster with a heavy fire is used as a fool
As a deadly instrument or tool to bully
To ****** and to eliminate potential enemies
Fires of hate, fires of hell that **** families
Fire, fires, uncontrollable fires on the sea
Fire, natural fires in California
Fire, deadly fires in Gaza
More fire, more power, more firepower
More power, more fire and more back-asswards power
Fire in the kitchen to cook gourmet food, delicious dinner
At the fancy cocktail hour
That’s my kind of fire, that’s good fire
Fire, fire, and ceasefire! Nobody wants war
Because war is hate, war is hell at the bar
War is nothing but an evil fire
War is not a game. War is not natural
War is a disaster. War is a man-made hell
War is a waste of human lives and resources
More water to **** all of fires and all sources
The world needs good fire to protect the environment
The world wants peace throughout the continent
God created One World, One People and One Race
And man invented division and many races in this space
Man created nepotism, money, hate, envy, discrimination
Terrorism, color, greed, betrayal, suffering and corruption
Fire, fires, ceasefire! We need rain, more water to quench the fire
We need Love to annihilate hate and more love to fire
The evil leaders that are destroying our World, our Universe
We want Peace and good fire for our World, for Our Universe.

Copyright © January 2025, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several books of poetry.
Tetiana Jan 16
Grief enfolds her shoulders
and her eyes look down
at all of those soldiers
under the ground.

Her thoughts fly
to the shadows around
who softly pass by
and frost all the sounds.

Rows of flowers will bloom
in the yellow-blue colours,
feel the silence and gloom.
Will she ever recover?

Says whatever she wants,
looks in eyes through the picture,
has no hope for response,
prays as said in the scripture.

She'll come later, bring some sweet.
How could she accept - this is it,
nothing left to complete?

How can her heart beat, how?
She is left with a vow,
who will love her from now?

An indifferent look at the stone,
all next minutes unknown.
Will she be all alone?

No more silly jokes again.
Sadness bowed her head.
All his deeds are not vain.

Rows of flags wave her grief,
truth is hardest belief
which you've got to achieve.

Unfortunately, pits are still empty

She quietly reads words on bands,

She will say about devotion,

She talks but he will not talk back.

He lies with his brothers,
she'll live with some other,
A life is a moment,
it's not her atonement,
she isn't that weak,
just fatigue.

Журба за плечі обійма
і погляд опустився.
Прийшла в життя її зима,
немов кошмар явився.

Думки летять її туди,
де тихо ходять тіні
і від замерзлої води
проступить білий іній.

Ряди квіток цвітуть завжди
у жовто-синій гамі,
прийдеш помовчати сюди,
під цими прапорами.

Кажи що хочеш і дивись
в ці очі крізь світлину,
за спокій тихо помолись,
надійся на спочинок.

Ще прийдеш потім, принесеш
солодкого й смачного.
Як прийняти, що це вже все
і не вернеш нічого?

Як серцю далі битись, як?
скажіть їй хтось як жити.
Чи зможе хтось її ще так,
так сильно полюбити?

Чи засміється ще вона
від радості єднання?
Байдужий погляд, бо одна
в тяжких переживаннях.

Не скаже більше він, на жаль,
своїх невдалих жартів,
схилила голову печаль -
вона тепер на варті.

Ряди за обрій прапорів,
що майорять від туги,
розкажуть істину без слів
про болі, про наруги.

Пустують ями ще, на жаль,
чекають побратимів,
яких віддати мають нам -
ми віримо - живими.

Слова типові на стрічках
вона читає тихо,
побачити б в отих словах
для цього болю вихід.

Сказала б ще раз про любов
і як його чекала,
та думка холодила кров:
вона цю долю знала.

Ще поговориш ти, та він
вже більше не озветься,
востаннє зробиш ти уклін
розірваному серцю.

Він не один лежить,
вона ж одна піде додому.
І день як мить,
і рік як мить,
життя як мить,
лиш втома.
In lands where ancient echoes call,
'Neath olive trees that stand so tall,
The question lingers, heavy, cast,
Israel God's chosen or self chosen—vast.

A land that's waged a war, it seems,
Against both civilians and Hamas streams,
No line drawn 'twixt  darkness or light,
A struggle that endures through night.

The Palestinian people bear the toll,
Of a conflict that consumes the whole,
Paying the price of an unfocused hate,
In a history's shadow, they contemplate.

As though blinded by the night so deep,
Where tears of mothers silently weep,
For peace, for solace, for wounds to mend,
For a dawn where all hearts can blend.
Em MacKenzie Jan 11
I’ve heard it takes a lifetime to live a minute
and it takes a minute to live a lifetime.
You don’t know what you’re in until you’re in it,
and you don’t see the sun until the sunshine.
So I’ll resign to waiting in line,
wasting my time, and losing my mind.

I know when I’ve been beat,
so don’t be surprised if I retreat.
I’d rather face the music then face the heat,
rather ******* tears as they’re sweet;
as sweet as sweet defeat.

It takes only a second to start a war,
and then naturally all hell breaks loose.
Do you know which side you’re fighting for?
Did you even get to choose?
So I’ll resign to the front line,
biding my time searching for a land mine.

I know when I’ve been beat
so don’t be shocked if I move my feet
to find cover from the fire on the street.
At long last the circle is complete
and it’s as sweet as sweet defeat.

“I’ll get you and your little dog too”
it’s all I’m hearing, and it’s ringing true,
along with “what’s a poor boy to do?”
“You have a choice: red or blue”
do you dare turn reality askew?
Or take your chances and wait for lieu?

I know when I’ve been beat,
so don’t be worried if I take a seat.
I can’t win the battle and I won’t cheat,
I’ll be lamb to slaughter; made to meat
and I’ll taste as sweet as sweet defeat.
The white flag is stained and ripped.
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