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Amanda Aug 2016
We all question what hot blood would feel like
Running down our necks
Rusty stains shaped like an arched back spine
a lower case n all for nothing
taking the skull in your hand like a poison apple
watching as time speeds by
as history repeats itself
catching wind in fish nets
and lighting them on fire
to mimic that dead body trapped in the back of a truck scent
that plastic kind of I love you
wrapped up three times.
Clyde Bonarino Aug 2016
Imagine a world of flawless symmetry.
A world where every person was identical.
At 7:30 sharp 7 billion alarm clocks go off,
All playing a single monotonous tone.
7 billion people all dress the same,
Walk out of the one house design used worldwide,
Drive to work in the one car that fills the highways,
Work from 9 to 5,
Go home to their family of 4,
Discuss the day around the dinner table for 45 minutes exactly
Then watch the TV until 10
And go to sleep.
And then the next morning, repeat.
The next week, repeat.
The next month, repeat.
The next year, the next decade, repeat.
Imagine a world of no differences.
It would be boring.
It’s no way to live when everyone’s the same.
When everyone thinks alike,
You lose the uniqueness that makes all of us human.
So somebody explain to me,
Why there are some people that cannot stand differences.
People that are driven to **** because they don’t agree with the lives of other people,
As if they had place to judge anyone but themselves, because they don’t.
These people hate the differences that define us as a species.
They stereotype, they profile, they speak hate,
They protest, they offend, they discriminate
Against lifestyles choices and the things we are born with,
So much that our own people are torn with
The decision to live as who they are or be accepted in society,
Because they’re so scared to be labeled as variety,
Because some people want them to die, you see.
So why can’t we all embrace our differences,
Open up our eyes and see,
We have to recognize that there is no disguise for individuality.
We have to realize,
That once terror makes it’s way into our lives,
We are losing.
Losing the fight for freedom.
Losing the chances we have at acceptance,
Losing the opportunity to recover as a nation,
And show the world that support isn’t just donations.
And people say I’m just a kid,
And that when I’m older I’ll realize that the world is a bad place,
And that people will never change, and that atrocities will happen,
Blood will be spilled, lives will be taken, hearts will be broken.
And maybe they’re right, maybe I just don’t understand.
But I understand that people died because one person couldn’t accept their differences.
I understand that this has happened before, and I’m not going to bother giving a statisistic because I know it’ll go up.
I understand that there are far more mass killings in the United States of America than any other country in the world.
And I think I understand that the best support is ending this upwards trend.
And to do that the world needs to learn to love.
The world needs to set aside all differences,
And learn that between killer and the victims the only difference is,
One knew how to love and one knew *******.
We can’t ignore there’s a problem still,
So regardless of your thoughts on race or religion,
I guarantee you peace will be fiction,
If we can’t teach the world to love each other.
Despite our choices of lovers.
So one last time I urge you,
To teach the world to love each other.
Beleif Aug 2016
Under the sun some time ago,
A violent, greedy form was shaking,
And was struck down, breaking,
By the Son of Heads he tried to pry apart.

But now he is living.
A light shows upon his wicked hooks.
Pointed at something glimmering behind the chorus of swords.

It brightly glares down, the lost appendages float around,
One strikes! Oh– what a sound!
If it just had a mouth it would scream for the world!
Its fingers bleed and are lost to their home,
Said home no longer bound to its segmented docks.
Bridges burning, joints are turning, liquids leaking,
The strings are singing, the clouds are cutting,
A God is laughing! A box is smashing!
"Pathetic fool! See where your arm is now?
Where is your body now? He can't help you,
The evil one that left him lost and helpless!
Powerless fool! You are nothing without him!
He is an engineer without a wrench,
And you a wrench without a *****!
Another choked by the strings of many songs... lost."

The shadow bleeds. He cannot see.
Without a mind he cannot think.
The sheep has tamed and came to shame...
My shadow... bound to his remains.

Have at it, thwart, the shadow.
Part II of Songs of Loss, book II of Unwinding Steely Strings.

Overcome with greed the shadow bleeds.
I wish
I could tell you
how much I love you
I wish
let you know
I'm next to you
I wish
I could comfort you
I wish
I could tell you
everything will be fine
I wish
I could believe
that will arrive soon
the moment in which
you and I
will be together
I wish
but I can’t
I wish
that this world
don't divide us
I just wish
I could
tell you
I love you
staring at your eyes
I just wish
I could feel
the warmth
of your arms around me
I just wish
to know
you’re happy
I wish
but I can't
hatred keeps us separated
divides us
your ideals
your selflessness
your bravery
your integrity
that I love so
keep us far away
I wish
you next to me
I desperately
to find you
in a place without
I want
to believe it
I want
to hope
I just want
my eyes
and wait
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