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You are a very sweet friend
By nature, so so kind
Yet at the same time, brutally honest
Coming to your home was a real treat
Rene and you are an adorable couple
Your kids are cute and charming as well
I am extremely blessed, to know you all
The family is truly beautiful!

You are a very sweet friend
Always, have we shared an unbreakable bond
Also, were you such a supportive colleague
So proud was I, to be part of your league
Forever, have you seen the good in me
And very very rarely, have you been angry!!

You are a very sweet friend
Singing the praises of dear Jesus to no end
Your counsel is immensely valuable
In fact, a better person have you made me, on the whole
Well, I hope to meet you soon
Your friendship is a big boon
Have fun, keep praying and take care
May Jesus bless you and family forevermore!!
Dedicated to Vivek, a close friend and my old colleague from my first job.
Ashwin Kumar Mar 17
A beautiful friend, you are
Polite to the core
And at the same time, seldom not upfront
You possess a lot of grit
Not to mention, are you a gem of a colleague
Your heart is really big
And you are extremely helpful
Way to go, girl!

A beautiful friend, you are
Riddham and you are such a sweet pair
You are a wonderful character
Always smiling from ear to ear
So brilliant at work
In you, what's not to like?

A beautiful friend, you are
A lot of difficulties, have you often had to bear
However, you are quite strong
And rarely do you go wrong!!

A beautiful friend, you are
You and Riddham are totally made for each other
One of the most romantic couples
You put each other completely at ease!!

A beautiful friend, you are
And an even better wife, you sure are
Managing office work as well as house work
Never, do you go blank
Well, you are a remarkable woman
Having you around is such a boon!!

A beautiful friend, you are
With me, patient have you been forever
In spite of various mistakes from my side
You are seriously too good!!

A beautiful friend, you are
Forget you I will, never
Here's hoping we catch up soon
Take care and have loads of fun!!
Poem dedicated to my recently married colleague and friend Tamanna.
Mujer, mujer, oh dulce mujer
Mi amor, mi cuna, mi comienzo
En mi cuaderno diario
Cada día es tu día
Tú eres mi alma, mi pilar
Te aprecio todos los días
Y te amo mucho, mucho mi amor.

Mujer, mi amor, mi belleza
Tú me sorprendes todo el día
Tú ocupas el centro de mi vida
Tú eres mi princesa, mi amiga
Tú eres mi reina, mi envidia
Mujer, mujer, oh dulce mujer
Mi oxígeno, mi bella dama.

Mujer, corazón de mi alma
La estrella de mi cielo y de mi vida
Tú eres la muñeca original, la mujer hermosa
Tú eres ella que se mueve, que empuja y que rema
¡Guau! Tú eres una mujer bien realizada
Mujer, dulce mujer, oh tierna mujer
Tú eres el sol que ilumina mi palma.

Mujer para mi, tú eres fundamental
Mi angelita, mi santa, tú eres muy especial
La vida no tiene sentido sin ti, sin tu sonrisa
Tú eres mi faro, mi amor, mi esperanza
Tú eres mi corazón, mi sueño, mi alma
¡Mujer, mujer, oh mujer misteriosa!

PD.Traducción del poema de ‘Joyous Women's Day'
Por Hébert Logerie

Copyright © marzo 2019, Hébert Logerie, Todos los derechos reservados
Hébert Logerie es autor de varios libros de poesía.
Ashwin Kumar Mar 13
You are a very dear friend
With an extremely keen mind
You say things as they are
Without worrying about the consequences
Indeed, are you a really brave person
Who will seldom not stand up for what is right
Even if she happens to stand alone
Always right, is your gut!

You are a very dear friend
It is wonderful to have you around
As a colleague, you were absolute gold
So helpful and supportive, till the very end
Not to mention, always up with a wisecrack or two
Never, did you fail to stand up to You-Know-Who!!

You are a very dear friend
Someone who is unbelievably kind
But at the same time, quite feisty
Well, with you, have I forever been happy
We had an amazing time at dear Tamanna's wedding
Every single moment, were we enjoying
Also, have your treats always been fantastic
As a host, is there nothing you lack
And you have a beautiful family
No wonder, are you forever jolly!!

