What if there were toxins that fill the air, And all us people do is roam around without a single care, Until one day, That someone finds a way to say "Hey, this isn't fair,"
Fear, hate, and judgements are all toxins. Rid yourself of such things and you get rid of insecurities, loneliness, troubles, separation, and war, to open door to happiness and freedom.
The first time my lips touched a cigarette, I cringed at the taste but I ****** and puffed the toxins anyways. smooth. It was menthol. I didn't know what that meant. I didn't care. I just wanted to be cool with my friends. They were 14, I was 12. 'Mature for my age'. I had fitted in. But was smoking that cigarette really, really worth it? I haven't talked to those 'friends' in 6 years.