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SerenaDuru Feb 2019
Even in the darkness of the night
I am still there
There is no escaping me
For without me
You cannot exist
Without the light
You do not exist
So be happy
To know that you have no choice
In dancing your life
In the light of my love
Robin Carretti Feb 2019
Oh! Heaven no back path
         To Hell*
Those down days bills
No Jack and Jill 
Up for love of Venus  
Going down memory lane
Here's to our future

The love walk special
Guilt with love
resentment staying
Washed up Queen

  OH! hey  RIP_to VIP

Who named my plot
Calling all girls last shot

Is anyone  *Up For Love*
lovesick from your Ex
Or the *Fed Ex* trucks
A big kick in the pants
"Backing Up" words
We cannot hold
them forever
They swing like Tarzan
Good posture "Mighty Jane
Yes we have" Bananas  
Where to elope

Getting licked through the envelope

Watch your back
Engraved love
Love is healing
Do you want to know
a secret confession
Backing up Love Gods  

 *Strawberries eye patch  
   Stay loyal that's a match"
 Not getting your money back
 I'll be back but he's not
    coming back
     I'll back your
     Wedding steps

  "I Cloud" backup
just ******* 
* Recovery file back up
Slingback Stress-free
Wearing  low back
The camel-back coffee cup
Android never avoid callback

I wish I was back
Pat on the back praise
Top notch raise
Tree grows* in* Brooklyn*
How can I back the world up
On a tablet Duracell
Goes on and on message

Can be a bad habit?

Somewhere over the
    "Rainbow Hobbit"
Being a servant a butler
Your personal trainer
True lover four leaf clover
Or writers block
*Is love always by the clock
We all need a back up plan life can be sweet counting all the hearts love can be the biggest performance  love is fierce like a truce throw of dice backing up love we all need the right advice
SerenaDuru Feb 2019
Your warmth helped me open my eyes
And realise that the stars in the sky
Were an illusion of you
Playing on the sky of my eyelids
Robin Carretti Feb 2019
A dream-- B-dream-C- dream
                D-- Divine- dream
                E-- dream to the end of
                        E- Earth
                 F-- Fit for the dream
                How far it seems
                My first ever dream 
                 A+ "Angels Dream"
                 B-Blood stereo types

      Dreams are so C Computer advanced  
                     One D-Demon -click
             Please come back your way too slick
                      Your running out the door
                Lets be careful what we dream for                    
                        All cliches
                   So Hype flying the parachutes                   

                   Does dreams come in
                   "Navy I Salute"
                    So **** designed cute                  

                   Sunshine awakening did you
                   feel her vibes wait a minute
                  Jump the dream her malamute
                   "To_ live_ a_ dream_ for all
                    the talking no money grabbing
                    Listen to the world what they are
                     ......  asking".......

                    M-L-M marketing tribe
                    Walking like the Egyptian
                   "King Tut Pyramid"
                   Million Stars multitasking
                      My solo flight*
                       A dream is not a dream
                       Until your first cup of coffee                   
                     Names became unknown
                      I must be missing an angel                    
                       Quizzically Q- Queen
                       All the King horses
                    Money is real the dream
                      Like a paper moon

                       Once Upon A Dream
                   Eye mask beautiful to me
                   S-sleeping beauty
                   My Mom is so real
                    her name is Judy
                   I'll be dammed "Miss Scarlet"Red
                    Many broken pipe dreams                  

                   Gone with the wind                   
                    Beyond my words
                    A change is good
                    In my dream "God" was changed
                    My heart brave what defeats
                     The singer dream gently down the stream
                    Our dreams the milky way heats

                       Such emotions pride and joy of passions
                     Heartfelt affections life is filled
                      with destruction
                      Sometimes nightmares the do or dares                    

                      What fears only the lonely  
                       How a new birth is so lovely

                      With love to the  poem to the dream
                       heights the "Medieval Knights"                      
                      Was this my dream it feels so real? ZZZ
A dream are we all dreaming or are things plain as can be. Life is a struggle getting up the same routine feeling frisky drinking fresh brewed coffee too much sugar well that's sweet enough is a dream sweet or scary our flight will see to never give up Dream
Melissa Veilleux Feb 2019
Oh, we played
Between your walls
But never noticed the pain
Behind your smile
You fed us snacks
And our games went on
Deepening your sense
Of how it’s not supposed to be this way
How did it end up so wrong
We saw you as invincible
You wished you could be
But the brokenness
Clawed and scratched it’s way
Even into your dreams
We slept soundly
And laughed away
But you died a little
Each day
The understanding that comes with hindsight...
Yet even more, the deepest sorrow
That comes from knowing, all along,
There was One who could make it all right
The harvest is plentiful,
The laborers are few
Still the truth remains
Eternal life, in Jesus Christ
and He makes all things new.
Preston Gearin Feb 2019
This isn’t profound, really it's profanity.

I’m far from crazy but on the brink of insanity.
I can’t think straight, sometimes, but I can never stop till he stops calling for me.

All of my addictions, yeah they really caught up to me.
Coughin' out what’s written like the words come from God or something.

I don’t know though, really I am lost.

Like in the jungle of my thoughts and the trees keep branching out
and the growth will never stop.
The greenery is beautiful; when it rains it pours.
When it stops raining I start begging him for more,
until I realize the rain is what I need to enjoy the scene.

The seasons are essential in order to dream.
Jason Seawright Feb 2019
When will this life of mine that is insanity
Be forgotten once more, in the sanity of sleep
The dark endless pit that is my chest
Let’s even the brightest of lights die
Even incandescent light that shows the influence of hope
Can be swallowed by the obscurity and ambiguity of my own being
Where then can I find comfort?
Never do I rest soundly
Revelling in my own misery until the piercing
The revelation of dawn approaching
Sickens you into a nauseated thirst for sleep
Fighting between the thirst for self-condemnation
And the thirst for the cold embrace of sleep
Like Odysseus in his 10-year plight
May I reach restful sleep tonight
As I lie here in turmoil, one minute, If but a night.
Aaron Feb 2019
Can I touch eternity yet?
Am I yet allowed to be disavowed
Of such a false notion
As putting things in motion

Hey God,
It's your favorite fraud
Yearning for rebirth;
For what it's worth:
I never meant to mislead
Perhaps this prison is a karmic deed,
Or flawed practice bringing broken creed,
And a twisted trace of place.

Will I be free when sensate burning consumes me?
Is there luminosity in insanity?
Or perhaps I'm an example from the masters to we wayward *******
Of what we shouldn't do
Or perhaps this is too much mind noise too.

But if there's some greater sense
A compassionate intelligence
Please alleviate this burning pain
Please let rain be just rain.
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