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Ana Aug 2014
Media is a constant reminder

that we are living in a scary world !

kidnappings, rapes and robbery,

violence, drugs and poverty,

and where confort and harmony

only exist as a fantasy

in a world led by agresivity.
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jennifer ann Aug 2014
what has the world come to?
people nowadays are so shameless and sadistic,
im not trying to be negative, im just being realilistic.
it seems like humans are losing there humanity,
what have we become?
nothing but abunch of animals. with no heart, soul, or integrity, and no boundries, not a single one.

it seems no place is safe anymore,
and the future is very bleak,
society, your so
blissfuly ignorant, makes me feel so
hopeless, that theres no way that i can control this, makes me feel so angry, sad, and weak.

sometimes i just want to throw in the towel and give in,
this is not the world, that i want my future children to live in.
Rikki Aug 2014
sometimes i wake in fear
to the sound of anguished cries
to the bleating of war drums and the
rumble and thud of bombs

i awake already sobbing
our tears, all running together,
tiny rivulets in the mud until they reach
that place where fires,
debris and strongly held opinions
stand stoically like the hoover dam
a counter-insurgency against
the natural course of our suffering

the resounding roar of empire
mangy hawks across the way shrieking where
a brittle statue of a dull and angry man
rears it's ugly head each morning

sometimes i wake to this abhorrent cacaphony
and then i feel powerless

everyone is saying that they are waging these wars
for freedom
while all our lives and dreams are crushed every moment

will someone ask that man
on the tv with strong opinions and facts
about people he's never met
if he, in his infinite wisdom, knows
how many more bombs it will take until
the seething violence of humanity
cracks open the
forlorn and solemn soul of the earth?
Inspired from reading "I am Malala", "Cracking India", and years of witnessing violence and bloodshed from afar and close to home.
Keaton Rutz Aug 2014
The idea
that there is a time
                                             for violence, or guns;       that there ever is a need
to slaughter peaceful, innocent bystanders
in the name of an officer who willfully, and wrongfully
ended a young man's life for no other reason than he can is
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Inspired by the events of August 9th, 2014 in Ferguson, MO.
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