You are a very dear friend
We share such a special bond
Well, you must come home soon
Your mere presence has always been a boon
So, keep smiling and take care
May you have a glorious future!!
Dedicated to Namrata, an ex-colleague and great friend of mine.
Ashwin Kumar Mar 10
You are an absolute gem of a friend
By nature, very kind
But at the same time, seldom do you not speak your mind
Whether it be good or bad
A wonderful colleague, you were
And an even better friend, you are!

You are an absolute gem of a friend
Once you start talking, there is no end
So up-to-date, on a variety of topics
Cricket, movies, music, food, religion, politics
I can go on and on
To humankind, are you a veritable boon!!

You are an absolute gem of a friend
Always, do you stand your ground
Irrespective of the situation
Beyond your capabilities, is no complication!!

You are an absolute gem of a friend
And one of a kind
Very sharp, is your mind
You use your wits to no end
No wonder, are you such a good judge of character
You are as solid as the Rock of Gibraltar!!

You are an absolute gem of a friend
Vivek and you share an amazing bond
So happy am I, to know him as well
The faith you both have in Jesus is surreal!!

You are an absolute gem of a friend
And your children are pure gold
In you, do I forever place my trust
Sharing things with you helps get a massive load off my chest
Well, hopefully we will meet soon
May you keep shining like the Sun!!
Poem dedicated to Rene, a very dear friend and former colleague of mine.
For those who didn't make it
And couldn't handle
When the cruel world
Came crashing down upon them

When the time came
That you fantasies ended
And reality
Showed its ugly face

They hurt you
When all you wished for was peace
And the daylight
Seemed so far out of reach

They said to stay strong
And they told you to fight
When you had nothing left
When you couldn't find
To fight for

Because it's just a problem
Something to fix
Just give them some pills
And make them talk

Shallow words
Give little comfort
When all they say is
e v e r y t h i n g   w i l l   b e   o k ay

They told you to stay strong
And they told you to fight
When you had nothing left
When you couldn't find
To fight for

Everyone just needs time
They said
But it was already too late
To save you
Das Schiff kam wie ein fliegendes Pferd, zu einem ungenauen Zeitpunkt
Unser Matrosenbruder aus dem Pantheon der Dichter war an Bord
Jean Pierre Basilic Dantor Frankétienne D’argent
Der in Eile den letzten Akt schrieb
War zufällig wie durch ein Wunder im Hafen
Er stieg ein und verließ das Schiff, ohne zu sprechen, ohne Geld
Ohne seine Meisterwerke, ohne ein kleines Haus
So ist das Leben, wir verlassen das Schiff zu jeder Jahreszeit.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

Franckétienne ist nicht weg
Er ist irgendwo, in Ravine-Sèche, Haiti, auf den Straßen
Seine Inspiration ist die Show „The Point“
Wir haben keine andere Wahl, als uns zu kümmern
Um seine Erinnerung, seine Erfindung und seine Vorstellungskraft
Franckétienne war ein haitianisches Genie, Dichter, Dramatiker und Spiralist
Kulturminister, Wortschmied, Sänger, Maler und Künstler
Sein Name war ein langer, langer Satz
Und seine Worte brachten die Leute zum Lachen bis zur Ekstase.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

Zu Lebzeiten hatte er sein kleines Haus nicht bekommen
Er war ein legendäres Genie, das die Vorstellungskraft herausforderte
Die Diktatoren, das Gewöhnliche, das Ungewöhnliche und das Abstrakte
Indem er ein Mapou wurde, ein Baobab. Wendell würde sagen
Was für ein Potomitan! Was für eine Kathedrale! Was für eine Zitadelle!
Um den Sohn des Direktors von McDonald's zu paraphrasieren:
„Wenn du fällst, lerne schnell zu reiten.
Dein Fall, lass deinen Fall zu einem Pferd werden, deinem Pferd
Um die Reise fortzusetzen“, den Ausflug.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

„Nach fünfzig zählt jede Minute.“
Frankétienne sagte einmal, da du gehen kannst
Jederzeit, in jedem Moment
‘Galaxy plomb gaillé‘, nicht zu weit vom Nadir entfernt
Eine unsichtbare Spur auf dem Kopf wie bei Valentino oder Tino Rossi
Frankétienne ist nicht mehr, der Künstler ist weg
Er bleibt mehr denn je ein neues Wesen
Der Riese, der Schriftsteller, der Schauspieler, der Schöpfer von Worten
Er ist in Hosenträger gekleidet wie ein großer weißer Neger
Nicht wie ein Monster aus Dr. Frankenstein. Wie ein Gangster
Ein Dieb, das Schiff kam wie ein fliegendes Pferd; es ist der Tod
der uns bedroht, als ob wir im Unrecht wären.
Wir weinen, wir weinen, und wir schreien jetzt wie eine Mutter in Trauer
Für diesen fortgeschrittenen Achtzigjährigen, für diesen Fürsten des Lichts.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

