Who am I?
I am whatever they want
me to be.
Which means I'm me,
but not me.
A different version of me.
That is what I am,
but not the version I want to be.
One. The "Church Me".
Two. The "School Me".
Three. The "Work Me".
Four. The "Home Me".
Five. The "Real Me". Who is She?
These are the versions of me.
It's so hard to stop the bleeding
together of the versions of me.
The "Church Me" would never
accept the "Real Me".
The "Work Me" would cancel out
the "School Me".
And the "Home Me",
just doesn't fit.
There's too many versions.
Too many.
need to delete
the lies.
I need to
Delete, Delete, Delete, Delete
the versions of me.
Tell me.
What would happen if
one of the 'Me's' deleted was
The "Real Me"?
Who Would I Be?