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Jay M Nov 2019
As I sit in this classroom

Listening to keys clattering

Pencils clicking

Feet tapping

Pages flipping

Shuffling feet

Creaking seat

Faint ac, or is that the heater?

Such is unknown to me

For it is all overwhelming

Things so small

Yet so impacting.

Then, from outside

Chatter of children

Wind whispering my very name

Calling me to the freedom of the outdoors

A plane overhead

Announcing its presence

Clicking of a mouse

A pencil dropping

People adjusting in their seats

Drinking water

Back to work

The tap of a foot

The shuffle of paper

Pages turning

Legs shifting positions

Another plane overhead

And all the while,

Here I wonder,

While pages are turning;

What am I learning?

- Jay M
November 22nd, 2019
Never can I focus during a test - unless 'tis on the surrounding sounds.
tiredkoalahugs Nov 2019
A test, a test
She said we have a test
Why cant I just rest
And not take the test
They are stacking up
Thats 2, now 3
Why me?
This test, the test
Is making me stressed
Im just going to rest.
Malia Sep 2019
The weird thing with boredom
Is that it always only occurs
When one has quite a lot
Of actual things things to do.

Like right now,
I am writing
Maybe getting a couple of likes
When I should be studying
So I don’t get a grade
That makes me go “Yikes!”

Like right now I feel deprived
Of things to do,
I think it’s cause one gets easily bored
With what’s right in front of you.
Because why not.
Tetra Hachiko Jul 2019
This thing I must do
It is something new
I’m not pleased with it
Honestly, it makes me spit
But I must do what’s best
I must take this test
To be away from what I want most
To be torn from my dose
Of your attention and care
Oh, how is this fair?
My brain must come first
Such is this curse
The fight to think clearly
I want it so dearly
You’ve fogged my sight
Caused such delight
I’ve grown too attached
I must get unlatched
I will miss you so
But I must grow
Stronger for us
No need to fuss
It is only for a short while
Farhan Ahmed May 2019
Lets consider two territories
One for the good, and one for the bad
One we could inherit
One we once had

Well let me explain lad

There are camps established at the border of both
Seven billion lined up for food reliefs and clothes

We are meant to fight this war that we think is not ours
But we need to leave where we are and live who finally empower
the rights
Who finally allows us roofs for the nights
Who finally makes the future bright,
With new lights.

But if the fight is between good and the bad
Wouldn’t you be mad
If bad takes over
Cz eventually you will return to where you came from
Answer for the choices from the options you choose from

And the smart could tell
The bad is all about luxury
And the dreams to sell
Wiping all out the misery
But a road to hell
And a trap you fell
The tests you failed
All the signs availed you

God gave everything before the tests began
God never taught you to lie
Who do you deny?
The one who could design a fly?
Things you cannot even try?

God gave everything for free
Even when you were labelled as a refugee
At the borders, between the bad and the good
Allowing we, to choose what we should
But he knows what we would

And the wise will rise the ranks
Grow in size after all the tries
Get back the status of soul of the pure but through a worthy redemption.

Remember that.

This is not our home. Just small camps of those in exile. Little caves of nomads. Shelter for refugees.

All you need to do is, PASS THE TEST
The battle of your own.
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