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Jeremy Betts Jun 9
So you stay there
And I'll start from here
But when I get near
Please don't feed my fear

Your name there always
Don't know how to stop loving
Same heartache each day
I just can't shake it
Mrs Timetable Jan 29
There are people
Who can cause
Your pain
By doing
That nothing
Is something
For you.
There are people
Who can relieve
Your pain
By doing
That nothing
Is everything
For you.
Keep your loved ones close. You are going to need them forever.
Amanda Kay Burke Aug 2023
We're finally here
Driving long miles tired
Arriving safely
About long road trips
hazem al jaber Aug 2021
There ...

there ...
my heart was live ...
there ...
it traveled ...
there with you ...
sweetheart ...
i live with a hope ...
there ...
is my silence ...
there where my love....
reveals about the passion ..
that i can hear ...
only about you ...

there sweetheart ...
i 'm living ...
and feeling the love ...
with you ...

i'm always ...
traveling ...
wherever you be ...

good morning ...

hazem al ...
hazem al jaber Jul 2021
There ...

to there ...
there ...
where no one ...
there ..
where only me ...
and my words ...
and your shinny eyes ...
which it bright up ...
my dark lonely night ...
to dream of you ...
as our dream ...
that we together ...
dreamt ...
to be both always ...
as the promise we took ...
to spend the whole life ...
there ...
lonely ...
just ...
me and you ...
to enjoy only ...
our love  ...
as we always ...
talked about ...
and as my all poems ...
which i wrote ...
only for you ...

here i am sweetheart ...
writing ...
and waiting for you ...

hazeem al ...
Khoisan May 2021
I see birds fly
from this concrete predicament
faces in ****** hands
I hurt and I cry
my hands are wet
on Pilates plateau
a place where bugs die.
Someone hear me -
now that he’s gone,
he’s gone for good.
Someone see me
through this airless night,
for the monster I am when I turn out the light..
Someone believe me...
when I say my thoughts are stark,
treacherous and dark.
Someone tell me,
a kind word or
a soft humming song.
Someone hold me -
back from tempting abuse,
for I’m dying to cut loose.
Someone give me -
a half arsed wave or a fraudulent smile,
a ******* reason to stay alive.
Amanda Kay Burke Apr 2021
Shame stalks me like shadows
On my heels
Put myself through so much torture
Must like the way it feels

Blame you for depression
I know that isn't true
Because I already struggled
Before I lost you

Words you whispered walk through skull
Play phrases on repeat
Conscious of fact I'll never hear them again
Whimper in defeat

In midst of motionless self-pity
Chaos indetectably brews
Conflicted between sticking up for myself
Or withstanding more mistakes I'll excuse

A stillness appeared a moment
As quickly as arrived it is gone
Built on instability
Cannot trust pavement I tread upon

Rippling across distance
Wind melodic
Fabric of time and space silky soft
Not quite as soft as your skin

A trail of kisses leads to
By my moseying mouth
In turn undress me til body is bare
Slowly work your **** sin south

Bars of piano play symphonies
Resounding from the middle of my mind
Waves rolling in and out with the current
Notes are far more tender and kind

I let myself bask in bittersweet glow
Melting due to warmth of total bliss
Voice has never sounded so smooth
Collision never like this

My being joining in rhythm
Tangling until we are one
We remain connected by flesh
Some time after we are done

Eventually guilt emerges
Torn between directions
Why must head and my heart
Inhabit different sections?

I long to be with you
I'm afraid as soon as you know I care
Feelings will fade when I close my eyes
Open them and again you won't be there
Its the same thing over and over again
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