P.S. Eine Hommage an Frankétienne und Familie, an Wendell Théodore
und Gesellschaft, an Radio Métropole und an alle guten Haitianer
Mein aufrichtiges Beileid an alle! Sit ei terra levis!
Dies ist eine Übersetzung von
„Le Navire Est Venu À Cheval, Ou Hommage Au Fameux Poète Frankétienne“
‘The Ship Came Like A Flying Horse or Homage to the Famous Poet Frankétienne’
‘El Barco Llegó Como Un Caballo Volador U Homenaje Al Famoso Poeta Frankétienne’
‘O Navio Chegou Como Um Cavalo Voador Ou Homenagem Ao Famoso Poeta Frankétienne’
‘La Nave Arrivò Come Un Cavallo Volante O Omaggio Al Famoso Poeta Frankétienne’

Copyright © Februar 2025, Hébert Logerie, Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Hébert Logerie ist Autor mehrerer Gedichtsammlungen.
O navio chegou como um cavalo voador, num momento inexacto
O nosso irmão marinheiro, do Panteão dos Poetas, estava a bordo
Jean Pierre Basilic Dantor Frankétienne D'Argent
Quem escreveu, à pressa, o último ato
Milagrosamente, acabou no porto
Entrou e saiu sem dizer uma palavra, sem dinheiro
Sem as suas obras-primas, sem uma casinha
A vida é assim, viajamos em qualquer altura do ano.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

Frankétienne não foi embora
Está algures, em Ravine-Sèche, no Haiti, nas ruas
A sua inspiração está no espetáculo ‘Le Point’
Não temos escolha a não ser cuidar de nós
Da sua memória, da sua invenção e da sua imaginação
Frankétienne foi um génio haitiano, poeta, dramaturgo e espiralista
Ministro da cultura, escritor, cantor, pintor e artista
O seu nome era uma frase muito, muito longa
E as suas palavras faziam as pessoas rir até ao êxtase.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

Enquanto viveu, não conseguiu que a sua pequena casa
Foi um génio lendário que desafiou a imaginação
Ditadores, o ordinário, o insólito e o abstrato
Tornando-se um mapou, um embondeiro. Wendell diria
Que confusão! Que catedral! Que cidadela!
Parafraseando o filho do diretor da McDonald's
"Se cair, aprenda a levantar-se rapidamente"
A sua queda, deixe que a sua queda se torne um cavalo, o seu cavalo.
Para continuar a viagem", a excursão.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

"Cada minuto conta depois dos cinquenta"
Frankétienne disse uma vez, uma vez que pode ir
A qualquer momento, em qualquer instância
'Galaxy plomb gaillé', não muito longe do nadir
Um traço invisível na cabeça como Valentino ou Tino Rossi
Frankétienne já não está lá, o artista já se foi
Permanece mais do que nunca um novo Ser
O gigante, o escritor, o ator, o escritor
Está vestido com suspensórios como um grande ***** branco
Não como um monstro do Dr. Frankenstein. Como um mafioso
Como um ladrão, o navio era como um cavalo voador. É a morte
Que nos ameaça como se estivéssemos errados
Choramos, choramos agora como uma mãe de luto
Para este octogenário avançado, para este príncipe da luz.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

P.S. Uma homenagem a Frankétienne e à sua família, a Wendell Théodore
E companhia à Rádio Métropole e a todos os bons haitianos.
As minhas mais profundas condolências a todos! Sente-se e deixe a terra voar!
Esta é uma tradução de:
‘Le Navire Est Venu À Cheval Ou Hommage Au Fameux Poète Frankétienne’
‘The Ship Came Like A Flying Horse or Homage to the Famous Poet Frankétienne’
‘El Barco Llegó Como Un Caballo Volador U Homenaje Al Famoso Poeta Frankétienne’
‘La Nave Arrivò Come Un Cavallo Volante O Omaggio Al Famoso Poeta Frankétienne’

Copyright © Fevereiro 2025, Hébert Logerie, Todos os direitos reservados.
Hébert Logerie é autor de várias coletâneas de poemas.
Ashwin Kumar Feb 28
A very very dear cousin, you are
Always, have you shown me unconditional love and care
So lucky am I, to have you in my life
Been my bedrock have you, in times of strife!

