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Melody Mann May 2021
Simple and serene she contributes to the conversation,
Raising awareness and destigmatizing stereotypes,
She is a humble soul,
A heartfelt bundle of potential.
Melody Mann May 2021
Manifest a reality worthy of your being,
Appreciate the cosmos aligning within.
I sit by my self
Talking to moon
Constellations crown me the Queen of Soliloquys,
The universe applauds!
Heaven is proud for i am who i am
On purpose and
Without permission!
Days go by
Rainy days
Depressing days
Grey skies
I live in a hotel and I'm bored
I'm very lonely
I am a lonely girl
I paint, I make music
I try to keep myself busy so I don't end up in depression
Life is hard
Loneliness can be soothing as it can be bitter
I feel like my life is defined by waiting for time to pass
We feel alone but we are not
God is there to strengthen us
That's why we need to pray
Pray because Jesus hears us and is there
He protects us from evil
There is no such thing as evil
It's just demons that want to destroy us
But we must fight them thanks to God
God is in my heart and it's thanks to him that I'm alive today
Pray my child and all your demons will disappear
Eloisa May 2021
In my solitary hours,
haunted by the silence
of this silvery river,
with trees scattered on its banks
I heard soft whispers
from every leaf.
A soft and peculiar chant,
mumbling sorrows and despair to
my melancholic soul.
My swift glimpse on the silent, still water revealed
a stranger,
A girl though left lucid yet
drowned and lost.
Silenced by the heavy
ripples of grief,
Dim thoughts began to steal
the river’s song.
Now I’m slipping into the water depths,
In the midst of these soundless murmurs,
all alone.
Eloisa May 2021
A helpless mourner
Lilting in her deep sorrows
Raven in darkness
To lighten her nightly scars
Whispered her pray’rs to Selene
Dark Dream May 2021
I’m really close
On the edge
I’m fighting it
It’s calling me
I’m imagining
Sinking into its bliss
Shutting everything out
It’s my haven
My curse
I’m ready to dive
Covered in silence
My insides are boiling
They need the envelopment
I cry out
I’m tense with my scream
I hate it
I want it
Do I need it?
The unknown tortures me
I know the shadow
It beckons again
Melody Mann Jul 2021
Graceful is her stride as she treads through the journey of life,
Peace lies within as she harbors solace among the mayhem,
Organic affection towards the world unbound she travels through the myriad of phases,
Embracing the unknown and entrusting the sovereign she persists fearlessly,
Effortless charisma engulfs her trance,
She is a woman warrior,
Defying the odds and living her ancestors dreams,
A raw glory to be seen.
See full collab on IG @solaceamongsolitude
Melody Mann Apr 2021
You are integral to the functioning of this universe,
You hold merit in your pursuit and ambitions,
Be present with your body and still your mind,
You are capable of overcoming even the worst hurdles life has to offer,
This too shall pass,
Be patient with yourself.
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