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solEmn oaSis Mar 2022
since no inspection** from the untaming spectator

corruptor said, sinkhole may not have abduction

governing through the skills and power of possession

manipulation of resources gains from the uprising.

hence person of interest
created a Triads of crest
no more - no less
go for it, do mess

fence with a perimeter of staplings indulgence

keeping the dark secret floating by influence

bitter-sweet memories punctuated in by offense

higgledy-piggledy moments
of so true lies to dispense

sense of time and chime framing into a collage
not knowingly the insight of the other conspiring colleague
hot stuffy might get play by the edged ruler
*** of a golden word tightly encoded bolder

dense heritage is one of the hesitancy

privacy of those possibilities dare to disperse

inverse and reinvest the so called benefit of the doubt

sought out the figuring depth of outcome versus rehearse
working term !
prove to be a better doer..
don't be just like a starry-teller
Jordan Ray Mar 2022
When the big bad cloud comes covering up your sky
And the rain falls down to make you drown and I'm
Nowhere to be seen, just a sunken dream in your eyes
Have a little patience if you don't believe

'Cause you can say that stars aren't made of fire
And you can stand up and call me a liar
But don't you ever doubt my love
You can say there ain't no water in the sea
You can say that you just don't believe
But don't you ever doubt my love
HTR Stevens Feb 2022
Once I knew not my Redeemer
Who had freed me from death.
When I seemed lost in this vast world -
Swimming, I held my breath.
Tossed by the great stormy sea,
Blinded by worldly cares,
Striving for things that'd never be,
Not a moment was rest.
The thunder did above me moan,
And lightning flashed in the sky,
And the flood did all o'er me pour,
Then I heard the Lord's cry:
Turn again, O loved sinner,
Return thou to thy home,
Why art thou in this vast water,
Waiting for thy doom?
I died upon the wooden cross,
That thou and many live,
Thou shalt not be lost,
If only thou believe!
Oh, how my heart then did rejoice
When I left all and all,
And I did raise my voice (loudly),
"Dear friends, do hear this call:
Turn again, O loved sinner,
Return thou to thy home,
Why art thou in this vast water,
Waiting for thy doom?
I died upon the wooden cross,
That thou and many live,
Thou shalt not be lost,
If only thou believe!"
Another poem I found from years ago, that I wrote as a teenager!
Ruhani Aug 2023
Everything is empty inside
as if I'm  just hollow bones
robbed of all emotions
hates and loves are long gone.
Just waiting for my time to come
put my belief to hope in the end
I lay my armor, dainty heart  
have no hard feelings,
There is nothing left to mend.
vega Jan 2022
leaving grief. and i—i now remember why
i should never have allowed anyone
to get under my buckling skin
for fine friends are only fine, friends until
they know the perfect way to damage
the stillborn remnants of what you hold on to
them, without patience, distraught,
you; promises of finding someone better
overhearing a devotion that cannot possibly be true
only useful in the event of an epiphanic letdown
i love you but why have i loved you
did i love you because you were kind for five seconds
and it was only fair to bleed when it should not be enough
did you not love me because i wasn’t enough
or because you knew i was nothing to be proud of?
from knowing too much, trusting too well
follies and fey melodies for a final disconnect
i loved you never mean what you say
say anything to say anything to say anything to say
sorry. your smug conversation is one i carry still with me
even as the tactile memory of you burns
and my singed skin curls into the shape of an old friend
who never cared. i never remember to forget
they’ll always be there until they aren’t
leaving, grief, and i—i no longer wish for a happier end
i only wish there was a softer way to recover.
Inspired by the song Misguided Ghosts by Paramore.
xavier thomas Jan 2022
-The modern day is poor as people continue to act wild
-Lack of accountability been running rounds
for miles
-Marching marathons in remorse for awhile
-Watching expectations come up short as it starts to pile
-Its been a long time that its been a good time now
-Happiness is hard to be found
-Life has emotionally been roller coasting in the pandemic trials
-And time is racing pass the finish line, hoping to make this life count

-I talk pro about growth cause it’s important to me
-But letting go certain habits is a con i’m avoiding in me
-Praying towards my come up. Patience is slow, but surely
-I’ll manage to overcome those traits one day with the burning desire in me
-I know the potential is in me
-Been supporting free speech to damage people to speak out like it’s therapy
-But hold up, who’s volunteering their time for me to hear my story?

-Life’s crazy causing pressure on me
-Single making 50k yearly, but the office career is unhappy
-The girl I love right now not even mentally ready for me
-Of course I love myself but now who’s gonna love me?
-My heart holds hope while beating lonely, and yet
-Waiting patiently for something new and more
-Chances of getting married now is betting a craps game on the floor

-Can’t continue to sleep with this women I have deep feelings for
-If it’s 50/50 we’re not going to be together moving forward
-And if there’s zero chance for us in the future,
then allow me to close our paradise door
-Back to the drawing board of this single world tour
-Letting go is hard, but good for the soul i’m sure
-Healing these deep wounds is speaking straight to the primary source
-So I started writing my confessions in multiple letters to the Lord

-Hoping my sins don’t cast the next stone, which I can’t afford
-Asking God how further away am I from my reward?
-Once I take that first step to obedience, then his light will shine from the door
-This the start when I stop “starting over” and gain a little more
-This the start when blessings touch my hands as they begin to pour
-This the start when feeling apart turns my part into love and adore
-This the start when the heart can fully be restored
-And if there’s a high chance of life turning around, this the time I walk further towards more in store
-Growth is what i’m fighting for
~Love, Zay❤️
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