A very very dear cousin, you are
All my rants, are you ready to hear
Really, are you patient to the core
Especially given that, off late I have been a bit of a bother
What all have you done for me, I am just unable to count
Truly do I love you as a sister, from the bottom of my heart!!

A very very dear cousin, you are
Interacting with you is such a pleasure
That I often wish the conversation never ends
Yes, greatly do I treasure our long calls and voice note exchanges
In recent weeks though, often have I tested your patience
However, I respect you loads
And I assure you that I will learn from my mistakes
And more importantly, act on my words!!

A very very dear cousin, you are
My heart beats for you, now and forever
Deeply, do I value your advice
In fact, have you helped me become a better person
Having you on my side is indeed a massive boon!!

A very very dear cousin, you are
So much, do I love your mother
So gentle, humble and understated, is your father
And Pradeep is so, so cool
Well, I love you all
Please do keep that smile on your kind face
And hope we soon meet, face to face!!
Poem dedicated to my Shruti, my close cousin in Dubai.
La nave arrivò come un cavallo volante, in un momento inesatto
Il nostro fratello marinaio, del Pantheon dei Poeti, era a bordo
Jean Pierre Basilic Dantor Frankétienne D’Argent
Chi ha scritto, in fretta, l'ultimo atto
Miracolosamente, finì in porto
Entrò e se ne andò senza dire una parola, senza soldi
Senza i suoi capolavori, senza una casetta
La vita è così: ce ne andiamo in qualsiasi momento dell'anno.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

Frankétienne non se n'è andato
È da qualche parte, a Ravine-Sèche, Haiti, per le strade
La sua ispirazione è nello spettacolo "Le Point"
Non abbiamo altra scelta che prenderci cura di noi stessi
Dalla sua memoria, dalla sua invenzione e dalla sua immaginazione
Frankétienne era un genio haitiano, poeta, drammaturgo e spiralista
Ministro della cultura, paroliere, cantante, pittore e artista
Il suo nome era una frase molto, molto lunga
E le sue parole facevano ridere la gente fino all'estasi.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

Mentre era in vita, non aveva ottenuto la sua piccola casa
Era un genio leggendario che sfidava l'immaginazione
Dittatori, l'ordinario, l'insolito e l'astratto
Diventare un mapou, un baobab. Wendell direbbe
Che potomitan! Che cattedrale! Che cittadella!
Parafrasando il figlio del direttore di McDonald's
"Se cadi, impara a rialzarti in fretta"
La tua caduta, lascia che la tua caduta diventi un cavallo, il tuo cavallo.
Per continuare il viaggio", l'escursione.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

"Ogni minuto conta dopo i cinquanta"
Frankétienne una volta disse, dal momento che puoi andare
In qualsiasi momento, in qualsiasi momento
'Galaxy plomb gaillé', non lontano dal nadir
Una traccia invisibile sulla testa come Valentino o Tino Rossi
Frankétienne non c'è più, l'artista se n'è andato
Rimane più che mai un Essere nuovo
Il gigante, lo scrittore, l'attore, il paroliere
È vestito con le bretelle come un grosso ***** bianco
Non come un mostro alla Dr. Frankenstein. Come un mafioso
Come un ladro, la nave era come un cavallo volante. È la morte
Che ci minaccia come se avessimo torto
Piangiamo, piangiamo ora come una madre in lutto
Per questo ottantenne avanzato, per questo principe della luce.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

P.S. Un omaggio a Frankétienne e alla sua famiglia, a Wendell Théodore
E compagnia, a Radio Métropole e a tutti i buoni Haitiani.
Le mie più sentite condoglianze a tutti! Siediti e lascia che la terra voli!
Questa è una traduzione di:
‘Le Navire Est Venu À Cheval Ou Hommage Au Fameux Poète Frankétienne’
‘The Ship Came Like A Flying Horse or Homage to the Famous Poet Frankétienne’

Copyright © Febbraio 2025, Hébert Logerie, Tutti i diritti riservati.
Hébert Logerie è autore di diverse raccolte di poesie.
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