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Robin Carretti Feb 2019
Going once the
One specific lover
What do we uncover
More advice going
twice in (2)
You see an

Like twins with
two heads exact copy
Say Action your movie part
"The offer you cannot refuse"
You cannot duplicate her heart
With another Flower rose
Another heart obligation

"Alaskan Huskies
Twin Adoption"
Two heads better
than one snipper
She- Wolf surf and turf
Mexico taco, at the gulf
Her green planet thumb
Mount Fiji we climb

Right force ruler the heart
divider the duplicate lover
"To Reproduce" over the
a million light-years
duplicated love tears
Years we treasured
It's in our duty

United we stand  
Imagine the world
stopped to be buried
The duplicate became a
twin maid of honor
She lost her duplicated purse

"Twin Identity"
Your heart couldn't
hold on____
Any longer
To reproduce the same
forbidden fruit
voiceover singer

The rare find
someone with a
Giving heart

Having a double
scotch doing the part
The pirate wearing
Eye patch

Twofold twice the gold
one heart match
Poems true believers
One is the snitch

To love life singles or doubles
subjects to catch up in triples
The full house
what a spouse
Your boiling minds
Twice around the
coffee house

The day she or he
was born
The comfort
comes with love
Fire eye lit bedding
(Forever young
double wedding)

You're the one so
gifted hearted
Things become duplicated how we think about them related or love guarded. To be blessed Godly path as one it doubles our happiness like a marriage of two
Let's not lose the one feeling and if it duplicates its a forever love healing
Robin Carretti Feb 2019
Going left a smile
green* bluesy* drift
Getting out of debt
The heartedly so flowery
rosy ring around
Gifted box
*Valentine Rosy*

I box heads over
puppy tails
cozy firey
Love diary doing the
Bow Wow parade
Those red hot lips
she's... the... lie...
The hue (Anchor- Blue)
Gotcha  "Eyes Baby blue

To cross my red heart
And hope not to die
The Lady's
finger (Godiva)
  I-spy finger*
Heartless Diva
The fork of the road

Lies of the
dead ringer
He points his finger
Face to two face

a car crash just a dash

Her beats and hearts

What a crush to her
Tell me sweet lies
         I box gift
Oh! Yes you're
Like the scoundrel
The damsel in distress
sweet morsel

I sir box like spots spread
Like the (Chickenpox)
Hearing lies tons of
Like Botox Plastic
I-box ties
Hallmark, I love you lies
Superman Clark
Outfoxed the ballpark

Little lies blue
big shark
Smartphone I Sir bark
Red Valentine love walk
People are the luckiest
      I- wish
Close your eyes sweet lies

Sweet I-Box in Trio

CEO Watching "TV FIO"  
Podcast little lies turn
into big lies
Ballot Political list

Romantic cutout card lies
Tell me, Little Lies he trips
Electric lips music chair
Open eyes full shut lips
This is a little thought turn into a big I box cut out cards I seem to like the most Sweet Valentine or a little lie lets breathe remembering the classics romantically crossing the Atlantic the truth and lies can catch a moment hold onto them electric lips will win
Toya Feb 2019
Love until your last breath
Hope when it gets tough
Faith at all cost
Without these
All is lost
Melissa Veilleux Feb 2019
Am I afraid if I make you my poetry
That I might just get too lost in you
Am I afraid of writing the wrong words
Afraid you won’t want to read them
Afraid you don’t want to be my poetry
Our Father says perfect love casts out fear
Because fear involves torment and he who fears is not made perfect in love
For the grace to love you without hesitation
To triumph over the nightmares that reveal my insecurities
To break through the barriers that separate our hearts and our dreams and the things unseen
When forever was a dream, I choose to overlook-
But now that it’s right, and you are forever mine, why would I only focus on the things I can’t find
and not try to find out who you really are
Why would I not dream for you
And laugh with you
And bring out the best
Why would I now not try to be your friend
To some “ I do” is really a death sentence- their relationship drowning in unmet expectations
Bitterness and the list of hurts ever growing and promptly kept,
and the love does not survive the fire, the heights or the depths
May it not be so with us
May we be full of the joy from above
Of the peace that passes understanding
Of the forgiveness that conquers the deepest of pains
Drawn only and freely from Immanuel’s veins
I have a dream for us to be all that He wills
Exceedingly and abundantly above all my small ideals
According to the power at work within us,
When Christ is all, when we are One, for we are His and He has won.
Melissa Veilleux Feb 2019
Oh, why should we die, when You conquered death?
Oh, why should we be mastered by our sin and our flesh,
When you purchased the victory should we settle for less?
For you paid the price to free us,
Let Satan not steal, ****, and destroy
Let the Childen of God not settle or rest
Until all the promises are amen & yes
For the liar proclaims there is no freedom or victory for our case,
But we know Your word says
No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to man,
But You are faithful and You make the way of escape
Oh our God give us the faith
To receive the victories abundant you give,
You are our freedom
You are our power
You are more than a conqueror over our sin
No addiction, no vice, will stand against your Light
At the cross, they are defeated
At the cross death returns unto life
Did you not purchase our liberty?
Let our eyes see your salvation
Let our hearts feel your vindication
Let no child of God remain in the grip of Satan.
Melissa Veilleux Feb 2019
You were alone in that garden of gethsemane
You had a Will- you prayed "if there's any other way, let this cup pass from me."
You meant any other way to save humanity
From hell, for those who would accept
You told your disciples, come watch and pray with me
But their eyes were heavy and instead they slept
So you prayed to your father - alone and sweat
Great drops of blood/ blood that was about to be shed
Even for the remission of the sins of those who pierced your hands and feet
For my sins as well. Yet before the cross you said
"My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even into death."
3 times you prayed, for any other way
There was not. So despite your will, you laid your life down, willingly for me- no one forced you
And you said, "nevertheless, not my will but yours be done," to the father above
Even though you didn't HAVE to.
Because God so loved the world he sent his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting LIFE.
what that would take is for you to die,
So you set your face like a flint and went to the cross
Obedient to death, and you counted the cost
So when you ask me to repent, and let go of my sin, is it really too much?
I know like a parent when you hold out your hand, and ask me for what's in mine,
I know it's out of love- for you know all
And if you obeyed for me, I can obey for you, by the power of your Spirit ALONE you make me new
This is why I find my life in your death,
Because to save mine is to lose it to you, and to lose mine is to keep it from you,
Jesus Christ, the son of God.
"And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again."
And you did raise- and as I die to myself and live to you- you'll raise me too.
Life eternal, jesus, with you.
Jes Feb 2019

Superimposed with self-perpetuating pollution

But being sustains all and won't mourn its loss

Clear as the sky





I am

The end is just the beginning

Shedding limitations

In spring reborn

A heart of immense power

Cares for all

No longer infected by the sick

For illness is a choiceless choice

That needs no cure

This is the good news

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